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The Alters | Announcement Trailer
13.06.22 14:34 Community Announcements

Hello Everyone!
We’re excited to announce a new game we’re working on. Forged in the spirit of meaningful entertainment The Alters is a game about life-changing moments asking one fundamental question: WHAT IF…?

Watch The Alters Announcement Trailer below:
Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor - Alexis Carrel

This is the story of Jan Dolski, a simple worker facing circumstances that lead him to a life-changing crossroads. Crash landing on a distant planet, stranded and alone, Jan finds himself in a daunting life and death situation. His only hope for survival is to bring helping hands on board. Not yet understanding the weight of his choice, Jan must create alternate versions of himself if he is to forge ahead: the alters.

The Alters is a game about life-changing moments. Those binary decisions that happen in nanoseconds, but have influence over your entire life. It is about looking into yourself, into your past, and discovering that you are who you are as a sum of those numerous choices. And when you do that a fundamental question arises: WHAT IF…?

What If I altered my life? What if I took a different path? Who would I be? What would I say to a different me? What could I learn if I talked to my altered selves? What if I talk to my many selves at once?! What if…?

Forged in the spirit of meaningful entertainment: a unique philosophy of creation by the award-winning team, the makers of This War of Mine and Frostpunk.

Add The Alters to your wishlist and stay updated!

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We’d also love to use this opportunity to inform you that 11 bit studios will be publishing The Invincible! An amazing story-driven adventure set in a hard sci-fi world by Stanisław Lem.

Find out more:

Take care,
11 bit studios
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Release:29.05.2018 Genre:keine Infos Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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