As you’ve probably noticed, Machinarium for both Windows and Mac received several updates over the past few weeks, with the last one dropping just a few minutes ago. On both systems, we’ve made several tweaks in regards to controller support and behavior, so you should now have an easier time playing Machinarium using more types of controllers.
The new Mac update (enabling the Apple Metal API) also ensures compatibility with the most recent macOS devices and operating system versions. If you’re on an older Mac machine (manufactured before 2012 and/or running macOS 10.11 or older) and are having trouble running the latest version, please right-click on Machinarium in your Steam Library, select Properties > Betas and select the „legacy“ branch to download a version compatible with older Mac devices.
On a side note, we've recently uploaded our soundtracks on YouTube and put them together into one convenient playlist. That, of course, includes Machinarium ːjosefː ːbertaː