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Cyrano Story: Now Available
Moons of Madness
17.04.20 13:22 Community Announcements

LISTEN! Listen to the voices as they whisper! What is your fear?

A support ship inbound to a Mars research base, the Cyrano's crew expected a routine operation. Well, as routine a mission to a secret facility built by the shadowy Orochi corporation could be. Suddenly, a ship malfunction occurs, and the crew begins to exhibit symptoms of an otherworldly infection.

What befell the crew of the Cyrano? It's up to you to uncover their fate.

Cyrano Story is an intense, interactive narrative experience that has you answer to an unknown force - its enigmas unlocked by delving into real-world research and history. Based on your reactions, will this mysterious entity guide you to true cosmic wisdom, or infinite madness?

The nature of fear itself awaits in Cyrano Story, the alternate-reality puzzle game set in the cosmic horror of Moons of Madness and Secret World Legends!

Now available! Play for FREE now for a chance to win a copy of Moons of Madness on Steam!
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Release:22.10.2019 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Rock Pocket Games Vertrieb: Funcom Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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