Rediscover Moonlighter

Since the release, Moonlighter has been updated with tons of new content. From the smallest changes like key bindings improvements, bug fixes and balance tweaks, to huge innovations that we have promised in our Road Map - current version of?Moonlighter delivers the original experience with a range of game-changing enhancements for players old and new.
Confront unfamiliar?mini-bosses?using?brand-new weapons, armor, rings and amulets.?Wander around?100 fresh room patterns, with the help of?9 brave Companions, and?discover even?more lore and story.?Finish the main adventure to unlock?New Game+?mode with additional challenges and options.

About the Game

During a long-passed archaeological excavation, a set of Gates were discovered. People quickly realized that these ancient passages lead to different realms and dimensions ? providing brave and reckless adventurers with treasures beyond measure. Rynoka, a small commercial village, was founded near the excavation site providing refuge and a place for adventurers to sell their hard-earned riches.

Moonlighter is an Action RPG with rogue-lite elements following the everyday routines of Will, an adventurous shopkeeper that dreams of becoming a hero.



While conducting your business in Rynoka village, you can put items on sale, set their price carefully, manage gold reserves, recruit assistants and upgrade the shop. Be careful though ? some shady individuals may want to steal your precious wares!


Defeat various enemies and bosses, and revel in challenging and deep combat mechanics. Masterful control of your weapons, critical timing, careful positioning, and an understanding of your enemies and environment are crucial to your survival. How you battle your enemies is up to you.


Get to know your neighbors as you restore the prosperity of this small commercial hamlet. Help establish new businesses and watch them grow in the idyllic community of Rynoka.


Understanding the crafting and enchanting system is essential for your progression. Interact with the villagers to craft new armor and weapons, and enchant existing equipment. This creates a great deal of flexibility and spices up the way equipment is used.


Access strange worlds through otherworldly gates and collect valuable items from exotic civilizations: resources, weapons, armors and peculiar artifacts. Hoarding everything won't be possible - use the unique inventory system wisely to take the most profitable loot with you.


Gates lead to different worlds. Each run is unique and forces you to make smart and calculated decisions. You never know what you will encounter next ? that?s why you must be prepared for everything.">

Rediscover Moonlighter

Since the release, Moonlighter has been updated with tons of new content. From the smallest changes like key bindings improvements, bug fixes and balance tweaks, to huge innovations that we have promised in our Road Map - current version of?Moonlighter delivers the original experience with a range of game-changing enhancements for players old and new.
Confront unfamiliar?mini-bosses?using?brand-new weapons, armor, rings and amulets.?Wander around?100 fresh room patterns, with the help of?9 brave Companions, and?discover even?more lore and story.?Finish the main adventure to unlock?New Game+?mode with additional challenges and options.

About the Game

During a long-passed archaeological excavation, a set of Gates were discovered. People quickly realized that these ancient passages lead to different realms and dimensions ? providing brave and reckless adventurers with treasures beyond measure. Rynoka, a small commercial village, was founded near the excavation site providing refuge and a place for adventurers to sell their hard-earned riches.

Moonlighter is an Action RPG with rogue-lite elements following the everyday routines of Will, an adventurous shopkeeper that dreams of becoming a hero.



While conducting your business in Rynoka village, you can put items on sale, set their price carefully, manage gold reserves, recruit assistants and upgrade the shop. Be careful though ? some shady individuals may want to steal your precious wares!


Defeat various enemies and bosses, and revel in challenging and deep combat mechanics. Masterful control of your weapons, critical timing, careful positioning, and an understanding of your enemies and environment are crucial to your survival. How you battle your enemies is up to you.


Get to know your neighbors as you restore the prosperity of this small commercial hamlet. Help establish new businesses and watch them grow in the idyllic community of Rynoka.


Understanding the crafting and enchanting system is essential for your progression. Interact with the villagers to craft new armor and weapons, and enchant existing equipment. This creates a great deal of flexibility and spices up the way equipment is used.


Access strange worlds through otherworldly gates and collect valuable items from exotic civilizations: resources, weapons, armors and peculiar artifacts. Hoarding everything won't be possible - use the unique inventory system wisely to take the most profitable loot with you.


Gates lead to different worlds. Each run is unique and forces you to make smart and calculated decisions. You never know what you will encounter next ? that?s why you must be prepared for everything.">

Rediscover Moonlighter

Since the release, Moonlighter has been updated with tons of new content. From the smallest changes like key bindings improvements, bug fixes and balance tweaks, to huge innovations that we have promised in our Road Map - current version of?Moonlighter delivers the original experience with a range of game-changing enhancements for players old and new.
Confront unfamiliar?mini-bosses?using?brand-new weapons, armor, rings and amulets.?Wander around?100 fresh room patterns, with the help of?9 brave Companions, and?discover even?more lore and story.?Finish the main adventure to unlock?New Game+?mode with additional challenges and options.

About the Game

During a long-passed archaeological excavation, a set of Gates were discovered. People quickly realized that these ancient passages lead to different realms and dimensions ? providing brave and reckless adventurers with treasures beyond measure. Rynoka, a small commercial village, was founded near the excavation site providing refuge and a place for adventurers to sell their hard-earned riches.

Moonlighter is an Action RPG with rogue-lite elements following the everyday routines of Will, an adventurous shopkeeper that dreams of becoming a hero.



While conducting your business in Rynoka village, you can put items on sale, set their price carefully, manage gold reserves, recruit assistants and upgrade the shop. Be careful though ? some shady individuals may want to steal your precious wares!


Defeat various enemies and bosses, and revel in challenging and deep combat mechanics. Masterful control of your weapons, critical timing, careful positioning, and an understanding of your enemies and environment are crucial to your survival. How you battle your enemies is up to you.


Get to know your neighbors as you restore the prosperity of this small commercial hamlet. Help establish new businesses and watch them grow in the idyllic community of Rynoka.


Understanding the crafting and enchanting system is essential for your progression. Interact with the villagers to craft new armor and weapons, and enchant existing equipment. This creates a great deal of flexibility and spices up the way equipment is used.


Access strange worlds through otherworldly gates and collect valuable items from exotic civilizations: resources, weapons, armors and peculiar artifacts. Hoarding everything won't be possible - use the unique inventory system wisely to take the most profitable loot with you.


Gates lead to different worlds. Each run is unique and forces you to make smart and calculated decisions. You never know what you will encounter next ? that?s why you must be prepared for everything.">


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 29.05.2018
Zum Shop
Preis Update 09.02.24

Über das Spiel

During a long-passed archaeological excavation, a set of Gates were discovered. People quickly realized that these ancient passages lead to different realms and dimensions ? providing brave and reckless adventurers with treasures beyond measure. Rynoka, a small commercial village, was founded near the excavation site providing refuge and a place for adventurers to sell their hard-earned riches.

Moonlighter is an Action RPG with rogue-lite elements following the everyday routines of Will, an adventurous shopkeeper that dreams of becoming a hero.



While conducting your business in Rynoka village, you can put items on sale, set their price carefully, manage gold reserves, recruit assistants and upgrade the shop. Be careful though ? some shady individuals may want to steal your precious wares!


Defeat various enemies and bosses, and revel in challenging and deep combat mechanics. Masterful control of your weapons, critical timing, careful positioning, and an understanding of your enemies and environment are crucial to your survival. How you battle your enemies is up to you.


Get to know your neighbors as you restore the prosperity of this small commercial hamlet. Help establish new businesses and watch them grow in the idyllic community of Rynoka.


Understanding the crafting and enchanting system is essential for your progression. Interact with the villagers to craft new armor and weapons, and enchant existing equipment. This creates a great deal of flexibility and spices up the way equipment is used.


Access strange worlds through otherworldly gates and collect valuable items from exotic civilizations: resources, weapons, armors and peculiar artifacts. Hoarding everything won't be possible - use the unique inventory system wisely to take the most profitable loot with you.


Gates lead to different worlds. Each run is unique and forces you to make smart and calculated decisions. You never know what you will encounter next ? that?s why you must be prepared for everything.


Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.21 18:00
sehr cool
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
564 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 18:58
Ich habe dieses Spiel schon einmal auf der XBOX gespielt und wollte es daher auch noch auf dem PC haben.
Ich mag die Vielseitigkeit und den Stil, macht echt Spaß und es vergehen sehr schnell ein paar Stunden ^^
73 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
720 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 04:05
Das game hat sich selbst, bei rumstellen mit der Steuerung, verbuged
Letzten Endes musste ich meinen ganzen Spielstand löschen weil nichts mehr richtig funktionierte
als Tipp: Einstellungen sollten sich nie tauschen, wenn eine Taste schon belegt wurde und Einstellungen sollten nicht direkt bestätigt werden können
Denn sonst passiert sowas wie bei mir xd
Das game ist trotzdem super :)

Update ca. 5 min später:
Das game ist jetzt wohl unspielbar, da die Einstellungen für alle Spielstände gleich sind
Pls send help
Big sad :(
433 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
877 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.21 06:06
Seit Kindestagen ist Will fasziniert von den Geschichten um eine mysteriöse Ausgrabungsstätte. Fünf Steintore wurden dort freigelegt, die angeblich den Zugang zu fernen Dimensionen ermöglichen. Viele tapfere Helden haben dort bereits ihr Glück versucht, doch nur wenige sind lebend zurückgekehrt. Will, die Hauptfigur des im Pixellook gehaltenen Indie-Action-Adventures Moonlighter, ist kein Kämpfer, sondern nur ein einfacher Verkäufer.

Sein Traum ist es, das Geheimnis der fünf Tore zu lüften und als Held gefeiert zu werden. Daher beschließt er, seine Neugier mit seinem Verkaufstalent zu kombinieren und eröffnet im nahegelegenen Händlerdorf Rynoka einen Laden. Seine Geschäftsidee: Nachts heimlich in die Dungeons schleichen, ein paar wertvolle Gegenstände stehlen und diese am nächsten Morgen in seinem Shop zu verkaufen, um sich so langsam bis zum fünften Tor hochzuarbeiten.
Um das nötige Kleingeld für diesen Plan zu erwirtschaften, müssen die potentiellen Waren erst einmal besorgt werden. Lediglich mit einem einfachen Schwert bewaffnet stürzen wir uns direkt ins Abenteuer und töten im ersten Dungeon ein paar einfache Gegner. Wir sammeln alles ein, was wir finden können: Mineralien, Schriftstücke, ein paar Kräuter, Tiergebeine und kleinere Wertgegenstände. Als unser Rucksack nichts mehr tragen kann, finden wir ein magisches Amulett, dass uns die Rückreise per Teleport in die Stadt ermöglicht. Praktisch! Zwar kostet uns das ein paar Goldmünzen, doch das Versprechen auf eine sichere Heimkehr lassen diese Ausgabe lohnenswert erscheinen.

Was kostet die Welt?

Im Laden angekommen wartet eine schwere Entscheidung auf uns: Welche Waren verkaufen wir und welche heben wir auf, um uns damit bessere Waffen und Rüstungen schmieden zu lassen? Und die zweite, fast noch wichtigere Frage: Was zahlt ein Bürger von Rynoka heutzutage eigentlich für ein gut erhaltenes Golemherz?
Die Preise können wir als Händler komplett frei festlegen und sind mit dieser Aufgabe anfangs komplett überfordert. Erst mit der Zeit bekommen wir ein Gefühl dafür, was wertvoll ist und welche Dinge eher Ladenhüter sind. Also raten wir und verlangen einfach mal je 100 Goldstücke für all unsere Fundstücke. Daraufhin gilt es, die hereinströmende Kundschaft sehr genau zu beobachten, denn dies Ladenbesucher geben uns deutliche Signale zu unserer Preispolitik. Sehen wir in stilisierten Sprechblasen Smileys mit Dollaraugen, freut sich der Kunde über ein Schnäppchen und wir waren zu günstig. Ein weinendes Emoticon dagegen sagt klar, dass der Preis zu hoch liegt. Diese Informationen notiert sich Will in sein Tagebuch, so dass wir dort jederzeit nachschauen und die Preise für den nächsten Tag besser einschätzen können.

Kassensturz und neue Investitionen

Am Ende des Tages schließt der Laden und Will zieht Bilanz. Mit dem erwirtschafteten Gewinn kann er nun Investition tätigen und das Geld zum Beispiel in den Ausbau der Stadt stecken. Der Schmied benötigt nämlich erstmal eine neue Schmiede, bevor wir uns bei ihm mit den entsprechenden Materialien bessere Waffen herstellen lassen können. Eine Kräuterfee, die Heiltränke mixt oder ein fliegender Händler mit Ladendekorationen warten ebenfalls nur auf Wills Startkapital und stehen ihm danach mit ihren Dienstleistungen zur Verfügung.
Dabei sollten wir nicht vergessen, auch den Ausbau unseres eigenen Ladens voranzutreiben, um dieses mit einem größeren Verkaufsraum und mehr Stauraum auszustatten. Und neue Waffen und Ausrüstungen kosten schließlich auch noch ordentlich Geld!
Bis genügend Kapital für all diese Investitionen zur Verfügung steht, muss Will mehrere Dutzende der nächtlichen Ausflüge einplanen und massig Schätze bergen. Die Dungeons bestehen aus jeweils drei Etagen und locken mit jedem weiteren Level mit deutlich wertvolleren Schätzen, werden aber auch ansteigend schwieriger. Das Tor zur jeweils nächsten Welt können wir erst betreten, wenn der Boss des aktuellen Dungeons erledigt ist. Der Obermotz versteckt sich dabei immer zuverlässig im dritten Untergeschoss, doch der Weg dahin wird für jeden neuen Anlauf zufällig neu zusammengewürfelt.
16 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
852 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 20:53
Nichts negatives nur positives
38 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
491 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 15:42
Chilliges Game für zwischendurch. Kann ich definitiv jedem empfehlen, vor allem für Pixelart-Fans.
89 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
1537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 03:34
Backed this title back then._
A lot of hype for the game und now I am not dissapointed.
108 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
763 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 09:22
Es ist ein süß gemachtes kleines Spiel. Keine hohen Anforderungen, sehr schönes Design, tolle Atmosphäre etc.
Perfekt für Abends nach der Arbeit oder einfach zum gemütlichen Spielen für zwischendurch.
689 Produkte im Account
91 Reviews
1803 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 22:37
Moonlighter zieht einen mit seiner süssen Pixelgafik vom ersten Augenblick in seinen Bann. Die Idee einen Händler zu spielen der seine Beute aus den nächtlichen Dungeonerkundungen auch direkt im eigenen Laden selbst unter die Leute bringt hat mir besonders gefallen da dies zwei ganz unterschiedliche und abwechslungsreiche Aufgaben in einem Spiel vereint. Sonst kennt man es ja nur so, dass man seine Beute bei einem npc Händler mit ein par Klicks los wird und sich direkt wieder in den Kampf stürzt aber hier wird gerade aus dem Handel noch etwas wunderbar neues gemacht. Das Einzige was mir gefehlt hat war eine berührende Erzählung der Geschichte wie sie im Gametrailer gezeigt wird. So kleine Rückblendesequenzen aus seiner Kindheit zwischen den Dungeons hätten das ganze finde ich einfach noch abgerundet, einen richtig berührt und in die Geschichte hinein gezogen. Irgendwie habe ich immer auf so etwas gewartet, diesen Augenblick wenn einen die Geschichte total bewegt.
157 Produkte im Account
103 Reviews
871 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.20 20:07
is gut
578 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
628 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.20 13:43
Play Moonlighter they said. It will be fun they said...

Story: Really entertaining... Not
Graphics: Really good... Nope, but adequate
Controls: Very accurate... Not

To be honest, it's a pain in the ass game. The most interesting part is to manage your inventory. Sound boring? It is...
79 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1885 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.20 20:08
Dieses Spiel hat mir schöne Stunden beschert.
Voll mit detailverliebtem wunderschönem Pixel-Art, süßen und interessanten Gegnern und Charakteren und einem sehr coolen Dungeonsystem mit geheimen Waffen und Wegen.
Der Shop, den man leitet ist einfach nur wunderschön und kann mit Deko noch schöner gemacht werden :3

Das einzig negative am Spiel war für mich tatsächlich das Ende.
Ich persönlich finde das Ende sehr Mau, im Vergleich zu all der Arbeit und Zeit die man in die Dungeons steckt. Aber vielleicht ist das auch nur meine Meinung :)
86 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.20 18:02
absolutely loving graphics and beautiful atmosphere
great gameplay and very cool game concept
88 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.22 20:18
Cute, unique art style mixed with great gameplay. What's not to love?
172 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1096 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.22 07:05
I enjoyed playing this game, but I cannot recommend it on two points.

Firstly, remapping the controls breaks the game. I tried remapping some of my buttons on my controller and it literally made me unable to interact with anything: doors, chests, ropes, etc.

Secondly, the ending upset me. The boss's mechanics seemed unfinished. The narrative conclusion to the story was lackluster and very forthright despite the story up until this point being scarce and mysterious.
213 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
333 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 12:50
The Rising of the Broom Hero
222 Produkte im Account
111 Reviews
197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 21:47
I'm bad at selling
210 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
4125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 15:53
I've recently restarted a game with all the new content and after finishing the game, I've bought the DLC and I can say I really like the game and the post-game content. It's a little grindy, but for my second playthrough I added mods and it just tweaks mechanics already nice about the game.

If you like looting and managing a store while looking at really nice 2D spites, this game is for you!
474 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
738 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 07:51
Didn't really do anything particularly outstanding. For a dungeon diving, shop keeping, somewhat dark souls combat game, the core gameplay loop is solid enough. If completely uninspired.

The only unique selling point is the pricing mechanic, which lasts all of until you get bored of the same cycle of watching boxes with faces in them to gauge the price of an object and just open a price chart on a second monitor to save time and money.

Overall, the game is... nothing bad, but also nothing good. It's entertaining for the first few hours, but after that it just becomes a repetitive grind. Despite the exponential creep in income, there is startlingly little to do with it. A whooping total of 5 town upgrades and 15 shop upgrades. Most of your income goes to upgrading equipment, but by tier 3-4 money is so easy to make that it doesn't even feel worth it. Nice touch with the Jojo reference though on the gloves. By the end I was making a million a day with nothing to spend it on other than potions.

Story doesn't tend to be the focus with games like this, but what little narrative it tries to push is undermined by the completely lackluster payoff in the end. You don't even get loot. Then at the end it has the balls to try and push ng+, as though going through the slog again would be somehow better with the inclusion of a +1 after item names and a few new sets that eventually wind up being the same as the current ones.

If I had to describe the overall experience, it would be buying a slightly overpriced can of baked beans, opening it to reveal baked beans, eating it, and forgetting about it the next day. An inoffensive experience so bland that the only attempt at a unique gameplay feature makes it seem more desperate with its inclusion.

Despite the Jojo reference, this game doesn't have a Stand. It has a Bland.
23 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1097 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 02:16
first time i saw this game was in a cocktail game bar in vietnam, they had all sorts of games and consoles in there and this one caught my attention for its unique concept, played it for around 30 min to 1 hour in there and really liked it, was on my mind for a good 1 or 2 years until now had the pleasure to find it again here on steam so i got it.

The good points:

- the concept is really good, your a merchant who has a shop. to get items to sell you go to dungeons get stuff and then open your shop during the day and try to sell what you obtained in there, you have to see what prices are good, cant be too expensive, cant be too cheap or you lose money, it feels great to have a shop and care for it and work to upgrade it, the lack of deadlines really adds to the whole, go at your own pace, its your life, brilliant

- lots of upgrades, feels engaging to always have something to work for, theres always something to do with that gold

- good scalability, its well balanced, if i have a complain here would be that it actually gets easier as you move on in the game

the bad points

- it gets repetitive really fast, you have a few dungeons and their pretty much always the same, same concept, same everything, even mechanics remain the same during the entire game, this feels more like a budget limitation actually, so cant complain, its an indie game after all. (heard the dlc solves a bit that)

- it feels like the shop could be explored much more in terms of game mechanics, it goes on evolving yeah but for such a cool concept its a shame you cant do more then this, would be really cool for example if you could mix materials to create new ones so you can sell them at hire prices, but only notes you find are from this pete that covers boring story

- boring story telling, oh yeah game needs to level up here, it was just pointless, might as well just make the game silent if you ask me.


overall pretyy great game even if a bit rouch around the edges, its a solid 4/5 and a 10/10 recommend because of the interesting concept makes it very fresh game to explore
62 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
13 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 18:45
I've only played this game for less than 20 minutes so I can't say much about the actual game, but I'd like to mention my frustrations:

The controls are very strange. Usually in PC games you use controls like tab or E to open things like inventories, or even to interact. Maybe even using your mouse. In this game the controls are automatically set to J for nearly everything (but you don't know this at the start so you're absolutely clueless as how to even begin the game). This, for one, makes it very difficult for someone like me who is used to something else.

But that is not yet quite the problem. At the start of the game, before you even start a new game, you have no idea what the controls are that you need to use. You practically just experiment until you discover how you can actually start a game (pressing J). That itself was frustrating to me as I just wanted it to be simple and easy and I just could NOT start the game! The next even worse part about it is that once I figured out the controls, and went to change them to my preferred controls- it kept reverting my controls back to J.

From a new person perspective to this game, it was way too much of a pain to keep me interested enough to keep playing. I just got frustrated from how things were set up and just the fact that I for some reason can't change my controls to work for me.

The game seems pretty fun, I must say. Though I don't want to even try if I have to work with difficult controls. The combat system and inventory system seems a bit difficult with that as well.
120 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1267 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 10:04
Recettear is better despite being 11 years older
63 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 03:56
PC players beware!

1) Terrible keyboard controls. Zero mouse usage.
2) Controller bug that intermittently occurs during gameplay. Controller seemingly disconnects randomly, which in an action based game like this gets you killed and wastes time, effort and progress. This bug has been known for about 2 years and has definitely not been fixed.

Get this game for the switch or console.

That said, I was really enjoying the aesthetics of the game itself. It's quite charming.

Combat is clunky, which I personally could get used to, but this is definitely no Zelda.
1072 Produkte im Account
96 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
56 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 22:16
It's like Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale without the charm!
733 Produkte im Account
129 Reviews
731 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 06:27
I won't exactly recommend the game, but it doesn't exactly deserve a negative review.
While it feels very polished, it definitely lacks depth. Once you've familiarized yourself with the how the game plays, you've basically seen everything the game has to offer, the rest is just numerical progression.

Feels like a wasted potential of Recettear clone.
68 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.21 21:30
While the initial idea of the shop and selling loot you otherwise wouldn't have use for is very cool. it is the fun part of the game.

The actual dungeon gameplay is a real pain. I was never looking forward to start a run again, because the combat is just so dreadfull. You can only attack up/down and left/right, but cannot attack diagonally which makes killing monsters a really tideous task.

+ you cant swap your hotkeys even though there are settings for it, without disabling the controls themselves.
225 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.21 09:25
The concept is good in theory but it really lacks depth. The entire game is very mindless and you just grind until you make progress.

Hell, I beat the final boss just by walking up to him, mashing the attack button, and using potions until he died before I did. I literally spared no thought to his attacks and I won on my first try.
112 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
941 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.21 09:21
A brilliantly simple to play and understand game.
It's beautiful in style and the controls are easy to handle, progression feels steady and it continues to be enjoyable throughout the time I've played it. Some things are a challenge but not so much of a challenge that it causes stress!

A perfect game (:
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1670 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 00:43
The game is a perfect mix of world building and combat, and not overly difficult. I am having difficulties with hooking up my x-box controller to my mac to play the game properly, but the keyboard controls work fine. 9.7/10 game.
64 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.21 18:21
In a world where the two genders are Hero and Merchant, you are Non-Binary.
482 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.21 15:09
controls are god tier awful
110 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.21 08:43
As a merchant, you go into randomly generated dungeons to retrieve loot and later sell it in your shop for gold. With gold, you can get a variety of upgrades such as new gear, enchantments, shop upgrades, and potions. Selling items has its system, where you have to price everything yourself. Depending on customers' reactions to your pricing you will know whether you have overpriced or underpriced the items so you can adjust the price until you find the correct one. This system gets boring rather quickly since essentially it boils down to randomly pricing items through trial and error. Fortunately, this gets somewhat streamlined in mid-game when you get an assistant, to whom you can give all the loot and she will sell it by herself while you are adventuring in dungeons. There are 4 dungeons with 3 bosses in each of them and one final mysterious dungeon. The combat system is alright (nothing impressive but not bad).
83 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1867 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.21 00:53
Honestly, I loved playing this game. Cute graphics, simple but fun combat, the ability to live out the fantasy of being a self sustaining shop owner; a game right up my alley. Unfortunately, its not for everybody and its a rather short game for its price. I may have over 30hrs in this game, but most of that was because I loved the shop mechanics. My first play-through consisted of me upgrading my shop to before even thinking about moving on to the next dungeon. And honestly, I was kinda sad there wasn't more I could upgrade. Your shop grows, but the upgrades stop before it feels finished. And then the dungeons. There are five dungeon doors, but really only four. The fifth door is just kinda disappointing, boss fight and all, and the only way to get that fifth dungeon is to buy a pricey DLC. There is clearly a lot of love put in the game, and I still look back fondly over my time with it, but there are plenty of games that scratch a similar itch for less or have more content for the same price. Despite my gripes, I still recommend this game, I just feel players should know what their getting into and maybe wait until it's on sale (if it ever goes on sale).
289 Produkte im Account
90 Reviews
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3229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 13:28
Moonlighter brings memories of Star Tropics, Zelda and various other cookie cutter RPG games from the early Nintendo era. It's a dungeon crawler game with an auxiliary shop to keep things going. Unfortunately, keeping things going, has nothing to do with the Nintendo titles. The game crumbles into a grinding halt after just a couple of hours constantly fetching garbage from the dungeons and selling it to upgrade equipment.

The combat on a keyboard in Moonlighter is tiresome. Attacks seem to be limited to the 4 walking directions with only 2 options available depending on the gear used. The expertise in fighting is only about positioning the toon so it doesn't get hit. Enemies have a variety of behaviors and attacks commendable for an action title, but moving around is so painful and handicapped that battling quickly becomes a chore. Figuring out how to face your enemy properly is challenging, because you can't move while attacking. If you attack first and move second, then the moving part doesn't happen. All my deaths in this game are due to facing the wrong way or me resetting the dungeon.

Why reset the dungeon? Moonlighter has some sideline quests where NPCs ask you to retrieve X amount of Y. This game will actively increase the rarity of whatever is asked in the quests. It's a vicious cheat-based mechanic, which can be minimized by re-rolling dices as usual. That only happens when the dungeons reset. You can also not do quests at all or simply do quests of items you don't need, increasing the chances of getting the other stuff.

In a normal setting, without any quests, just fighting baddies, the game is fine. It's comparable to Quest Hunter or Moon Hunters. However, it has very little elements of a story. It's limited to a few annoying notes scattered in the dungeons. Each click or key press only gives you a sentence in a full page paragraph. If you want to understand anything in Moonlighter it's a couple hundred key presses in this manner.

The viciousness on the questing and the lack of any decent story progression makes this title a bore. It's unfortunate because technically Moonlighter is a good title with very few bugs. It fails on the game design evaluation and I don't recommend it. Whatever the price, you can find better elsewhere.
514 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
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46 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 17:11
Terrible unintuitive PC controls. Who puts ******* J as their default menu select button with no sort of indication whatsoever? You just have to force quit the game, go to forums and search for a solution. Hate all these games that put how much better controllers are in the beginning when normally it should make no difference, UNLESS you specially make terrible PC controls. It's not that hard to make both WASD and arrow keys work, or put space as action confirm in your menus, or even just put a damn textbox explaining your **** J menu button. If you don't want to make PC KB&M controls for your game don't release them on PC. **** off to your console.
Also stop spying on my ****** system language and changing into your horribly done localizations.

I'll probably play and enjoy the game but this sort of **** just drives me insane, and I will express it. I'll update the review with my thoughts on the game, but there is no way I'm changing my recommendation. You'd need to [strike] play [/strike] open your game once with KB&M to see how terrible your very first expression is for the players, and you couldn't be arsed to do that.
351 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
3804 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 07:33
The Rising of the Broom Hero
107 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
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586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 20:27
Initially fun, but time reveals the gameplay loop to be somewhat boring and simple. What you're doing at hour 3 is the same as hour 10, but in a new room.
Needs a bit more to mix things up; the shopping shtick isn't enough to diversify the simple dungeon portion.
20 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.21 01:31
from peasant to big boye i love it
98 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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959 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.21 01:33
Clunky, slow controls that drag the entire experience down. It was just barely entertaining enough to finish, but just lacks any one quality is does particularly well.
279 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
705 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 22:32
Stressful when you die with all your loot. But! Super fun! I love scamming the customers! :)

Reminds me of old school Zelda, and good animations! I don't know why I love sitting by the fire and getting in and out of bed. Those animations make me hap...

anyways... very good game! :)

164 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 06:37
Fun concept on monster hunting, resource gathering and shop management. Simple game play and good mechanics. Recommended to play with game controller.
159 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 18:54
While the core gameplay loop of going through semi-randomized dungeons is fun, this game has a very simple but incredibly frustrating issue. This being that you can't attack diagonally, but your enemies can. I know, it sounds stupid to complain about something so simple but personally this accounted for 7 out of 10 of my deaths.

The action in this game doesn't feel responsive.

You know how in Hollow Knight you're able to time your attacks in a precise manner so dying in that game really feels like it's your reaction's fault?
In this case, it's more like you'll press to swing and your sword will politely remind itself that it should swing before it swings. I understand why they added a somewhat realistic weight to the sword, but again, not being able to attack in a diagonal fashion makes it so that, for me personally, a lot of deaths felt unwarranted and frustrating instead of fun and engaging. Apparently it's realistic to roll constantly without running out of stamina, but not realistic to quickly swing a sword.

The combat has nothing special to it. There's no cool classes. There's no cool moves. What there is, is a whole lot of desire of what could have been. The entire time you're playing, you'll actively be thinking about all the things you wish were in the game, but aren't.

The sword swings. The shield blocks. You can't do magic. You can't spin around in a circle like a Barbarian or something out of an ARPG. Therefore the extent of combat is you swing a sword 3 times. PAUSE! swing a sword 3 times. PAUSE! and so on, while infinitely dodge-rolling into slimes.

What would have made this game perfect?

- Cool classes or magic powers/spells of some sort to augment and enhance combat styles.
- Reactive combat.
- A skill tree. (The game has an upgrade system for the town and the shop. Health for the character is done through armor.)
- Different kinds of jobs perhaps? Such as the ability to farm and sell to the market on specific week days with an addition of longer days to allow yourself to do more, or maybe you can craft your own stuff and sell it? Perhaps the addition of magic makes it so that you're the only person in town who can craft magic items for sale.
- Better dungeon randomizers.
- Community Events similar to Stardew or Portia that would turn the people who come into your shop into real likable characters.
- Speaking of: Character quests or a bounty board, even if it's something along the likes of receiving a special weapon or extra money for getting a specific monster's drop. For example, you talk to the Blacksmith and he needs the femur of a skeleton warrior to complete a sword and in return he'll pay you 2500 coins or a bounty asks you to kill 10 jellies and you'll get 5 health potions. Really ANYTHING that would want to keep you invested in any kind of end-game would be appreciated.

All in all, I'm going to give this one a strong meeeeeh... get it preferably on a deep sale. It's a good Sunday game, however I just didn't find it engaging enough where I wanted to keep playing for more than what I did.
155 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 08:18
Moonlighter has simple gameplay that leads to an incredibly satisfying progression loop. While it's not a difficult game by any means, the simple duality of the shopkeeping and dungeoneering come together perfectly. You enter a dungeon, get loot, sell it to either upgrade your shop so you can sell more and get more per sale, or upgrade your gear to go deeper into the dungeons to get better loot, to sell for more cash to spend on your gear or your shop.
The music and art style make it even better, both are absolutely gorgeous and perfect for the experience, to the point where the shop soundtrack has gotten stuck in my head. While according to Steam I only have 3 hours at review time, I got this game free on Epic and while ago and have played through it twice on there, I enjoy the game enough to buy it and play a third time *just* so I can acheivment hunt it.
Overall it's a relaxed and charming little game with a simple and satisfying grind, perfect for a relaxed yet still engaging experience.
179 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
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6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 22:24
No mouse support.

I mean, even in options screen and inventory. This is a true innovation for a PC game.
24 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
864 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 19:22
I personaly love this game i played it a lot years before and i still love it a nice made dungeon rpg game which you will strungle finishing especially if you are an achievement hunter.
58 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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80 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 18:11
Dont but this game if you play with keyboard, the controls for it are quite terrrible. You can change them but still they are not good. for example, If you want to drag an item into your inventory you have use wasd controls, you cannot just drag it over with the mouse. The game looks cool, but whenever I try to play this game I rage quit due to the controls.
193 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1072 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 17:41
Addictive af an old school Zelda styled roguelite with shop and town management sprinkled in for good measure.
33 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 06:10
It's a chill game with some combat mechanics. It'll whoop you at first, but once you get into the routine, it becomes a lot more fun. I haven't beaten the second dungeon yet, but I can see how this may eventually become repetitive. I don't think any game comes without drawback, and this one is fun for me.
435 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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754 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.21 21:38
Edit: After another 6.5 hours I can say that everything I wrote bellow still stands and just gets worse, I also changed some details in the review since I now know everything that happens. The only thing I would like cover seperate is that after like the 2nd half of the game the shopping just becomes a joke. Because you don't know what to sell you start to want to save a lot of materials. Only in the 2nd half did I realize that nothing mattered. Everything in this game is meant to be sold or meant to be 'Lore' for the world with a few exceptions for armor, weapons, enchantments and potions.

The main point is, its not fun and even on a discount I would still be extremely hesitant to recommend this to anyone. If you want a roguelite/like look somewhere else, if you just want a game where you mess around with money then look around somewhere else. If you still doubt my words then just try the game before the refund period for steam ends, everything you see in the first 1,5 hours of the game is the entire game, thats how barebones this game is.

Original slightly edited review: After about 6.5 hours I can say this game is really boring for now. Its maybe worth it for the price if you just want a decent cheap experience. But besides that it is extremely tedious and repetitive. The shopping aspect is super simple and repetitive, it takes a lot of patience and has no purpose for being there. It could have very easily been replaced by a more fun activity but instead we have to deal with staying in a shop for half the game trying to get enough money to get more money so you can get over the high cost thresholds.

Enemy design is predictable simple and hasn't gotten much better over time. The game is also laughably easy at the developer intended difficulty (hard), you can just craft and enchance armor, weapons and potions and then just face tank almost everything.

The game practically just forces you to grind a bunch just to finish a dungeon and then do it again. Weapons have boring movesets and aren't customizable at all. Amulets and companions are also laughably uncreative, only a few are actually worth using.

Exploring dungeons is boring, unlike other roguelikes there is very little random loot that is interesting, its pretty much just loot for more money, the occasional companion or sometimes stuff to upgrade your gear/get new gear.

I might play this more later and update my review then, it might be that a lot of the useless looking loot might be better later and that the shopping gets better. But for now I will say that this game only mainly shines in its really pretty pixel art, everything besides that is half baked and tedious.
36 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.21 04:04
Decided to get this game on discount (around $2.5)
Most of the negative reviews were true. Control is very clunky (I use Xbox controller, and the analog stick will not walk diagonally).
This is a deal breaker for me. I think good games always start with snappy control.
Game play gets stale and become grind-y very quickly.
Battles are not fun. Managing items in the bag which gets full very easily is very annoying. Having curses on the item that you have to spend time rearranging things in the bag is absolutely tedious and add no fun element.
Building shop/town is also there, but also shallow.
All in all, I would say $3-$5 is OK since I've spent much more on mobile games. I always like to pay and support developers. I would not spend more than $7 for this game tho.
50 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1614 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 04:44
You don't light moons.
More fun adjusting your inventory than fighting monsters
708 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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989 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 00:49
By trying to be several things at once, it's less than average at all of them - except the visuals. This game does look good, with some lovely animations in select spots. But if you want a Zelda dungeon crawler, play something committed to the mechanics. If you want a shop sim, play a shop sim. And so on.

What you get when you start will seem like a fine foundation. But it doesn't get better.

The first 15 minutes of play are the play for the entire game. The numbers go up, but the enemy patterns don't change, your combos don't (meaningfully) change with new weapon sets, the shop mechanics don't change.

The story's not engaging or satisfying either.
44 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 22:00
It's a solid game and worth its price. Took me 20 hours to beat it, taking my time and experimenting with different weapons.

Those expecting replayability beyond the main story will leave disappointed, but I feel they were able to conclude the game at the right length.
143 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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1990 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.21 18:30
Game is very shallow. It lacks an in-depth story as you progress through the game the only bits you get are very short notes on each dungeon floor. The replay value after you beat it is very low also unless you want some easy achievements. Go to a dungeon, get stuff, sell stuff. it also has some annoying glitches that I have encountered. some dungeon floors spawn with an unreachable secret room, most of these secret rooms have valuable loot. The other annoying glitch is in every room of a dungeon is an invisible barrier in the middle of the bottom wall that you can get caught on, I've died multiple times just hitting this invisible barrier during the early stages of the game or I wasted health potions.
325 Produkte im Account
84 Reviews
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314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 21:00
Moonlighter has exceptional pixel art and a neat store management gimmick that helps the game stand out from other dungeon-crawling 'roguelites.' Although I had fun playing it and wouldn't call the game 'bad' by any means, it's just not 'great' enough for me to give it a recommendation - especially not at the full purchase price which is exceedingly steep. If I were to give the game a rating, I'd give it a 6 or 7 out of 10.

The movement and combat within dungeons is a little on the 'sluggish' side (possibly due to 'over animating' the in-game sprites) - I personally prefer games with more crisp movement and faster attack speed but enemies do telegraph their moves well and there are a variety of weapons which keep combat varied.

The store management is a neat idea but can potentially be a detractor if you only like doing the dungeon-crawling part of the game. Selling items in the store is easy enough but the game provides little reference for what an appropriate sell price is apart from customer reactions and a log of highest sell-price - unfortunately, this means that most of the store management comes down to trial and error and you're susceptible for severely under-pricing items for which you should be collecting a much higher amount (of course, online guides and wikis will solve this issue if you're fine with being a dirty rotten cheater! lol).

Moonlighter has a 'help rebuild the town' component but it isn't particularly noteworthy - spend money to upgrade shops for the most part.

If you find Moonlighter on sale for a substantial amount and have nothing else to play, you can give it a shot and will probably be entertained for about 5-10 hours. Otherwise, as pretty as the game looks, you might be better off reinvesting your money elsewhere.
126 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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21 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 01:54
I just cant.. half my limited time was spent trying to work through the GOD AWFUL controls. If you're a non controller using PC user then don't even bother. Its baffling to me why you would make a PC game and not make the mouse usable... I seriously would like to understand the brain dead person who decided to not include mouse support on a PC game, whoever you are... you're an idiot. I hate you.
185 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.21 13:59
Idk, it's cute.

the art is gorgeous, I like the world building, and there's a certain level of satisfaction to the grind of getting a bunch of trash items and then selling them for more than they're worth to people who don't know better so you can get better armour and get more worthless scrap to inflate the price off.

But also, the combat isn't great. It's not bad, but it's not as good as it needs to be to hold up its half of the game. Maybe that was intentional to make you lean into the economy system to make sure you buy yourself better gear, but it feels floaty and disconnected in a way that isn't fun or challenging, I found I could pretty easily cheese my way through most encounters just by shield blocking, and those that I couldn't became a matter of getting better gear and tanking my way through with a tiny bit of technique.

It's fine, and it's a good time sink, but it's not going to change your life or the way you think about roguelikes. It's the kind of game you play while listening to podcasts and zoning out.
93 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.21 00:56

I recommend very hesitantly, and almost reluctantly.

Moonlighter released with almost outrageous acclaim. A lot of promoters were captivated by the general gameplay loop and the admittedly gorgeous artstyle, but the truth is, this game does not live up to expectations.

This is not the new Recettear. This is not even complex enough to be compared to many merchant sims, or dungeon crawlers. If anything, this game was not really worth the money until after the DLC. The game's developers had zero long-form game experience prior, all being Ludum Dare game devs almost exclusively. The most difficult mode is still insultingly easy, with secrets being obvious, prices being easy to optimize, progression being mind-nubbingly linear, and the only decent weapons for combat being Spears, Greatswords, and Bows if you want to waste time. It doesn't really ramp up in complexity, nothing new is introduced, the merchant gameplay is a straight, linear progression of what culture sells the highest, and the general design philosophy of the game is that of general competency, but severe inexperience with pacing, length, difficulty, or progression. This isn't even mentioning how a lot of promotional in-game content is not actually in-game, like Will's parents in the intro, or actual character interactions with the other villagers.

Moonlighter was released worth only a third of it's price tag, under mildly misleading marketing, and the DLC only barely rectifies that by adding actual replayability and complexity to the game, but I am still able to recommend it because it's still, decently, fun. The DLC added a lot of content that, in hindsight, seemed like it would have been cut out of any other game to make into DLC, but really just wasn't considered during development here. A lot of the flaws the game has are really just inexperience. I've recently started playing it again (I don't know what happened to my 12 other hours in this game, but I've owned it a while), and ultimately, it's just an extremely casual version of Recettear.

If you want the combat aspect, play The Binding of Isaac or other Zeldalikes. If you want the Merchant aspect, there's plenty of shop-management games. If you really appreciate the artstyle, or just want an easy game, or really need to fill the hole that Recettear left, Moonlighter is a good choice. There's not many games like it, and the presentation is nice when it is, but the lack of ambition leaves a lot to be desired. Get it on sale.
585 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
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213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 13:02
Couldn't get over clunky controls
130 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
174 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 04:08
806 Produkte im Account
130 Reviews
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1070 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.21 12:42
Nice idea, but started to get boring and samey quite quickly. Graphically and audibly magnificent, but that doesn't help the repetitive gameplay.
182 Produkte im Account
83 Reviews
3658 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 07:14
Fantastic game with a perfect balance between battling and looting (and selling it!)! Simple mechanics, great progression, nice graphics and a little bit of replayability. It is a small game but well made, you have different weapons for different play styles and just in case you don't like the idea of actually running your own store (what!? Pffff really o.O? Each to their own, I suppose...), or maybe you just want to stick to action, then you can totally approach as an adventurer only.

I definitely played this more than I needed (or should), clocking in over 60h. So definitely well worth my money! =D
187 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
1202 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 03:48
I wish there were a neutral review option. Moonlighter has gorgeous pixel graphics and good music. The gameplay is just alright. The gameplay loop of going into a dungeon, getting loot, upgrading gear, then going to the next dungeon gets tedious and repetitive. The dungeons could have benefitted from having small puzzles here or there. Dying (even on the easiest difficulty setting) has a very harsh punishment that you lose all the items you looted. You'll do well to have good reflexes and be able to time your dodge/attacks well. I'm not very good at that kind of stuff. The first 3-4 hours of gameplay were very tough and frustrating, but I got good enough that I could enjoy the game after that. The story is interesting, if really thin. The shop/selling mechanic is kind of bland. I encountered a couple of bugs that are serious enough to cause me irritation while playing. Multiple times my menu cursor would disappear and become unavailable, making me unable to buy or upgrade equipment until I reloaded the game. Moonlighter lacks a manual save option, and you will lose progress if you quit the game at the wrong time. (For instance, after selling stuff in my shop, the game saves. Then I loaded up the shelves with goods for the next day and quit the game, but it didn't save at that point.) I enjoyed it well enough even with its drawbacks. In my opinion, the best part is the pixel art and music.
632 Produkte im Account
181 Reviews
1277 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 19:31
Very decent rogue-like game where you have to collect valuable items from random generated dungeons, in order to sell these items in your shop. The money you earn this way can be used to upgrade your weapons and armor. The game is a bit of a grind, but still a lot of fun. I liked it a lot!
8523 Produkte im Account
262 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 17:12
Meh, I guess the game is fun if you like selling your loot in your own shop figuring out at which price. For me it's just a bit too bland and a bit too cumbersome to deal with the 'aftermath' of each run. Looks and sounds nice though. If you are looking for a simple roguelike this game might be not for you (like it wasn't for me). Check out a let's play or something similar before buying.
449 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 04:01
big fun
174 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
545 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.21 22:22
two half games put together that are just okay
1099 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
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410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 16:09
The game has some really charming artwork and music but both the combat and mercantile systems are so simple that I grew bored quickly. I couldn't summon the patience to get deep into the games plot because I was supposed to farm resources to build up the town, my character, the shop etc which felt pointlessly grind heavy.
342 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
962 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 22:30

Moonlighter is like: dungeon-shopkeeping-upgrading. Repeat. Somewhere between may be a boss and after that there is a change of dungeon scenery, enemies and dropped crafting materials/ items to sell.

All of this doesn´t mean a bad game. But in Moonlighter, everything is just too similiar with no evolution. There is no force to push you forward. Story is too simple, your character doesn´t grow. You just upgrade hometown and shop, but sadly, doing so delivers no satisfaction. In dungeons, there is nothing to explore, since like I said, they are all the same.

Anyways, nice visuals and music. Atmosphere was fine.
1102 Produkte im Account
140 Reviews
1198 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 18:43
Combat is solid, if uninspired; bosses are nice; the mandatory shopkeeping mechanics are very straightforward and not much fun. All in all, a cute little game, but would benefit from being a bit shorter.
145 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1032 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.21 00:01
Music is great! It helped scratch the shopkeep/dungeon crawler itch i had lol. Felt a bit short but was a ton of fun!
263 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
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332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 18:48
This game just isn't fun. It looks very promising, but the game play loop is very stale and I don't think I ever had a good time while playing this. It would have made for a great flash game on Newgrounds ten years ago and that's the nicest thing that I can say about it.

The controls are too clunky, the visuals are repetitive and not engaging, it feels way too small and short, and it feels more tedious to play than anything else.

There was a lot that could have gone right here and none of it did. Just making the store mechanics less trivial and making the dungeons longer could fix a lot, but the way the player character moves and fights just makes this feel boring. Every enemy feels uninspired. This is not a good video game.
540 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 08:19
This might be the fastest I've ever dropped a game. The thing is, Moonlighter has analog movement, but you can only attack in four directions. That is just not okay. I can already imagine how much looping around would have to be done to get in the right position to attack enemies, and it's exhausting. Nevermind pointless. And stupid.

If it seemed like a cool game otherwise, maybe I could stomach it... maybe, but you only have two attack buttons (which do really basic stuff to boot), a dodge, and a merchant side game which seems to amount to guess prices > adjust > sell. Also, there's a slime creature who appears if you're taking too long in a dungeon, which just seems annoying in a game where the bag limit already curtails exploration.

These design choices simply don't make sense in a game from 2018, if they really ever did.
769 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
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815 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.21 18:01
The Game has a lot of good things going for it, but to me, a curious soul, an explorer, a person who loves trading games.

This game has a few things that make all of those really not as much fun.

- Flavour Text: In dungeon there's one Person that comes back and back and some researcher. No other sources beside nameless dude that got killed with a note about x, y , z. Every floor (and there are about 15, 3 per dungeon) has two notes so a total of 30 notes'ish. They give colour to the world. But very limited and mainly some flavour to explain the nature of the dungeons.

- Inventory management: while unique to some extent doesn't improve or change throughout the whole game. No way of improving it, so you always go in with a shitty sized bag, that always fills up halfway through. And you start to need to put stuff into garbage (albeit for a fraction of the gold value in the shop) having to scratch your head trying to figure things out can be fun, but if it never changes, it becomes a chore...

- The Wanderer: Or as I call him that goopy green shithead stopping me from enjoying the experience. I like to go into each and every crevace of a dungeon, check out all the details, make sure I didn't miss anything. But woe be you if you stay on a floor of a dungeon too long and that thing is following you into each and every (excluding safe rooms) room. Yes, EVERY ROOM. Including boss rooms. So you are basically forced to port out of the dungeon at this point because there's no more safe way to exit, outside of simply going to the next floor, dying (and losing all your hard worked, optimized inventory) or piping gold into a transport out (or more if you want to maintain progress in a dungeon...

These three things just make the game less open and enjoyable for people like me. Who truly enjoy the exploration and shop management of games.

The game otherwise has its upsides and good sides, I enjoy the finding materials to upgrade gear, and working on the shop. However, for someone like me, not really a good game, the wanderer will frustrate you to no end.
104 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1646 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 21:29
Fun? yes.
Relaxing? yes
Aesthetically Pleasing? yes
Good with tea on a rainy day? yes
Challenging? no
Deep Storyline? not really
Recommend? definitely
841 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
441 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 02:14
Don't get me wrong, this is not a bad game at all. It just doesn't offer enough variety.
There's 5 dungeons, with 3 floors each, and an interesting final boss. And good looking pixel graphics.

However, the game systems themselves are pretty uninspired and boring.
Each dungeon has a tier of weapon you can craft from it, and having that tiers weapon with the upgrade will mean you will just demolish the boss.

There are two paths for each weapon, the flat damage one, and the complete waste of resources one.
There are 3 types of armor, the go fast get killed faster.
The middleground you can upgrade to be really good.
And the bulky big armor that slows you down so you get hit more and get killed faster than in the middleground armor.

All upgrades taking 3 or 4 clears through each dungeon to get the money you will need.

The unlockable town merchants besides the first 2 cheapest ones are pretty much pointless.
And the selling stuff mechanic starts off fun and charming but very quickly becomes a chore.

So all in all, is this game fun and good? Yeah.
Will it hold your interest? Probably not.

I wish steam had more than a thumbs down and thumbs up... because this doesn't deserve either.
It deserves a solid, kinda worth it but don't expect much.
547 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1691 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 01:31
it's a Recettear clone, except without the compelling story and cute characters.
it has a less developed shop/selling system and equally uninspiring combat.

this game is devoid of originality. the artstyle is kinda nice as is the audio, but neither are in any way groundbreaking or unique.

I enjoyed it, but it descended into pure grind pretty fast and has no end-game content at all (the end game is NOW START AGAIN)
101 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
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684 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.21 09:13
Played with m/k

The actual gameplay in the dungeons is subpar compared to other roguelites. It just feels clunky.
The items are pretty much all the same but with different stats.
The only interesting enemies are the bosses.
Doesn't really matter how you manage your shop since you have infinite customers and shilling them of everything they have will have no impact on your gameplay apart from making you have to grind less.

So in a word tedious. Its like a bad shopkeeping game and a bad rougelite combined.
Conclusion: get it on sale when its $10 or less.
257 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
2970 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 03:22
A fun cross between Binding of Isaac and Recettear. You're a merchant who goes dungeon diving to get items to sell. With the items and proceeds, you craft/buy better weapons and equipment to go deeper into the dungeons.

The pros:
- Very cute artstyle.
- Gameplay loop is pretty satisfying. You have limited space in your backpack, so you need to manage your loot bearing in mind the ingredients you need to craft your next weapons upgrade or potion, and the money you'll get from selling your stuff. Curses on the items that take effect based on where you put them in your backpack add another layer of strategy to loot management.

Now, the cons:
- It would be very easy to navigate the item and shop menus with a mouse but unfortunately this is not an option, so you will be mashing the keyboard a LOT.
- There are only 5 dungeons and 6 bosses. If you have the top tier of equipment than you can access by the time you confront the boss of each dungeon, the bosses are pretty easy. Plus, you can't replay most of them, which is a real bummer considering there are missable achievements for them.
- Achievements are tiresome. Once you complete a dungeon by beating its boss and unlocking the next one, there is very little incentive to replay it seeing as you can buy any crafting materials you might need from a merchant in town. Thus having achievements like 'reach the 3rd floor 10 times' can be frustrating. As an additional example, there's a chance of hitting coins out of trees, which leads to a fun achievement. However, there's an additional one which requires you to do the same thing 100 times. The money is a trivial amount, so why would you waste your time doing this? It's not fun.

These criticisms are minor though, and you should get this if you enjoy Binding of Isaac and don't care too much about the overly grindy achievements.
20 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1404 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 01:36
Love this game! It's a combination of Binding of Isaac, Zelda, and Animal Crossing - in my opinion. You forge things from caves, sell it in your shop, and upgrade your gear/shop/town.
54 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
419 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 22:53
It is a pretty good game.
About a man who explores dungeons and sells those items in his shop. Or upgrade his tools. A lot of games have tried doing this aswell but in my opinion this was one of the few games like that which were executed properly. Good game.
36 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 11:26
A merchant/hero? Sign me up

Took me a while to get used to the feel of the weapons but after finding my playstyle I got through the game pretty easily. Very fun gameplay and boss fights. May or may not have a crush on Tomo...

Not finding money on the monster's corpses actually makes sense and the shop mechanics were very enjoyable- with trial and error I was able to figure out what to price my loot at- unless those pesky rich people bought everything with their pesky riches.

Easily one of my favourite games ever!

(also the art style is beautiful)
41 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1737 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 17:53
It's fun and I absolutely adore the art. The shop system is a bit meh (but despite what you hear Recettear isn't really that much more advance) and the combat is pretty simple but hey I completed it twice. Speaking of, the game isn't very challenging (even at the + difficult option you unlock upon completion). BUT if you wanna chill and have fun, flood your system with serotonin getting filthy rich in-game, frigging go for it.
383 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
609 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 03:47
Ehh, Decent Game. Gameplay is alright, but is beat by many other games in its genre. The selling aspect seems cool from the outside, but its is INCREDIBLY limited, and gets boring very quickly
246 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 21:58
I got lost in the sauce, and kinda missed the entirety of yesterday...
You should plan for breaks inbetween playing, trust me.

309 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
4132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.20 17:43
this game is the bomb, the music is the bomb, the gameplay is the bomb, the enemies are the bomb, the bosses are the bomb, the store is the bomb, capitalism is the bomb. BUY THE GAME YOU WON'T REGRET IT.
28 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1698 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 13:17
Zelda - A Link to the past com mecânica de farm.

Em um lugar remoto do mundo tem quatro portas que levam a masmorras mágicas, que mudam de tamanho, formato e desafios a cada vez que você acessa. Heróis e Mercadores exploram constantemente essas masmorras atrás de riquezas e glórias. Uma quinta porta permanece lacrada, e o que se esconde por trás dela permanece um mistério.
O vilarejo de Rynoka foi construído na proximidade desses portais para as masmorras, e seus habitantes vivem dos recursos extraídos das masmorras. Nesse vilarejo você é Will, um Mercador que sonha ser um herói, dono da loja Moonlighter.
A mecânica consiste em explorar as masmorras, farmar e vender o loot na Moonlighter. Com o dinheiro você investe no vilarejo, atrai outros profissionais (um ferreiro que te fará novos equipamentos, uma maga que fará poções e encantamentos, etc), aumenta a estrutura da Moonlighter (até o ponto de ter uma funcionária) e transforma Rynoka numa cidade rica. Com equipamentos mais poderosos é possível avançar até os níveis mais profundos das masmorras, até entrar em boss battles. Reza a lenda que, quando você derrota os boss das quatro masmorras, a quinta porta será aberta para revelar seu mistério.

A pixel art do jogo é muito bonita e a música também é envolvente, sem ser tão repetitiva e enjoativa (ganha até um remix épico nas boss battles).

O gameplay se torna repetitivo bem rápido, é basicamente explorar a masmorra, colher o loot, vender, investir, explorar de novo... mas essa semelhança com nossas rotinas de vida real vai de encontro com a proposta do personagem, um Mercador que sonha em ser um Herói, trabalha de dia numa loja, explora masmorras à noite.

Estou na terceira masmorra no momento, e pretendo ir até o final para desvendar o mistério da quinta porta.

*Para quem tem a intenção de platinar, tem várias conquista perdíveis, recomendo ler a lista de conquistas antes de começar.
448 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.20 09:05
I really wanted to like this game because the art and music are fantastic, and the concept of being a shopkeeper is interesting. At the end of the day though, it is still a combat-driven dungeon crawler at its core, and the combat mechanics left a lot to be desired. Attacking just feels slow and clunky, and oftentimes I still find myself locked in place by the tail end of the attack animation when I want to dodge. Also, some enemies' attacks are not telegraphed very well, if at all, making this a game about predicting incoming attacks instead of reacting to them.

It makes me sad that I didn't enjoy this game as much as I wanted to because I can tell a lot of effort was put into this art and animation, and I won't be able to appreciate more of it.
73 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
801 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 21:56
The best part of this game is its soundtrack. The game itself is cute. It was a good combination of combat and shopkeeping. I was motivated to keep upgrading my equipment. It did get a bit grindy at times as I had to go through some of the dungeons a few times to get enough resources/cash to upgrade.
1113 Produkte im Account
107 Reviews
1429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 23:13
Fantasy adventurer shop management, plus rogue-lite action dungeon crawling game. I enjoyed it a lot more than Recettear.


- Dungeon crawling mechanics is balanced and interesting.
- There are a few weapon types to choose, making possibilities for variety of tactics.
- The pixel graphics is gorgeous. Very pretty. Good animation.
- Monster companions that you can choose help you in your dungeon exploration.
- More relaxing than Recettear, where your loan payments caused you to be always in hurry.


- It becomes somewhat grindy after 10-20 hours. I enjoyed it for about 20 hours, and didn't complete.


- There is no depth in the story.

AUDIO 7/10
STORY 6/10
151 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2032 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 02:57
good little game. nice art style. makes dungeon grinding fun. great short story arc too. not too long. a lot to be said for a game that can strike a balance between story and action and not let either get in the way of the other.
2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 11:22
I like this style of game. the graphics the gameplay, I like it all. I hope, it has more weapons and items that could be obtain outside shop, or maybe a new settings after the beggining village, so that the player will not lose interest.
552 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1086 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 23:19
If you're looking for an outstanding hack-and-slash game this is it. At a little under 20 hours, it's a solid length, and as much I THOUGHT it would have a ton of really doesn't. However, great gameplay, yes you need a controller to get the full experience, super fun while it lasted. An excellent game to last you a weekend, or even just a regular work-week. Super fun.
36 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 18:49
one of best indie game i played
57 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1098 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 17:08
21 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 03:46
I played through the whole game in about a week, and I have no intentions of going back to play it ever again. It was fine, but despite its art and design, rather terribly shallow. Combat was fun, but never increased in complexity through the whole game. Shopkeeping was, frankly, dull, and I almost immediately lost interest in trying to set the right prices for things through trial and error.
I couldn't tell you a single character's name or personality. I barely remember the story. I barely remember any of the weapon choices besides the two I used for the entire game. I barely even remember the dungeons, because they may as well have been reskins of each other.
The game's very pretty. I wish it was also interesting.
376 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.20 16:16
The execution of the game is far better than its actual concept and content. Incredible music. Great art. But those are the best things you can say about the game. The combat is repetitive and feels straight out of an early '00s flash game -- you can move on any axis but only attack on four which feels incredible clunky. No real narrative, no real story. Dungeon crawling is constantly knee-capped by having to stop and organise your inventory practically in every room as you go further and further. No way to make looting less of a chore, can't upgrade inventory size. Selling is rote and shallow; sell 1 item at a time until you find the price, now you have unlocked the great ability to sell that item without worrying about it. You don't get hints from people about what things are worth, no gameifying of finding out prices, it's just the same exact process for every item in the game. Personally, the real nail in the coffin was the flow through a Dungeon: clear floor 1, bail on floor 2 because it's too hard, repeat 3x; finally have enough mats for new sword and armour, run through all three floors as quickly as possible so you don't max your inventory out, kill dungeon boss. When I got to Dungeon 2 and realised I was doing the exact same thing from Dungeon 1, I quit.
147 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
1735 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 22:42
Moonlighter is a game that mixes dungeon looting with selling items in a shop. Like others have said neither of these two directions are fully fleshed out. However, the core gameplay loop of going to the dungeon and then selling your items is fun. I have a number of small complaints: You can only increase defense to a certain value. This forces you to increase your health in order to survive since enemies get stronger. There's not much to do once you near the end of the game and have everything unlocked. The game becomes really boring. If you try to go for the achievements you will need to grind a lot. In general a lot of features aren't thought out as well as they could be. However, I would still recommend this game because it is fun for a while, has good graphics, and is set in an interesting world.
67 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
968 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.20 16:36
23 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2773 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 09:03
Gorgeous pixel dungeon crawler. The characters and levels are designed really well, the music is amazing. Each floor getting more intense, each dungeon with its own music. So easy to get completely absorbed in the Moonlighter world.
706 Produkte im Account
495 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 15:41
In my ongoing and likely futile effort to write a Steam review for every game in my library (#491 out of 633)... it's time for Moonlighter.

Despite its fantastic presentation, Moonlighter is one of the most uninspired roguelikes I've encountered, which—given the state of the genre—is almost impressive. I wish I could tell you Moonlighter was just as fun to play as it is to watch—few roguelikes can boast such polished and appealing visuals, or as atmospheric and moody music. But at the end of the day, no matter how pretty a game looks, it all comes down to the combat, right? And here's where Moonlighter falls flat on its face.

So much is unpleasant about combat in Moonlighter that it's hard to know quite where to begin. Fundamentally the game is built around simple melee combat—you can attack, dodge and block. Pretty simple, basic fare. The most immediate problem is that the player character and enemies have the full range of movement, while attacks can only be directed in four directions (vertically or horizontally). If you're not perfectly aligned with your enemy, the attack will miss—even if they're grinding up against the player character.

Further, there's a noticeable (and perpetually distracting) lag between inputting an action and performing that action. Want to attack or dodge? Better get used planning slightly ahead to accommodate the delay. Altogether this makes combat feel slow, clunky and imprecise.

And then there's the dungeons. While enemies, at least, are varied and interesting (often boasting unique attacks and intuitive weaknesses you can exploit) the dungeons are very samey, composed entirely of same-sized rectangular rooms. Randomly arranged, sure, but one room is not appreciably different from another aside from the enemy types contained therein and the terrain. Which is another problem (who'd've guessed?): the thing about pixel graphics is that they are, by their intrinsic nature, very simple Only so much information can be conveyed—so it's a mistake to try and depict complex environmental details with this aesthetic. Which is a very roundabout way of saying that the dungeon floors are littered with bizarre design elements: broken rubble you can safely pass over that is visually indistinguishable from impassable rubble; a sticky floor material colored red, and glowing like hot lava, that is perfectly safe to traverse—it simply slows you down. Obviously these are things you can eventually grow accustomed to—the point is you shouldn't have to. If terrain is dangerous or impassable, that should be immediately apparent. When it's not, a game has a serious design problem.

But Moonlighter isn't just a dungeon-delving combat game, no, it's also yet one more entry in an increasingly long line of games trying to mimic Recettear, while utterly failing to understand what made Recettear so special in the first place.

In the vein of that cult-classic RPG shopkeep subgenre progenitor, your time in Moonlighter is evenly split between diving into a convenient nearby dungeon to collect treasure, and managing a local shop to sell it off to adventurers. What's the difference between the player character and a generic adventurer? Good question. Anyway, that's where the title comes from: you play a shopkeeper who moonlights as an adventurer. Clever, right? Shame they wasted all their wits on the title. If you were expecting an interesting or compelling or amusing narrative to frame this adventure, you'll be sorely disappointed: Moonlighter takes place in a generic RPG town straight out of a generic NES-era roleplaying game, where one day a very generic dungeon popped into existence. Populated to perpetually respawning monsters, treasure chests, and randomly-shifting floors. Insofar as a game premise goes, I can think of none more creatively bankrupt. And the colorful cast of characters populating this town we're stuck in? Yeah, they're all fellow shopkeeprs—and boy oh boy do they have a lot of fetch requests if you want to unlock any new inventory.

If that setup sounds so familiar it's giving you migraines, it may be because it's lifted wholesale from the most insipid of Japanese Isekai stories—constructed in worlds based off a generic archetypal roleplaying game (typically Dragon Quest. It's a bizarre thing to see: a game borrowing the generic premise of a genre that created by reducing game cliches to their most generic.

Recettear worked because it paired the routine of dungeon-delving and selling with an engaging and humorous narrative – character that grew and changed as you progressed – with a clear goal and dramatic arc. Yet Moonlighter, like most (all?) Recettear-likes only sees the superficial structure of Recettear and mimics that, omitting all of the personality and charm.

Pretty though it may be, Moonlighter offers only clumsy action combat and randomized NPC customers to create a profoundly tedious gameplay loop tied together by a narrative lacking any self-respect. It is a game that hopes to get by purely on the novelty of the its premise (to be fair, Recettear-likes are pretty uncommon), clean minimalist visuals, and a simple Skinner box gameplay loop.

I need more than that. I hope you do, too. It's something of a sad truism that the most engaging and compelling and captivating roguelikes tend to have simple, arguably ugly visuals and an overall lack of polish. I keep trying out games like Moonlighter, hoping for one to finally marry the mechanical and systemic depth of my favorite roguelikes with gorgeous visual flair—and every time I walk out of the affair disappointed. Maybe Moonlighter could be improved substantially in a sequel, or possibly even (substantial) DLC, but aside from the presentation I feel like Moonlighter makes so many missteps that you'll forgive me if I don't hold my breath.
1227 Produkte im Account
277 Reviews
1805 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 04:48
#BEATEN - 30 Hours

A fun rogue-lite where you dive into 4 dungeons (in order) each with 3 levels and loot enemies and beat bosses. Sell the loot for money or use it for new equipment and upgrades. You have to experiment with sale cost, as the game doesnt tell you immediately how much people will pay for them. So there is a meta game in the game in that regard.

I dont really have much bad to say. I had one bug where when i died on the boss in the 4th dungeon, the screen stayed on my death screen and never returned me to the town. Short of that, i had no technical issues.

If you like games like rogue legacy or shop keeping games, this is a good one.
144 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
1245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 01:24

Score: 7/10

A small charming rogue-like game with some added shopkeeping mechanics that creates a unique rewarding experience and satisfying community building even with its basic progression over all.

+Charming aesthetic
+Smooth gameplay
+Rewarding progress
+Unique to this genre shopkeeping
+Fun boss fights
+Unique variety of dungeons

-Short game
-Small variety
-Multiple bugs
-Not much depth
-Repetitive tasks

A unique idea that may not have been executed as well and as in depth as it could have been still satisfies that desire for a new mix into the genre. The story and gameplay is relatively short so it is more of a bite-sized game in the genre. Some bugs may bring you out of the experience at times combined with the limited save points can cause issues. Overall though its charming little world will bring you in for a chance to explore its four dungeons and slowly build your town up into all its glory as you sell them your loot from each; a rewarding days work in its own way.
188 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
683 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.20 08:25
This is a great little dungeon crawler mixed with a shop Sim game. Just enough of a challenge, with amazing music to get lost in for an hour or two when you need a distraction.
51 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
965 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.20 17:54
This is a very simple and repetitive game. Opening the shop by the day and going to the dungeon by the night (That is my way of playing). Getting equipment to beat dungeon, doing the same thing over and over only with different scenarios each time. I wouldn't say there is much storyline to look forward to in this game. The artstyle is very cute though. I would recommend to purchase this game during sales if you want to play. :D
554 Produkte im Account
133 Reviews
1053 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 01:03
Fun chill zelda-rogue-like. Has a one more run game loop. Love the shop keep portion as well. Its easy to cheat in or can be actually played to advantage. I think its a very good example of a feature being opt in yet a core aspect of the loop. I just found familiars at 15 hrs in so I got nothing to complain about right now.
320 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
1743 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.20 06:01
I enjoyed this game a lot more than I thought I would. Haven't played the DLC, tho.

A merchant during the day, a dungeon explorer/ monster slayer during the night. Basically a Dungeon crawler rogue like, shop management game with great art and music .

Yes, the dungeons can get a bit repetitive if you want to buy, build and upgrade all your weapons and armor, nevertheless I had a lot of fun doing it. Bosses are easy, story is very simple, the ending is a bit anti climatic, but the mechanics and the journey are enjoyable.

Totally worth playing it, I haven't played the DLC yet, so I don't really know anything about it.
221 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.20 13:37
The concept of the game and art style is nice.

The combat is clunky and unsatisfying, this is a disappointing game in that it could have been so much better. If you really want to try the game get it on sale.
172 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1672 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 17:44
Had fun with the game until I got to the endgame and started encountering tons of bugs. The first of which has totally ruined my game and can't be fixed.
-My entire personal chest was cleared out - containing all my crafted gear (I was just about to craft the last of the pre-endgame weapons) and rings (which are rare drops and primarily drop from guardians which you can only kill once). Unrecoverable due to single save file with autosaving.
-Attended a customer at the shop right at closing time. They exited without checking out and bugged the register, causing me to be unable to sell items. So the next day, the customers waited in line til they got fed up, then paid a small fraction of the listed price and left. They should have instead paid 100% plus a 90% tip, so I lost a bit of money. Fixed by closing game.
-Bookmarked items to craft (such as potions). When you reach the endgame the ingredients for the full-heal potion change from jelly-ingredients + gold to gold-only, but can't un-bookmarked after the ingredients change. Now all jelly ingredients are permanently starred ingredients.
-Another annoying bug I noticed all game is that every dungeon room has a door frame on each of the four walls. Even if there is no actual door on that side, there is still a frame which you can get stuck on simply by walking along the wall.
282 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
859 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 19:53
A very repetitive game. Basically you:
1) dungeon crawl multiple times for items
2) dictate their prices and sell them in your shop
3) craft better items
4) clear that particular dungeon's final boss
5) rinse and repeat step 1 to 4 for five different dungeons
I guess this game is very subjective. Some love it a lot and sink hours into it. But for me it gets boring as hell after my 14 hours mark. Even the combat mechanics stay the same throughout..

☐ I would not recommend this
☑ You may get this on sale :)
☐ I would recommend this
311 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
908 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.20 02:38
I'm sorry to say that I didn't like this game. I played very nearly to the end, and ultimately the gameplay loop is surprisingly shallow. As you unlock successive dungeons, there are no new gameplay elements, you just do the same thing as the last dungeon but things are at a higher sale/purchase cost. There are minor new elements as you update the shop, but they are largely trivial. It doesn't feel like a fully realised game.
279 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
3926 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.20 02:41
And this makes Review #50!

A young merchant yearns to explore the mysteries of the dungeons and become a hero, all while managing his shop and helping his hometown thrive once again, since it’s starting to become a ghost town. Will the hero succeed? Should you bother with this adventure? Well, here’s my take on Moonlighter.

The Good

Shop Upgrades expands on it’s overall usage.

When you start using the shop, the first few times, you’ll notice that it functions in a basic manner and are limited on how many items you call sell at a time. Once you start upgrading the shop itself, not only will you be able to sell more items, but you’ll be able to start taking in requests from customers, asking for either a specific item or defeat certain monsters for notes.

You’ll also have a hired assistant sell your items for you while you go through the dungeons and decorate the shop to give you some extra bonuses at the end of the work day. Of course, as you upgrade, you’ll start to have thieves enter your shop, so you’ll have them to keep a watch for, and all this is not counting the other purchases you can make to upgrade the village or the smaller things in your shop.

The Bad

Bummer Calendar doesn’t keep track of your progress.

In your Inventory/Journal, you’ll have a section that is your Calendar. This is used to keep track of all the requests that you have taken from the customers in the shop and when they are due… and that’s it.

Because of this, it makes the Calendar very under utilized in the game. Some suggestions to make it more useful could have been to show how much gold you earned at the shop that day or how far you progressed in the dungeons. If the Calendar did that, I’m sure it would see much more usage.

The Ugly

No Bestiary available in the game.

For a game such as this one, where you go scavenge for artifacts & items and sell them, it’s rather surprising to not have a Bestiary available.

(For those not sure, Bestiary is basically an encyclopedia on all the enemies that you came across and defeated, and gives you info and items it might drop.)

Now, not having one doesn’t make the game any difficult or anything like that, but once you start taking on requests, the Bestiary could help the player in finding out if monsters drop such items or not.

Moonlighter is a charming and fun game that I would recommend without any problem. If you are interested in a dungeon crawler game with a side of shop management, give this game a go.

Developers (Headquarters)

  • Digital Sun (Valencia, Spain)
71 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
901 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.20 15:18
Extremely interesting concept with a strong and fun gameplay loop, but serious lack of polish and numerous gameplay and visual bugs are very noticeable. I'd advise to get it if it's on sale.
397 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
832 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.20 03:27
Heavy heavy grind. The main point is to clear dungeons to get loot to sell in your store, but you have to clear the same dungeon dozens and dozens of times and its all procedural, but only in so much as you have maby 10 different types of rooms and those 10 rooms are just thrown together in different combinations. Also, the interface is total garbage if you use mouse and keyboard, first off no mouse support, so every time you want to move an item, you have to move the cursor with the keyboard, then select the item, and then move it around and drop it where you want it, and then the game even makes the torture even worse by adding things called curses to some loot drops, which is basically rules on the loot like, has to be stored in the right or left side of the bag, or top or bottom of the bag, and many more, and two identical items won't stack if one of them has a curse on it, so your very limited bag space is squashed by identical items that should stack but won't because of curses. And then the grind and tedium continues when your play shop keeper, because you have to place your items on a limited shop space, and guess what to sell your items for, and the only way to figure out if your price is right is by watching the customers as they look at your item and make a face above there heads, so when you list a new item you have to go back into the price setting screen over and over to keep adjusting your selling price, unless you want to just cheat and use the wiki to find out the selling prices, but even that is a headache.
633 Produkte im Account
98 Reviews
287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 16:55
This isn't the best game in the whole world, but I think it's worth the buy on sale. I got it for 6.79 and I'm glad I did.

If you played games like Recettear, but you kinda hated the bad combat and the story quality, then you'll like this game to scratch that dungeon crawling, shopkeeper itch. I prefer this game to Recettear because I thought the story in Recettear was exceptionally infantile and uninteresting. This story catches my attention and I think that it's difficult enough to engage me for long periods of time.

Some people complain about the grindyness, but I don't really mind it. I think it's worth a playthrough. Though, I highly recommend just using the wiki to figure out prices. It really isn't fun or engaging, at least to me, to have to sit there and guess the value of a hugely high priced item. It speeds the game up a lot to just know what price to list things for.

Besides gameplay and story, I think the art, music, and tone work great together. Is it worth $20? Probably not. I'd give it about an 7/10.
327 Produkte im Account
97 Reviews
875 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.20 07:18
Fun little rogue like game with a store mini game. This game reminded me a lot of Recettear which I would say is a good thing. I would say Moonlighter has the better combat and dungeon crawls while I found the selling in Recettear to be more fun and difficult. That being said I found the game a lot of fun and could see myself playing through again with different weapons.

Found the art style to be a lot of fun and took me back to those fun 16 bit days. The dungeon crawling really reminded me of Zelda sans puzzles.

My first time through the game with no guides or help was done in about 14 hours so consider that in regards to whether you think its worth buying at full price or on sale.

3447 Produkte im Account
144 Reviews
1589 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.20 09:00


Moonlighter is an intriguing title to say the least, who wouldn’t want to be a shopkeeper by day and a dungeon crawler by night? The first half is where this game shines the most, you’ll be exploring dungeons, fighting bosses whilst collecting materials to sell in your shop. However, the further that I progressed the more that the charm and novelty of being a shopkeeper and a dungeon crawler wore off.


• Interesting hybrid of dungeon crawling and shopkeeping
• Bosses are interesting and diverse
• Each dungeon is varied and has a specific theme
• New game+ feature
• Pixel art is beautiful


• Combat is simplistic
• After awhile you’ll see the repetitiveness of the game through each dungeon
• Shopkeeping gets tedious and repetitive
• Final boss is a joke and not challenging at all


The core mechanics that are presented aren’t anything new, you’ve probably played a game where you’re a shopkeeper or a dungeon explorer before. However, Moonlighter presents itself as a hybrid between the two that creates a rather unique and enjoyable experience. By night you’ll be exploring the mysterious dungeons, slaying monsters, gathering materials and trying to defeat the end boss. By day you’ll be selling said materials to customers in your shop in exchange for money and upgrading your gear.

There’s definitely a sense of curiosity when you first enter a dungeon, what new enemies await you? What new materials will you discover? Each dungeon is randomly generated with three levels before reaching the final boss, along the way you’ll discover enemies with simple attack patterns and new materials to either sell or use to upgrade your weapons. The main gimmick of dungeons is that if you die in the dungeon you lose all the materials that you’re carrying. There are a few ways to exit the dungeon, you’ll be given a Merchant Pendant that will teleport you out of the dungeon for a price (depending on how far you are and on what dungeon). Or you can use another item that allows you to return to the position back in the dungeon for a higher price without the dungeon randomizing again.

Managing materials you’ve collected is one of the most annoying parts of exploring dungeons, you’ll be given a limited amount of space in your bag to place materials which can only be stacked to a certain amount (usually 5 - 10). The materials on the top row will stay with you regardless of if you die in the dungeon or not, however you’ll lose the rest. You’ll realise that there’s no possible way of picking up every material that you come across so managing your space becomes problematic. There wasn’t ever a backpack upgrade so you’ll have to resist the urge to pick up everything you see. This forces the player to decide which materials they want to take with them and usually boils down to which is the most valuable.

The combat isn’t anything that advance, you’ll be given a sword and a bow as your weapons and your able to dodge roll. The monsters that you come across only have one attack so defeating them comes down to learning when they’re vulnerable, the attacks get a bit more complicated as you progress to new dungeons but nothing that complex. Upgrading your weapons with materials and money back at the town can make them inflict fire, poison or electric damage depending on what dungeon you’re in. These elemental attacks don’t seem to have weaknesses or strengths against other elemental monsters which poses the question of why bother with it in the first place?

Despite how enjoyable the first few dungeons were to explore, there was a point where I could see a routine developing every time that I would unlock a new dungeon. I’d spend a few runs gathering materials to upgrade armour and to sell, I’d then just beeline it to the final boss. The dungeon doesn’t try to encourage you to explore after you’ve bought everything that’s available to you, so I saw no point in staying in the same dungeon for longer than I needed to.

The mini-bosses that you’ll encounter before moving on to the next level aren’t that great, they were more annoying than enjoyable to defeat. The end bosses however were a lot more creative and fit the style of each dungeon very well. Each one has a set of different attacks that you’ll have to learn can can be challenging even if you have upgraded all of your gear. However oddly enough the final boss of the game was a joke, I was able to defeat him extremely easily on my first try without developing a strategy.

The shopkeeping side of Moonlighter is a nice change of pace compared to exploring dungeons. With the materials that you’ve acquired, you’ll be able to sell them to customers in your shop. Selling these items comes with a twist however, you’ll need to estimate the price for how much you think the item is worth and then increase or decrease it depending on the customers’ reaction. Luckily you have a handy book that keeps track of what prices are too steep or too cheap when a customer purchases or complains about an item. This does create a rather tedious trial and error mechanic that can be more annoying later in the game when you need a lot of money.

Another thing to keep in mind is the demand on items, selling a lot of an item will decrease it’s value if you’ve sold an abundant amount of it and customers won’t be willing to buy it for the neutral price. But on the other hand, customers will pay more for an item that is in high demand that you haven’t sold much of. Unfortunately, the book doesn’t record the prices for higher or lower demand on items, only when the item is in neutral will you record the best sale which can be rather annoying when a lot of items are in high or low demand

As you progress further you’ll be able to buy upgrades to your shop to increase the number of items you can put on sale at once, more storage space, a better bed to increase your health etc. It definitely felt like I was progressing not just with unlocking more dungeons but with upgrading my shop to make it better and to acquire more money. Unfortunately, the novelty of owning a shop wears out and becomes more of a hindrance as you progress. What was once an enjoyable experience becomes more time-consuming and mundane due to how repetitive selling items got. Despite upgrading your shop to make it better, the core mechanic of being a shopkeeper isn’t expanded enough to keep it interesting throughout the entire game.

????Music & Sound

The soundtrack throughout Moonlighter is very distinctive and sets the atmosphere for each dungeon when you first enter it. There was always a sense of urgency and intensity when fighting bosses that made defeating the bosses a lot more satisfying when you beat them.


As to be expected, the pixel art throughout this game is beautifully designed. Each dungeon has it’s own theme whether it be fire, electric or jungle. The enemies suited the environments to an outstanding level and really made each dungeon feel unique in its own way.

????Closing Thoughts

There’s no doubt that I enjoyed the majority of my time with Moonlighter, from exploring dungeons, gathering materials and slaying monsters to being a shopkeeper and earning money. However, there was definitely a cutoff point where the novelty of the core mechanics wore off and became more annoying than enjoyable. However, I would still recommend this product despite this.

This product was reviewed using a free key provided by the Developers
181 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
3243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.20 18:42
Good random dungeon generation. Run an efficient shop, respond to customer reactions, supply and demand. Improve your shop, your gear and the town. Delve through the dungeons to solve the mystery of the guardians.
77 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1011 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.20 14:11
Interesting gameplay loop at first, it seems pretty difficult but then you get to the second dungeon and making money becomes too easy and the game is no longer a challenge from that point on, it just becomes extremely annoying and obnoxious

The second dungeon is also a pain to get through, I liked the atmosphere of the first dungeon, but the second dungeon looks boring. The enemies also become more obnoxious than they are hard. We're talking almost homing shots (shots that curve quite a lot if you go in a direction) that hit you all the time and there is no way to avoid them and if you do, you WILL expose yourself to the second shot, causing you to get hit regardless. Homing shots on enemies in games is a bad idea imho, because it doesn't truly require skill to dodge them but luck that the shot is a bit off, no one can possibly predict a homing shot because you know, it homes, it'll get you wherever you go.

Moonlighter isn't my cup of tea, but you might enjoy it, most people seem to.
550 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
1700 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 20:12
Moonlighter is a unique combination of an Action Roguelike and a store/inventory manager. It's an odd combination for sure, but Moonlighter manages to blend both genres pretty well, which results in rather addictive gameplay.

However, the addictive nature is reminiscent of the common Clicker games you see on mobile games like AdVenture Capitalist. Gameplay involves you going into a dungeon to farm items for selling in your shop, for the primary purpose of upgrading your equipment, in order to equip you for bosses and new dungeons. This is the formula of Moonlighter's core gameplay, and it repeats for a total of 4 dungeons.
Moonlighter's gameplay may thrive on repetition, but like Clickers, the game does a great job on keeping you hooked with the various shop and equipment upgrades. It may sound dull, but even AdVenture Capitalist is rated positively on Steam.

That said, there are certainly a couple of things that suck. Namely, the combat and bugs.

Combat is just simply... uninspired. You have 4 different types of weapons and their attack animations are as generic as can be. Slow slashes with a big sword, simple jabs with a spear, quick attacks with gloves, The new weapons you get are basically just re-skins with better stats. You don't get additional attack combos or special abilities at all... Fortunately, the enemies you face are diverse, which provides a little mix up to what would otherwise be terrible combat.

Story-wise, well, I kinda wished the devs didn't bother trying to come up with a plot. If you're into that sort of thing, I'd suggest avoiding the lore aspects of the game lest you suffer disappointment. It's like the devs tried coming up with a story, but gave up halfway. The ending was simply as random and nonsensical as can be.
Also, the game is named after your shop in the game. And that's it. It's just a random name with no significance.

And then the bugs... This game has been out for 2 years, so it's pretty clear that the devs have no interest in fixing the glaring bugs in the game. Luckily for me, I encountered few game-breaking bugs that severely affected gameplay. Most of the bugs I encountered were just mildly annoying, from the highly prevalent blinking highlighted spaces in your backpack that's simply a visual annoyance, to my character getting stuck in portals, and the game crashing when trying to exit.

[b]Addictive gameplay, but not without its flaws. Buy only while on sale. 7/10
77 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1013 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.20 14:10
Really fun game that very relaxing yet intense at some moments. Would recommend.
244 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
5558 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.20 02:32
Excellent RPG with some rogue-like elements. You keep your progress and items, including crafted and enchanted equipment. You own a store that you can sell your loot from (with a rather fun mini-game). Dungeons are semi-randomly generated and if you die you lose all items stored in your backpack and dungeon is reset. Although the dungeons are rather small, because I am collecting materials for crafting/selling etc, I find myself re-visiting dungeons over and over. The only con I have right now is there is no reason to re-visit the lower level dungeons as most items you need from them can be bought from the traders in town and by that time you have so much money, buying them is no problem.
41 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1571 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.20 02:34
I love how easy it is to get into. 5 minutes turned into 2 hours. The only downside are there are a few bugs here and there. But unplayable is by far an exaggeration.
192 Produkte im Account
74 Reviews
1977 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 04:31
I will defend my tried and true love of collecting assorted dungeon-trash and reselling it at my day job. This game is cute, and you should try it.
21 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 07:29
Though I have only played the game for around 4 hours at this point, I have done my fair share of researching and watching videos about this game. I believe that if you are into solo player games this is for you, I myself played it for a little and found it relaxing to play and watch a show on my second monitor. While the game progresses in difficulty so does your skill so it sort of evens out making it an enjoyable game to play without wanting to smash your keyboard.
1862 Produkte im Account
142 Reviews
1082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.20 11:56
Tentative yes. I couldn't stop playing, but gosh, this game had some problems.

It's almost like playing a really, really good 'clicker' game, in that you turn your brain off and do the same handful of behaviors over and over until hours have passed and you feel like you've made a lot more progress than you really have. The balance is so broken and poorly-designed, and yet I had a lot of fun managing that shop and becoming the town millionaire, completely unable to spend my riches on anything because I owned everything.

Folks disappointed by the writing and the ending aren't kidding, either. You don't need a plot for a store management RPG like this, but don't crash the party at the end with interdimensional aliens chatting away in 1st-draft dudebro speak. Jeesh.
7 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.20 13:25
8 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
886 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.20 16:08
good and fun game, well balanced, AWSOME soundtrack and really well done pixelart! the only downside is that the controlls with keyboard isn't the best, but the controlls for a controller is really good!
399 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
2162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.20 13:00
Is this why I'm not rich yet?

I can't tell what's worth it and what is utter garbage.

11/12 Stonks
239 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.20 08:24
Must Play if you 90s kids
24 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
666 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.20 20:50
The entire time I felt like it's missing substance. The combat is okay, but not really good. The randomization has little to no effect on how you play and adapt. Moving up on dungeon tiers seemed the exact same grind every level. The shopkeeping is kinda satisfying but gets boring quickly.
By no means this is a bad game. But it's not as good as it seems at first glance. At least if you played real roguelites before. But for casual players it might work. It's a breeze.
40 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1555 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.20 05:44
I really love the music and controls in Moonlighter. I will admit it took me a little bit of time to get used to them (I have small hands lmfao) but once I got used to it I started to quickly advance in the game. I wish there was a sort of multiplayer where you would be able to trade with your friends instead of that other Merchant who sells stuff for an INSANE amount of coins >:(
Anyway, I love this game and it quickly became one of my favorites :)
I would easily recommend this game to anyone who enjoys dungeon crawlers and the RP aspect of games.
75 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
924 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 09:29
A short but splendid game.
At first made the impression that it needed some grinding which however didn't turn out to be true. The dungeons do get somewhat repetitive if u entered them the 3rd time and onward. It didn't bother me too much tho since you can easily clear the game in under 10h and the gameplay isn't only dungeon diving (u gotta run that shop and all).
The artstyle is refreshing and immersive. Haven't played the game since the update but if they did make the looting a bit less monotonous you should have an even greater time!
155 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
407 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 07:11
you play the first dungeon once and you played the whole game
25 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
434 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 06:04
Pretty uninspiring combat. The attack animations of the enemies don't allow you to predict well, there's very little telegraphing. Once you know what an enemy does, you can always handle it. It feels like a fleshed out flash game. The shop idea is pretty cool, but it gets stale and repetitive incredibly quickly.

The UI gets old pretty quick, and for a game that's been out for a while, it's pretty buggy. For example, I got stuck in walls, I got stuck in between a chest and a portal (making me lose 6000), and the game crashed once.

The gameplay upgrades are pretty lacklustre. You just upgrade and enchant the weapons you have. That's it. No unlockable skills, no new mechanics, nothing changes except the damage you deal.

As for the village, there's bupkis interaction. It feels dead. You can walk through it and there's nothing to do.

Once you kill bosses, you can't kill them again. On top of that, I found the boss designs and attacks to be pretty flash-game-esque. The art style is beautiful, and for a while it tricks you into thinking that it's a solid game...but it's not. It's just OK. Is it worth 10 bucks? Yeah, I guess. Is it worth full price? Absolutely not.
110 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1089 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.20 15:12
This is one of those games that will be more enjoyable if you use some cheats here and there. Also look up price tables on the internet so that you don't need to spend dozens of hours laboriously figuring out prices.
42 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.20 00:15
This game was fun from start to finish. With the small hints of lore from behind the scenes, I had a great time piecing together the story as I went along. The combat was incredibly intuitive and fun as well with lots of enemies to fight and lots of gear to create and sell. The soundtrack kept me humming along the whole way through and playing it as I went about my day. I would highly recommend this game for people who like dungeon crawler games as well as for people who like the more quiet side of adventure titles.
248 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.20 08:57
I waited patiently for almost a year for them to patch this game so that it is playable, but there are still bugs that make it unplayable. The menu breaks so you can't navigate out of it, the inventory is bugged so that items don't stack correctly sometimes, and I'm sure there's more but 3 hours in and several restarts later I'm done... I really wanted to like this game, and now I look like a fool buying it for the switch too. The bugs on that version are even worse! Crashes constantly, get stuck in walls, inventory items don't stack, items in chest get overwritten by new items... it's ridiculous that they released dlc for it without even fixing the core game.
710 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
846 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.20 02:28
Great game, super fun concept.

The later levels are a bit easy because you can just make SO much money you can buy all the upgrades. Or maybe I am just greedy.

Not very long.
38 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
882 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.20 16:22
Very fun game :D A good balance between dungeons and selling things in your store that make you want to never stop playing
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Release:29.05.2018 Genre:keine Infos Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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