News Liste Inferna
???? Equipment Chests for Easier Inventory Management!
Due to the positive feedback regarding Fireland equipment being stored in chests, we are extending this feature to all armor equipment for every level range!
Every armor set is now stored in a chest specific to each class.
This makes inventory management much cleaner, and selling unwanted gear for Gold or Item EXP is now much easier!
Less NPC interaction, more time for the real fun!
⚔️ Weapons will follow soon!
???? Orb of Karmic Synergy
Available at the Alchemist for 1kk Gold.
Extracts 5,000 Karma per use and can be used 50 times.
✨ Orb of Karmic Ascendance
Grants 5,000 Karma upon use.
Can even push you into positive Karma!
???? Karma AFK Changes
No longer possible to gain positive Karma by simply standing AFK in the world.
Negative Karma still regenerates passively per minute until it reaches 0 Karma.
???? Scroll of Bonding I, II, and III
Saomi the Pet Trader now offers pet eggs in exchange for different Scrolls of Bonding!
If you've found your soulmate pet, you can now trade your unused Scrolls of Bonding for another chance at finding another soulmate!
Once you have another one, you can spend Scrolls of Bonding again to allow it to progress further!
???? Pet Selling to Saomi
If you don’t like a pet, you can now sell it to Saomi in exchange for 100x Mystic Item EXP Elixirs.
???? Global Announcement for Egg Hatching
Every 25 eggs hatched will now trigger a global server announcement!
This number may increase in the future, but for now, we’re excited to see who will hatch their 100th egg in Inferna!
???? Flamebreak Compass
Crafted from 1 Red Flamebreak at the Gem Store.
Has 2 uses.
Warning: It may lead you to a Flamebreak where other players are farming!
Use wisely to avoid PvP encounters.
???? Changes
✨ Experience Crystallizer Buff
The extraction limit has been increased from 500,000 EXP → 5,000,000 EXP!
Less clicking, more time for combat and abilities!
???? Bug Fixes
???? Deadland Dungeon Fix
The new Deadland Dungeon upgrade system now properly allows item upgrades without Uppitems, as intended.
The Smith's crafting table has been adjusted to properly combine God's Blessing and Minor God's Blessing with the new Catalyst, which eliminates the need for Uppitems. This magical creation must be used within 15 minutes, or it will disappear as its power fades!
Your feedback is invaluable! Let us know what you think and report any issues.
???? Happy gaming!
The Inferna Team
Massively Multiplayer Online
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