We are thrilled to announce that Tokyo Main quest is finally available! Tokyo content brings new maps, dungeons and, of course, new items! In addition to the main update we added some improvements that we hope will help you in your adventure!
- Added 2 inventory expansion items:
1. Inventory bag (36 slots)
2. Parts pack (72 slots): expansion for only MOD items.
You can store up to 2 Inventory bags and one Parts pack in your inventory.
- Added Mod Socket expander that unlocks socket slots
- Added Effect Amplifier which increases a chance of getting highest values while improving equipment in Augmentrex 3000
- Added Safety Separation Device to easily remove mods in Delux de-Modificator
- Added Advanced Mod Preservatives and Basic Mod Preservatives that allow items not to be downgraded if they fail during upgrade in Nano Forge
- Various performance improvements and minor bug fixes done
***All updated items can be purchased with Palladium from in-game shop.