Welcome to our DevBlog #12. Last time we looked at the Mission Table, which allows you to decide which task to tackle next. In this week's DevBlog, we'll look at other interesting places in the base and how they help you in your preparations for the upcoming expedition.
Let's jump in.

In version 1.0, the player climbed 3 mountains in succession. In the process, he found a wide variety of equipment on his journey. With the mission system, it was clear to us that the old equipment system also needed improvements. The new idea–the playercan think about what is important for his expedition and can choose from different items to take with him on his mission.The player can still find items on his ascent, of course. As the story progresses, the selection increases. This individualization allows for different ascension approaches. However, you can always carry only a certain capacity with you. The whole thing looks like this:

Next, we come to character improvements. Here, too, we chose to go with more customization possibilities. “Active talents” can be unlocked in talent trees. In addition, each character has its own talent tree to promote different play styles even more. The characters also play differently and have more edges and corners. In order to skill abilities, the player needs the new “upgrade points” for the respective character. In addition to the skill tree, passive skills can still be found on the mountain. These help either over a short or a slightly longer period of time, but disappear again after each mission. Here you can see a small preview of the skill tree of the Adventurer:

Last but not least, there are the team upgrades. These are passive effects that work independently of the character being played. There are three types:
- “Event Knowledge” can positively influence the effects of the occurring events.
- “Environment Knowledge” can reduce the negative restrictions caused by weather effects.
- “Terrain Knowledge” can reduce the restrictions caused by negative terrain types.

To keep track of all the different improvement points, there is also the possibility within the base to look up your progress in the different Proficiencies.

Thanks for reading our DevBlog.
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We hope you can overcome the insurmountable in your life. Have a nice day!