Patch Notes
Changes & Updates
- Added 17 new Achievements/Trophies which can now be unlocked across all platforms
- Optimized several object meshes to improve overall game performance
- Optimized shaders to improve overall game performance
- Optimized entity archetype usage for improved memory performance
- Optimized several menus and screens to improve their legibility at high resolutions
Bug Fixes
- Typo in death/cloning screen 'Retreiving'
- Spare Replacement Notice's “Hold A” prompt overlaps text in different languages
- In the tutorial, the furnace turns on even though it's "broken" for Weaver
- Repeatedly trimming a large panel at both ends causes the panel to eventually "disappear", with only a glitched texture visible.
- Quitting to the UI during the first 2 seconds of a shift will cause the next shift to have sound mix differences that are only cleared when you pause the game.
- Decompression event occurs when cutting from a pressurized room into another pressurized room
- The workbench activation SFX in the HAB is panned too far left when using surround sound speakers
- In the onboarding sequence Calyssia says: It's here where hard workers like you...." but the subtitle says "that" instead of "where"
- The title blocks the user from progressing through gameplay after moving all Cubes into the Barge before obtaining the Cancel Tethers Task during the Tether Training mission.
- Storage bin on a Javelin Tanker turns from scrap back into an object after cutting it
- High pitched beep SFX for "interaction complete" during a demo charge disarm is delayed
- RACE task list does not populate while in salvage bay
- Missing Navigation SFX in the Video options screen in the pause menu
- On PC builds if you select "Disable Background controller Input" it terminates any controller input and wont return if unchecked with mouse
- The Video menu cannot be navigated with controller
- There is an excessive space in the Terms & Conditions of the Employment Confirmation Form
- The debt remaining information may be unsynced in the Leaderboards
- The Certification screen display the wrong information on the employee terminal
- The ship preview is stretched in the Leaderboard section of the Cutter's R.A.C.E.
- Some platforms of the cargo elevator appear with a unique texture on the scanner
- Setting both Menu "Confirm" and Menu "Start" to none prevents the user from rebinding inputs and confirming UI prompts
- R.A.C.E. Event triggers with no ship and no objectives
- LOD issues on several objects
- The language changes when you do not confirm to save your changes
- While placing a sticker, the user can navigate the sticker menu in the background with the right joystick
- The player may get stuck when save & quitting twice in a row
- The text of some options in the option menu may not be displayed
- A Violent decompression occurs after cutting one of the aluminum chamfers next to Atlas cockpits
- Power Generator Tutorial VO and task list can play on a different ship
- "Crushing Alert" HUD pop-up isn't translated to other languages
- "Days" text seen in the time remaining to complete the current Cutter Race is displayed as empty squares in Russian and Chinese
- "Player stat overview", seen in leaderboards, is displayed in 2 rows and overlapping in multiple languages
- Extra SFX may play during the airlock depressurization
- "Connection not found" pop-up and "uploading report" notification are not translated when displayed in the cutter race shift summary
- Abandoning shift from pause menu no longer resets the whole tutorial
- "Demo Charge Damaged" warning appears during an O2 leak
- Task list does not appear if you respawn before the next task list objective is populated
- Audio gets amplified on character's death
- Connection Dialog on leaderboards screen has truncated text
- Loud burst of audio when dying in No Revive mode
- The "Also Hide Helmet" is not displayed properly on the option menu
- Cutter's R.A.C.E. shift summary ranking is displayed on 2 rows when it exceeds 2 digits
- Leaderboards player's ranking is displayed on 2 rows when it exceeds 4 digits
- The VFX of the broken helmet remains during the Cutter's R.A.C.E. recap
- Thermal spreaders only rewards 442 credits when salvaged
- The 1st death of a shift triggers the "spare replacement" sfx 2 times in a row
- Character's voice may be muted for some dialogues when returning in the hab
- Changing audio sliders value with the gamepad is too slow
- Cutter's R.A.C.E. task list shows two Aluminum objectives, but one objective updates, when salvaging Armor plates
- Speed HUD indicator overlaps with HUD element above it when user is moving above 0.0 m/s
- Receive call prompt is not properly centered in front of the intercom
- Missing collision on a metal column close to the processor
- Cutter's R.A.C.E. task list displays the incorrect amount for the Sensor Array objective
- Connection Error button callouts on R.A.C.E. are inconsistent with other popups
- Cutting between two differently pressurized rooms doesn't play the decompression alarm SFX
- HUD will no longer display "infinite" tethers during the tether tutorial, when reaching the 'Tether Cube' task list
- Airlocks on low hazard level ships can be (un)pressurized, before the pressurization tutorial
- "Sticker unlocked" pop-up title seen during the HAB greeting isn't centered in Russian and Chinese
- Red lights appear at an offset distance in front of the Fusebox
- Missing texture observed underneath a platform close to the Processor
- Health bar text not translated in Traditional Chinese
- Elemental systems affecting the player will stay visible when continuing a shift
- Audio does not stop when gameplay is suspended while accessing the system menu
- Sometimes the user is unable to browse through the Job Board
- R.A.C.E. landing page does not load correctly after returning from a R.A.C.E. shift
- All ship types, except mackerels, can spawn depressurized between Hazard level 5 and 7
- 'Emergency Fuel Shut-Off' notification continues to be displayed on a reloaded Atlas, despite being turned off
- Doors can spawn outside their walls after reloading a save
- When navigating the Control Remapping menu, scrolling down even one position will send the scroll bar all the way to the bottom
- Entire ship decompressed when airlock was cut - did not occur on mackerel
- Ship Failed To Load prompt has no popup SFX
- Depressurization SFX continues after the decompression event when cutting a pressurized airlock
- Placing a demo charge to salvage the fuel tank during the Cutter's Race, explodes the valve segment, failing the task
- 'Audio data' HUD text notification doesn't fit properly its allotted space
- Backing out of a Career profile other than "Standard" causes that menu selection to appear incorrectly
- MP is not awarded, when a tier is completed right when the shift is ending, despite displayed as completed on the Salvage Indicator
- Reading a new message in the Employee Terminal will place as 'read' some unread messages, without the user actually opening them
- If your ship fails to load, and the credits awarded is enough to pay off your debt, then you soft-lock while waking up in the Hab
- 'I Dub Thee Shipbreaker' sticker is awarded for each objective in the Pressurization Tutorial
- The Audio Player widget changes sizes, when moving in the HAB
- If the user interacts with a door console while holding demo charges, then the placement feedback will display as invalid until the player presses the left mouse button
- Ship failed to load header text is untranslated in non-english languages
- "Rank" text label in the kiosk is inconsistent with other text sizes in multiple languages
- "Panel (light)" scanner legend is out of bound of UI in Italian, German and Spanish
- In the Data Collection Screen, the "input image" overlap with the background UI box when "decline" or "accept" are highlighted
- If the user presses ESC during the Reaction explosion, then they can enter a 0% health state with altered movement
- Electrocution vfx is not prevalent when being shocked a multiple times
- When using resolutions under 16:9 in width, "Lynx" and "Salvage" in the loading screen are overlapping
- "Ship name" in data drive next to "found on" is squished and displayed in multiple rows in French
- Cut off text in Spare Termination Notice for most languages
- Player data content in the leaderboard is slightly cropped
- The ship's name in the Cutter's Race menu doesn't properly fit its allotted space
- Misaligned text in Workshop terminal screen
- Misaligned localization string in the Job board
- Untranslated localization strings in fees report
- In the Ship Doctor menu, Chinese fonts make the objective list difficult to read
- Overlapping text in tutorial objective
- "Road trip friend" doesn't fit into Ship doctor menu in several languages
- Text displayed in English on the New Messages received, when loading in the HAB and not having English set as in-game language
- In Spanish, "Cut level" doesn't fit into scanner description
- When detonating a reactor, some scrap doesn't lose its hot texture
- "Sticker placed" values in sticker menu are misaligned in some languages
- "Upgrade me!" text under upgradeable stickers is out of bounds in some languages
- Tools names in sticker menu are not displayed properly in Chinese and Russian
- When opening the sticker menu, the 1st category "Salvager" is not shown directly
- Tether message doesn’t show up in the employee terminal
- Continue prompt in HAB Greeting notification is too small in Chinese
- When the player clicks on a space truck part they've already installed they get wrong VO
- In Brazilian Portuguese in the Stickers screen for the cutter there are some texts overlapping
- Loading a saved ship with a Class 2 reactor will cause related VO not to play
- The cutter/grapple indicator may be displayed on the screen when activating the terminal
- Ship Class names localization is inconsistent
- Letters in 'Above Cut Grade' notification are too condensed in some languages
- First step of the tutorial 'Look at the elevator' tip is too long in Italian and overlaps with the objective below
- In the Options Menu, languages do not display properly in Simplified Chinese
- Dates on the profile creation email screen have been algebraed in traditional Chinese
- The text on the "Deposit Salvage" tag doesn't fit properly in its allotted space in several languages
- The ship catalog is unintelligible when switched to different resolutions
- The audio log for "Shang, Brennan" has missing words in the subtitles & data viewer
- Softlocked in an unresponsive RACE post shift summary after retrying connection
- After Weaver's hab intro, the player can press a button to access the hab greeting before it is active and block themselves
- The title enters an indefinite unresponsive state on the Shift Performance menu after viewing the Leaderboards in Cutter’s R.A.C.E.
- Barge tutorial and barge do not turn on after abandoning the barge tutorial then resuming career and selecting a level 2 ship
- Loading screen does not appear when loading into career or into a shift
- The tutorial no longer triggers, when the user abandons it and reloads without signing out from the profile
- Random collision boxes in the Heavy Cargo Javelin's interior double airlock
- Thrown demo charges have no velocity and do not attach to nanocarbon
- Demo charges are invisible when deployed
- Any violent depressurization event applies to the entire ship
- Violent depressurization events do not trigger SFX
- Entering the Stickers menu and then backing out will show a greyed out Equipment menu option
- The game crashes when trying to enter the career while having the rank 3 first ship in the yard
- The HUD doesn't appear when starting a shift on a ship the player has already worked on
- Some elements of the scanner HUD keep displaying after the scanner is turned off
- On the Fee reversal report, the button to confirm is different from the one used during the rest of the game
- The player can get stuck if they choose to not get out of the hab after contract termination
- Changing resolution and creating a profile can duplicate the intro text
- Controls remapping menu doesn't scroll properly while using the controller when the resolution is less than 1920x1080
- Flush Switch scanner description not localized in Traditional Chinese
- The "No connection" prompt in the Weekly RACE Salvage Summary doesn't have controller prompts
- Unable to repair equipment if a low rank profile has been loaded in the same session
- Non-sequential scenes can stomp in-bay tutorial VO
- Waypoint markers in the HAB tutorials disappear if you quit the game
- The Reactor II plate is attached to the octagonal aluminum structure on Station Hopper Geckos
- Available languages are not translated in Italian in the Options Menu
- The controller has no focus on the Pause Menu, when accessing the pause while in the Kiosk
- Ship catalog contains Hazard Level 0 ships after rank 3
- Computer terminals on the Industrial Action Stargazer can spawn in other computers or objects
- Ghostship VO subtitles are triggered during the wake up sequence
- "Achievement undocked" sticker is not incremented correctly when debt is repaid
- Typo in messages in the employee terminal in the HAB
- Limited Revival profiles have few available ways to see remaining lives
- Demo Charge preview slice and wireframe persists if switching tools while interacting with a door
- The user can no longer leave the HAB during tutorial rank 2 on a reloaded profile, after several save and quits
- Computer terminals can spawn in other computer terminals on Javelins
- Pausing during Rank 2 Weaver's call transition will cause the controller/Keyboard to lose focus and Weaver's next call to not play
- HAB locked state during Lou’s message on day 3 can be bypassed by saving and returning to the HAB
- Objects in Scanner Mode do not appear correctly
- Weaver and Lou's friction dialogue does not play on a Rank 6 Skip Training profile
- Computer terminal with 'no salvage destination' parts or with extra parts can spawn on Heavy Cargo Javelins
- Violent decompression occurs in the Crew Quarters of Heavy Cargo geckos, when cutting a certain keel cut point
- Detaching the panels on the side of the cockpit of mackerels by cutting the glass in front doesn't cause a decompression
- Mackerel cockpit glass stays connected to one side of the nose panel
- Debt paid off pop-up doesn't appear (should appear in the good morning cutter screen)
- Space Truck objects 'Collected' notice has overlapping text
- If the player dies during the movement tutorial, they have no more guides or task lists
- Unsalvaged/uncollected objects will spawn back to their initial position, after reloading a ship, despite having been moved away
- The doors of the airlock are not opening when using the airlock console on the "Gecko Salvage Runner" ship
- "Hold thumb to scanner" type of prompts doesn't display the input required to progress
- Some computer terminals cannot be cut
- White bar appears instead of the "Open Task List" prompt when the task list is closed in RACE
- Overlapping text on buttons and on contract in several languages, when creating a new profile
- HUD notifications in German don't fit properly the allotted space
- Amplifiers are still linked to the Science Mackerel after cutting the antenna base nanocarbon panel
- Weaver's line 'Have a quick read then hop in the bay' does not play, when the user buys the tethers too soon
- Debt and LT are not displaying properly on HUD and HAB in several languages
- Localized text for the scanner's legends causes spills out of the designated area
- The Reactor I objective is shown in double on the task list, when pausing the game, after reviving
- When reaching a new reward tier during gameplay, the displayed text is overflowing in some languages
- When the character portrait is on the right, the subtitle text becomes right-aligned
- Unlocalized UI prompts in the Ship Doctor menu
- "Power off" is not translated during the Industrial Action Suit shutdown
- Tethers do not affect Comms dish arrays if placed in a certain way
- Demo Charge randomly attaches to nothing
- When the player pauses during game, some part of the Ship doctor Widget aren't translated
- Some Tools can be fixed at 100% state
- Player hands do not appear when dying by Furnace
- During the credits, some texts are overlapping in Chinese, Russian and Italian
- Stats are not visible on previously unlocked upgrades
- "Repair" prompt seen in tool upgrade trees is out of bound in multiple languages
- The "Radio Malfunction" prompt can trigger at the beginning of a shift if the player damages the helmet while going to the hab in the previous shift
- During the 1st tutorial, tasks will automatically be completed if the player character dies
- Standard airlocks have exterior panels that look as though they are cuttable
- The text of the Fee Reversal Screen overlaps in some languages at resolutions above 1080p
- Incorrect text in extraction description for Utility arms is shown in several languages
- The (Titanium) panel is not correctly translated in simplified Chinese
- "Group_Undisclosed" in union mails appear as "empty squares" in Chinese and Russian
- In German, "Thermal spreader" doesn't fit into scanner description
- The text description of the light banks is different between English and other languages.
- The "Hold to confirm" text prompt on the fee reversal report is untranslated
- Ghost ship helmet collect pop-up is untranslated
- "O2 Leak" pop-up displayed after causing a small leak in the helmet isn't translated
- Dying while grabbing onto something and, holding down the grab keys through the death process causes the left hand to animate incorrectly on spawn
- "Connection to server" pop-up in Cutter’s R.A.C.E. isn't translated
- "Play" prompt used for playing an audio log in the data miner is untranslated
- Button prompts on Oxygen Drain Setting popup need to be redesignated
- Several objects in Salvage Runner loading bays have the grapple out feedback, despite not being attached to anything
- Text 'Reset tab to defaults' in the Options does not fit properly in several languages
- "Back" prompt in the leaderboard is displayed on 2 rows instead of 1 in multiple languages
- The header of the sticker unlocked notification during HAB greeting resizes depending on the language used
- Demo Charges flash when floating rather than when placed
- Salvage goal pop-up text content is out of bounds in multiple languages
- "Release ECU Coolant" task during reactor II tuto is overlapping with progress bar in French
- In French, Weaver contract termination VO use a different name for "contract termination" than the one seen in the menu
- "No revival" name in French should be consistent with the rest of the game and use the word "Résurrection" instead of "Renaissance"
- Javelin name used in the message preview and subject should be consistent with name used in message content
- After enabling "Disable background Controller input" with a controller while alt-tabbed, the controller inputs are still being detected
- Non-English Javelin Tanker unlock messages use wrong name in the Subject
- In Spanish, Javelin Tanker is incorrectly translated as "Carguero" in various areas
- Button to close the Oxygen Drain Pop-Up is different than the UI indicates
- During Onboarding sequence, Citizen ID content is partially hidden in French
- Exiting Weekly Race before the screen is fully loaded will cause a loss of focus in the front end
- At rank 30, the MP progress bar seen in the bay is still displayed and appears functional
- Employee terminal subtext "Unverified application" is incorrectly translated in non-english languages
- Employee Terminal UI doesn't select the first item in the line, resulting in doubled sfx
- Player debt is displayed inconsistently in different parts of the game
- Card reader animations seen during contract termination continue to play while paused, leading to multiple issues
- Saving and reloading in the HAB right after the Industrial Action can cause Salvage Reaction VO to be played during Career Loading
- Numbers in the "Resources" subheading of a cutter's leaderboard profile are aligned too far left, and overlap the resource they represent
- When grappling objects into the helmet, sometimes the sound does not play
- Vaporizing part of a panel will play the panel melting sound at the center of the original panel
- Correct sound effect missing when completing Space Truck
- Foley SFX missing on hand shake-off after getting zapped
- Quitting while reactor is exploding can leave the sounds stuck
- In profile selection, profile text labels are pushed out of bound of UI by the "input image" in multiple languages
- Radiation filter emissive turns off but the filter is still barge salvageable
- Atlas fuel injector counts towards the thrusters sticker
- The controller loses focus on the Equipment tree, after the user goes in the data miner first
- Continuing to salvage a ship in the first shift of Rank 3 will show an empty tasklist and one subtitle line from the barge tutorial
- Opening sequence text is too small and difficult to read at high resolutions
- Opening sequence subtitles are too small and not readable at high resolutions
- "POWER OFF" HUD during suit shutdown during Industrial Action is mistranslated in French
- The "Continue" text is not displaying correctly on the Weekly Race screen in some languages
- Weaver and Lou VOs can overlap when opening Lou spam message too fast
- Railgate blue schematic poster reflects an out of place texture when looking at it from far away in the HAB
- Cutpoint clips into cabin seats in a Station Hopper Mackerel
- The credits number in the info panel of the HUD incorrectly displays LT
- Returning to the HAB when a VO chunk is starting causes the VO audio to be heard at high volume during the shift summary transition
- AI Nodes hidden behind objects on Stargazer Gecko exterior
- Airlock decompression VFX appears in the scanner
- Equipment text is not displaying in the workstation terminal, after loading in the HAB at rank 3 (skip training)
- Communications Array will not move with the Sensor Array when the Sensor Array is dislodged from the ship
- Small "Computer Terminal" object affixed to the front of an ECU does not count towards the "Salvage Computer Terminal" objective in Cutter's RACE
- Floating terminal found in low HL Javelin Tanker reactor room
- Hal dialogue plays during the loading if the user loads a career saved right after the Industrial Action
- Controller focus can be lost upon opening the equipment terminal after loading the HAB
- A gap can be present in the back of the hull of gecko station hopper
- "Environmentally conscious" sticker title is misspelled in English
- Incorrect material present on some cut points for some antennas
- A piece of fuel pipe can be found free floating in Heavy Cargo Geckos
- Communications arrays on Heavy Cargo Geckos can spawn detached from their sensor arrays
- During the 1st tutorial, pushing the processor or aluminum panel into the furnace using scraps leads to a softlock
- Button prompts overlapping in German Credits
- Fuel valve prompt is still active on a reloaded Heavy Cargo Javelin despite the already flushed pipes
- Bed can spawn in front of an Airlock Console on a Jav Heavy Cargo
- Object "processed" notification pop-up content is overlapping in some languages
- After playing some interact or pick-up animations, the left hand doesn't go back to its idle state
- Delayed objective completion for "Grapple Reel" in the salvage bay tutorial
- Cutting the Thruster Cap does not turn it into scrap
- Missing 'click' SFX in the apartment screen while using controller
- The tool description is misaligned in the equipment screen
- User can start the tether tutorial with 0 tethers if all tethers were previously used in another ship in the same rank
- In the front end key rebind screen, scrolling through an input list doesn't move the list focus along with the selection highlight
- Javelin airlocks are missing the airlock alarm when pressure changes
- Airlock lights in Gecko Stargazer don't always animate when cycling
- When grappling objects, the SFX may not change after the objects are taken off the ship
- Some Geckos and Atlas depressurizing on spawn
- Mackerel decal "direct-ways" difficult to read against paint job and cut off by ship panels
- Deactivating the scanner in the pressurization tutorial brings the (disabled) grapple back up
- Ghost Helmets clip through glass panels
- Entering the Pause Menu while transitioning to the Ship Catalog will cause both screens to overlap
- The global start shift button in the HAB plays a negative sfx when complete
- One of the Bay lights is flickering
- Glass pieces do not highlight in red when put in the barge
- It is possible to see structures behind hydroponics cabinets by looking through their glass
- On initialization the VFX from the Barge is visible whilst using the Scanner but not afterward
- In the Barge tutorial, Weaver tells you that he activates the oxygen/fuel depletion, but actually he does only when you access the Kiosk for the first time
- Softlock if you enter the pressurization tutorial with 0 fuel and at low level
- Leaving work area with Grapple attached will retain the attachment after respawning the player
- Demo charge durability appears before it is unblocked in the tutorial
- Class II Reactor texture is not properly displaying
- If the player is already looking out of the Window during The Way Out scene, they will be forced to back out and look out the window again
- Flush switches can be interacted with during "flush" animation
- Missing upper case on several extraction descriptions for Space truck parts
- Right brackets in the Salvage Summary list in the Post Mission Screen are too far left
- Misaligned string when observing an object with the Cross-Spectrum Scanner
- Overlapping text when activating the Cross-Spectrum Scanner
- Ships's names first letter is in lowercase in Messages - Employee Terminal and New Messages Received pop-ups in Russian
- Text on the Reversal fees screen doesn't fit properly in Russian
- "Ship available" is displayed in 2 rows and overlap with UI in French and Russian
- "Transportation acquired" text does not fit properly in Russian, being hidden by the End Contract button
- Text on 'Employee Contract Termination Form' is not displaying in Russian
- Exiting the Leaderboard before the screen is fully loaded will cause a loss of focus in the front end
- The words “barge” and “processor” are untranslated in German language
- Message introducing Mackerel Heavy Cargo doesn't appear at rank 3 on skip tutorial profile until HAB reload
- Text on the Open Shift pop-up doesn't properly fit its allotted space, when playing in Russian
- 'Lynx-Corp update' text doesn't fit properly its allotted space, when playing in Russian
- Version out of date pop-ups for weekly race and leaderboards uses the wrong font
- Lou doesn't wait for Shippy to speak before introducing the player to the Ship Doctor
- LOD issues with multiple barge tagged objects
- Player’s suit is immediately breached when colliding with an object between 9 and 10 m/s
- Circuit description mentions the circuit is based out of silicone
- Gecko Heavy Cargo - No emergency lights in crew quarters, corridor, ECU room
- Gecko Salvage Runner - No emergency lights in the corridor to the cockpit, crew quarters, and reactor room
- "Race Maintenance in progress" is displayed out of bounds in French
- Main menu button navigation sounds play despite the highlighted button not changing