News Liste Mimicry

Minor Update - 0.2.2
27.11.23 22:12 Community Announcements
Fixing more bugs, as well as adding some necessary features and changes to streamline gameplay.

New Features

  • Fire pots can now be interacted with to save the game.
  • Added an objective tracker to the lower-left corner of the GUI.
  • Added a counter when picking up gold coins.


  • The levers in the spike trap behind Furter’s shop will now be highlighted during the segment. Additionally, the helper now gives you more information about the trap.
  • Decreased spike trap sequence speed.
  • Increased damage from The Revenant’s slam attack.
  • Helper now gives the player more information about where to save the game.
  • Furter now tells the player more about skeletons before sending them into the crypt on Floor 2.
  • Skeletons will now respawn in the crypts after 10 minutes rather than 5.
  • Skeletons will now remove the player as their target if the player leaves the crypt.
  • Humans will now spawn less frequently at campsites.
  • Pressure plate traps now have a delay before activating.
  • Enemies no longer have a chance to reset their attack cooldown when hit.
  • Updated various dialogue interactions.
  • Fixed various typos.
  • Various texture changes.

Bug Fixes

  • #32 The Revenant doesn’t wake up on entering the room.
  • #49 Being killed by a Revenant skeleton minion freezes the game during revenant channel.
  • #52 Weapons sometimes load from saves with 0 damage and cannot be clicked on.
  • #35 Player is always stuck in combat.
  • #60 Unable to consume enemies when more than one are nearby.
  • #42 Save 3 can’t be loaded.
  • #46 Enemies drop their loot table twice on death.
  • #53 Large items can be deleted when moved in storage chests.
  • #62 Size 3 items don’t work in the inventories.
  • #59 Tongue attack and consuming enemies did not increase suspicion.
  • #41 Skeletons can hit the player even when far away.
  • #47 Enemies are immune to dart traps.
  • #48 Humans spawn at the stairwell campsite on Floor 2 after the floor has been fully cleared.
  • #58 Skeletons spawn in the crypts immediately when the player loads a save in the crypts.
  • #50 Rusted door key doesn’t work.
  • #51 Picking up items won’t stack if the inventory has no open slots.
  • #55 Using special attacks then entering the inventory allows the player to move.
  • #40 Potion effects don’t go away on death.
  • #61 Furter spike introduction text still there if saving before entering spike room.
  • #44 The Revenant can begin channeling while making an attack.
  • #36 Save icon persists if the pause menu is closed while saving.
  • #31 Player’s name in the inventory name is “Abcdefgh.”
  • #54 Items of the same size cannot be swapped between identical inventory and chest slots.
  • #45 When status effects end, the remaining effect labels don’t fill in the gaps.
  • #43 Loading the game in the crypts doesn’t play the correct music.
  • #33 Cursor changes to target cursor when in an inventory.
  • #56 Special attack and death animation offset.

Have a happy end of the fall season, and beginning of winter.

-Noah & Grayson