Hey, Exofarmers!
We’re beyond thrilled to finally release this long-awaited update for you folks to enjoy! This is our biggest content update since launch and our team has been working super hard to make sure it’s packed with fun new features, improvements, and surprises that we hope you'll love!

A massive thank you to everyone who participated in the summer playtest—your feedback was invaluable and played a huge role in shaping this update. We’re definitely planning more playtests in the future, so stay tuned for more chances to be part of the process!
Now, go explore and have fun with all the new features we’ve added. We can't wait to hear what you think!
New features

- You can now invite your intergalactic neighbors, Ulf and Diane, to your planet by building the Lunar Lander Construct!
- Each neighbor has their own story and quests to complete and unique mechanics you’ll discover by interacting with them.
- Grow rare and valuable crops by splicing together multiple seeds into mutated super seeds. Harvest these mutated crops to unlock new decorations or sell them for a hefty penny.
- Diane will teach you everything you need to know about taking care of animals on your farm. Build them a cozy pen, keep them well-fed and hydrated, and don’t forget to give them plenty of pets!
- Help your neighbors get settled in by completing tasks, and even build them a cozy homestead to continue their research on your beautiful planet.
New Neighbor System

- Two new animals now roam the frontier - the mystical Crystalhoof, and the playful Mox.
- You can now find Abandoned Eggs scattered around the restored biomes. Bring them back to your farm and hatch them in the Egg Incubator!
- Change the lenses in the Incubator to boost your chances of hatching twin animals or rare versions.
- Keep an eye on your animals’ needs using the Animals Overview.
- Happy, well-cared-for animals will drop special resources that unlock new crafting recipes.
- Plus, you can dress up your animals with fun accessories like hats and sunglasses using the new Animal Accessory Studio!
- 19 new achievements have been added
- Lawnmower upgrade can be found in the Mech upgrade depot
- New crafting recipes, constructs and decorations for you to personalize your farm even further!
- New and improved grass render for a more smoother and vibrant frontier farming experience
New Animals and Animal Care System

New Features and Enhancements:

Q: Can I continue on my previous save file?
A: Save files are not affected by this update so you’ll be able to jump right in where you left off!
Q: How do I access this content?
A: Contents of the Neighbors and Animals Update can be accessed a few hours into the game if you start with a fresh save file or if you are a new exofarmer playing for the first time. If you want to continue from a previous file, one of the neighbors are accessed by [spoiler] gathering copper and waiting until the next day (Ulf) [/spoiler] and the other one by [spoiler] gathering an abandoned egg in any restored region except for Meadows & Pine Heights. You must restore at least 3 regions prior (Diane) [/spoiler].
Patch Notes
Ver. 0.3.913
- The capacity of the fertiliser tank now matches the water tank, including when upgraded
- Temporarily removed requests from the radio tower and the quest board construct [list]
- We’re reworking the radio tower and request system. In the meantime the tower will be offline
Bug fixes
- Would love to hear player feedback on if this has solved your previous issues or if they still persist
- This issue was responsible for things sometimes not being breakable for clients
Happy farming, folks!