A new update is ready for you to download and with it a couple of new features are coming to Pinegrove. What have we added to Lumberjack’s Dynasty this time? Read the text below and find out!
For a true lumberjack, there is no such thing as too many machines. Working with these shiny steel monsters is not only fun, but it makes work a lot easier too. So we decided to expand your collection with three brand-new mechanical workhorses:
Formica Flavius Forwarder - this beast will make your life a lot easier. You will find it in the western vehicle store.
Formica Flavius Forwarder, soon you will not be able to imagine working without it.
Formica Flavius Timberjack - a brand new beauty for your collection. Visit the western vehicle store and buy it.
Formica Flavius Lumberjack, will you add it to your squad?
Lebrino 7 - looking for a new tractor? Maybe the Lebrino 7 is just what you’re after.
The Lebrino 7, the culmination of every tractor dream combined.
These mechanical gems are just one part of this update. We have also added several changes and fixes too. Let’s get to know them a little bit better.
- Hungry for more territory? We’ve got your back! Fulfil the Dirty Matters quest and buy yourself the far north-eastern forest. Is there something more enjoyable than growing your own business?
- Show off your mechanical skills to your neighbours by painting all your old vehicles. Just make sure you have the necessary skill level.
- Forget about two plants planted in the same spot in your greenhous after reloading your previous save. It is fixed now.
- Good news for Mary’s family - we fixed a specific save bug that made her forgetful.
- Say no more over-the-high stumps for the Stump Grinder to reach. This machine has gone through an upgrade and now no stump will stand in its way.
- After completing the task from James his truck will be towed back to it’s default place.
So go ahead, grab the new update, and enjoy your time in Pinegrove! And see below for the full changelog.
See you in Pinegrove!
Your Lumberjack’s Dynasty Team
Ver 1.04.0
- The far north-eastern forest could not be purchased as it is required in the Dirty Matters quest. It can be acquired after the quest is completed.
- Ensured that all the old vehicles are renewable/paintable. The specific skill (Mechanic) is required, however.
- Fixed a bug of wrong greenhouse planter indexing after reloading saves (planters were effectively doubled in a location).
- Fixed the formatting of several vehicle info display elements in different resolutions.
- In the John & Mary quest it was possible to save the game in a way Mary lost her mind and forgot she was waiting for the player's agreement. This is now fixed.
- The stump grinder is now lifted slightly higher; a few stumps were too tall to prevent it from working properly.
- If the player left James' truck finishing James' task, the truck could become an obstacle. This is now fixed - the next morning the truck is being towed back to its default place.
- Added a new tractor (Lebrino 7) in the vehicle store by the ski resort.
- Added new, modern, and more affordable timberjack (Formica Flavius Timberjack) in the western vehicle store.
- Added new, modern, and more affordable high-capacity forwarder (Formica Flavius Forwarder) in the western vehicle store.
- Fixed several NPC pathfinding issues, including dog running on the water and dog following the player on the roof.
- Added tools that should fix many smaller and rare pathfinding issues like walking on air (rare), spawning and getting stuck, (rare) walking through obstacles, or through terrain for example.