Legends of Aria
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Über das Spiel

Explore a true open world without limitation. Build, explore and adventure with thousands of players in a living breathing world defined by you.
Skill Based World
Legends of Aria returns to a true skill based system. Build your character your way, be you a crafter, adventurer, merchant or humble fisherman. Hone your skills through use and play your way with a choice of over 30 unique skills.
Return to a True Sandbox
Legends of Aria is inspired by the original sandbox MMORPGs. Experience a world that does not hold your hand. A world driven by you and shaped by our community. A world of dangers, where friendships, enemies made and your actions written into legend.
Community Servers and Modding
The first MMORPG to fully support player run servers. Legends of Aria is designed to be modded from top to bottom including custom gameplay rules, custom content and even entirely custom created worlds.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Core i3 2 series or higher
- GFX: DirectX 11 Compatible NVIDIA 960 / AMD 560
- Software: Windows 7 or newer
- HD: 12 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Core i5 3 series or better
- GFX: DirectX 11 Compatible NVIDIA 960 / AMD 560
- RAM: 16 GB RAM
- Software: Windows 7 64 bit or newer
- HD: 12 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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58 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.20 22:01
Ich versuchs mal: Tatsächlich fängt es schon damit an, dass das Spiel wenig Auswahl lässt, wenn man seinen Charakter erstellt. Die Grafik ist dabei auch so, dass man das Gefühl hat, als würde man ein Spiel von 2000 spielen und kein early access-Spiel aus 2020. Gut, darüber könnte man ja noch hinwegsehen, wenn das Spiel entsprechend gut ist.
Also rein ins Vergnü....äh, ja ins Spiel. Von Vergnügen kann leider keine Rede sein. Das Spiel versucht zwar, sporadisch etwas zu erklären, aber so richtig klar wird einem nicht, wie das ganze denn funktioniert. Die Steuerung ist ums kurz zu sagen grottig und die Mechaniken dabei könnten einem Spiel von 1990 entsprungen sein. Man öffnet eine Tür, in dem man rechtsklickt, dann erscheint ein Minifenster an der Maus, bei dem man auf öffnen klicken muss. Aber Vorsicht, klickst du nur einen Zentimeter daneben (entsprechend klein ist das Feld ja), kannst du das ganze nochmal von vorn anfangen. So entwickelt sich schon etwas so rudimentäres wie Türen öffnen zu einem enervierenden Drahtseilakt. Tja, was noch. Man läuft mit rechtem Mausklick auf den Boden, was dem ganzen nur noch mehr Behäbigkeit beschert. Andere Spiele machen das auch, aber da stört es nicht so wie hier. Wenn man dann versucht irgendwo hinzu kommen, behindern einen über all unsichtbare Wände. Man kann zum Beispiel theoretisch von beiden Seiten um ein Haus gehen, um es zu betreten. Praktisch geht es nicht, weil, ja warum nicht, keine Ahnung. Das Spiel will dann lieber, dass ich nochmal komplett außen rum gehe. Auch die Karte ist mehr als grottig, man erkennt kaum etwas und muss sich am Anfang erstmal erschließen, welches Symbol was bedeuten könnte. Auch hier: ginge das nicht besser, übersichtlicher, sichtbarer?
Beim erstellen einer Klasse wählt man zwischen ein paar wenigen Klassen aus, um dann im Spiel selbst in einem Buch nochmals eine Auswahl zu Ausbildungen zu bekommen, die teilweise wie Klassen (Mage) und teilweise wie Berufe (Fisher) klingen. Erklärt wird hierzu aber nichts und es gibt auch keine Beschreibungen, denen man entnehmen könnte, was es damit auf sich hat. Also einfach mal das naheliegende als Magierklasse genommen und Mage gewählt.
Dann erledigt man mit Müh und Not die ersten Q zu seinem Magierlehrer zu gehen, welcher einen dann nach kurzem hin und her zu einem Heilertypen schickt. Für diesen eine Bandage besorgt und benutzt, ohne zu wissen, welcher der Tausend Händler diese haben könnte, tja und dann? Keine neue Quest, keine Quests auf der Map. Also nach einigem überlegen und umschauen nochmal auf gut Glück zum Magierlehrer. Aha, wenn man diesen nochmal anspricht, gibt er eine neue Quest. Hätte man ja mal drauf kommen können, so völlig ohne Hinweis oder Folgequest. Im Zuge der Folgequest einfach mal sinnlos Menschen angeklickt – aha der Typ hier hat ja 3 Quests – hätte er einem ja auch mal sagen können. Auch hier kein ! oder ähnlich gewohntes, dass einem hätte zeigen können, dass er ein Questgeber ist. Mir scheint, in dem Spiel muss man sich vieles erraten – na Danke.
Das Kämpfen ist dabei aber noch der Oberknaller. Als Magier klickt man einen Gegner an, klickt auf den Zauber und muss dann erneut auf den Gegner klicken, um einmal einen Zauber zu casten, ist das zu glauben?...apropos casten... Loot einfach so aufzuheben wäre zu einfach – nein man hat einen Castbalken für das aufheben jeglichen Loots. Ja, wieso auch nicht. Zeit ist ja schließlich Geld, im wahrsten Sinne...
Wie man sieht hab ich nun doch noch Worte gefunden, wenn auch etwas chaotisch anmutend. Aber chaotisch, unübersichtlich und unhandlich ist ja nun auch das ganze Spiel – also gern geschehen.
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34592 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.20 22:31
Im Dezember 2019 habe ich eine Pause eingelegt und habe bis jetzt immer regelmäßig reingeschaut um meine Häuser zu refreshen.
Vor kurzem haben sie einige sehr nervige Bugs gefixt ( Monster stuck in wall / Charge Bug / taming bug) und kündigen im gleichen Atemzug ein DLC für 19€ an bei einem Early Accsess Titel.
Das Spiel braucht SPIELER und kein Content denn was bringt mir denn Content wenn kaum noch einer das Spiel spielt ?
Einfach nur lächerlich, mehr fällt mir da nicht ein, als wenn ich jetzt mir das spiel NOCHMAL kaufen muss nur um weiter zu spielen bzw. um mit den anderen mithalten zu können.
Liesst eh keiner den dreck hier.... bla bla bla
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18 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.20 13:58
Leider ein ULTIMAtiver Bug
Ja, es befindet sich noch im Early Access, aber die Bugs sind leider viel zu massiv... Ich habe damals mit Ultima Online angefangen MMORPGs zu spielen und denke oft mit nostalgischer Freude an diese Zeit zurück. Umso mehr hat es mich gefreut ein Spiel, wie dieses hier zu finden.
Es nimmt so viele Aspekte des ursprünglichen Spieles auf, dass ich ganz begeistert bin.
Jedoch ist es meiner Meinung nach aktuell leider alles andere als spielbar.
Alleine die Steuerung, die immer wieder Aussetzer hat, verdirbt einem schon direkt zu Beginn den Spaß am Spiel.
Erst dachte ich, meine Maus gäbe den Geist auf und ich war schon bereit zum nächsten Elektronik Fachhandel zu fahren und mir eine neue zu kaufen.
Jedoch liegt es bedauerlicherweise am Game.
Ich hoffe, dass dieses grundsätzlich sehr schöne Game weiter entwickelt wird und es vielleicht im laufe diesen Jahres wirklich spielbar ist. ich werde es auf jeden Fall im Auge behalten und ihm nicht nur eine weitere Chance geben.
Sollte es wirklich spielbar werden, würde ich natürlich meine Review aktualisieren.
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4437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.19 00:45
Leider haben die Entwickler dieses an sich sehr schöne Spiel in eine Richtung entwickelt, bei der jeder etwas erfahrene MMO Spieler genau weiß, dass es zum Tod des Spiels führen wird.
Ich spreche von PVP überall. Und mit PVP ist das übliche Gang-Bang gemeint. Nicht 1 on 1 sondern das übliche feige 3 oder mehr gegen einen.
Jedes Spiel mit full loot ist genau daran gestorben. Es lässt einfach keinen Raum für die Gelegenheitsspieler und die Spieler, die eben kein PVP mögen. Und die, die PVP lieben, verlieren nach kurzer Zeit das Interesse, weil sie nicht mehr genügend Opfer für ihr feiges Gang Bang finden.
Ich frage mich wirklich, warum man es nicht bei den anfänglichen Gebietsaufteilungen (vor Steam Release) belassen hat. Gebiete für die PVPer und eben auch ein paar Gebiete für die Non-PVPer?
So wie das Spiel im Moment ist, wird es in kurzer Zeit total tot sein. Schade, aber wohl Dank der sehr wankelmütigen Entwickler nicht mehr zu ändern.
Hello everyone.
Unfortunately, the developers have developed this very nice game in a direction in which every experienced MMO player knows that it will lead to the death of the game.
I am talking about PVP everywhere. And with PVP we mean the usual gang bang. Not 1 on 1 but the usual cowardly 3 or more against one.
Every game with full loot died of it. It simply leaves no room for the casual gamers and those who don't like PVP. And those who love PVP quickly lose interest because they no longer find enough victims for their cowardly gang bang.
I really wonder why you didn't just leave it at the initial division (before Steam release). Areas for the PVPers and also a few areas for the non-PVPers?
The way the game is right now, it will be totally dead in a short time. Too bad, but thanks to the very fickle developers not to change.
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19651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 21:22
Avoid this game, it was recently sold to a crypto-block chain company. It's dead and they're pivoting development to integrate cryptocurrency and pay to earn in to it's core loops.
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84 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.21 22:32
Stay away and save your money. It has been sold to a blockchain/crypto company, and they have plans to bring all the usual scammy nonsense you can expect from crypto ponzi schemers that have been on the rise recently.
You will have a much better time playing on an Ultima Online private server for free.
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4659 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 23:14
88748 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 17:26
The community server Shards of Britannia however is a lot of fun and population is great.
They made the map of Ultima Online and it is what legends of aria was supposed to be.
Having so much fun playing this game.
Over 2000hours of gameplay and still lots to go and plenty of builds to try... Necromancing is coming very soon, Gravedigging, Easter and Christmas Events.... so much to do!
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397659 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.21 13:06
In early 2020, with COVID, a bunch of players started playing. The game was the spiritual successor to Ultima Online - isometric view, player housing - not instanced - other players could see your house, and see things you dropped on the ground, you could put items for sale on your vendors at your house and make a shop - so much cooler than auction houses ...active players, PVP and PVE, nice balanced guilds...new players all the time...cool updates every three months with new dungeons and new monsters - great game!...then the devs quit, without saying why or saying that they quit. They clearly stopped loving the game - and this game was a labor of love.
Mommy and Daddy developer abandoned the baby by the side of the road and it cried for awhile...then it got real quiet....
Such a shame. Great game while it lasted.
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352 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.21 08:22
I paid for the top package, and there was NO INFORMATION ON HOW TO USE THE PERKS GIVEN.
So, I wasted the items in the package by accident, because there was no confirmation.
The game is a cash grab, with no real fun.
You are super limited to what skills you can gain. You're either a mage, a warrior, or a crafter. Nothing like UO at all, there is no fun middle ground.
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755 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 10:42
The official servers are on life-support at this point, having seen no players yet... This is such a sad end to an otherwise great attempt at capturing the charm of games like Ultima Online (Lets face it, this is a skinny version of UO, with 3d graphics)
I simply cannot recommend Legends of Aria in its current state. They released a paid DLC before they even finished or fixed the bugs of the base game. To me thats a sign of poor management or extreme greed... one doesnt rule out the other, sadly.
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5109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 11:45
Pvp trolls can and will kill you, while you are standing in your home, even though they can't loot the body afterwards.
Why is this a mechanic of the game? Do you want to enable players to pointlessly harrass others?
Is this mod designe for PVP kiddies/trolls? I'm too old for this sh*t..
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44549 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 09:31
TLDR : Play legends of ultima community server.
3869 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 18:47
The community server Legends of Ultima however is alot of fun and population is great.
They made the map of Ultima Online and it is what legends of aria was supposed to be.
Having so much fun playing this game.
7388 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 22:49
100023 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 21:48
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7605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.21 11:31
Point system is too limited for you to play effectively, and no idea at all on what mobs are what levels, and some mobs that are your level are immune to your attacks. Enchanting can only be done on created items, and tedious with bags the way they are, The daytime seems half as long as nighttime, torch goes out randomly, no clue how to light it again. Cannot ask for help in game, no players on most of the time, and no answers with ingame help.
I honestly love what you can do in the game, but it needs A LOT of work.
13402 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 22:07
Fact is.. most unity games are bad, cause the engine cant handle much players and the fps goes down.
They made a good decision to limit the distance view.
It´s a good game compared to Sota, they fk*d up.
Update 2021/04/26:
Buy a Citizen's Pass and play on community servers.
If you like PVE play on https://www.hopesocietyloa.com/
23956 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 12:05
The game looks nice and you can tell after a couple of hours that alot of time and consideration was put into details. Im enjoying myself and the server transfer allow for some people to play with if you want that otherwise, its fine e to solo play and easily become immersed in the games old school mmo style.
*Graphics are easy on the eyes
*Alot of skill exploration
*Large areas to explore
Good interaction trays and macro commands
*Hard to start the game from Steam, sometimes taking 4-5 times before the error waiting for game stops.
*Walking and running takes time to get used to and makes game feel slower until you get a mount
*Lack of a positive community
*difficult learning curve even if you played ultima online. Can be frustrating if you aren't patient
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654 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.21 04:37
What we found out is at the same time Citadel Studios were also starting to create a new game which was puzzling considering the unfinished state of LoA. Since the exit of early release the interactions and communications from the devs started to dry up, the Twitch streams where the devs discussed upcoming changes stopped. We were told PR11 would be released with new changes in November, then December and only after constant spamming in Discord was an update posted citing delays due to COVID.
As of November 2020 the community manager left (this was confirmed 2 months later when people realized via the company Linkedin) creating a huge void between the paying customer base and the development team in terms of communication and now only multiple people spamming @ messages in Discord reporting significant bugs gets attention. Any attempts to request updates are ignored but occasionally we are graced with a sarcastic comment from the 'executive producer' which putting these comments together probably would be better spent updating the community.
At this point I cannot determine whether Citadel Studio are focused on this game or 'The End'. Communication is abysmal, resource duping was widespread up until a few months ago so the economy is still in the tank and there are a lot of bugs that aren't being addressed.
At this moment I cannot give this game a positive review or recommend ANYBODY spending money on it due to the sheer incompetence of the leadership and the fact that people paying customers go months without updates and are openly ignored by the Citadel Studios management.
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184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 21:30
Paid $40 for this game in 2019 early access. This game and Star Citizen are the 2 reasons I will never purchase early access again.
24367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 16:19
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660 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 07:05
9770 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 14:06
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9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 23:26
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90656 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 22:11
2611 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.20 19:41
Now Legends of Aria tries to copy Ultima Online, there is no doubt about that and anyone who once played Ultima Online will recognise this without question. The map is different and the names of things have changed here and there but the game, the interface, the experience is all pretty much exact.
I re-created my old Mage Character from UO and started to play LOA in good faith and ive discovered that my characters story arc is pretty much evolving as it did like before in UO and a lot of the tricks and tactics i once learned from UO still apply here in LOA, and so far (i like to think) ive been doing pretty well in LOA.
Ive managed to get my Mage up to journey man skill level (UO players might remember) and ive found some good farming locations for mobs that drop good Reagents to fuel my Mages needs.
I have managed to use my bank as a backup vault for fast recovery should i be killed and lose my possessions and death although it can be an inconvenience, if you plan ahead can be easily mitigated.
Some reviewers here complain about the death mechanics, PvP and the loss of items. But its this sense of risk that always made Ultima online so exciting for me back in the day and LOA has managed to some degree to maintain that edge. When im wandering the woods looking for adventure i do feel like im exposed and need to be careful. This all said, in almost 20 hours of play... ive not once been attacked by another player. But if they did and i got looted. 'Celavi, Celador'.
(Some of my best game play experiences in UO (which had the same death mechanics as LOA), came when i outsmarted PvP players and murderers, excitement comes from small victories)
Now, at this moment the games player population is not great and according to steam stats this game has an average of 150 players per day split across multiple servers and that is disconcerting to me as someone who may eventually invest in the citizens pass. I play on the EU server and to be honest i have bumped into a number of players in world, the main town is pretty much busy although not wall to wall like in the hay days of UO, and when out in the wilderness i have encountered several players and teamed up with a few. But i have noticed that of the various towns in game that i have visited (except for the capital) they all seem to be very quiet.
There is a community server that is recreating the Ultima Online world of Britannia with its complete map and rule sets.... and it is this that interests me the most about this game. I would love to play UO again and to be honest this fact alone should be the main driving force behind this games success. Ultima Online players of old should be this games core player demographic and the Devs should recognise this first before they branch out and try to court new players to this style of MMO.
Im pretty sure that the backers of LOA over the years are mostly old UO players and from what ive read online have been somewhat disenfranchised by the Devs.
It should be 'Base comes first, new players eventually'.
Now this UO remake which first attracted me to this game LOA is unfortunately hidden behind a pay wall, the 'citizen pass' which for me is about £15, and i am having difficulty justifying that cost with the noticeably low community numbers this game now apparently has and im forced to wonder how much longer this game will last given these bad engagement numbers.
I think the Devs should give the UO remake server front end exposure within the free play client to get the old UO base back on board (myself included for example), then once re-invested the population numbers might stabilize. I personally would be more likely to invest further within this game if that happened and no doubt would buy the Citizen Pass as i would be invested by then in the UO server.
In a nutshell.
Good Ultima Online remake (clone). If you loved UO then you must play this. Its free and there is plenty to do within the free-play experience to at least be worth giving this game a shot. Population is low but i did meet other players and the world did to some extent seem alive with activity.
The bad player numbers for me are a major concern and honestly put me off when considering the Citizen pass. I will play some more and see how it goes.
If you are a UO player of old... Play this game. You have nothing to lose by trying.
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1041 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 13:49
I use to love UO, I played from 1998 until 2003 when SWG came out. The first time I was PKed the guy rezzed me, said to me I dont have much stuff. He asked if I was new and I told him I only been playing for a week. Then he took and showed me how to play the game. This was on the server Great Lakes before I took a break and came back on Catskills. The difference between UO and LoA is that in UO a lot of times PKers protected friends and didnt just make everyone their food. My 2 friends were very well known on Catskills as PKers, Pathos and Wrexsoul. I did Champ spawns with them and they would never attack me and would always help me if I was attacked.
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1100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 14:45
Jumped by a pair of PVP (players) not even a chance to run or a warning, just dead and all possessions looted.
As much as I try and like the game, just NO.
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34429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 23:36
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140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 17:18
Here is a review video I made over a year ago during the one month head start: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LY1wBpRp2Zo
The one month head start was given to the existing playerbase as a consolation prize for almost a year of the lead dev telling us that the server that we were playing on was not going to be wiped. That our skills, items, progress, and everything we had in the world was going to stay when the game went live. We found out during a live stream, that has since been deleted from YouTube by Citadel studios, that they were going to wipe all of our progress. This was not met with praise from the playerbase. We even asked for options like: 1) Wipe the world, leave our characters and banks intact. 2) Wipe the world, our inventories, banks, and equipped items, and leave our character's skills intact. 3) Wipe everything, but give us a skill ball for one character to compensate the hours and hours many of us spent building several characters. We were met with 4) You get a one month head start on Steam. I left the game at this point as no progress was going to be saved until after the official launch. I value my time more than just to be a free play tester for a company that obviously doesn't care what their playerbase thinks.
During the one month head start, when the footage in the video linked above was taken, there were still several massive issues. One of these issues happened to my partner, and myself a day or two later. She dropped a bag of gold, the ingame currency, into her bank, and it disappeared. Vanished without a trace. Asking my guild members, this was not something that was common, but it was known throughout the playerbase to happen. I submitted a support request on her behalf, from her account, and was told that they couldn't recreate the bug and that the issue was closed. This caused my partner to quit playing the game as she lost all of the wealth she had managed to accrue in the game in an instant to a bug that was not even acknowledge by the devs. After experiencing this myself, I submitted another ticket, and was met with the same response. It was obvious that they knew it existed and were not interested in fixing it.
Shortly before Steam launch came the cash shop, which from the absolute beginnings of the game when it was known as Shards Online, we were told would absolutely NOT be in any way shape or form, pay-to-win. One of the first items listed was an xp/power potion that gave you increased skill gain for an hour after consuming it. This was the point that I left the game again.
My issues with the dev's choices aside, the game itself had glaring issues that continued after the Steam launch. PvP was very one sided and usually consisted of large groups of players running around ganking, and a lot of griefing, as you see an example of both in the beginning of my video. Bugs like the disappearing items from your bank. Tricks that players would use to gain skills more rapidly than others. Character progression locked behind RNG stacked on top of RNG, and all the while you're at risk of getting killed and losing that character progression before you can apply it to your character. This was in the form of skill books that would be randomly assigned to your inventory if you did enough damage to a boss/mob in the game and would drop to the ground on death. You could purchase these from other players; but the economy got inflated so quickly because of a gold dupe, there were only a few skills books that were really desirable due to how OP they were, and how rare the drops were, it was impractical to do so.
Citadel Studios made a good game with Shards Online, they ran out of money and had to pull in outside investors. They lied to us the whole way about it calling them consultants, and turned what could have been an amazing game into a cash grab. I had such high hopes for this game when it first released. I'm still disappointed by how quickly this game tanked due to some poor decisions.
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2776 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.20 05:32
If they ever release private servers like they said, maybe I'll give it another shot.
5801 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 08:49
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856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 17:38
Wife and I downloaded this game i can play with no issues she locked up and cant get back in emailed Citadel they sent a standard make sure your files up to date and then patch. make sure no damaged files to recheck them we did no luck.. SO.... we downloaded the game directly from Citadel and she has same problem from their launcher too .. sent another cant log in email got EXACTLY THE SAME DANG AUTOMATED REPLY. check files and patch and make sure they are up to date. I dont think they have a live support. Asked for more help that was Mon July 13 still waiting for help....... so if you want to play updated UO with no support go for it.
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14206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.20 07:23
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700 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 13:56
by experienced players who are invisible/stealthed.
Happened a couple times so tried to restart with new name but character was still too new to delete.
Try Eldevin great old school crafting like Ultimaonline - pvp only in certain defined areas.
Many CTD - sick of all that.
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525 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 11:42
I played till my young status was up. Then I went to do a power hour in the near by grave yard still about 50 or 60 in all my skills. 5 min in the first blue lord player that runs past me smokes me takes my bandies, my only weapon, my dookie leathers and kills my mount. At this rate of loose my estimate is I'll be 100% broke with no gear in 3 more deaths. 3 deaths most likely will be after 15 minutes. Why even play and I loved UO. With out some kind of honor system among the community you are never getting new players, cause old UO vets know how much is needed to even have a chance in pvp. Picking on the new guys might not be in the communities best interest. It's not pvp if one party has ZERO chance.
If you have no job and are intent on wasting your life you may enjoy this experience with the community the way it is. I would implore you not to waste that life again.
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820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.20 01:09
Companies like this are pushing me more and more to stop buying into games in early access. Again and again, the initial people who supported the game get thrown aside for the whales who are fine with spending incrementally more and more money. It happened with Legends of Aria, it happened with Wolcen, and it will continue to happen until people take a stand and stop funding unfinished games. Early access culture is ruining the gaming industry. Too often a game starts out with a promising future. People invest in the games future and get thrown aside unless they buy new content that should either be included in the base game (since its not even finished yet) or not even made.
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20 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.20 01:25
6946 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 18:27
135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.20 22:09
First review I've ever done btw... That within itself should say something.
Nicht Empfohlen
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.20 08:18
Nicht Empfohlen
29 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.20 18:01
This now plays as a very poorly visual MMO with very little uniqueness and what uniqueness there is, I'm not interested in.
This is one of the reasons why I don't really back computer games anymore through KS. I suspect I'll never buy anything from CSI ever (again?)...
18838 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.20 14:55
Nicht Empfohlen
285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.20 17:22
Nicht Empfohlen
1409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.20 22:32
This is a clear cash grab that I regret investing in. Don't make my mistake.
Nicht Empfohlen
297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.20 20:15
The player ran servers have more development and features on them than the dev servers which is shameful. If a handful of hobbyists can create better/more content than a team being paid to do so, you know the developer does not care about the game.
I'm tired of these companies trying to get away with putting the least amount of effort into a product that they sell. I wouldn't be surprised if they add a subscription requirement to access the player servers at some point, as that's the ONLY reason to think about playing this game.
Nicht Empfohlen
54606 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.20 18:49
514 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.20 23:39
Massively Multiplayer Online
Citadel Studios
Vertrieb:keine Infos
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos
Kein Prisoner hat oder wartet auf das Spiel