News Liste Himno
Hello everyone! So I have been working on the combat sequel of Himno, The Silent Melody. Many ideas have come out of this discussion, so if you have any that you would like to be in the game, do not hesitate to write it here. All ideas are welcome!
To make everything clear, there will be two types of games, one with combat that will be this standalone expansion "Himno - The Silent Melody" and "Himno 2", that will be 100% peaceful.
Here I show you some of these advances:
This is the new UI
Top left: Health and ammo (Green Bar), Corruption (Pink Bar) you die if this is 100% complete and Shield uses (White bar) it recharges when the shield is not used.
Top right: Current arrows equipped. You have the main and a secondary arrow, you can change them by pressing 'R'.
Bottom left: XP and Level, it's used to craft items in the inventory.
Travel to a location
The way you encounter enemies and other no common locations is by finding chests with coordinates. There are different types Ex: Hostile, Resources and NPCs.
You travel to those locations by turning on the portal with fuel and adding the coordinates.
New worm-type enemy
There will be 2 types of enemies: machines and creatures. You destroy machines and you capture creatures by "killing" them. Then in your main camp, you will see all the creatures captured throughout your game thanks to an NPC and spawn them like a companion. Enemies will only appear in locations.
Bosses will be repeatable and will appear in districts 11, 25, 42 In the 3 main biomes. In total main 9 bosses with 1 flower/fruit each. You will need to recover these to complete the game.
The combat system vs machines
This gif is a bit old as you can appreciate seeing the UI, but here you can see perfectly how the combat works, you can slow bullets, dash while shooting in the opposite direction and execute enemies with the sword and healing with the sword. The shield wasn't done here.
There won't be types of swords, bows or shields. You can find mods for these weapons and you can apply them to yours modifying color, attack speed, and other cool effects like fire contact or spikes to your shield.
Arrow types
You can craft different types of arrows with states, ice, fire, bomb, rope and many other. All of them have the same damage. You can finish the game without using any of these.
Have a nice day and thanks for supporting me! ːsteamhappyː
You can ask me any questions here in twitter.
David Moralejo Sánchez
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos