WINGS Sale and International Women’s Day

We are just delighted to let y’all know that we’re right smack in the middle of the Women’s Day Sale, wrapping up on March 10th. This sale’s got a wide spread of games, demos, and discounts, all brought to you by teams led by women and other gender-marginalized developers. With that said, Happy International Women’s Day y’all!
Dino vs Robots Fest: Community Photo Contest
Kickin’ off the Dino vs Robots Fest, we threw a fun Photo Challenge over on our Discord where we dared you folks to snap the downright most epic, legendary, history-in-the-making snapshot of your trusty ol’ mech in the Lightyear Frontier demo.

Created by dorikic

Created by ryzzaau

Created by magostitania

Created by altruemi
A big ol' congrats to our winners, and a heartfelt thanks to all y'all who jumped in on the fun! Picking the winners was tougher than a three-day rain, because each and every one of y'all sent in some mighty fine shots. Keep them peepers peeled for more community events happening over on our Discord!

Hold onto your hats, folks! Next week, we’ll be sharing some more posts and spilling the beans on all the latest news about the release. Don’t stray too far – there’s more excitement coming your way!
Follow our social pages for the latest on Lightyear Frontier: