Season 7: Celadorian New Year arrives on December 14th! This upcoming season will take place throughout the Misty Caverns within the Southern Rim region and will feature a variety of new dynamic spawn events for players to engage with. This season will run for a full 60 days, and will give everyone an opportunity to earn the new PVE Masquerade mask, and the new Demon PVP mask.
New Dynamic Spawns
With the arrival of the new year, a fresh wave of foes begins to stake their claim across the lands of Celador. Within the Misty Caverns, players will be tasked with fighting back the growing golem resistance. Throughout the rest of the world, players will earn credit for killing creatures and bosses at dynamic spawn events.

Chaos Zone
This Season’s Chaos Zone will be located in The Misty Caverns.

New Monthly Rewards
This Season’s rewards will feature two new masks for players to earn for their new year’s celebrations. For the PVE reward, players can earn the new Masquerade mask.

For the PVP reward, players can earn the new Demon mask.

What Are Seasons?
New to Legends of Aria? Seasons deliver fresh monthly content and rewards that can be accessed by opening the sundial icon on the menu bar. By completing PVE and PVP challenges, you can earn up to three tiers of PVE and PVP rewards with each new monthly Season.
Overall, Seasons are designed to reward players for participating in all aspects of the game regardless of their chosen play style. It also allows our team to test new game mechanics and provide consistent content to our players. We’re excited to continue sharing these new experiences every month, and hope you enjoy Season 6, available on October 12th!
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