Hone your skills in our fast FBI training simulation, where a variety of weapons including dual handguns, throwing knives and ninja stars are at your disposal! Inspired by classic arcade shooters and enhanced with immersive VR technology, Lethal VR brings a brand new experience to the familiar arcade shooter style genre.
Built from the ground up for the HTC Vive, and with over 30 training missions to complete and master, Lethal VR is a true 360 room-scale weapons training experience.
Don’t forget to check out the forums, we want your first impressions and obviously your high scores too! Got a favourite weapon? Let us know in the discussions!
Also while you’re chasing the high scores you can try and collect the full set of trading cards!
There will be a 20% launch discount so you can get training for less!
Enjoy yourselves recruits, and good luck!