Build 1.5.6140 Halloween Update

- Added new map Hallows’ Grove where you defend pumpkin groves that power magic cauldrons that summon Ether Paladins to aid you
- Added Halloween themes to all maps (excluding Christmas)
- Added spooky sounds and music
- Added Jack-o’-lantern bombs in place of Powder Kegs
- Added Orc Beastmaster, summons demon hounds
- Added restless souls, when villagers are killed, they can become a ghost and haunt the living until they reach a cemetery, also takes a population slot
- Added Ether Paladin that will spawn from cemetery once enough restless souls are collected
- Added a monster counter under wave timer to show total number of creatures attacking
- Added over 30 new sounds effects
- Improved performance and frame rates
- Improved monster spawner to be more aggressive, and to use large groups when attacking
- Improved radar, now easier to see enemies
- Improved campaign map, moved bonus maps to left side
- Improved effect of higher level monsters and villagers, now have stars under their feet
- Improved buildings to have light emitting from windows
- Improved cursor with custom image
- Improved particle effects on many of the towers
- Improved turn rate of AI controlled agents
- Improved animations to better match movement and actions
- Improved graphics by adding glow to lights and reflective objects (may be toggled in options)
- Improved powder kegs/jack-o-lantern bombs by adding range ring
- Improved static spire’s enemy detection
- Removed structures from build list when it would conflict with map objectives
- Improved many of the shaders
Balance Changes:
- Made event maps playable independent of campaign progress
- Slightly reduced income rate on Muir
- Decreased damage on Flame Shrine level 1 from 50 to 40
- Increased damage on Flame Shrine level 2 from 50 to 65
Bug fixes:
- Fixed bug where player would sometimes auto-attack when trying to run away
- Fixed bug with shadows on map Shadestone
- Added short splash screen on start so steam was causing game window to be in background because it took too long on startup
- Fixed normal map problem on some terrain textures
- Fixed bug that would prevent villagers from attacking hostile animals
- Fixed bug where voices were not using the voice slider in options
- Fixed bug with slow shrines that would sometimes allow mobs through without effects