• Hardspace: Shipbreaker: Screen zum Spiel Hardspace: Shipbreaker.
  • Hardspace: Shipbreaker: Screen zum Spiel Hardspace: Shipbreaker.
  • Hardspace: Shipbreaker: Screen zum Spiel Hardspace: Shipbreaker.
  • Hardspace: Shipbreaker: Screen zum Spiel Hardspace: Shipbreaker.
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  • Hardspace: Shipbreaker: Screen zum Spiel Hardspace: Shipbreaker.
  • Hardspace: Shipbreaker: Screen zum Spiel Hardspace: Shipbreaker.
  • Hardspace: Shipbreaker: Screen zum Spiel Hardspace: Shipbreaker.
  • Hardspace: Shipbreaker: Screen zum Spiel Hardspace: Shipbreaker.
  • Hardspace: Shipbreaker: Screen zum Spiel Hardspace: Shipbreaker.
  • Hardspace: Shipbreaker: Screen zum Spiel Hardspace: Shipbreaker.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 16.06.2020
Zum Shop
Preis Update 23.01.25

Über das Spiel

Im Laufe deiner Karriere erhältst du das Privileg, die bei uns angehäuften Schulden abzubezahlen, indem du die Bergungsrechte an immer größeren und wertvolleren Schiffen erwirbst. Schneide sie auf und hole alles heraus, was dir wertvoll erscheint!

Du bist mit der neuesten LYNX-Technologie ausgestattet. Fräse Eingangspunkte frei, berge wertvolle Materialen und Komponenten mit deinem Schneidewerkzeug oder zerlege Metallschrott aus jedem beliebigen Winkel in tausende Einzelteile, während du über dein einsames Dasein nachsinnst … Die Möglichkeiten sind unbegrenzt! Sei vorsichtig – dein Tod rentiert sich nicht.

Wir empfehlen eine rasche Aufwertung deiner Werkzeuge sowie deines Helms und Schutzanzugs, um lohnenswertere Aufträge anzutreten – das Einzige, worum du dich sorgen musst, ist wie du das alles bezahlen willst!

  • Erlebe den Alltag eines gewöhnlichen Raumschiffsbergungsarbeiters
  • Schneide und zerstöre in dieser Physiksimulation der nächsten Generation ganz nach Lust und Laune
  • Verbessere deine Werkzeuge und schalte neue Boni frei, um dich schwierigeren Aufträgen zu stellen


Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

218 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
8132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.23 13:12
One of the best games, I had the plessure playing so far. Love it and will never deinstall it!
238 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
8827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 17:43
Möchtest ihr ein spiel wo ihr Raumschiffe abwracken könnt dann ist diese Spiel perfekt für euch seit aber auf der Hut den jeder schnitt könnte euer letzter sein.
197 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.22 02:34
Ich hatte mich eigentlich sehr auf das Game gefreut & und als ich es dann hatte sah auch alles wunderbar aus, doch als das Tutorial mal genommen war und es hieß die 1. besseren Wracks abzuarbeiten kamen 2 Dinge die mir unheimlich übel aufgestoßen sind: der Abwrack-Timer und die Hetze sich ständig den Sauerstoff auffüllen zu müssen.Das hat mir den Spaß am spielen völlig genommen.

Hab es dann entnervt als Refund zurück gegeben:(
77 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
5612 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 02:31
Ein sehr forderndes Überlebensspiel welches auch eure geistige Fähigkeit erfordert.

Es fängt damit an, daß ihr an einem Klon-Projekt teilnehmt, dafür unterschreibt ihr mit eurem Daumen-Abdruck. Danach steht ihr bei der Firma Lynx (Luchs) erst mal mit 1'250'000'000 € in der Kreide (ja, ihr habt richtig gelesen und ich habe mich nicht vertippt: 1,25 Milliarden Euro) xD

Um diesen gewaltigen Schuldenberg abzubauen, arbeitet ihr im Weltraum als Abwracker von alten Raumschiffen.
Ihr bekommt eine kleine Einweisung wie ihr euch in der Schwerelosigkeit bewegt und wie eure Werkzeuge funktionieren.
Also dann: Werkzeuge schnappen, raus an die frische Luft ... äh ... ins eisige Vakuum, und dann an den Raumschiff-Wracks drauf los geschnippelt? Oo
Neenee mein Freund und meine Freundin, sooo einfach geht das Spiel dann doch nicht ;)~

Nicht nur daß ihr das Raumschiff nachhaltig auseinander nehmen müsst, also Rohmaterialien kommen in den Schmelz-Ofen, Legierungen wie Nanocarbon und Titan kommen in den Prozessor (die Raffinerie). Und wiederverwertbare Gegenstände wie Displays, Stühle, elektrische Geräte, schießmich-tot's und Nuklear-Reaktoren etc. kommen in die Barke.
Ihr müsst auch zusätzlich mit Köpfchen in der richtigen Reihenfolge vorgehen. Wenn ihr den Treibstofftank abreißt während das Treibstoffsystem noch aktiv ist, braucht ihr euch nicht wundern wenn ihr euch in ein Feuerwerk verwandelt ^^
Oder das Kühlsystem zu deaktivieren während der Nuklear-Reaktor noch in Betrieb ist = böses Juh-Juh ;-)
Es muss auch darauf geachtet werden, daß alle Abteile des Raumschiffes nicht mehr unter Druck stehen. Also schön vorher alle Atmosphären ablassen. Wenn ihr einen Raum der unter Druck steht auch nur anritzt, fliegt euch wortwörtlich das komplette Raumschiff in Einzelteilen um die Ohren und in die Schnauze. Das tut verdammt weh, gelinde gesagt ;)

Und so arbeitet ihr Schicht für Schicht eure Schulden ab, nehmt verschiedene Arten von Raumschiffen auseinander. Jedes Raumschiff ist anders aufgebaut und eine neue Herausforderung, erfordert also jedesmal erneut euren Hirn-Schmalz. Verbessert eure Werkzeuge und euren Anzug.
Für verschiedene Errungenschaften gibt es Sticker, welche ihr auf eure Werkzeuge bappen könnt. Oder ihr könnt auch ab und zu ein paar Festplatten finden, auf welchen sich alte Logbucheinträge von euren Vorgängern befinden. Kann ja nicht Schaden was den Vorgängern so widerfahren ist oder warum euer Arbeitsplatz überhaupt für euch frei wurde, ähem.

Viel Spaß, ich kann dieses Singleplayer-Spiel nur empfehlen :)
345 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
5306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 15:10
Ich weiß nicht was es ist aber mich packt dieses Spiel wirklich. Es ist simpel aber bietet genug Variation das es nicht langweilig wird. Ich kann dabei richtig entspannen und das macht Shipbreaker zu meinem lieblings Zen-spiel. Es gibt noch einiges zu tun aber mir gefällt die Richtung in die das Spiel geht. Macht euch aber klar ihr werdet oft das selbe tun und irgendwann baut sich Routine auf.
Kleine Kritik habe ich doch: Manche buggs sind lästig. Mir ist schon mehrere mahle passiert das ich ,wenn ich ein Schiff am Anfang einer Schicht vollständig abgebaut habe keinen Zugriff auf den Kiosk oder den HUB habe.
Außerdem gibt es noch ein Problem mit den Raumschiffen. Ab einem Punkt macht es keinen sinn mehr die Raumschiffe zu Wechseln. Mann nimmt (meistens) dass was am meisten wert ist. Läuft also zum großen teil auf die Javelyns und Geckos hinaus. Klar Arbeitet man sich da hin mit höheren Leveln aber es wird halt schnell eintönig wenn man immer die Selben schiffe abarbeitet weil man den Maximalen Profit und die Meisten LT (Nötig für Equipment Upgrade) haben möchte. Mir macht es Spaß aber man muss eine gewisse art Spieler sein um das zu mögen.
435 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
2923 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 23:49
Es braucht noch ein paar mehr Schiffsklassen !
Es wäre nett, wenn die Kampagnenstory noch weitergehen würde.

Ansonsten ist das Spiel fertig und zockbar. Ich habe kaum Bugs festgestellt (Druckausgleich im Schiff funktioniert nicht immer...).
Absolute Kaufempfehlung !
132 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.21 18:48
Was soll man über dieses Spiel schriebn ,naja es ist Arbeit . Es macht höllisch Spass die Schiffe zu zerlegen ,besonders die Schritte zu planen was zu erst kommt und zuletzt. Je länger desto besser ist es für mich . Manchmal vergess ich die Zeit und bin mal paar Stunden an einem Raumschiff dran aber für mich ist dass der reiz bzw die Umgebung zu betrachten . Dafür muss ich sagen dass die Entwickler ziehmlich schönes Spiel da gemacht haben weiter so
822 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 11:43
Großartiges Konzept, von dem ich nicht wusste, dass ich es mir in einem Spiel wünsche. Als ich damals Space Engineers entdeckt hatte, war ich von der Idee begeistert, hat spielerisch aber leider nie für mich funktioniert. Bei Shipbreaker wurde mir jetzt klar, dass vorsichtiges und sorgfältiges Auseinandernehmen tatsächlich wesentlich befriedigender (für mich) ist.

Hatte es vor einiger Zeit schon einmal angespielt und nach dem Tutorial dann leider feststellen müssen, dass man unter Zeitdruck arbeiten musste, was für mich nicht in Frage kam (ich brauch Zeitstress nicht auch noch in einem Spiel, bei dem ich eigentlich abschalten und entspannen will). Das wurde aber mittlerweile - wohl nach Feedback aus der Community - mit einem der letzten Updates optional gemacht und so steht für mich dem destruktiven Schweben im All nichts mehr im Wege.

Für Early Access erstaunlich stabil und ausgereift, klare Kaufempfehlung von mir, wenn man das Setting und/oder Spiele mit industriellem Flair und Aufgabengebiet (für mich zum Beispiel dahingehend auch Factorio) mag.
121 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
1688 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 12:35
Finde ich das Spiel gut? Ja. Ist es für jeden etwas? Nein, auf keinen Fall.

Die Physik stimmt nicht ganz, die Hardwareanforderungen sind für eine flüssige Grafik zu knapp bemessen und das Spielziel ist sehr hoch angelegt (1000 Million Schulden abarbeiten auf die ständig Zinsen und ähnliches drauf kommen.)

Schön ist das freie Spiel, denn im standart Spiel und Karieremodus ist das Spiel kaum zu gewinnen.

Wenn es im Sale ist ok, aber den vollen Preis hätte ich nicht dafür gezahlt.
118 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
869 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 11:33
Tolles Spiel.
habe das Spiel jetzt bisschen mehr als 10 Stunden gespielt und bin positiv überrascht.
Das Setting ist mal was ganz anders und es macht trotz Simplen Spielprinzips richtig Spaß im Weltall Schiffe zu zerlegen. Die Sterung ist einfach und das gut Inszenierte Tutorial bringt Sie einem schnell bei. Auch das Spielziel ist toll neben dem fakt das Schiff zu zerlegen ohne das es in einer Explosion endet kann man sich zum Ziel nehmen die Schulden ab zu bezahlen, dass ist soweit ich das beurteilen kann aber nicht zwingend notwendig um den neue Technologien oder neue Schiffstypen frei zu schalten. Im allgemeinen ist es ein tolles Spiel wenn man sich entspannen aber gleichzeitig ein wenig gefordert werden will und für den Preis macht dieses Spiel das richtig gut.

Was ich mir allerdings wünschen würde wäre ein Co-op modus in dem ich bin einem oder zwei Kollegen zusammen ein schiff in seine Einzelteile zerlegen könnte da es auf dauer auch etwas langweilig werden kann.
572 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 12:14
Wenn ihr Fans von Optimierung von Abläufen seit und Packendes Gameplay wollt ist das Spiel echt geil.
3176 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 18:10
142 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
99 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 03:11
macht nach 1 1/2 stunden schon irgendwie spaß
gibt noch viel zu sehen und erfüllt allgemein den Eindruck den man vom Gamestar team bekommen hat
für viele gamer ansprechender wäre es wenn die ersten errungenschaften ins game kommen und allgemein noch einiges etwas optimiert wird an performance
man merkt das game is noch nicht so alt, vielleicht wäre etwas abwechslung ganz cool da auch die musik immer gleich bleibt
ein arbeiter radio wäre vielleicht eine nette idee etwas lässigkeit reinzubringen
bin gespannt wie es weiter geht
89 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 11:46
Sehr schönes Spiel!
Schöne Spielatmosphäre und Gelungenes Design. Es macht viel Spaß durch s All zu schweben und die verschiedensten Raumschiffe zu demontieren. Die Steuerung ist etwas anspruchsvoll, aber gut umgesetzt und man kann sich schnell hineinfühlen (Controller ist sehr empfehlenswert). Ich hoffe das dem fertigen Spiel noch viele Mechanismen und Aufträge hinzugefügt werden, da das Spiel viel Potenzial mit sich bringt.

Auch ein CO-OP Modus ist sehr wünschenswert.
269 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
4209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.20 12:27
Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Die Anti-Aufbausimulation im Weltraum

Jeden Donnerstag ein Contentupdate + Bugfixes

In Hardspace Shipbreaker sind wir selbst unser größter Feind. Warum? Nun, zum einen weil wir einen unfassbaren Schuldenberg schon zu Beginn haben (999.999.999 Credits), den wir nun mühsam bei der Firma LYNX Corp. abzahlen müssen. Zum anderen, weil jede falsche Bewegung im Weltraum, jeder falsche Schnitt, jede falsche Abbaureihenfolge einen unschönen Tod nach sich ziehen kann.

Während wir in anderen Spielen Raumschiffe und andere Konstrukte zusammenzimmern, müssen wir sie in Hardspace zerlegen - und das unter realistischen physikalischen Bedingungen. Und die sind im Vakuum des Weltalls eben komplett anders als auf der Erde. Zudem wollen Treibstoff in Tanks und Leitungen, Kabinendruck, elektrische Objekte und Generatoren, sowie Kühlmittel korrekt gehandhabt und abgebaut werden. Über das erfolgreiche Bergen der Teile verdienen wir dann wiederum die dringend benötigten Credits und können uns zudem verbesserte Ausrüstung kaufen.

- Bedachtes Vorgehen wird belohnt: Analysiere über einen Scanner genau die Strukturen, Materialien, wertvolle Objekte, Gefahren und atmosphärischen Bedingungen vor dir und plane genau, bevor du mit dem Abbauen loslegst.
- Flexible Werkzeuge wie der Greifhaken, erlauben es dir, Objekte einfach zu entfernen. Du kannst darüber aber auch an Dinge heranziehen oder von dir wegstoßen. Auch mit dem Cutter sind je nach Situation präzise Schnitte oder großflächiges Abtrennen möglich.
- Die zufällig generierten Schiffe unterscheiden sich voneinander und erfordern verschiedene Vorgehensweisen.
- Reaktoren liefern besonders dramatische Herausforderungen: Als Herz jedes Raumschiffs bringen sie das meiste Geld. Wenn du sie transportierst, wird ohne Kühlung aber sofort die Kernschmelze eingeleitet, was sie zu einer tickenden Zeitbombe macht.

Fazit: Wer gerne Dinge zerstört, knobelt oder auch einfach nur etwas arbeiten will, ist hier genau richtig.
Dieses Spiel ist sein Geld mehr als Wert.
156 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.20 13:20
nice Game
232 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.20 05:02
Erstmal zur Info: Ich spiele derzeit auf dem normalen Schwierigkeitsgrad. Also mit Zeitlimit, Sauerstoff und unbegrenzten Wiederbelebungen.
Es gibt derzeit 4 unterschiedliche Schwierigkeitsgrade in den man spielen kann, die alle Bedürfnisse abdecken. Vom entspannten, stressfreien Zerlegen ohne Sauerstoff und ohne Zeitlimit bis hin zum Stirb einmal und Game Over ist für jeden was dabei.

Der Anfang als Weltraumschrotti kann etwas verwirrend sein. Viel Input und ein recht knappes Tutorial für die Menge an Möglichkeiten, die man hat, lassen viel Spielraum um zu experimentieren. Hab mir zum Beispiel den Prozessor in der ersten Schicht genauer angeschaut. Mein Klon übernahm dafür die nächste Schicht. Stück für Stück nimmt man den wertvollen Loot aus den Schiffen, wirft das Altmetall in den Brennofen und verarbeitet anderes wertvolles Material im Prozessor. Was wo hin gehört zeigt einem freundlicherweise ein Maker an, sobald man etwas mit dem Greifhaken packt.
Das Zerlegen macht für mich um so mehr Spaß je Größer die Schiffe werden und je schwerer das Bergen der Antriebe und des Kerns sind. Auf Rang 6 verbringe ich Rund 4-5 Schichten damit das Schiff Stück für Stück in Profit zu verwandeln, bevor ich ein neues Schiff ordere.

Bis auf zwei ärgerliche Game-Crashes hab ich bisher auch keine Bugs oder Probleme bemerkt.
Bisher macht es viel Spaß und lässt noch viel Potenzial für die Zukunft offen.
136 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1420 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.20 19:48
hält was es verspricht
109 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
456 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.20 18:18
217 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 17:38
habe das spiel mal angespielt und muss sagen wow endlich mal eine neue idee die noch nicht da gewesen ist

ich denke wenn das spiel mal fertig ist wird es was richtig dickes ...

20 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.20 10:21
Auch wenn ich erst ein paar Minuten gespielt habe, hat mich die Physik des Spiels schon jetzt abgeholt. Gerade bei Simulationen zur Schwerelosigkeit sind Impulserhaltung und Weg Zeit Gesetze bislang gut umgesetzt. Bitte bleibt bei den physikalischen Gesetzen weiterhin so authentisch wie möglich!!! Ich bin begeistert!!!
572 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1053 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 19:10
Noch nie war verschuldet sein so schön...
Und bald kann ich mir meinen eigenen Helm kaufen, (Sauerstoff nicht inbegriffen!) und muss nicht mehr das Leihmodel nutzen (welches immer noch nach dem Vorbesitzer riecht)...
117 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
357 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 10:23
Ok mein Fazit ist eher Ernüchternd....warum erkläre ich kurz. Die Zeitvorgaben sind knapp. Das Prinzip finde ich gut. Aber leider keine Sandbox wo man selbst entscheiden kann. Dafür gibt es aber das freie Spiel ohne Vorgaben. Was auch nicht so richtig spannend ist. Ok, was will ich von dem Spiel. Hätte wir gewünscht eher durch das All zu reisen und Schiffe zu finden. Da aus den Schiffen die Technologie raus schneiden und sammeln. Sein Schiff damit zu verbessern und für nicht benötigte Teile Credits zu sammeln und davon Ausrüstung zu kaufen. Das wäre Mega. Denn so ein Spiel suche ich seid dem Amiga 500. Also nur knapp über 30 Jahre, aber egal. Hier hast du ne feste Vorgabe, ein Zeitlimit und musst dich den gefahren des Abwracken stellen. 15 Minuten dauert ein Tag, nach 2-3 Minuten geht dir der Sauerstoff aus den du am Kiosk der in der nähe ist auffüllen kannst. Also dazwischen ist nicht viel Zeit richtig zu Überlegen und zu handeln. Das macht es sehr stressig. Grafik ist Top. Spiel will mich noch nicht so richtig fesseln. Wer das Spiel kauft sollte sich mehr Infos holen. Auf You Tube sah es ja auch toll aus. Ein 2 Stunden Play bei Steam fällt auch sehr knapp aus um es zu Testen. Weil bis man die Mechanik und das Prinzip verstanden hat, dauert ein bissel. Würde ich nicht Empfehlen. Warum der Daumen nach oben. Weil sonst an sich alles ok ist und nur weil ich mir was anderes gewünscht hätte, muss man ja nicht anderen den Spaß verderben. Also wenn ihr ein ruhiges freies Gameplay wollt eher Finger weg. Vergleichbares gibt es nicht.
110 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.20 08:51
Sehr schöner Zeitvertreib. Es fordert einen immer wieder heraus und wenn man nicht aufpasst, dann krachts und ein Großteil der Arbeit löst sich in Rauch und kleine Trümmer auf.

Sehr empfehlenswert!
472 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
720 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.20 00:11
Das Tutorial muss man durchstehen, dass ist aber tatsächlich nur um die Mechaniken kennen zu lernen in Fleisch und Blut geht die Steuerung dann über wenn man Level 6 erreicht hat. Da kommen dann auch die ersten komplizierteren Schiffe... für eine zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt 0.1 Version läuft das Spiel erstaunlich gut und fehlerfrei.... Werde das hier erweitern sobald ich mehr vom Spiel gesehen habe.
BBI arbeitet soweit ich das beurteilen kann eng mit seiner Community zusammen der Homeworld Entwickler geht da meiner Meinung nach genau den richtigen Weg um das Beste aus dem Game heraus zu holen.
Auf dem Discord Server wird schnell und so gut wie möglich auf Fragen und Fehlermeldungen sowie Verbesserungsvorschläge reagiert.

Da so ein Verhalten eines Spieleentwicklers heutzutage relativ selten ist und ich das Spiel wegen seiner neuen Ideen feiere gibt es von mir dafür eine klare Kaufempfehlung.
264 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
4609 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.23 03:25
Best piece of union based propaganda I've ever played. 10/10 would become an indentured slave again!
110 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
640 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.23 01:07
space garbage club 10/10
377 Produkte im Account
97 Reviews
297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.23 16:17
Best way i could describe it is, house-flipper in space. Shipbreaker is just a good game to chill with.
90 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.23 16:02
A surprisingly fun game for having to be very meticulous about how you take apart huge space ships. Definitely requires some critical thinking towards the late game as things don't always 'fit' out doors (hint: just make a bigger hole). The story is quite fun and the voice acting is awesome.
0 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
2398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.23 01:01
Extremely fun, even though the concept is that you're a cloned worker, laboring day by day to repay a huge debt for the opportunity to work disassembling spaceships at an orbital facility. You pay rent, you pay interest on your debt, you pay to lend the tools for your work. And yet it's soothing and a breeze to play. Great controls, great feeling, very responsive.

And you learn your trade little by little.

Absolutely recommended.
0 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3672 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.23 22:39
If you enjoy Powerwash Simulator but find it a bit monotonous like I do, and you'd like something similar with added problem-solving, this one is for you.
0 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
2726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.23 15:25
A unique game with a killer soundtrack!
0 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.23 03:03
I wasn't sure about this game at first, I liked the sense of humor and the game play seemed fun if not a little repetitious. Little did I know they slowly introduce new challenges and a story line, I never thought I would sweat playing this game because it has some of the most stressful scenarios I've had in a while and I play Tarkov. After putting in 13 hours and I plan on putting many more in, I can tell you this game is a Gem, very fun would recommend 9/10
301 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
757 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.22 12:52
See all those massive ships in the distance? Would you like to scrap them? That's a shame, because they are not in the launch roster of 4 different types of ships.

To be fair, there is a very solid core framework built up by the developers, the scrapping feels scary and exciting at the same time. However the game is let down in the variety department. Once you scrapped a type of ship once you pretty much can apply the same tactic to all variants.

My hope was that the devs would expand the roster to maybe include capital ships, maybe even modding, but instead the story was given a higher priority.

In my opinion its not worth the full price, mainly because of limited replay-ability and the overall lack of variation. Wait untill its 75% off, then its fun for 10-15 hours. If you, however, enjoy specializing in a limited range of challenges than by all means go for it.
547 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
679 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.22 08:48
They really need to add modded player ships.
65 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
20 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.22 18:45
I've tried to play this game multiple times. I like the game play but the developers need to fix the graphic issues. This game runs extremely hot on a system that meets their requirements with any optional settings on low. Not to mention the amount of actual settings you can toggle is extremely limited.

Also, forced cut scenes are just bad design.
120 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3788 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 20:14
Developers abandoned everything fun about the game and decided to focus on a boring story that no one asked for. The entire game has half a dozen ships, that's it. Every promise they've made from the roadmap has been broken. No mod support, and the developers refuse to add it. Communication between the developers and players has also been nonexistent.

Fuck this game, spend your money elsewhere.
879 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
4000 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.22 23:31
A puzzle type game to work out best process and quickest process to take apart these titanic ships. I like doing casual mode and just taking apart ships and chilling with no time limit. Super Chill
364 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
3328 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 03:07
Just a chill game where you break old ships apart. Don't need to stress if you don't want to. Just watch out for those fuel lines...
95 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
8225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.22 02:43
This little hidden gem lets you work in space, orbiting just outside Earth, taking apart spaceships like a surgeon (or slightly less accurate, depending on unforeseen malfunctions). Just for me, this is a dream come true quite literally. Very much big into space, so being born in the wrong century to have this job isn't a problem anymore :)

-Gameplay, taking apart ships with surgical precision!
-The stickers, posters, and little things you can collect

Didn't Like:
-Music can get repetitive after a while, would love more tracks!
-Sometimes you get pockets of unpressurized areas that make no sense, or a ship that is about to have a reactor meltdown the very second you start your shift. Just like real life welding, nothing always goes according to plan.

Suggestions for future:
-Customizable suit, soulless corporation yellow isn't my color :)
_More soundtracks and cool stuff!
195 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2033 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.22 22:11
I like to escape from my life of crippling debt and repetitive labor by playing this game where you play a guy who has crippling debt and does repetitive labor to pay it off.... but in space.
99 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
466 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 09:56
The only way to make this better is vr support and coop.
60 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 06:00
Best chill game only gets better
53 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 16:04
The game is super, if there was a multiplayer it would be better by 250%
235 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1628 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.22 06:45
Only thing that I think would make this game better is if it had VR support. would be amazing to move around the ships and dismantle them inside of VR.
game is still great either way. lots of little details through the game.
136 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 21:41
dunno why I was so sleep on this game it's everything I loved about disassembling ships in space engineers but 100x better
477 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
7091 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 18:25
Really relaxing game.
86 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
712 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 07:09
great game would love to see some coop or even some 4 player
it would just be a lot more fun and cool to work with friends.... or against them
but nonetheless keep up the work
171 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4603 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.22 20:28
Great casual play,
I enjoy playing the game after a long day to decompress.
95 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 15:42
I love this game and find it relaxing to pick a ship apart piece by piece. However, i couldn't compare it to dark souls in this review unless I died at least once so I threw myself into the furnace.

This is like if a blue collar scrapper and dark souls had a baby!
159 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 22:16
What black magic did these devs use? It's so addicting
208 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5764 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.22 04:06
The story is good and funny. The graphics are great for taking apart a ship.
250 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
5099 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 02:45
Really helps me get ready for life as a beltalowda. SaSa Ke?
120 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
4892 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.22 09:22
An Action Puzzle Game at Heart with Elements of Mindful Gaming Pleasures

The hyper-capitalised, high-frontier is an excellent location for a game – take Prey for example as one which went down more of an action/RPG route. By contrast to Morgan Yu’s experiences your self-named player-character in Hardspace: Shipbreaker is cast as less of a potential hero to humanity, and more an honest, working Joe (or Josephine), striving to keep their head above water in an all too believably bleak, future working environment. Employed as a ‘cutter’ for the LYNX megacorp, each mission sees you try to safely and profitably dismantle increasingly complex and hazardous decommissioned spaceships. Saddled with a, suitably, astronomical debt in the billions for company you work for, each ship represents a chance to chip away at this burden and maybe, one day, emerge with a profit. Don’t hold your breath though, as the company will shaft you for more fees at every opportunity. Hey, oxygen doesn’t grow on trees you know!*

Getting a good handle on the zero-g manoeuvring is probably the first learning milestone to overcome, followed by learning your two key tools – the ‘stinger’ cutter and the gravity harness. As you might suspect, the former carves softer materials into salvageable chunks, and the latter helps you sling them into the appropriate recycling bin for massive…adequate…well, actually, tiny profits in most cases. Although, that said, computer banks, reactors and engine components will net you larger amounts of income, and hence you’ll find yourself taking care to avoid damaging these precious components all the more as you work.

Of course, it’s not simply profits you’re trying to maximise as the LEO space you occupy is full of hazards. Cut a fuel pipe before cutting off the fuel reserve? Expect a plasma fire to toast you if you’re lucky, or an explosion if not. Run the stinger over a reactor mind you, and bing-bang-boom, you are crispy ex-cutter. The damage physics in this game are superb – although on the larger ships when I gleefully cut through a class-2 reactor for a giggle my whole rig slowed to a crawl for a few seconds. The devastation afterwards though – was chaotic and beautiful to behold. And an utter pig to clear up all the fragments!

But don’t fret if you find yourself suddenly an ex-cutter, LYNX’ll helpfully clone you up a spare – albeit for an egregious extra fee added to your debt. Alongside these additional costs, given your equipment slowly wears out and requires expensive repairs too, you’ll soon see the ongoing drive to take on harder and harder ships to dismantle in order to successfully keep your head above water…in space, if that’s not too much of a strained metaphor!

As you progress from the early, easier ships, harder ones with more onboard hazards are offered, and eventually you’re also introduced to the equally helpful and hazardous demolition charges as your third tool. Throughout you can always opt to keep taking on the smaller, easier vessels, but if you want to progress and gain upgrades for your salvaging gear, it can be smarter to take on the more challenging members of the fleet. Later in the game, even the earlier ships gain additional onboard hazards though, so smaller doesn’t automatically mean easier.

There’s also a plotline, currently voiced by non-professional actors, along with text and audio logs, which help flesh out an interesting future environment. But make no bones about it, you’re only the hero of your own journey here – nothing is going to change here except – perhaps - your own future if you’re a success. While the developers promise to update the voices with more professional actors in the future, I found the current performers to be excellent and authentic. In terms of presenting a small cadre of people all struggling to keep themselves sane, and human, while constantly being ground down as cogs in the system, they make for an engaging story which slowly progresses as you advance in experience.

One caveat: the game IS a major time sink: even a small ship can take around 30 minutes to fully dismantle. You can opt to play the game on a time-limited mode, where you have to make profits faster, taking more risks and, literal, shortcuts, rarely salvaging anything close to the entire vessel. Personally, I prefer the open shift mode which removes any time constraints and makes for a more relaxing and mindful game as you try to salvage as close to 100% of each vessel in your own time. Certainly, the largest vessels in the game are such complex networks of interacting systems, pressurised chambers, and hazardous waste that may see you using up to 2 hours of real time to complete. As there’s no mid-session save, only at the end of missions, this can be a tad frustrating if real life needs to call you away. I can see why the mid-save option was omitted: save scumming would remove the prevailing feeling of precarious living permeating every minute you’re in the big-black. Will the next cut set something ablaze, or puncture a pressurised area and send the whole structure careening into the outer darkness, or will you manage to finally crack your face leaving you gasping in the cold, cruel vacuum of space? If you could simply reload this existential fear would be removed, to the game’s detriment. Maybe I just need to get faster on my cutting techniques.

Given the game is still in early release, (I’m playing the v0.7.0 release), new features may yet be introduced and old ones retired. Over the past year the core game hub and progression system has been totally redesigned and significantly improved, with the slight irritation of resetting all progression – although you can opt to keep playing earlier iterations and saves should you wish. For now though, I’ve had more than my value of purchase returned in terms of fun and challenges overcome. I look forward to seeing what other features and polish are added ahead of full release, and maybe even getting to the end of the narrative which accompanies my salvaging adventures.

See you around the dockyards, fellow cutters.

*Well it did, but the Earth’s biosphere in the background to the game is in a…questionable state.
137 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.22 23:38
Crashed 5 times in one day. Mostly towards the end of a ship and losing all progress on that ship. Until the crashing is fixed i can not recommend this otherwise very good game.
218 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.22 16:35

The one line

I both love and hate this game, It has the possibility of scratching an itch so few others are capable or even close to scratching, the individual elements have such potential, but the sum of it's parts fails in its execution, It's goals misalign with the niche it attempts to fill and I feel the Devs fundamentally misunderstand large sections of their audience.

The Disclaimer

I've played the game for around 82 hours, from it's release in early access to 'the atlas tugged' update.
I prefer to play the game in open shift.

The Good

The sound design is excellent, there's a real thump and realistic feel to it, the breathing effects add tension to timed moments and it marries well with the soundtrack to adequately direct the emotions of the player.

The puzzle aspects are well thought out for the most part and fun to execute and optimise.

The catharsis possible from a successful salvage is totally unique to the genre and really, really satisfying when it works.

Which leads me into:

The Bad

The game doesn't want to give you that Catharsis, there are several ships that are deliberately set up in such a way that 100% salvage of them is literally impossible, even if everything goes exactly as it should, which it often does not, thanks to a number of physics glitches still present in the game.

Now it's early access, sure, but that's a tired excuse at this point, the game has been out for sale, at full price, for 18 months by this point, physics interactions were largely the basis on which the game was built, it is in the trailer that they have 'next generation physics and destruction' they should have made sure they had this absolutely nailed down before release.

Basic phun-sics would have been better than what we have right now which is an often unpredictable mix of 'jello space' and newtonian physics.

You stay in motion but parts do not, that kind of thing.

Assuming however that you don't have a catastrophic explosion from nowhere, that the entire ship doesn't careen to the other side of the shipyard for no reason whatsoever, or the miniature black hole generates in either the furnace or the processor for wherever the part you've sent there -isn't supposed to go- will invariably snatch away any chance you have of achieving 100% salvage of a ship.

Many ship designs have parts that you simply cannot separate that have separate destinations, meaning you have to either take the hit on the part ending up in the wrong place, or directly destroy parts, once again ensuring you cannot fully salvage most ships.

Now for someone like me, who likes to play on open shift, and spend about an hour or two carefully picking apart a ship and correctly sorting each and every part, panel and item, this is beyond frustrating.

I'm also not terribly fond of the new walk about in the HAB style, slow animations and transitions to things that were perfectly serviceable with menus is unnecessary and does little to enhance the experience.

The story also lands in an area of considerable 'meh' for me, It's nice that they included it, but I need an option to skip it because personally I just want to tear ships apart, not be forced to consider the trials and tribulations of our tumultuous future though the eyes of a bunch of predicable archetypes.

Am I out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong

And I feel this is where the dev's misunderstanding of their audience comes in, it took much community requests for them to even add the open shift plan, claiming that in their view this would make the game seem like 'less of a game.'

I think they need to take a step back and understand that they have a niche title on their hands here, accommodating to the play-styles available within that niche is crucially important to the long term success of their game.

It is clear that though the ship design choices, the tendency for the physics engine to prefer large un-salvageable explosions over careful planning and execution, and the unskippable and unnecessary story that the Dev's have a particular vision in mind for the game which sadly does not align which how I'd prefer to enjoy it.

I am sure I am not alone in that stance either.

Wot I'd change

I do not believe however, unlike most ship salvage contracts, the game is unsalvageable.

Personally I feel that adding an option to skip the story, to prefer a simple menu. in the HAB, and some tweaks to the ships design to allow 100% salvage of each and every design, fixing the physics issues, this game could be something I'd happily pour many hundreds of hours into.

The option within the open shift plan that could add an interesting aspect of balance is having the player 'purchase' the salvage project, adding a layer of risk/reward and potential balancing decision to make, do I take this cheap but hard to salvage contract over this expensive easy option, it would add an alternative approach from the current 'here is ultimately irrelevant amounts of debt to pay off'

Also an additional tool could be a separator, something that allows down to individual part separation non destructively, which allows us to fix your mistakes and achieve that 100% salvage that you so desperately want to keep from us.


I am honestly just disappointed in this title, I don't hate it, far from it, and it's provided me with 80 hours of semi-satisfying entertainment.

It just pains me that there's only a few tweaks from turning it into something truly special.

And it's only when something brings you so totally close to a satisfying conclusion before setting off the bomb they hid in your britches that you experience a level of frustration that you didn't consider possible beforehand.
390 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
1329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.22 00:58
If you like a game such as Viscera Cleanup Detail, but want a bit more spice and danger to fluff up your experience, then this is for you. Your job is to tear apart spaceships in varying level of function and send the bits and pieces to where they belong.

Good game to relax with on lower difficulties, and will cause you to panic when shit hits the fan.

The minimum system specs are high, I can run the game on a 2 GB R9 without any issues, but the framerate is very poor unless I crank down the resolution.
41 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 23:26
Once you get the hang of it, it can be quite a relaxing experience to dismantle awesome looking ships, and the variety of ships increases as you progress.
86 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1001 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 22:57
Strangely engrossing for a game that is essentially like going to work.
270 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
551 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 03:55
Was pretty fun to play a while ago when I first got it, but now they've shoved in a ton of unnecessary annoyances into career mode, like an 'immersive' hub that just makes going between various menus long and tedious. That and a bunch of annoying characters and a few hamfisted, unskippable talking head cutscenes to stop you actually playing the game for minutes on end to beat you over the heat with some absolutely mind numbing nonsense that's so insufferably on the nose it makes you turn off the audio the entire time they're talking.

I always thought the ruthless space corp setting originally was a bit dour, but a neat and somewhat unique framing device on the gameplay and progression. Now that they've slathered on baby's first 'corporations bad, unions good' plot on top of it, it makes it feel like the game wants you to consider the entire experience utterly miserable, which quickly enough it will do.
453 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4985 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 11:05
The game is a very novel, has mostly good game design principles, is fun, interesting but ultimately frustrating simply because of long standing unfixed bugs.

The game crashes frequently when attempting depressurisation. The explosive decompression idea is badly implemented, where later ships contain non-working but somehow fully functional (based on salvage value) air control units. The general idea is make explosive decompression a 'factor'.

This - in real life - is easily bypassed by drilling a small hole in the hull, though the game doesn't support you doing that. Cutting a small piece of the hull out would be the same thing (airlock door corners, but this is unsupported. Basically it wants to be linear and you have to employ the correct 'trick' to decompress. This is a bad idea. The big problem is this often causes the game to freeze and ultimately crash.

Another issue is miscalculation of cutting beam vector, which means you can explode fuel tanks when you clearly don't touch them. Also, they are instantaneous, another gimmick, rather than first heating then exploding. Again, not realistic and destroys immersion.

The physics is broken when you can push 30 tons around with your 1.5 ton limit beam - only if you first grab a 1 kg piece of scrap then push the ship with that.

My opinion right now - do not buy the game and wait till you know these things are fixed. There are more bugs (floating disconnected items etc) that also further break immersion and make things gimmicky.
477 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1896 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 14:30
Ever wanted a game where you can satisfyingly peel massive metal sheets off a spaceship and send it flying towards the appropriate recycling bin? A game where one accidental slice of the laser cutter will cause the ship to explosively decompress, sending you and a million things flying off into space? A game with a beautiful working-class on the railroad banjo soundtrack that operates dynamically based on your level of activity and the current danger you're in? A game that channels the real-life systemic issues of the class divide in our society, perfectly emulating the frustrations of dealing with an uppity manager who doesn't give a shit about you?
Then play this game. Its really good.
232 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4612 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.21 16:21
Having come back to the game recently there has been tons of improvements and the overall game quality is amazing. I'm really curious to see how they expand the story line and continue to improve the game.
232 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4612 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.21 16:21
Having come back to the game recently there has been tons of improvements and the overall game quality is amazing. I'm really curious to see how they expand the story line and continue to improve the game.
200 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
679 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 15:01
Incredibly relaxing and immersive until you accidentally detach the reactor whilst trying to quickly find your way out of the ship to buy more oxygen, then weighing up whether its worth dying by either asphyxiation or reactor meltdown.

200 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
679 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 15:01
Incredibly relaxing and immersive until you accidentally detach the reactor whilst trying to quickly find your way out of the ship to buy more oxygen, then weighing up whether its worth dying by either asphyxiation or reactor meltdown.

202 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
886 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.21 12:20
The base mechanic of the game interested me at first but this game is only about constant grind of an endless repeat of doing the same thing over and over again. The story is disconnected from the gameplay. you dont even feel why you do the grind so much. Even though this is a singleplayer game somehow every update erases your progress... So irritating.

In my opinion the dev's are really slow and the last major update that came was just a cosmetic 1 part story progression that had nothing to do with the game itself. With the speed and trajectory that the devs are in, you should buy this game in 2025.

I honestly am unhappy with the money spent for this game. If you are subjecting the 'early access' testers for your product to such circumstances, why are you making us pay the whole sum of the value for a fraction?
202 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
886 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.21 12:20
The base mechanic of the game interested me at first but this game is only about constant grind of an endless repeat of doing the same thing over and over again. The story is disconnected from the gameplay. you dont even feel why you do the grind so much. Even though this is a singleplayer game somehow every update erases your progress... So irritating.

In my opinion the dev's are really slow and the last major update that came was just a cosmetic 1 part story progression that had nothing to do with the game itself. With the speed and trajectory that the devs are in, you should buy this game in 2025.

I honestly am unhappy with the money spent for this game. If you are subjecting the 'early access' testers for your product to such circumstances, why are you making us pay the whole sum of the value for a fraction?
476 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
5793 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 01:23
The gameplay of Hardspace: Shipbreaker is unlike anything I've ever experienced. There is something remarkably claustrophobic and uncomfortable about maneuvering through these spaceships, clearing debris, planning the dismantling of the sensitive components, and making the proper cuts. Conversely, there is a disorienting learning curve associated with shifting the large pieces through space into their respective bins. It's easy to get turned around, and find yourself looking up into the stars, unsure where the thing you were working on has drifted to.
Though at near 100 hours, I feel like I've seen most variations on the available ships at this point, each one still offers a distinctive challenge. This is a game where a missed soda bottle floating in the wrong place can lead to a reactor meltdown when you depressurize, which means that it pays to give the ships a thorough exploration. The nature of Zero g movement and the robust physics engine means that it is virtually impossible to predict what will happen when you finally end up blowing the hatches. Though I initially played the game with Oxygen, I found that I preferred to remove the more stressful time component, and just enjoy the process of totally taking apart a whole vessel. I don't think I'll ever get tired of the mechanics of spaceship dismantling.
The games story has a worthwhile anti-corporation, pro-worker message, and while I appreciate the idea behind the crew and their management, I couldn't embrace the way the story is told. Almost exclusively through disembodied radio chatter and email messages, it was difficult to feel connected to the events involved. The game's primary ally feels kinda annoying, and the initial antagonist is unreasonably obnoxious and seems to encourage incompetence and failure, rather than just being concerned with his own rep and the bottom line. Perhaps if the game worked more to introduce the rest of your allied cutters, highlight their strengths, and offer you a chance to spend time with them and learn about them in person, it would help to get me invested in the characters and story. These sequences could still be conversations played over static images, but if they were images which eschewed the isolation currently prevalent in the game, and gave the player a reason to care about these people, then it might make me more inclined to engage with them. As it was, I quickly tired of them, and preferred to lean into the isolation. I stopped reading the emails, stopped paying attention to the mostly unimpactful chatter, and I even stopped listening to the audio logs, finding them dull listening.
Certainly none of it was as interesting as the process of cutting up spaceships while floating over the planet below, and i hastened back to that whenever I could.
476 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
5793 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 01:23
The gameplay of Hardspace: Shipbreaker is unlike anything I've ever experienced. There is something remarkably claustrophobic and uncomfortable about maneuvering through these spaceships, clearing debris, planning the dismantling of the sensitive components, and making the proper cuts. Conversely, there is a disorienting learning curve associated with shifting the large pieces through space into their respective bins. It's easy to get turned around, and find yourself looking up into the stars, unsure where the thing you were working on has drifted to.
Though at near 100 hours, I feel like I've seen most variations on the available ships at this point, each one still offers a distinctive challenge. This is a game where a missed soda bottle floating in the wrong place can lead to a reactor meltdown when you depressurize, which means that it pays to give the ships a thorough exploration. The nature of Zero g movement and the robust physics engine means that it is virtually impossible to predict what will happen when you finally end up blowing the hatches. Though I initially played the game with Oxygen, I found that I preferred to remove the more stressful time component, and just enjoy the process of totally taking apart a whole vessel. I don't think I'll ever get tired of the mechanics of spaceship dismantling.
The games story has a worthwhile anti-corporation, pro-worker message, and while I appreciate the idea behind the crew and their management, I couldn't embrace the way the story is told. Almost exclusively through disembodied radio chatter and email messages, it was difficult to feel connected to the events involved. The game's primary ally feels kinda annoying, and the initial antagonist is unreasonably obnoxious and seems to encourage incompetence and failure, rather than just being concerned with his own rep and the bottom line. Perhaps if the game worked more to introduce the rest of your allied cutters, highlight their strengths, and offer you a chance to spend time with them and learn about them in person, it would help to get me invested in the characters and story. These sequences could still be conversations played over static images, but if they were images which eschewed the isolation currently prevalent in the game, and gave the player a reason to care about these people, then it might make me more inclined to engage with them. As it was, I quickly tired of them, and preferred to lean into the isolation. I stopped reading the emails, stopped paying attention to the mostly unimpactful chatter, and I even stopped listening to the audio logs, finding them dull listening.
Certainly none of it was as interesting as the process of cutting up spaceships while floating over the planet below, and i hastened back to that whenever I could.
19 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1970 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 17:44
It's a great game, bit painful when you put hours into a repetitive task just to lose your save
19 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1970 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 17:44
It's a great game, bit painful when you put hours into a repetitive task just to lose your save
400 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
13183 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.21 21:41
I've put in a lot of playtime and can't recommend it since they refuse to respect the time I've put in. I'm fine with early access games resetting progress. What I'm not OK with is such a complete and utter reset every time they release an updated version. My customized key bindings? Gone because they did a reset. The 90+ minutes I put in to get past the gatekeeping to get to a challenging game mode? Gone. I'm literally forced to play a boring no-consequences mode for nearly two hours to get to a game mode that I already had unlocked. And this is the second time the reset worked like that after the first time they released a new version to these same complaints. If my limited mode save had merely been reset to a point as if I had just started the game, I'd give it a weak yes. But forcing me to play on normal to unlock the new game+ I want to play on--for a third time I want to stress--makes this a solid no.

Come back and check the game when they're done.
400 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
13183 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.21 21:41
I've put in a lot of playtime and can't recommend it since they refuse to respect the time I've put in. I'm fine with early access games resetting progress. What I'm not OK with is such a complete and utter reset every time they release an updated version. My customized key bindings? Gone because they did a reset. The 90+ minutes I put in to get past the gatekeeping to get to a challenging game mode? Gone. I'm literally forced to play a boring no-consequences mode for nearly two hours to get to a game mode that I already had unlocked. And this is the second time the reset worked like that after the first time they released a new version to these same complaints. If my limited mode save had merely been reset to a point as if I had just started the game, I'd give it a weak yes. But forcing me to play on normal to unlock the new game+ I want to play on--for a third time I want to stress--makes this a solid no.

Come back and check the game when they're done.
510 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
3033 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 17:34
100% recommend, a lot of fun. Watched a stream of the game, got me curious and now im 47 hours in. Worth full price easily.

Try not to follow guides or optimal strategies, it will ruin the fun I feel. Explore it yourself.

Game version 0.6 at moment of writing.
510 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
3033 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 17:34
100% recommend, a lot of fun. Watched a stream of the game, got me curious and now im 47 hours in. Worth full price easily.

Try not to follow guides or optimal strategies, it will ruin the fun I feel. Explore it yourself.

Game version 0.6 at moment of writing.
257 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2740 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 23:03
I like this game I have enjoyed playing this game, but the last release and the umpteenth time of wiping my progress is really tiring. I get this is early access, I play a lot of early access games. But few have completely reset my time to zero like this. If I could I'd demand my money back, this is not how you do this. I will be uninstalling this game for now.
257 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2740 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 23:03
I like this game I have enjoyed playing this game, but the last release and the umpteenth time of wiping my progress is really tiring. I get this is early access, I play a lot of early access games. But few have completely reset my time to zero like this. If I could I'd demand my money back, this is not how you do this. I will be uninstalling this game for now.
61 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
1084 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 20:40
The game itself is good so it gets a recommended from me. Just its probably best to wait for the full release. Because i am honestly not looking forward to grinding my way to late game only to have it forcefully reset by an update.
61 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
1084 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 20:40
The game itself is good so it gets a recommended from me. Just its probably best to wait for the full release. Because i am honestly not looking forward to grinding my way to late game only to have it forcefully reset by an update.
237 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 12:29
Solid gameplay loop. Really good for relaxing.
121 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 15:56
This is the best game on Steam right now.
257 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
26969 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.21 00:28
I would've written one earlier, but I was in drydock, lasering apart another starship. This game makes time blur. The soundtrack sounds like something from Cowboy BeBop, imagining yourself shrugging on a well-worn spacesuit and ripping apart junkers while the crew enjoy a drink somewhere between bounties.

There are subtleties, ways to figure out how to do things. It won't come natural at first, but as a greenhorn you have plenty of lives to figure it out. Chuck parts into the barge below, the firey maw of the furnace or the cold icy processor portal. Just don't get so absorbed you get sucked in. (You can grapple out, sometimes)

My complaints are minor. My satisfaction is great. I do wish they could license ships from the SciFi universe and get them in there, but I realize that is a licensing issue. I would appreciate more ship types to cut apart, but there's a lot of variety thanks to a few base types and procedural generation.

I'm just sweating it out up here, looking down at the earth as ships boost by in silent grace. Every once in a while, the large gate pushes Petajoules of energy, accelerating another load of humanity to the outer rim.

Me? I'm stuck paying my debt, but I've got my music. I can do this. Its a dance in zero-g and the pleasure of bobbing a steel panel into the furnace makes me smile.

I'm a hard-working scrub, a shipbreaker. And I wouldn't want it any other way.
1269 Produkte im Account
234 Reviews
168 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 19:09
Comfy menial labour game, but wait for the full release.
713 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
4329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 03:11
XXL Antistress.
499 Produkte im Account
77 Reviews
8490 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 06:19
after 120+ hours i can hardly say it's bad can i ?
it's kind of like a puzzle game, but in space, dissasembling ships.
If you don't do it right, you blow up.

I'm hoping for more ship types in the full release, but there are still many hours in it as it is now
515 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1567 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 18:00
Don't buy now. Wait until it leaves Early Access.

This game is in good condition for Early Access. It looks great, plays well, has fun gameplay and a novel concept with humour mixed in. Your goal is to break apart increasingly complex ships to salvage as much as you can in a limited time. If you like puzzle solving, precision and speed running there is a fun game to enjoy here. You progress to better equipment, helping you tackle larger and more complex ships. All good so far, so why not buy now?

Progression resets and slow pace of updates.

Gaming time is valuable, so progression resets, multiple times, are a complete killer to a recommendation. If your gaming time is limited and you don't want to see all your time and progression wiped out with an update, don't get this before it leaves Early Access. Each reset your first 20+ hours will just be re-grinding the upgrades to get back to where you were and start looking at the new content.

Updates to the game are slow and months apart. Communication about them, particularly when they are coming is poor, and we have been left months at a time with full resets looming over the game leaving it in limbo - anything you do will be wiped with the next patch that could be days away, could be weeks or even months still. We only find out the day it arrives on steam.

The update for Act 1 triggered a reset. They recently announced Act 2 will trigger the next reset. There is further story content to be added, which based on Act 1 and 2, will likely trigger another. And finally there will be another progression reset as the game exits Early Access as v1.0.

The game is good fun and in good condition, and I fully expect to turn this into a positive recommendation on full release, but since I value my gaming time I cannot recommend it now with multiple resets planned. No clear indication from the devs when they expect it to leave EA as a released title, but I can't see that happening in 2021, and unlikely in Q1/2 2022 either.
33 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
181 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.21 02:18
Debt Simulator gives the same distinct feeling of hopelessness as real life! 10/10, would get loans again
191 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
8206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.21 00:36
Cheaper than therapy, more fun than meditation
375 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
575 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 04:07
The concept and visuals are great, but the game is unfortunately subject to a gamebreaking bug: the physics are tied to the framerate and the game drops frames occasionally, so you see a freeze and then a jerk of the screen to a different position. If that were the extent of it, it might not be a big issue, but when you're using a gravity gun that holds a ship part and you suddenly rotate in a jerky motion, the ship part can fly off into space. It happens often enough to cause a serious issue, and this happens on two separate PCs that I have, one with an RTX 2080 and the other with a GTX 980. I haven't found any way to fix this, and until they do, my review will stay as a no.
235 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.21 04:19
Pretty fun game, but I can't get into it because it reminds me too much of reality and I become sad. 10/10 with rice
106 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4907 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 19:08
So much fun that you can sit back and chill while playing. I would love to see this crossover to VR possibly in the future.
3904 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2866 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 06:27
It's a fun game, but the devs really need to stop ruining your progress by forcing story scenes into your game. I can't tell you how many times I am mid deconstruction, over halfway done, and me ranking up forces me into some new mechanic or story function that just wipes all my previous work on said ship. If you could fix that, id give this game a solid 9/10. As is, with the story being forced down my throat at the expense of my progress, I can at most give it a 4/10. No one enjoys having story forced down their throats, especially when it hinders your work on a Javelin ship.
34 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 07:15
This is my zone out and chill game. This is my zen. Love love love the new update. The quality of life changes to the javelin class ship are amazing and make it much more fun and enjoyable. Ty for the hard work and willingness to listen to your players.
214 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
86 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 22:32
I love the idea of this game. But the only Tutorial is bloated and overly long because it is attached with the campaign. Please add a quick, snappy tutorial that has minimal dialogue and contrivances.
1307 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
12481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 20:00
Can't participate in the Early Access experience unless you give Discord your phone number. Devs don't use the Steam Forums for suggestions or bugs, you MUST register with Discord, and you MUST give Discord your phone number.

I really enjoyed this game, and made several suggestions on the Discord before they required phone verification. But now I don't think I'll be recommending it to anyone.
64 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3032 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 00:08
With time and oxygen limits off it's a very chill game that manages to scratch an itch I never realized I had. Great music also. A bit repetitive but not in a bad way, not at 40 hours mark yet at least.
46 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.21 04:29
I'm enjoying this game and it has a very addictive quality to the game play. Visuals and sound are all well done and the theme is really cool. I recognize that it's early access but I wish you could save a ship in bay and come back to it at a later time. It can take up to an hour or more to scrap even the beginner ships. I've also experienced a number of crashes and I've had to revert to an earlier save; essentially nullifying hours worth of work.
552 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
6659 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 21:43
Got it when it first hit early access with only 2 ship types and it was a buggy game then with what I believed was a good core concept. As of now, I'd say it's about 85% done and has been fleshed out from community suggestions. It's very soothing and methodical going through a ship, cutting it up into sections, cutting those sections into smaller sections, and having an empty bay once it's all said and done. Love the direction of the game and can't wait for the final version.
153 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1581 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 19:08
It was fun for a bit, but almost a year in, most basic gameplay features are still as broken/barebones as on release (and some have gotten worse), while the developers seem mostly focused on irrelevant gimmicks, so I no longer think it will turn out good.
304 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2012 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.21 00:35
this game is so good, so much potential and has been great until the most recent update when they overhauled the ranking system. now progression is so painfully slow and upgrades are so hard to earn that it's barely worth playing currently.
1635 Produkte im Account
207 Reviews
7432 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 05:12
(9/10) (in Early Access)

I normally don't review games in early access, heck I normally don't even play games in early access but in this case I will make one heck of an exception. This game really seriously surprised me with how addictive and seriously strategic it can be. The overall presentation is absolutely top notch, and while there are a few typical early access bugs and hiccups you can tell this is going to be a serious gem as it works its way towards release.

It has just about the perfect combination of zen relaxation as you slowly pull a gigantic hulk of a ship apart and recycle its bits and bobs and then sheer panic and terror when you get a little too complacent and let the corner of your cutter beam nip the side of the nuclear reactor coolant line sending the whole thing towards criticality and you have the split second choice of do you try and salvage this and cut your way back out, dragging the reactor with you and hope you can make it out and secure it in time, or do you just cut and run for it and watch its blast take out 75% of the ship you were dismantling.

While it can be a little on the repetitive side in many ways, those tend to be the sort of relaxing bits of the game and it sort of scratches the same satisfaction itch that other 'cleanup' games do and its hard to overstate the sense of accomplishment when you figure out a new trick to pull just a little more out of a salvage going forwards, or you manage to successfully reclaim almost everything leaving a clean bay and the tiniest little extra sliver off or your billion+ credit debt to the company.

As far as story its probably too early to really comment on that as they are just beginning to add the parts of it in as of 0.4 that I'm playing now but it is thematically engaging and works great with the overall sense of how the company abuses its power and how long and frustrating a struggle it is to get out of that debt. You get more bits in flavor text, decrypted log files and a few other little hints here and there, but in the end you are either going to be satisfied in a job well done, or eventually bored once you push through the new content on offer at least in the current state, and you probably know which side of that you will fall on already.

108 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1933 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 19:37
is in space and that what my heart needs.
35 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1889 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.21 21:49
Pretty zen until its not.
710 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5650 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 17:58
I really love this game when it doesn't crash. You folks really need to do something about its stability issues. This is a game with no mid-game saving or checkpoints, and it seems to really enjoy crashing to desktop right at the end of my shift. If you can fix the crashing issue, I promise I'll come back and change my review, but after losing about hours of gaming in just the past few days thanks to multiple crashes I simply can't recommend it right now.
263 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 07:32
The game is ok, but the shift timer really ruins it for me. I also don't want to be thrown into a kiddie pool mode though. I'd be fine with having to purchase the oxygen having that being the thing that eats into your profits if you take too long on a ship, but I really did not like the timer.
333 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2612 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 06:20
I honestly cannot put this game down till I complete a ship, and the new updates are a great touch. I can't wait for what the future holds to make this experience greater.
277 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
3726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 17:37
very much enjoy this game but needs co op play so damn hard it hurts
422 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 17:22

Summarised thoughts

I dont know if its just because i love the work BBI does and their own sensibilities for aesthetic and simulation match my own, but this is a great game. It feels fleshed out and not starved of content like many early access games. Its can be either relaxing or challenging based on what you want from the game, whether thats casual work or speed running for leaderboards. Im left with an excitement for what may be added in the future, and a level of content at whats already present


  • Looks great with a sleek clean style that has hints of a more low-poly /voxel look without actually overtly crossing into it
  • Simulation mechanics built around shipbreaking that hold enough depth to offer the satisfaction of becoming skilled at, while not being so obtuse as to get in the way of itself
  • Fantastic soundtrack that adds to the frontier feel of the setting
  • Feels very homeworld in its sensibilties, without actually being set in the universe
  • Offers enough variety in each model that shipbreaking the same hull type doesnt get repetitive quickly
  • Fun feeling over discovery as you work out how to most efficently break down each ship type and develop your own methods


  • No multiplayer (although this is more a personal desire than something i feel the game is missing)
277 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
1423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.21 19:29
I got a new job...
370 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2643 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.21 02:31
Work yourself to the bone trying and failing to repay a massive debt you ironically put yourself into just to get the very job that is working you to death. Full of danger stemming lack of safety regulation, cold capitalism, and obsolescence, your job will give you just enough to keep you crawling back for more!

and then you'll get home and play a pretty good game about breaking ships.
494 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
1285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.21 18:36
Pretty comfy, the music is nice but we could use a few more tracks.
256 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 06:05
This game has become my new obsession. Pulling ships apart in Zero-G with full 6-DOF movement is exactly as fun and relaxing as you might think. Or maybe you've never thought about it. Either way, I highly recommend this game, even in early access. The level of polish that already exists in the game makes it worth the investment now.
173 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
1983 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 15:20
I am german so I like to play working games in my free time
21 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
11500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.21 22:57
I purchased this game to relax because I saw the reviews and It sounded very interesting. I have over 139 hours to date and it is well worth the investment. It lets you play at your own pace and lets you control when and how you do things to make the most money. There is a thinking process to this game and it will keep you busy and having fun. I look forward to new ship designs and challenges. The things that need to be improved upon I believe would help the game further.
#1 I would like the ability to save games anytime even while you are working on the ship.
#2 They need to add more types of ships (which I would assume they are already working on that for the next release).
I HIGHLY recommend this game if you like taking your time or doing things at your own pace. This is a FUN game!
159 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
4467 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 02:33
very relaxing, zen like, nice option selection how you can play, did not notice any bugs, runs well for e a game, no crashes, nice graphics and feel when you play, O2 needs, fuel needs etc can be turned on or off, also how many lives you have also optional before you start (clones), good voice cast, always wanted to tear big space ships apart and now its possible! many dangers too and ways to die or get hurt, thinking game, planning and patience is the key... timer that counts down for each new ships you need to salvage can also be turned on or off depends how you want to play...
189 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
5843 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 03:47
This game has kept me sane... well, mostly sane... through the pandemic. There's something very relaxing about disassembling spaceships with only a twanging country riff and your own increasingly labored breathing echoing in your ears as you struggle to cut yourself free from the debris you trapped yourself in and make it back to the habitat to refill your O2 before you die gruesomely, alone, slaving away for a megacorporation that charges you outrageously for your medical bills.

You know what I mean? It's soothing. An escape from real life. Two (severed) thumbs up, would buy again.
483 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2015 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 07:06
Best indentured servitude simulator on the market. Learn what life will be like when Amazon, Apple, and SpaceX merge and take over the Solar System!
191 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
12161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 21:17
If you would like to work a blue collar job in space earning absolutely no money for yourself because it all goes to your employer, then this is the game for you. Seriously, this game nails the corporate dystopia feeling exceptionally well in the voice-overs and pieces of lore you find in the ships. The atmosphere the game built is oppressive and quite something I found very immersive.

As an entertainment service, Hardspace: Shipbreaker is a solid puzzle physics based. The gameplay of tearing down the ships themselves is very engaging. Getting better and better at tearing down ships as you piece together how they're built is really satisfying. Nothing feels better than getting a full work order complete on a ship while also not destroying over a ton of any valuable material.

My main complaint is with the stability of the game. It crashes on me regularly in the middle of a teardown. If the game decides you feed a little bit too large a section to the furnace, then you're very likely looking at a crash to desktop. Because there's no save system in place for ships, you will lose any progress you've made on them when this happens. When a ship can take over an hour to tear apart, losing progress like this is extremely frustrating. I figure the Developers are simply having a hell of a time working out the kinks in the Unity Engine - it is an Early Access game after all.

(edited to fix grammar mistakes)
380 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1753 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 20:43
I work a blue-collar job cleaning machinery 5 days a week, 8+ hours a day to pay off my life's debt..and when I come home to relax..I play a blue-collar job dismantling spaceships 7 days a week, 15 minutes a day to pay off my life's debt.

366 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
5573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 15:36
It's a great game NOW and has a lot of potential. In the land of creating more efficient factories and colonies, it's refreshing to disassemble and destroy something for the fun of it.

The atmosphere is great, music great, voice-acting awesome, and overall experience top-notch. Yes there's bugs, random physics glitches, but no more than any other game.
937 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4083 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.20 04:13
At this point I really can't recommend this game, there's too many game breaking bugs and the developers just aren't interested in squashing them, there's almost no development on this lately and only small patches which just seems to ignore the bigger issues. Feature creep is already setting in too. When development stabilises and the game becomes playable without whole chunks of the game being broken then maybe I could recommend this, but not right now.

It's a shame because the idea is great and it's relaxing to just tear apart ships and fling the pieces about but you can lose all your progress etc due to stupid bugs, and lack of proper saves just means playing this is throwing your time away right now sadly.

Also there's not going to be co-op or VR since at this early stage if they're not coding the game with these features in mind, then it gets harder and harder to support it later without issues or just the devs saying it's too difficult (for example Subnautica)
564 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 20:26
If you're like me, and you have weird delusions of the nobility of manual labor, then this game lets you live those dreams without having to lose your beer belly.
260 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
489 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 10:32
Currently content's a bit lean, but I have complete faith in the devs to pull this off and continue making this beautiful game. It's immersive, it's relaxing, it's calming (until you find yourself plastered on the wrong side of a bulkhead), and it looks great from an artistic perspective. You really start to feel like someone who knows the insides, outs, hazards and particularities of the available ships like the back of your hand after a little while, and it's very, very satisfying. It did, however, leave me with a headache once or twice after extended periods of play, due to the lack of a true 'down' and 'up' in space. To their credit though, the devs have done their best to keep players orientated without compromising the overall feeling of being a worker adrift in space with full range of directional movement.
374 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 14:34
Steam ate my longer original review so I'll just say: 20-ish hours of solid gameplay, limited by the content (# of ship types) available, so it could go up significantly. Has some bugs, enough to take it down a notch but the game is still a good time regardless and I think it's worth the money as-is.
6073 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
6963 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 23:14
An excellent puzzle game & destruction sandbox mashup with solid player progression and some surprisingly interesting lore. At the time of writing this little review (80ish hours in), I have paid off almost half a billion towards my corporate debt...but don't tell the boss that I enjoy cutting off chunks of spaceship & flinging them away with my grapple so much that i'd do it for free!
351 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
968 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 20:15
Very solid early access.
Still a bit light on the variety of content, but the core gameplay is already there and it's quite enjoyable.
8 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.20 21:56
I don't know why... on the surface, the game is boring, monotonous and you generally have the same tactics you need to accomplish through the process of the same tools, etc. But for some reason, during these COVID times, it's as therapeutic as a $150 psych session.
287 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
2564 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.20 17:01
An oddly satisfying game about dismantling spaceships and recycling their parts for money. Honestly, it's a surprisingly excellent game.
430 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1901 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 22:02
On earth, hunger, riots, pollution. Until a man comes to you, Tom Nook, and says, he can take you to a special magical island, you agree, you don't read the EULA, you just tick the boxes, and blast off, and it turns out that Tom Nook has set you up as a space salvage agent, for the princely sum of 1 billion credits, that you will be paying back, for the rest of your lives, yes lives, because in the EULA Tom Nook took control of your genome, and now you and every clone, are owned by Tom Nook, who calls himself Lynx in this game.

If you've got student loans, and love salvaging space hulks, this game is for you, massively debilitating debt, and legally enforced perpetual slavery, a perfect metaphor for modern living. Only in space.

I recommend this game.
314 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 13:40
It's a good chill game and I want to recommend it, but It is currently unplayable for a small selection of Nvidia card users. Such as my GTX 1050Ti.
The devs have failed to acknowledge it as a problem, let alone fix it. So until they do I can't give this a thumbs up.
58 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 12:20
This game is both chill and intense at the same time. The devs have been great, with regular updates and incorporating player ideas. The game's not finished, but what's here feels really polished. Progression can sometimes feel a bit slow, but that's kind of the point when you're a billion in the hole.

At the request of players, they added a mode that allows you to turn off the session timer and oxygen depletion. I play that mode when I want to just chill and see how much of a ship I can salvage at once. It also allows you to take your time pulling the ship apart and getting used to where everything is located. Then when you go into the regular timed mode you have a good idea of the strategy you want to take each session.

This has been one of my favorite games to just pick up and play when I have a free hour or so. I have about 40 hours of gameplay logged and I'm still having just as much fun as when I started. There aren't many things these days that you can drop $25 on and have that many hours of enjoyment.

If you're on the fence, give it a try...I don't think you'll regret it.
2816 Produkte im Account
311 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 21:48
The idea is so great, but there are a few things that completely ruin the fun for me.

- I think the control scheme that was used is needlessly overcomplicated, its not that you cant use it, but could have been way easier and more accessible

- the one huge thing, that wants me not to keep on playing, is the time limit....omg having only 15 minutes, then you have to go back, end your shift and then you can return back to the same ship....like why? I didnt even get why the shift has to end

- on top of your time limit, you have oxygen depletion.....again I get that a human needs air, but the O2 lasts mere minutes and has to be replenished, I hate it. A real spacewalk can last 5 - 8 hours:


Its simply not a fun game mechanic. Make the player a robot, it doesnt even matter. The whole O2 mechanic is simply stealing the players time, stopping the gameplay to a complete halt for no reason.

- there are only 2 ships you can salvage.......2 ships!!! I cant believe it. These are basically put together like Legos, meaning it should be easy with this system to have 100 ships ready.

- the HUD is definitely overblown and too much

I definitely can see that Hardspace: Shipbreaker has potential, but right now its not fun to play and if they keep the things in that I mentioned, Im never going to return back.
228 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1298 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 18:06
This is a good game. I have enjoyed playing it and learning what to cut and what not to cut. There is a nice progression as you get larger ships. The logs (text and audio) are fun side venture.

It is a rough game, yet a good game.

What I liked:
The cutting mechanics give you a feeling of power. Slice this, Slice that all are fun… until you cut a vital link.
The graphics are nice, but the physics shine. [After a reactor breach there hundreds of pieces of debris]
And pulling a large chunk of the ship into the proper hole.
Free play, This is great addition. I allow you to figure out new ships and test strategies without a nasty rental fee.

What I thought of annoying:
Time limit, I is needed, but I don’t care for such a tight time limit.
Having the furnace with such a strong vacuum (considering the game is in orbit).

What I hate:
The control scheme. Who thought it was a good idea to have the grab and the push control to be the same button!?!
Lack of keyboard re-keying. I need to edit files for some of the important keys, like the push/grab control.
This needs to be fix.
83 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
836 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 20:51
If you like the gritty realistic vision of outerspace presented by works like the Expanse or the western in space, blue collar image presented by shows like Firefly then this game will hit all of the aesthetic marks you like.

The first person view is fun and managing tool cool downs, upgrades and gear like O2 or fuel is fun and gives the game an active sense that helps keep you engaged but at its root this is a puzzle game. Each ship is a puzzle you have to solve to safely scrap all the expensive pieces and get as much of the raw mass as you can.

Great game, tons of fun and wonderful aesthetics.

It's still a little buggy (one visual bug is pretty annoying but solved by just spinning in a circle) and feels like an early access game. If they can solve the bugs and add a lot more ships though, this will be a great game
98 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2139 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 04:04
My biggest gripe is that quitting loses all progress on your current ship. Apparently this has been on the developers radar for a bit now, and I'm surprised this wasn't fixed before adding another ship type. If you've got hours of time to spend, this is not an issue, but if you're constrained for time, you are basically forced to the lower tier ships if you really want to take it apart. This restriction does not, however, prevent your consumables from being used up.
377 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.20 17:46
Not enjoying it past 3-5 hours.
An in-game workday is 15 minutes. Your oxygen tank lasts for 3 minutes. Everything is initially absolutely repetitive.

The game is developed in a direction of time challenges, optimization and quick analysis/execution.
Only buy if you are in it for the thrill of time pressure.

TLDR: Plays like a speedtrial of disassempling a gun, that might discharge if you fuck up.
Does not play like dissasembling a washing machine just for fun
103 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 16:17
Played for around 10/12 hours now, really enjoying the game.
Checks debt total.
Only around 2% total debt paid.
Should I quit my real job to invest more time into paying this debt off?
159 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
51 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 08:43
Physics is ok... but objects slow on their own over time which is annoying AF.

But the real reason i don't recommend it is because it feels too much like work. Great to send a message, and i agree with the politics behind it... i just don't have the energy to work another job. I already work 2.
26 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 05:34
The concept is great, but I lost my enthusiasm when I worked a third shift and went $125,000 into debt.
445 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 08:42
This is the game to show you your true worth... Mine was 8.14$ when I accidentially got myself pushed into the furnace and reprocessed.

I would have recommended this game strongly from .13 when I stared playing, since then I has only gotten much better. (and you have more creative ways to freeze, burn, electricute and otherwise kill yourself).

I quite enjoy take multiple shifts on the larger vesssels and slowly disassembly it. Very relaxing. I had not expected that it would be that relaxing and satisfactory.
1320 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
1375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.20 14:07
Sweet taste of being an Imperial Slave.

Nobody will hear our cries in space.

A billion debt, when will it end ?

No wonder my fellow co-worker went to join the USG Ishimura.
66 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
3868 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.20 20:48
may be alpha but its already the alpha chad of relaxing games to play to just chill, would 100% recommend
235 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
4653 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.20 06:03
I wish my real-life experience of endless debt-slavery were as enjoyably zen-like as taking apart space ships that are perfectly fine and suffering from mere planned obsolescens.

11/10. If the future of economic exploitation is this relaxing, sign me up!
351 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
893 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.20 03:51
It's a satisfying game, with the core already fairly polished. My main gripe for it being early access is the lack of variety of ships; you end up having to dismantle the exact same ship a bunch of times to rank up and see new (but still mostly similar) ships. This should be solved with new patches and player made ships, but right now you end up getting bored of doing the same ship before you finish progressing.

People in other comments complain about the timer aspect, and they have some valid points. But really the timer presents a nice challenge to fill your role as an employee who can pump out the most money in the least amount of time. That being the case, I would love to see is a career mode with similar progression, but instead of being an employee, you put up your own money to bid on random junkers, and take as much time as you want to squeeze every bit of value out of a ship you have to purchase.
3550 Produkte im Account
194 Reviews
1126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 14:44

Video Gameplay Preview


Written Review

Hardspace: Shipbreaker is a game all about salvaging as much as you can, from now defunct spacecraft.

The lovely thing about the game is the freedom you have with your tools and canvas, as well as the relaxing atmosphere.
You've got a cutter, which allows you to either use a focused beam to destroy connections between walls, freeing them up.
Or you can switch to its alternative mode, which is a Dead Space-esque plasma cutter with either a vertical or horizontal line.
You can use this to cut literally anywhere you want on soft metals. This means you can be as efficient or inefficient as possible, ranging from cutting one beautiful big square off a wall, or dicing it up into hundreds of pieces.

Some metals are too strong for your cutter, which is where you'll need to get into the ship through other means, and then dislodge the bolts holding the wall in place.

It's actually a lot of fun figuring out how to approach each ship. The ideal way would be to go through the airlock. If you activate it properly, this will depressurise the ship, and allow you to enter safely. If you fail to do this, and instead, say, cut a hole right into the ship, it will depressurise violently, and launch you alongside any cargo on the inside. This is bad because, first, you can die from a savage impact against a wall in your station. Or two, you damage goods that you could have salvaged, which puts a dent in your income (which I'll go further into later).

Once you've gotten in successfully, and dislodged walls, you have a few options.

The first would be to use your energy grabber, which allows you to manipulate objects from a distance, provided they are light enough. You throw them into the right container (furnace, processor, barge), and get a reward.

If they're too heavy though, you'll find that grabbing them with your tool will pull you towards them instead.

This is where tethers come in. They're super fun tools that allow you to attach objects to each other. Depending on the angles, and weight of them, you might have to put multiple tethers, which allows for some fun playing around with physics.

Once 15 minutes have passed, your shift is over, and you return to your home in space. This is where you can use your earned tokens to purchase upgrades for your gear. This includes increased range, faster thrusters, increase oxygen timers, etc.

Most of them are just number increases, nothing super interesting.

Once you're done, you pick your next ship to work on (or continue the one you were using before), and start your next day. That's the main loop!

The game is so incredibly relaxing, despite some of the dangerous encounters you can get into. The music is some chill country guitar, and floating around feels peaceful. You can actually reach out with your hands to grab onto walls to stop yourself from floating around, and can even crawl around if you alternate your hands.

The game becomes more intricate when you want to maximise your money earnings. You'll want to pick apart as many pieces as possible. For example, instead of throwing the whole back of the ship into the processor, because the majority of it requires that, you will instead go in, pull off some lamps, chairs, throw them into the barge, then get some beams and put them in the furnace, and THEN put the rest in the processor. You start to feel like you are really mastering the job.

My problem with the game lies here though:
The forced limitations get in the way. The 15 minute shift timer is not that fun, and just forces you to rush towards the end of your shift. On top of that, your tethers and oxygen are limited, and need refilling often. It's not a huge deal, because you can fly over to the outside of your home and refill on that stuff quickly, but it breaks the flow, and forces you to be conservative in an unfun way. I would be all for limiting how many tethers can be active at once, but the system implemented just impeded the fun for me. You can upgrade all of this stuff to allow you to carry more, but it just felt tedious until that point. It's not a dealbreaker, but it does force you to take 30 second breaks every now and again when you might not necessarily want to.

There is fortunately a freeplay mode where you can pick a ship and do exactly the same thing, minus all the limitations, but the only issue there is you lack the feeling of overall progression in the career mode.

Speaking of Career mode, the story is that you work for Lynx. Trying to work off your 1 Billion dollar debt! Unfortunately for you, they also charge you for renting all your tools, accomodation, and even add interest on top of that. It's actually a subtle, but silly little world that the game is based in. You can also find some lore based tapes and such, for those interested in that.

Overall, I love the game. I think there are issues with it in its current state, like not properly explaining some mechanics, and being rough around the edges sometimes, but in the end its a lot of fun disassembling stuff, and I recommend it!
Logo for Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
89.84% 13190 1491
Release:16.06.2020 Genre: Simulation Entwickler: Blackbird Interactive Vertrieb: Focus Home Interactive Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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