• In Sound Mind: Screen zum Spiel In Sound Mind.
  • In Sound Mind: Screen zum Spiel In Sound Mind.
  • In Sound Mind: Screen zum Spiel In Sound Mind.
  • In Sound Mind: Screen zum Spiel In Sound Mind.
  • In Sound Mind: Screen zum Spiel In Sound Mind.
  • In Sound Mind: Screen zum Spiel In Sound Mind.
  • In Sound Mind: Screen zum Spiel In Sound Mind.
  • In Sound Mind: Screen zum Spiel In Sound Mind.
  • In Sound Mind: Screen zum Spiel In Sound Mind.
  • In Sound Mind: Screen zum Spiel In Sound Mind.
  • In Sound Mind: Screen zum Spiel In Sound Mind.
  • In Sound Mind: Screen zum Spiel In Sound Mind.
  • In Sound Mind: Screen zum Spiel In Sound Mind.
  • In Sound Mind: Screen zum Spiel In Sound Mind.
  • In Sound Mind: Screen zum Spiel In Sound Mind.
  • In Sound Mind: Screen zum Spiel In Sound Mind.
  • In Sound Mind: Screen zum Spiel In Sound Mind.
  • In Sound Mind: Screen zum Spiel In Sound Mind.
  • In Sound Mind: Screen zum Spiel In Sound Mind.
  • In Sound Mind: Screen zum Spiel In Sound Mind.
  • In Sound Mind: Screen zum Spiel In Sound Mind.
  • In Sound Mind: Screen zum Spiel In Sound Mind.
  • In Sound Mind: Screen zum Spiel In Sound Mind.
  • In Sound Mind: Screen zum Spiel In Sound Mind.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 28.09.2021
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Preis Update 22.05.24

Über das Spiel

Als du im Gang eines dir fremden Gebäudes aufwachst, fällt dir auf, dass die Umgebung ein eigenständiges Leben führt. Du begegnest einer Reihe von Opfern, die alle derselben experimentellen Therapie unterzogen wurden. Bei deiner Suche nach Antworten tauchen bizarre Visionen auf, die beeindruckenden Horror zeigen … und eine Katze namens Tonia.

Von den Schöpfern des Kultklassikers Nightmare House 2 kommt In Sound Mind, ein origineller First-Person-Psychohorror mit rasanten Rätseln und einmaligen Boss-Kämpfen. Durchlaufe eine Vielzahl verwirrender Erinnerungen auf einer Reise durch deinen eigenen Verstand.

Das erwartet dich
  • Ein erfrischendes Horrorerlebnis von den Schöpfern von Nightmare House 2.
  • Reise durch eine Serie gruseliger Erinnerungen, jede davon mit einzigartigen Rätseln, Mechaniken, Waffen und Boss-Kämpfen.
  • Ein unheimlicher Soundtrack von The Living Tombstone.
  • Erkunde eine verwirrende Erzählung mit einer Vielzahl von Begleitern.
  • Du kannst die Katze streicheln.


  • CPU: Core i5-4460 / AMD FX-6300
  • GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 960 / AMD Radeon R9 280
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: 64-bit Windows 7
  • HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: Core i7-3770 / AMD FX-9590
  • GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 / AMD Radeon RX 480
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: 64-bit Windows 10
  • HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

107 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
1062 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 19:39
visuell sehr ansprechend und die konzepte der puzzles sind auch gut durchdacht. die story ist schön aufgebaut, auch wenn es sich manchmal sehr gestreckt anfühlt.
sehr emotionales ende :(
240 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 14:31
KATZE!!11 <3
256 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1098 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 21:39
Ich kann das Spiel wirklich nur empfehlen, es ist kurzweilig und kein typischer Horror, obwohl ein paar kleinere Jumpscares dabei waren. Ich mochte die Story sehr, die Grafik entspricht total meinem Geschmack, cooler Soundtrack und mehr will ich jetzt auch gar nicht spoilern, das Spiel sollte man einfach genießen und erleben, ohne vorher zu recherchieren. Ist jeden Cent wert. :-)
54 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.22 00:29
Honestly the best story in a game I have ever seen, love every bit of this masterpiece. This game deserves so much more attention, would definitely recommend it.
819 Produkte im Account
80 Reviews
1344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.22 13:30
Positively surprised by this game, was half expecting a scuffed janky game that I would get some short entertainment out of for an evening. But as it turns out the game is quite lengthy and very well made & polished. Had alot of fun with it, Not the best as a straight horror game if you are looking for something scary, but there were a few genuinely good scares. Takes influence from games like The Evil Within, and the 2018 Call of Cthulhu, in a sense of the general atmosphere and tone.
If I had to complaint about anything it would be the lesser enemies you fight, they twitch & glitch around and don't feel satisying to kill. Maybe that would have been less of an issue if the guns you have were more fun to shoot. But either way the gun combat is not a focus in the game so it isn't a huge issue. The boss types you encounter are all interesting and varied. Can recommend this game to any singleplayer enjoyers out there, especially if you like solving a few puzzles and looking for collectibles etc.
852 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
916 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 04:33
Good game! I give it a B+

Nothing terribly original but the levels are well designed. Emphasis is on exploration and puzzle solving, the puzzles start out pretty simple but do get more involved as the game progresses. There is combat, but it's pretty basic and most boss fights are environmental puzzles. Great soundtrack.
33 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 03:27
Spoiler Free.
I love this game to death. If this game came out this year it would be my game of the year. The story? 10/10, The aesthetic? 10/10, The gameplay? 7/10. Coming out to the total of 9.6/10. All the characters are sympathetic and at the end if each chapter(except maybe the first one) the hit you square in the feels.The game as a horror game is good but really shines in its story. The game is semi tripy game where you go through you're patients(as a therapist) minds. In order too discover where you are and whats happening. All the tapes are good and I'm going to rate them.

Tape 1: Good story, could be better 7/10. The aesthetic of the level is good I like the rundown store look 8/10. How the level plays is a little too easy but the puzzles are good 6/10. Total 7/10

Tape 2: Fantastic story like good it give me chills and hit me right in the feels 9/10. The aesthetic of the level is amazing the best in the game by far 10/10. How the level plays is again a little easy but it's a lot less noticeable and the puzzles are great 8/10. Total 9/10.

Tape 3: Good Story but I wish it focused on the patient more 8/10. The aesthetic of the level is okay 5/10.
The level played great, the main enemy is so fun to fight but some of the puzzles are a little unfun 9/10. Total 8/10.

Tape 4: The story is great and tells you so much about the world 9/10. The aesthetic of the level is great and I love the flashbacks to the patients past 9/10. The gameplay is really good I don't know what I would do different 8/10. Total 8.5/10

In conclusion, buy this game. I don't know anyone I don't think would like this game. By the way the soundtrack slaps, all the songs are amazing except Is It Me but I've been warming up to it. So yeah you should get this game!
27 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3068 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 00:33
ISM's a beautiful, charming, and excitement filled adventure worth not only every penny, but every second.

I (as well as all of my friends) have fallen in love with it- not a day goes by that we don't discuss the characters in specific, who've captured our hearts. The game has a multitude of mechanics ranging from the usual flashlight to pills or even radio controls, a genuinely beautiful soundtrack, but most evidently to me personally, a wonderful take on mental illness and how it affects not only those struggling but the world as they view it.

I myself am in school to be a therapist, which is why I initially decided to buy the game out of curiosity when i heard the main character had the profession I was hoping to go into. I admit to my nervousness: its not uncommon to see major mischaracterization in regards to those struggling with their mental health, but i was blown away by how they not only chose to speak on but show it to us through the environments that are meant to represent the minds of the four other major characters. There was no babying them, or villanizing them- just a genuine look into the minds of people struggling.

I've played through the game two or three times over spans of weeks, each time with my friends in tow. I've got all the achievements, all the vinyls, all the pills.

If you take anything away from this, its this: if nothing else, play for the experience of getting to know these characters. I love them so dearly
312 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
813 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.22 06:03
One of the best games I've ever played. 11/10
193 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.22 06:05
I haven't enjoyed a game this much since Portal 2.

This was a breath of fresh air, thank you.
20 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
415 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 20:39
The game is made wonderful such a great experience
389 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 01:41
a horror game with perfect plot and atmosphere ,100/100
713 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1005 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.22 18:04
Hard to classify - this game lives at the border of adventure and horror. It's not one I'll come back to over and over, but I'll definitely be digesting it for the next few days, and thinking about it again in future
112 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1699 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 13:16
Absolutely lovely game with a soul- something you don't find too often.
See, most horror games- even Indie ones, then to lack something. I would suppose that would be originality, but I digress
Out of what I've played so far, this game is absolutely amazing, It strikes an absolutely great balance between horror and wit. it expects the player well, and indeed it sets up it's scares just as well.

I would absolutely recommend this game to just about anyone, because so far from what I've seen, the story is emotional and makes a solid, and effective commentary on psychological issues and does a good job on taking on such a difficult to explain thing in it's own medium. Throughout the story, the game has a tasteful variety of bits, whether emotional, witty, relieving, etc, It does it masterfully. On top of this, is unique and fun game machanics that makes me actually think™.

I'll cut to the chase- If you want a game with great charm and personality, this is the one for you. notice how I didn't mention horror game- While the game is indeed scary sometimes, I think it's more of a well rounded experience and story that I don't see often. Point and case: Get the game. It's great.

P.S. Don't let Dave scare you, he's a really great guy. He just needs someone to turn his frown upside down every once and awhile :)
29 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2018 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.22 18:01
Um terapeuta que não sabe se enlouqueceu ou se é tudo parte de uma conspiração. A história me prendeu do início ao fim. Mistura um pouco de ação e de jumpscares no enredo, mas é basicamente um puzzle, com o protagonista tentando desvendar o que está realmente acontecendo. Troféus fáceis de conseguir. Muito bom
60 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
1748 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.22 01:18
Breath taking game play! I have nothing further to say, the devs behind this game have brought forth something of a outstanding game.
35 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
871 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.22 20:19
Cat petting sim
71 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
745 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.22 18:30
Great game. Not super scary but the story is fantastic.
59 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.22 00:55
Loved it so much) Achievements were good too by the way. Interesting and spooky game)
68 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 01:30
TLDR: A story-rich, immersive and highly enjoyable game with psychological, musical and gameplay elements that I really appreciated. I would strongly recommend In Sound Mind.

I thought that this game was great to play for many reasons, several of which (in no particular order) I have given below:
Firstly, the levels all felt well designed with good pacing and atmosphere. At the start of a level the game sets the scene, offering a relatively relaxed beginning for you to get used to style of this level's environment, then generally introducing the main opponent of the area before ramping up and lowering tension as needed throughout the rest of the level (all while having an excellent atmosphere for you).
Secondly, I felt that the game was fair and forgiving while still allowing there to be challenge appropriate to the selected difficulty. For example, if I didn't get what to do for a puzzle the elements could likely be highlighted, a note might be nearby to give a hint and Desmond (the player's character) would say out loud what tool to use for the job if I interacted with an element.
Thirdly, the characters (primarily Tonia, Agent Rainbow, Desmond and his patients) were believable (within the limits of the game's reality) and felt like they had depth and nuance, so I could bond with them and become emotionally invested in the storyline.

I could say more, but that gives a general idea of my feelings on the matter. If you are sure that you won't appreciate the themes of this game, don't get it, but otherwise I suggest you at least learn a little about it.
In Sound Mind was very entertaining to me and I find it likely that, if you're interested enough to read this detailed a review on it, you would enjoy it too!

(I received In Sound Mind as a present from a friend, as it was on my Wishlist, but would happily have bought it for myself)
32 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 17:27
this is a top 5 game of all time for me, and my favorite horror game that ive ever played. the puzzles can sometimes be a bit confusing and sometimes there’s not a lot of direction, but that doesn’t take away from the incredible story and world building. if you like horror/psychological horror this game is definitely a must play
36 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 16:18
I really loved this game. I originally started playing because I am a fan of the Living Tombstone and they create the original songs in this game, and they did not disapoint. Gameplay wise this game could be compared to resident evil; getting guns and shooting enemies, occasional jumpscares, though it is a bit more puzzle focused, which i really loved. It can end up being a bit unintuitive at moments, but generally solving the puzzles is really fun and smart. The story provides a great commentary on mental illness. The monster designs are awesome, they all have really cool looks and mechanics. My only complaint would be that the parkour mechanics are kind of frustrating. It took me a while to realize that you had to stand on the very edge of where you were trying to jump from and shift jump from there instead of starting from the back to gain momentum while you run. Failing the same jump over and over was pretty frustrating, and I had to look up a playthrough to figure it out. However that is the only complaint that i have, as the over all experience was really great. This is a great game for anyone whos not too into horror (so it was perfect for me). Its more gameplay and story focused, with horror elements, occasional jumpscares. (SPOILER- Agent Rainbow constantly showing up really got me though, he scared the hell out of me every time.) All and all, this game is severely underrated! I would highly recommend taking the time to play through it, and giving it a chance. This game was highly enjoyable to me. :)
3034 Produkte im Account
66 Reviews
1735 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 23:30
In Sound Mind is a fairly lengthy survival horror adventure that focuses on the adventure side of things. It's got great writing, a good (if a bit hackneyed) plot, great exploration, imaginative and cool ideas, lovely music, tons of ambience, and a goofy sense of humor.
You play as Desmond Wales, a psychologist who wakes up in the basement of a run-down apartment building in an abandoned, flooded town. As you set out to explore your environs you run into some monsters, find a way to enter the minds of four of your patients, discover a conspiracy, and gain tools which in turn allow you to explore further.
At its heart the game is a first-person survival horror game - combat is very manageable on Normal difficulty, with the scarce resources the genre demands well managed to give some urgency but never annoy too much... at least until very late in the game. The environments you explore are varied and interesting, with some jumping puzzles and a lot of secrets and information to dig out; Each one of the patients’ worlds focuses on a set of mechanics which make them fairly distinct and gives them a lot of personality, with puzzles mostly being of the traversal variety, and some basic inventory puzzles thrown into the mix. Each world also has an unbeatable 'boss' that pesters you throughout the level making you run through gauntlets of relentless attacks (some of which need to be harnessed to progress) until you face him at the end of the level; All of which are great fun and very imaginative.
(Note - these bosses may make looking for secrets a bit annoying, but be aware that you can wait until you get rid of them and finish up exploring at your own leisure before you finish each world.)
The tools/weapons you grab range from boring (guns) to weird and inventive (my favorite being a mirror shard that serves as a knife but can also highlight secrets behind you when you raise it to your eyes.)
Is it scary? Well, not really - it's not really going for horror or discomfort. It's a more of a horror-themed adventure with a few jump-scares, focusing on cool moments and ideas - and a very healthy, very goofy sense of humor. And while there’s not a lot here that hasn’t been seen before in other games, it’s willing to shake things up quite a bit every so often, giving the whole thing a pleasing sense of variety which again feeds into that sense of being on a grand adventure.
The story is very well written, coherent and wraps up nicely. It leans a bit too much on pop-psychology, but has a thematic heft that’s rare in gaming and not a little warmth to it; I loved, for example, [spoiler]how the boss taunts during their battles veered from confrontation to conversation mid-way, or a late-game letter to a companion that might be the most affecting bit of game writing I’ve seen in a while[/spoiler].
Technically we’re talking about a mid-budget game built in Unity, with all that entails – a certain blocky, murky look, which is well-hidden by genre conventions. Within its constraints it’s a good-looking game, with some striking designs and very moody imagery.
The only real problems I ran into was some poorly placed checkpoints, and one bug where a trigger didn’t fire, leaving me locked out of an area (resolved by reloading, but due to the checkpoint issue mentioned above, it meant I had to replay the whole section.) Other than that, In Sound Mind is a great indie game and I’d recommend it without hesitation.
439 Produkte im Account
87 Reviews
889 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 10:55
Great psychological horror indie game with a strong story-line, extremely well produced soundtrack, memorable tense moments and enjoyable combat mechanics. The first half of the game is very reminiscent of old school survival horror while the second half is more like a psychological thriller. Each level (six in total) are very different from one another and features a terrifying spirit that you must tame. The creature designs are creepy with one in particular being very unique in its ability as it chases you. The puzzle elements are tricky but never difficult if you take your time to look and listen carefully as the solutions are usually next to you either within a note or in a reflection. The only negative is having no in-game map system but instead having an useless pre-placed map at certain locations. The game can be beaten within 10 to 15 hours depending if you are going for all the hidden collectibles. Very enjoyable experience and looking forward to the sequel. [8.5/10]
336 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.22 15:27
More! I want more!
495 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
829 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.22 16:26
A fantastic game with some really interesting mechanics, an interesting story, and just enough psychological horror to keep you on your toes. The records tell interesting stories and the characters actually make you want to dig deeper on what formed their various psychologies.

10/10 would accept help from Dave again.
178 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
635 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.22 06:57
I haven't played a story driven singleplayer game in a while so I may be a little biased, but this game had kept me playing all day. I basically finished it in a day.


The story was so interesting and moving. The best part of the game.
No bugs encountered at all (for me at least).
The level design was structured so well to fit in with the world while also providing natural challenges and puzzles.
Amazing and original mechanics I've never seen before: the mirror, the pills, the radio device.
Incredible bosses and characters.
Amazing atmosphere in general. I actually got spooked a few times (the church).
You CAN pet the cat.
Joshua Tomar.


The combat was tricky but overall works as it should.
Got stuck for a bit in the 3rd tape looking for the chips. Took me a good 20 minutes. It's not very obvious.


None. Beautiful game.

Thank you for this experience, developers. This will forever be a lesson to me to try new experiences and learn to do more things for myself, and only myself, to enjoy. Thank you.
517 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
724 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 18:46
All minor gripes aside, if you're into old-school FPS games or surreal design this game is a slam dunk.
1349 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.22 21:30
This game deserves way more attention than it is currently getting. It's one of the most creative, effective and fun horror games I've played in a long time. Just a very polished and well designed game.
157 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.22 02:27
This was an amazing game to play and I loved every second of it.
It's a shame that this game has flown under the radar, it should get more buzz then what it gets.
I cannot wait for a follow up to this game, the story has left me wanting to know what happens next.

Love the puzzles in the game. Absolutely hate when the guy comes out of no where.
The supermarket has been one of the best levels in recent memory.

Definitely playing again to collect everything I missed.

495 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
1007 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 02:26
The graphics and combat are somewhat jank but the story makes up for it a ton. Probably one of the best horror style games in recent memory. Gets a little tedious near the end but doesn't overstay its welcome. I will say there is probably very little to no real replay value, but still overall a great 16 hours of time especially gotten on sale.

- Received for free; my friend bought me this game.
155 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.22 21:30
Great start. Lousy finish. Became more tedious than I was willing to put up with. Uninspiring level design last half of game.
850 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
792 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.22 00:29
It's a shame In Sound Mind has flown under the radar for so many as it is honestly one of the most engrossing games I've played in quite some time. A surprise hit of 2021 that far exceeded any expectations I had going in.

It might not have the same high budget as many of the games it takes its inspirations from (in particular your Half-Lifes, Evil Withins, Metroidvanias, etc) which is evident by some of the animation work or other visual features but it still manages to do so much with so little. Whether that be its creative level design, interesting gameplay mechanics, thrilling set pieces and most importantly, its wholesome jumpscares! It all feels very clever. A word which I think we don't often use when describing modern videogames any more.

I could go on an on about the captivating narrative, its fantastic soundtrack or the fun antagonist but the less you know going in the better. The only thing dragging the experience down somewhat is the outright poor performance as in some scenes the framerate can easily drop to the 40-50 range (or below) which wouldn't shouldn't really happen considering the relative low fidelity of the geometry and level detail. That said the devs have stated that they are currently working on an update to alleviate these issues so perhaps this will be fixed in the future.

Aside from some technical issues however it's simply a fantastic ride from start to finish. One that has a surprise behind every door and by the time you see the credits leaves you begging for more. I can understand if ISM doesn't resonate with others as much as it has for me but I simply loved every second of it and can only hope we do get that sequel it seemingly alludes to.

620 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
976 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.22 20:51
This is what happens when you make something you love. You can feel the passion in every single aspect of this incredible game. Amazing job to everyone at We Create Stuff. ????????????
142 Produkte im Account
76 Reviews
998 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 03:46
An excellent indie horror game that's bursting at the seams with creativity, punctuated with excellent songs (be sure to collect all the vinyls!) and a thoughtful, graceful look at mental health/illness. The graphics are beautiful, the game is a good length (getting your money's worth), and, without spoiling too much, the ending leaves room for more, and you'll want more.

My only two criticisms is that for some reason it has really long loading times (I specifically avoid consoles because of loading times), and the collectibles needed to improve your stats can be a bit of a chore to get, especially in later levels. Other than that, I'm really glad I picked this game up; it's a work of art, and anyone who's a fan of psychological horror should give it a try.
55 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 19:42
I don't often write reviews for the games I played, but I find it necessary here.

I thoroughly enjoyed this game. The story is well done, you are thrown into the game with no insight. As you play along you begin to put the pieces together. There were a few twists and turns that were unexpected in the story.

I enjoyed the combat as well, there were only three common enemy types. However, the bosses each had a very distinctive play style.

Overall I enjoyed this game, I look forward to playing it again.
185 Produkte im Account
92 Reviews
1652 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.22 00:52
Will screw your head... for a moderate fee.

P.s: Amazing high level on details.
51 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 04:22
Absolutely an amazing game. I'm a huge horror fan and not a huge puzzle fan but by god this game made me love it all. The characters, the story, the puzzles and atmosphere is all so well done and it made me cry. It's so upsetting seeing little to no community around this game.

I really hope this game grows in traction, because wow this game was amazing. 100/10 cannot recommend it more.
2082 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
555 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 10:50
Overall this was a surprisingly well put together action horror game. It definitely starts more on the horror side, but by the end is a full action game with strong feels of Half-Life. There are a few legitimately new ideas in here, and overall I found the game well put together and fun to explore/navigate through. Also, the level design is pretty impressively nested with hidden secrets and reasons to loop back for a game of this scale.

The game holistically is set up in 4 acts, with a hub world somewhat connecting all of them. Each of the worlds has a pretty unique flavor and gimmick associated with it, so the gameplay keeps changing as you move forward.

Finally, you can pet a cat. So yeah, if the game looks up your alley you'll definitely have a good time.
549 Produkte im Account
186 Reviews
906 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 12:30
My review page.
Follow me on twitch!

The gist of it:

Playing the demo did not sway me but I decided to give the full game a chance and I'm glad I did because In Sound Mind was an unexpected good horror game.

???? The good parts:
+Sound design.
+Creative cheap scares.
+Meaty content, with a lot to explore.

????The bad parts:
-Very average from a technical point of view.
-Enemy fights are pretty meh.


In Sound Mind is a weird combination of Prey and Alan Wake and maybe other horror games, where you play as Desmond Whales, a therapist in some small town. You wake up in a building of sorts with no idea what's going on. As you explore you find tapes that can transport you to some of your old patients minds or traumas as you try to figure out what the hell is going on around you.

Each of these patients has gone through some troubled pasts and it reflects on their level and how they are perceived. As you deal with them, you start to uncover the story of the town you're in and what led to everyone's condition, sorta. It does not have a clear ending, just so you know, and a lot of things remain unanswered and unsolved just so they can make a sequel. That being said, it was and is a risky move as sequels in indie games, are rarely made and I'm not sure we'll ever get to see the full clear picture of what the writers had in mind.

As it is, the story is pretty good, mysterious, and creepy enough that it will keep you guessing what the hell is going on throughout the game. It's not a cinematic game, so don't jump in expecting amazing cutscenes and whatnot. Just like in Prey and other noticeable horror games, everything is told through visual and audio queues. Overall I enjoyed the story, not the most mind-blowing but simplicity isn't always bad and in this case, it fits well.

Story rating: 8/10


Just like I mentioned in the story, the game feels like a combination of multiple horror games of sorts. It's a first-person survival horror game where you do not just walk forward but you have to deal with weird enemies that are inspired by Prey, exploring pretty big maps and solving some puzzles here and there. You can find weapons to help you deal with these enemies but not only that, your character has stats that can be boosted by finding secret pills which also help.

The whole game feels interconnected like a Metroidvania where you have a main hub of sorts from where you can reach all the places in the game, which I liked. Also, be aware that while the game is not entirely scary/horror it does have quite a lot of cheap scares such as these https://clips.twitch.tv/IronicStrongCheeseDoubleRainbow-5PHJJWII6Dch_t_h Some of these scares on the other hand are well crafted such as the mannequins which were a stroke of genius.

There are also several items you find in each tape that will allow you to progress through the main hub as well as the other tapes, such as a flare gun that can clear dark shady blocked paths and even kill the enemies you encounter. Generally, while the whole games progression is linear, it feels well made, it fits perfectly, and almost never the items you find feel entirely useless. It does feel very janky but I'll talk more about that below.

Gameplay rating: 8/10


The overall audio is great, the first time you boot the game and the more you explore you'll realize how nice everything fits in this particular department. The voice acting is great, every patient and even your own character do a good job at voicing their characters.

The soundtrack by The Living Tombstone is done great and fits perfectly with every scene in the game and it never feels too aggressive or annoying as is the case with a lot of horror games. The sound effects are also done good, which is not something you see often in horror games as most devs rely on cheap scares, and that's it. In Sound Mind has a lot of small eerie sound effects like floor creaking, random knocks, and so on, small stuff that adds to the whole creepy vibe of the game

Audio rating: 9/10

Graphics, performance and tech analysis

Sadly not everything is good. Level design wise and how the maps are connected is nice however most maps are way too big for their own good with a lot of wasted space.

The game runs well at least 70% of the time anyway. For the rest, you'll be encountering a lot of huge frame drops, especially in fights where there are a lot of explosive barrels. The other issue is how the game feels playing and how it looks. The lighting is great most of the time and the special effects, but the overall aesthetic is average, it's an indie studio so that was to be expected. The animations of your character as well as the enemies plus how the shooting and jumping feel, are all very stiff, or janky. It does not feel smooth at all.

Finally, be aware, the game has a mirror mechanic where you can look through your shiv/mirror and see the reflections and hidden stuff around it. When doing that it halves your framerate because the game has to render the world twice, and that's just how mirror reflections work in most games. Some devs know how to optimize this or use other tricks but in this case, expect your framerate to tank. Not a big deal and I doubt it will ever be improved.

Graphics, performance and tech analysis score: 7/10


Despite technical issues and a not so pleasant overall look, In Sound Mind still does what a lot of horror or thriller games are unable to and that is to immerse you in the world and just keep you there until the end. It has some great moments when it comes to lighting and sound design and the story while it is not finished it was still very much satisfying. Highly recommended, go get it, we need a sequel.

Final score: 8/10

59 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1781 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.21 17:04
i wanna keep playing but i dont want it to end :(
1305 Produkte im Account
105 Reviews
710 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 04:03
Performance issues aside.... this is a beautiful game, definitely blew my expectations out of the water. The major issue is that even on high end hardware(9900k,3080,32gb,m.2 ect) the massive fluctuations in FPS(like 165+ to sub 50 @1440p) can be extremely immersion breaking, I tired changing all sorts of settings in game and out with no resolve, this would otherwise be a nearly 10/10 game. The story and characters are very compelling, I found it very relatable and even emotional at times. The placing and timely introduction of each new gameplay mechanic makes it both satisfying and rewarding, this is not a walking-sim. The puzzles are right at that balance of too easy and obtuse which it's tough to nail. The soundscape is atmospheric and melancholy, I loved how each character had their own secret vinyl hidden away to collect. The level design is very fluid and feels familiar, but never feeling lost but also not feeling like your hand is being held. Even the incentive to thoroughly explore is well done, minor rpg elements and collectables made me want to check every nook and cranny. Overall yes the game looks dated and runs like poop but it's an amazing game otherwise. Highly recommend to fans of good video games. 9/10
71 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 20:30
Absolutely fantastic game! A game I'd been waiting for quite awhile did not disappoint, from gameplay to writing to visuals all the way down to the soundtrack everything was phenomenal.
565 Produkte im Account
127 Reviews
789 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 21:51
Not many games like this are made any more, and as someone who thoroughly enjoyed Nightmare House 2, the style of the developers' really comes through in this. It's an excellent singleplayer, story-driven, survival horror-lite experience with a fantastic soundtrack made by none other than The Living Tombstone.

It's amazing to have seen this project come so far after Hen had me playtest his proof of concept build years ago, and helping him out with his powerpoint presentation to show to potential investors. Congrats dude, you did it!!! I hope you're happy of how it came out in the end, even if it's not 100% exactly what you had in mind!
11 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 03:33
Great sense of humour, great sense of style and the music and atmosphere were perfect. Loved the antagonist and his charasmatic taunting. Honestly can't find a fault anywhere. Can't wait to see what comes next, highly recommend.
1334 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
1187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 20:42

Quick Overview

In Sound Mind is a first-person horror adventure following a counselor named Desmond Wales, a man forced to face himself and also relive the trauma his patients have been suffering through. It has a compelling story and characters but suffers from poor optimization and tedious combat sequences. All in all, it can be a fun experience that deserves a chance.


  • unique and fun puzzles
  • Mysterious and engaging story
  • Respectful of sensitive topics such as depression and suicide
  • Relatable characters
  • It has a good demo


  • Poor optimization
  • Tedious combat
  • Terrible inventory system

The Gist of the Story

Desmond Wales wakes up in an unfamiliar place with no recollection of the events prior. Trapped in this nightmare, he soon realizes that there is no way out, and his only salvation is to revisit old tape recordings of patients he had treated before as a counselor. Guided by his loyal cat, Tonia, he begins to unravel a series of interconnected stories, and also brings peace to the souls of his tormented clients ensnared by their demons.

My thoughts
The story is the strongest point, and it keeps you engaged throughout the entire journey. I thought going inside the memories of your patients and relieving each counseling session while a gigantic tape is rolling in the background is fairly unique, and is a nice touch of detail. Lore is strewn about in each locale, sometimes hidden, but mostly in obvious places, and they contain pieces of events that will play out later. It's a great way of introducing foreshadowing without making it too overt.

Even though it covers a variety of sensitive topics like self-harm, PTSD, and depression, they are handled with tact and respect. I think it’s tough covering cases of mental health issues without it becoming distasteful, but the developers did a good job in conveying these issues and not going overboard with them. As someone with a background in mental health, I appreciate it. Overall, I am not disappointed with the big reveal at the end and look forward to more additions in the future.


First Person Combat
The combat is fairly standard. You shoot enemies on the head or body and occasionally aim at explosive barrels for AOE damage capable of whittling down mobs if positioned correctly. Resources are plenty at normal difficulty, so I never had to worry about conserving ammo or food items, which act as healing curatives. You have a small arsenal at your disposal, from a shotgun to a pistol, and fighting non-boss enemies is as generic as they come. You can either run away, sneak around or face them head-on. I flee when I can because fighting becomes tedious, and you don’t gain anything significant, so it feels like a waste of time. These lightbulb head monsters materialize everywhere, with variations who spit or charge at you scattered in each story chapter. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2640252318
They are unique, clever, and it only takes common sense to solve them. For example, one of my favorite ones is to figure out the meaning of a clue concerning a “red light”, and upon closer inspection, there’s a TV emitting red light. The usage of visual and audio cues is a great way of inserting clues in without breaking immersion. Even the bosses require you to work out a puzzle to beat them, and while they aren’t a challenge, I do like the setup leading to the climatic defeat. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2640251249
Desmond has a good collection of gadgets to choose from as you progress in the story. From a pill that can act as a grenade and also as a health potion, to a knife mirror capable of displaying secrets hidden from the naked eye, you can use these items to solve puzzles and fend off the opposition. However, the inventory UI infuriating since switching around equipment can be a hassle, especially if you are using a controller because you can’t assign specific weapons to buttons like you can with a mouse and keyboard.
Another nitpick I have is that the character has two hands, but can only use one gadget at a time. I would have preferred if the flashlight was accessible at all times while having a weapon or gadget on the other hand. It can be cumbersome when I need illumination at certain places, but I can’t equip my torch at the same time because I have to replace it with another item to complete the task.

Scare factor

I was a bit disappointed in the action to horror ratio considering I felt as though it tilted more towards the former. While this isn’t usually a bad thing, the action sequences are where this game falters, and it’s customarily accompanied by laborious fighting encounters. They’re not difficult, per se, but enemies can ruin the great atmosphere it was trying to build up. In one instance, I was soaking up the tension as my anxiety peaked, then out-of-place battle music crops up alongside these awkward looking enemies.

The sense of dread and paranoia was apparent in only a couple of memories where the atmosphere was allowed to develop and unnerve you rather than inserting monsters in just to be a hindrance. To be honest, the game could have flourished more without the combat and replaced it with a system where the psychological horror aspect is more emphasized or utilize the variety of gadgets given to you in each location.

Graphics and Technical Issues

For context, my specs are RTX 2070 Super, i7 4790S, 12 GB RAM. Playing at 1080p

For the most part, the graphics are beautiful to gaze at, and you can tell how much the developers spent time designing each location. From ships banked forever at the coastline to whalebones jutting out from the sandy beaches, every level is detailed and corresponds to a client’s distorted memories.

The optimization on the other hand is atrocious. Every time enemies appear, the frame rate tanks, hovering around the 30’s - 40’s, even lower around bigger opponents. I think this is why I dread enemy encounters because of how awful the FPS becomes. Decreasing settings and the resolution doesn’t improve it significantly. There were also several times where I fell into the world unexpectedly. Good thing the checkpoint was close by.

Wrap Up

With 16 hours to its belt, it is a good-sized adventure with an awesome story to enjoy. I love Desmond and his clients and would like to see a continuation of their story. It is hindered by its optimization issue, combat, and enemies, and hopefully, they will be addressed in later installments.
If you have some time, check out my video of In Sound Mind

642 Produkte im Account
78 Reviews
633 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 13:18
In Sound Mind is an exceptionally competent psychological horror indie game marred by a few flawed level design decisions.

This review will be as objective as possible with as little spoilers as possible due to the nature of the game itself.

First and foremost this game is deeply focused on narrative and visual subtext, it's not Resident Evil nor is it going to be a Layers of Fear scenario. The combat is really just to spice up the gameplay, it's not particularly deep. It has a few neat mechanics with conventional weapons not being the only way to dispatch enemies. A pill based stat system compliments whatever playstyle you want to go for, being able to level up how fast you can run, stamina gauge increase, increased stealth, max health.. you get the idea. Enemies are basic, i'm talking literally three types of enemies. It's a little disappointing. Luckily these enemies are interspliced with boss battles or puzzle encounters so it's not all that bad. They feel like filler and aren't very engaging to fight in general.

Puzzles are a big part of this game and at most take a moment of your time even if you aren't paying attention to catch onto what the game wants you to do, at least for me. You'll spent at least 1/3rd of the game dealing with these and they aren't complicated.

I'm used to horror games, jump scares and all and this game at times got me. It's not in your face terror like other games but the sort of thing that you catch out the corner of your eye that makes you jump. The more setpiece heavy sections can be very hamfisted with this sort of thing but it's the quiet inbetween moments that absolutely will catch you off guard and make you feel like nowhere is safe from a scare. I understand the authors of this game also made Nightmare House 2. I've played both the updated version and the old version and i can instantly see the same sorts of fun tricks they use in that game too.

The crown jewel of this game is the boss fights. They are all incredibly engaging both storywise and gameplay wise to encounter. Even when one feels like it overstays it's welcome, the game spices up enough to not burn you out on them. It can feel like a tug of war or a pursuit that never truly ends until the last minute you're in a lengthy level. You're always thinking of these antagonists at the back of your mind as you are navigating or dealing with a puzzle. You know they are around the corner at every turn, it really holds up the game's tension.

I have to talk about the general level direction at least at the start because it took me way longer to get started because of this, i ended up wandering an area for around a hour only to find out i could blow up a barrel that would open the way on accident, a mechanic that i didn't even know existed because there was never a precedent that set it. There are a few of these but eventually they really do start to be phased out by the end of the game. When in doubt, use the mirror and just scan everything.

The story is going to be subjective, to some this isn't going to be a comfortable sit through. It might be a bit too close to home in places or you might find the subject matter handled poorly. It might be fairly easy to predict or see plot points come from a mile away. At least for me, this game's story had a few moments where it really hit hard. The voice acting is perfectly fine, even if you've got Mitchell from HDTF as your main lead. The game's antagonist is actually amazing and i loved every moment he showed up to screw around like a Saturday morning cartoon villain. The music from living tombstone fits very well and has an exceptional range with each situation. I'm going to assume they scored the whole game to which i say that they did a good job.

This game is a little bit pricey but you're likely to have a good time with this one, if you're unsure get it at the desired priced when a sale comes up. Overall i give this a safe recommend, with a shakier recommendation if the heavy subject matter isn't what you want or if you prefer more active survival horror like The Evil Within or Resident Evil. It's just not that kind of game.
1093 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
1120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 21:51
My point of view by playing this game on Linux:
I played through the game by using ProtonGE6.16. The game works very well, 18 hours without a crash. I had some stutters here and there but nothing serious. I guess this was more the lack of optimizations of the game itself.

57 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
697 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.21 17:36
Finally a horror game with actual gameplay, athmosphere, sense of humor, environmental storytelling and great puzzles. Love it.
109 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1096 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.21 03:20
881 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
888 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.21 23:31
Only bad thing about this game is that it ends.
184 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1062 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.21 16:50
The story is good, and the soundtrack is killer. Gameplay is a bit basic, and the graphics feel a bit dated, but they're serviceable, especially saved by some stellar color design. If you like psychoanalytical horror, this is something to look at for sure!
117 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
789 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.21 01:37
Firstly, let me say I probably played this game for almost 2 days straight. It kept me hooked. However, it wasn't without issues, so let me list the good, the bad, and of course the ugly I found in my playthrough.

The Good

-The levels were all unique, and all of them held a certain ominous atmostsphere to them.

-I am a big person on sound design, and this game nailed it. The music in levels make the ominous atmostspheres into something terrifying. The accompying tracks on the vinyls were also amazing, and I expected nothing less from TLT.

-The bosses were all unique, and I enjoyed their designs pertaining to the character's traumas.

-The weapons are unique in the best ways, and all of them feel amazing to use.

The Bad

-Once you enter a tape, you cannot leave until you beat it. I thought nothing of it until I almost got softlocked in Tape 3 and had no way to only restart that tape, lest I make an entirely new game.

-Some of the puzzles can be incredibly annoying. I am all for tough puzzles, but some made no sense to me and took me quite a bit to figure out. A part in Tape 4 was incredibly bad about this, the gate to get into the cable car.

-Sometimes it can feel like my shots dont land at all, and melee was out of the question as the mirror shard almost never landed. Just some slight jank.

The Ugly

As much as I adored this game, it suffered from poor optimatization in certain places, Tape 3 especially. I have a fairly decent gaming rig and I was getting pretty good frame drops when boss charged at me. Overall, some final polish would've been very helpful.

There is some general jank, which I came in expecting, however there were a handful of times I had to reload to the last checkpoint due to the game just...soft locking me in certain spots.

Overall, I'd say 7/10. Worth the buy. I hope you enjoy it!
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Release:28.09.2021 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: We Create Stuff Vertrieb: Modus Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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