Did the title catch your eye? That's right, LEAP will have a weekend event this Saturday, called Solider Saturday! Hosted by one of our community members JB_2320, this will truly be a blast. We're offering up some juicy rewards for all who join, tune in for the special instructions below:
Special Instructions
- Saturday (October 28th) event will start at 4pm EST
- Join the server “Devs + Community Jam” to LEAP in!
- This game mode will be a rotation of Stomping Grounds, Control, Asset Assassination, and Team Annihilation played through our various game matches
- Everyone is welcome!
Prizes for Joining
- 2500C// sweet sweet credits to buy yourself some luxury guns, decals, and skins in the Black Market
- A 2x Contract Bonus
- Wing Glinder PV
If you're interested in hosting a community event with us please feel free to reach out. Join the Discord below and let us know you're interested!
That’s all for now folks, feel free to ask any questions and if you’d like to be a part of our community please LEAP on into the Discord by clicking the link below.