Shortly after the release of GRID 2 we released some free DLC that focused on the Demo Derby aspect of the game, and for Autosport we went one step further by including that content within the game straight from the get go. Not to be out done by our previous efforts we’ve teamed up with Valve to offer our PC players a very special version of Demo Derby.
The Detroit Stadium becomes the ‘Badlands Stadium’ complete with trackside sponsorship from Mann Co. and your other favourite Team Fortress 2 corporations; such as Scoot’s Canoe, Jimi Jam, Gummy’s Burgers and more.
There are even a couple of Aperture Science flags flying, and the giant video wall now displays scenic messages, encouraging you to pay a visit to the likes of Gravel Pit and Teufort. There’s even a special ship hidden within the track scenery, let us know if you find it!
For all the info, head on over to the blog