Some of you may have noticed that we’ve been quiet lately regarding an exact release date. That is because, unfortunately, we have decided to delay the release of Lunacy: Saint Rhodes.
The reason for that is simple: we don’t feel like the current state of the game lives up to our expectations. We’ve decided to spend more time on a number of aspects of the game, such as monster design, story, lighting, and shaders. We believe this will ultimately make for a better Lunacy.
Below are some examples of what we’ve been working on.

We apologize to those of you who were looking forward to playing Lunacy this holiday season, but trust that the result will be worth the added wait.
It’s back to the grindstone for us now! As for a new release date -- we won’t make the same mistake again, so we’ll revert to “when it’s done™” until further notice.
- The Lunacy team.