News Liste Mimicry

November Progress Update
08.12.23 22:37 Community Announcements

Hello fellow mimics!

This is our first devlog for Mimicry, coming out just as the month of November has come to a close. As the first blog discussing the game's future said, this next major update will be focused on the combat system of the game. That isn't the whole scope of what the update will be, but it is the core identity of it and largely what we'll focus on in this progress update. With all of that out of the way, let's get into it.

We've spent the past month and a bit doing a lot of planning work for the future of the game. We don't want to spoil everything that's in the works, but right now here are a few mechanics we can confidently share with you after developing the ideas. Let's start with the most exciting feature to us: mimicry.

- Mimicry -

In the past couple versions of the game, we found ourselves not very satisfied with the identity of the game, and iconography of the characters. We were happier after the Floor 2 & 3 Update, but it still didn't feel right. So we took a step back and thought about what it was that made a mimic. There is of course luring people to loot and eating them, both things we want to expand on and improve, but that wasn't quite it. And then it hit us, mimics, well, mimic.

Mimicry, the idea, which is not to be confused with the game Mimicry that it is a part of (it's probably too late for that), is a new type of energy that will let players use themselves as weapons by either imitating attacks they've seen from other enemies, or reshape their bodies into new ways to eliminate intruders.

Where previously it only took finding items, now for a player to use human weapon attacks they must be done through imitation. It's not a hard definition, but attacks using mimicry will generally be the most powerful attacks the player will have access to.

It's not quite that simple of course, as mimicry is a finite resource and the player starts out with very little. More mimicry can be found by exploring key points of the dungeon and through progression milestones. We want mimicry abilities to be something that are costly to the player but simultaneously enticing and rewarding.

It's going to be a fun challenge implementing this new system, and we look forward to working with all of you to make it as enjoyable as it can be. And yes, there is a new material that will be added called tonguesten, but more on that at another time. The player's mimicry attacks can be upgraded by such a material and through skill progression, which of course would be done in the skill tree.

- Skill Tree -

Buying player levels from merchants was never where we wanted the game to stay, but we've thought for a while and decided that levels in general may no longer be necessary. The player will collect experience through playing Mimicry (the game, not the resource), much as they would in any other game. Experience acts as a sort of currency which players can use to upgrade themselves and unlock new abilities and attacks.

There will be more information to come about the skill tree but that will come later with other exciting news. For now, the most important facts about it are that it will be how players unlock their new special abilities and attacks.

- Special Abilities -

In Mimicry, the player will start out with very basic attacks and abilities, including their bite and basic tongue attack. Playing through the game will unlock new options for attacks and abilities in the skill tree, creating different playstyles for players depending on how they want to approach the game.

We really wanted special attacks to be the bread and butter of what makes up how a player actually plays through the game. They are truly what personalizes the gameplay experience for each player. Special abilities and attacks will be based on the class that the player selects, but we wanted that to be a general direction with a lot of room for customization by the player. If you can't have a diverse playstyle in a game where you play as a sentient shapeshifting chest, then we clearly would have missed the opportunity.

Special abilities won't just be for combat, but give the player new options for moving throughout the dungeon, stealth, and interacting with other NPCs in the game. A lot of these characteristics will start out determined by the player's class, but again will be able to be changed to fit the desired playstyle. The player classes are something we want to go into more in the following progress update, so make sure to stay tuned for that.

- See You Next Time! -

That's all we want to share for now on this past month of development, and we look forward to sharing more in future devlogs. That being said, we also want to look back, as not long after this time last year we made the initial announcement of Mimicry. Since then the game has come a long way and that wouldn't have happened without the help of you, all the players of the game.

Mimicry is far from a perfect game, but when we look at 0.1 compared to 0.2 we really are excited about improvements to the game. The next update won't make the game perfect either, but it's our hope to do what we can and work with our growing community to make the game as good as it can be, and at the very least make it something anyone can pick up and have a good time, maybe with a couple laughs.

As winter takes Root, we wish everyone a happy holiday season. Take this time to enjoy the company of your loved ones in whatever form that takes, and we look forward to seeing you all in the new year.

-Noah & Grayson