News Liste In Sound Mind

In Sound Mind update 1.06
In Sound Mind
11.10.22 07:21 Community Announcements
Hello fellow Desmonds,

Just two weeks ago, we celebrated 1 year since release of In Sound Mind. We're still here, and we still watch you play, and read your reviews and admire your awesome fanart. Thank you so much, again, for playing and for your support <3

Today we release ISM version 1.06. This update brings an even smoother overall gaming experience with much improved game balance, hints, and some stability fixes to some rare bugs. Find the complete list below.

Please remember to follow us and leave a review to support the game!

Click below to read about the previous major update 1.05, including new Steam Community items:

Featured In Sound Mind Fan Art

There's so much talent in our socials and Discord community, I figured we'd share some of it here!

Twitter: @Vladkonrad_

Twitter: @Nexus_Bex

Twitter: @fluttiko

Twitter: @biwazu

Follow our Twitter and join our Discord to explore more awesome community art. Feel free to add more in the comments to this post.


In Sound Mind 1.06.0929


  • Improved shadow updates in several areas in the game, previously causing some shadows to remain even when their original shadow caster has disappeared. For example, Dave’s shadow in the locker room.
  • Fixed a rare issue causing some collected pills to not count properly and prevent the “Well Medicated” achievement from being triggered. In this scenario, players would receive all 5 individual pills achievements (one per area) but not the 6th for collecting them all (“Well Medicated”). New saves should not have this issue anymore. Existing saves that have experienced this issue will need to go into each tape at least once more through the office (go into the level after the transition area, and then hit “back to office” - no need to replay the entire tape) and then back into the hub. This will mark each level and trigger the fail safe fix and get the final achievement.
  • Tutorials should now properly clear when going through doors.
  • Fixed a bug causing the ranged Inkblots to miss the player 100% of the time in some cases.

Hub (Building)

  • Fixed a rare issue causing the elevator to remain locked forever, causing a progression blocker. Going up to the rooftop should now properly reset the entire floor and prevent this scenario.
  • Fixed an issue causing the basement flood to not correctly drain in some older migrated saves.
  • Added a save point near the office.
  • Fixed the flare ammo spawner next to the Bull’s apartment.
  • The bombed photo from the Homa Mart photo booth now appears in Desmond’s office after interacted with.
  • Various game balance and user experience improvements around all hub floors.

Homa Mart (Supermarket)

  • Fixed a rare issue causing the haunted carts to break.
  • Fixed an issue causing the collectible pill in the vending machine near the locker room to spawn below the floor.
  • Fixed a rare issue causing The Watcher to not get scared. The Watcher now behaves correctly when scared.
  • Fixed an issue causing the brother doll to be highlighted twice in the mirror.
  • Various improvements and balance fixes in the supermarket level.

Icarus Point (Lighthouse)

  • Fixed a few rare bugs causing the Shade to not properly respawn during the warehouse and wharf sequences.
  • Fixed a few issues with the rolling collectible pills near the cliffs sometimes appearing when already collected, and incorrectly being highlighted in the mirror.
  • Made the jump from the moving container ramp in the wharf a little easier.
  • Fixed a trigger that prevented players who fell from the crane to die. Nobody survives that jump, not even Desmond.
  • The Shade should no longer be able to trigger the darkness and barrels inside the lighthouse with his projectiles, causing a softlock.
  • Few visual improvements to the bossfight at the top of the lighthouse, making it easier to understand what to do.
  • Burnt house back door will now properly open after the finale for easier exploration.
  • Various balance and user experience improvements in the lighthouse level.

Old Factory

  • Fixed an issue causing some tutorial tips to appear and never go away.
  • Fixed issues allowing the ram wagon rotation to be stored in incorrect angles, making it float in the air and cause all kinds of shenanigans.
  • The Bull will now roam farther away from the trainyard center, giving players a bit of space when solving the first chip electricity puzzles.
  • Added an orange state indicator to the power chip boxes.
  • Chips will now highlight in the mirror much farther distances, so it’s easier to find where you left them when needed for a puzzle.
  • Better indications about where the suitcase needs to go in the conveyor belts room.
  • Fixed issues with the suitcase teleporter in scenarios it rolls off its tracks (resetting its position).
  • Streamlined a few tracks and blockers in the conveyor puzzle.
  • Added a save after solving the conveyor belts puzzle. It’s really annoying to die after a puzzle!
  • Added a small gap in the drain station so it’s easier to see the purpose of draining the quarry.
  • Pump stations can now be seen more easily from afar, shining through fog.
  • Added signs in the hanger showing which direction is the quarry.
  • Various improvements and game balance updates to the factory level.

Elysium Park (Forest)

  • Fixed a few stutters caused by the flashback memories.
  • Softened the Radio Device’s sound pitch.
  • The rotating platform in the WTF area is a bit bigger and easier to jump.
  • Added some hints about looking at the stars at the WTF tower.
  • Fixed a rare issue causing the flashback and helmets to not correctly trigger near the watchtower gate.
  • Fixed an issue causing some flashback war effects to remain forever unintentionally.
  • The flare appearing next to the bunker entrance, after the visitor center sequence, will now remain to help point the player back to the bunker later on.
  • Added saves in the tents, next to collecting Lucas’s recorded memories. Prevents losing side quest progress when dying to the Flash.
  • Improved the Flash AI, giving the player a bit more space and varying his behavior.
  • Fixed a rare bug causing the lamps in the cemetery to not clear out darkness when activated.
  • Fixed a rare issue causing the gate after the radio tower sequence to remain blocked, now clearing it correctly.
  • On the last star sequence before forming the bunker code, the number 1 changed slightly to look less like 7.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Flash weak points to stay during the bossfight.
  • Antennas during the boss fight will now blink to make it clearer and draw attention as they should be triggered with the Radio Device.
  • Fixed a few rain triggers causing the rain to incorrectly start or stop.
  • Various forest level improvements and user experience updates.

The End (Finale)

  • Initial platforming will now become slightly easier after failing the jumps twice.
  • Rainbow’s homing barrels should no longer spin around the player endlessly.
  • On Easy difficulty, there were not enough homing barrels to use to ram the gates. All difficulties now have the same amount of barrels.
  • Added direction hints about backtracking after the first Watcher tape.
  • Removed a drug puddle that was a bit too close to a save trigger near the Flash area.
  • Various Rainbow boss fight game balance and improvements, including spawned items and other helpers.

If you are reading this you are awesome. Thank you for supporting our small indie operation. Don't be a stranger and follow us here on Steam, or check our Discord community, or our Twitter page for any more updates and news from We Create Stuff.

Thank you ❤️
Team We Create Stuff
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Release:28.09.2021 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: We Create Stuff Vertrieb: Modus Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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