Finally, the VR DLC is out now and FREE, so grab it fellow VR players!
This marks the first version of the VR Mode of HOTD and it is now playable in Steam VR with HTC Vive and a Xbox controller or Mouse and keyboard.
Here are some other tips to ensure the right setup:
- make sure to make the seating setup in Steam VR ( our heigh setting of the HMD was with 120cm or by calculating while the HMD is on the ground ) Then your height should be perfect ingame.
- make sure to have started the non-VR version with "Breathtaking" Graphics setting at least once, since the VR version could launch with the cheap setting and could create some artifacts.
And we know some of you are very hyped, but keep in mind that this Mode is also in an alpha state. So there might be still some issues and bugs. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
But that also means we will continue updating and improving this mode as well! You know, this is our first try with VR ever and we are looking forward to add more features. :SKULLSMILEY:
We hope you can already enjoy our first version of the VR Mode and get really scared and we are very excited to hear what you think. And oh boy it's really something new to see it through VR. Even we were frightened at some points! So thats someting isnt it? (☞゚∀゚)☞
So then we are looking to squash some bugs if you find some and then we will continue working on our next huge content update for the game!