JR-EAST has released a video on its official YouTube channel “TRAInBLAZER” in which drivers of the Hachinohe Crew Supervisory Center, who are actually in charge of Hachinohe Line operations, drive the entire Hachinohe Line using the crew training simulator!
The “JR EAST Train Simulator” is based on this crew training simulator.
You can see an actual driver driving the entire line between Hachinohe Station and Kuji Station, which is well-known in the JR EAST Train Simulator Hachinohe Line DLC, with finger pointing and calling!
If you already have the Hachinohe Line DLC, please use it as a reference for driving, and if you do not yet have the Hachinohe Line DLC, please take this opportunity to purchase it and drive it!
▼Click here to purchase the Hachinohe Line DLC.
*Please refrain from inquiring with the driver about actual driving methods and finger pointing, as these may vary depending on driving and vehicle conditions, and may vary from driver to driver.