- ERLEBE UNTERSCHIEDLICHE RENNSTILE Kämpfe in Tourenwagen gegen ein großes Feld an Konkurrenten, achte in Langstrecken-Events auf deine Reifenabnutzung, gleite in Open-Wheel-Rennen flüssig und präzise über die Strecke, beweise in Drift-Wettbewerben deine Fahrzeugkonktrolle und teste in Straßenrennen dein Reaktionsvermögen.
- UNZÄHLIGE VERSCHIEDENE SERIEN Fahre in Serien für Tourenwagen, GT, Einsitzer, Muscle Cars, Hypercars, Prototypen, Drifts, Zeitrennen, Destruction Derbys und vielen, vielen mehr.
- RACENET-MULTIPLAYERINTEGRATION Tritt in packenden Rennen online an und meistere die wöchentlichen Disziplinherausforderungen powered by RaceNet. Oder mache einem Freund Platz auf deiner Couch und spiele am geteilten Bildschirm kooperative oder kompetitive Modi.
- GEWALTIGE STRECKENVIELFALT GRID Autosport bietet über 100 Strecken an 22 unglaublichen Schauplätzen – doppelt so viel Inhalt wie GRID 2, mit einer breiten Vielfalt an klassischen, modernen und Stadtstrecken.
Grid Autosport
Du musst angemeldet sein
Über das Spiel

- CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.4Ghz or AMD Athlon X2 5400+
- GFX: Intel HD3000 or AMD HD2000 Series or NVIDIA Geforce 8000 Series Series
- Software: Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8
- HD: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: Direct X compatible soundcard
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- MISC: Supported Graphics Cards •Intel HD3000 Series, HD4000 Series, HD5000 Series • AMD Radeon HD2000 Series, HD3000 Series, HD4000 Series, HD5000 Series, HD6000 Series, HD7000 Series, R7 Series, R9 Series • NVIDIA GeForce 8000 Series, 9000 Series, GTX200 Series, GTX400 Series, GTX500 Series, GTX600 Series, GTX700 Series • AMD Fusion A8 or higher
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
- CPU: Intel Core i7 or AMD FX Series
- GFX: Intel HD5200 or AMD HD7000 Series or NVIDIA GTX600 Series minimum 1GB RAM
- Software: Windows Vista 64 bit, Windows 7 64 bit or Windows 8 64 bit
- HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: Direct X compatible soundcard
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 15:56
782 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.20 12:01
Game mechanics and physics [9/10]
Graphics (car models, structures, tracks) [10/10]
Graphics (lighting effects) [9/10]
Graphics (periphery, audience) [6/10]
Gameplay and selectable options [8/10]
Story (separated from gameplay) [0/5] - 1 to 5 points as from a silly/weak to a detailed/deep story
For me still the best racing simulation on the market. Sure has some weak spots, as for me I liked the original type of earning money, building your own racing team, buying the cars of the possible class types on your own. A combination of the actual system with those sponsor contracts and your own account and racing team, earning money, racing type related and international reputation, something like that would be awesome for the future of the game. And maybe some more dynamics within the teams, especially for Ravenwest as the global top team, please be a little more creative about this.
The game mechanics are convincing and very realistic to me, both, low and high speed, getting used to the different cars and steering them through all those tracks is the all time challenge of the game. Graphically I would say, the game has awesome graphics when it comes to car models, buildings and structures, the tracks and the obstacles, the sky and lighting effects of artificial and natural light sources, like day and night setting, headlights, lamps or flood lights. The peripheral atmosphere composed by spectators, and so on is acceptable but not like the ultimate eyegasm.
A story, of course, is hard to find in a racing simulation game. The story the makers tried to tell in GRID 2 was kinda convincing, though. This time no story at all. For my rating I separated the story rating from gameplay and halved max credit points as the selectable options like tuning the different parts of the cars, additional car parts, achieving them by your level progress, specific team opponents, selectable names that are used dynamically in the game, and some more are putting you in the situation of the driver in a proper way.
I would definitely recommend the game
2455 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.20 03:12
Nicht Empfohlen
5740 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.20 17:09
Die Grafik ist für 2014 auch heute noch durchaus schick anzusehen, es läuft hervorragend mit 100fps plus und klingt recht gut. Der verwendete Blaufilter nervt aber ab einer gewissen Zeit.
Die Karriere gliedert sich in 5 Rennklassen und 3 Meisterschaften die nacheinander freigespielt werden müssen.
Was mich aber tierisch aufregt sind so manche Spielentscheidung, zum ersten der Teamfahrer. Für was benötige ich einen Teamkollegen wenn er egal wann eh immer letzter wird. Die Befehle sind zudem total irrelevant bringt eh nichts. Ich hab es mehrmals provoziert, ist der Teamkollege vorne mit dabei dreht er sich ganz zufällig immer in der letzen Runde raus und wird letzter. So fährt man quasi alleine gegen andere Teams und kann die Teamwertung abhaken. Genauso die Gegner, im Prinzip fährt man nur gegen Ravenwest, den Rest überholt man Recht locker und es gibt immer einen Wettkampf zu dritt. Die ist ersten total Langweilig weil nur Spannung aufkommt, da Ravenwest immer auf 1 und 2 landen, selbst wenn man sie dreht pfügen sie innerhalb einer Runde wieder nach vorne. Der Punkt nimmt total die Spannung aus dem Spiel, da man quasi nur gegen 2 Gegner fährt. Total Langweilig. Die Ki fährt ebenfalls sturr auf der Ideallinie und ignoriert quasi den Spieler völlig. So kommt es oft zu Unfällen und Drehern und man kann das Rennen von Vorne beginnen. Das was mir den Spaß raubt ist einfach der nicht vorhandene Wettkampfcharakter. Man fährt immer stumpf seine 5 Events ( wenns blöd läuft 2 mal die gleiche Strecke nacheiandner)ab und das wars dann. Null Meisterschaft, null Spannung , Null Überraschung. Ravenwest wird eh immer vorne sein und man hat aufgrund des Deppen von Teamkollegen nie eine Chance die Teamwertung zu gewinnen. Warum nicht einfach eine Meisterschaft über mehrer Rennen wie in F1 wo dann auch mal andere Fahrer gewinnen können und nicht immer die selben.
Insgesamt Daumen Runter weil es sich an Spielzeitstreckung anfühlt und auf Langweilig wird.
1977 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.19 16:15
Soviel Auswahl und Abwechslung wie in GRID Autosport findet ihr in keinem anderen Rennspiel. Es bietet genau die richtige Mischung aus Arcade und Simulation um Spaß zu machen.
Was mir besonders gut gefällt ist die KI die auch gerne mal spektakuläre Unfälle baut und natürlich das tolle Schadensmodell welches von verlorenen Karosserieteilen über platte Reifen bis zum Totalschaden führt. Dadurch wirken auch Rennen im Einzelspieler-Modus viel glaubwürdiger und machen einfach mehr Spaß, da es die Action in den Rennen merklich steigert.
Die Grafik ist auch immer noch sehr gelungen mit schönen Lichteffekten bei einer sehr guten Performance. So sind flüssige 60 Fps bei 4K Auflösung und hohen Einstellungen kein Problem für meine schon etwas betagte Nvidia GTX 970 Grafikkarte.
Das Spiel bietet dazu auch eine gelungene Benchmark-Funktion wodurch man es sehr schön auf seine eigene Hardware optimieren kann.
Übrigens, entgegen der negativen Bewertungen hier funktioniert das Logitech G29 und G920 Lenkrad samt H-Schaltung sehr wohl, man muss lediglich das Profil des G27 Lenkrads in den Spiel-Dateien minimal bearbeiten. Man kann es dem Spiel ja wohl kaum vorwerfen dass es ein Lenkrad nicht offiziell unterstützt welches erst NACH dem Spiel veröffentlicht wurde. Wer hier Hilfe benötigt darf mich gerne kontaktieren.
5704 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.22 10:41
It's still a great entry in the Grid series, probably one of the best ones to date. While it certainly does take a lot of time to finish ALL events, it's a great racing pick-up, with great gameplay, an OK career (even though it is pretty straight forward) and you can still find multiplayer matches to this day.
3534 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 13:44
⢸⠀⠀⣀⢤⣼⣀⡠⠤⠤⠼⠤⠀⠀⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⢄⠀⠀⠀⠀Are you winning son?
⢸⠀⠀⠣⠀⠀⢸⢄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢸
4538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.22 20:58
+solid driving mechanics
+pristine graphics
+split screen multiplayer w/ multiple modes
+team racing single player/career focused
+opponent A.I. makes mistakes
+good soundtrack
-teammate A.I. is terrible
-lack of customization
-limited track selection
I can totally recommend. It's a mix between sim and arcade racing, definitely not as realistic as Project Cars 2. The biggest issue is your teammate A.I. stated above. You can be the fastest person on the planet and it will not help you in the standings when your partner is 16th! Even with the problems it's definitely worth a buy.
Nicht Empfohlen
1093 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 17:06
AI that cheats at driving while it also rams you and makes you lose, that is XD.
The newer iteration features a much less satisfying driving system but a much improved AI. This one is completly unbearable.
2215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 15:16
37322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.21 22:29
Nicht Empfohlen
709 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 14:39
2124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 06:00
Nicht Empfohlen
397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 21:07
This is in fact, the ONLY GRID game I cannot enjoy in the slightest. Cars feel lethargic, races are predictable, and a real lack of overall content - all culminating in really rather uninspired gameplay.
I will say however it's nice to have drifting back in some capacity, although I don't think its anywhere even close to the awesome drift mode(s) we got in the original GRID. Also given it's Codies, you probably won't have much of an issue running this on modest hardware, which I think is pretty sweet given how fantastic all the GRID games look graphically.
That's mostly all the positives though, as the rest of the gameplay leaves a lot to be desired, and will likely leave you pretty bored. It lacks the fast-paced racing action that the original GRID nailed so perfectly, paling in comparison, as well as the renown 'team management aspect'. I also have a major gripe with some of the product placement in Autosport - liveries for Razer and Intel? Seriously? Even seemingly small things like that detract so much from the realism you expect from a Codemasters 'Simcade' title. Whilst the game looks graphically more realistic than the original (and even perhaps GRID 2), the gameplay is substantially less engaging in comparison to any of the other GRID games, quite the achievement given GRID 2 and the GRID reboot weren't exactly outstanding. Those two titles however SMASH Autosport in my opinion.
An insultingly bad entry into the GRID series. Sloppy, boring and slow. Everything a racing game shouldn't be.
My current GRID ranking -
1) Race Driver: GRID
2) Race Driver: GRID Arcade Port
3) GRID 2
4) GRID 2019 (GRID reboot)
4) GRID Autosport
126035 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.21 14:00
538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 22:18
Unfortunatelly, Codemasters is that bad kind of developer that just removes old games to force you to buy the new ones. And the new ones are waaaaay worse of course.
915 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 03:28
But, they did something different with Autosport.
There is a huge emphasis on hitting that apex on the racing curcuits and even drifting short, controlled, intentionally, to keep the ideal line at highest speeds possible. While the closely released Grid 2 felt like any other arcade vanilla racer, Autosport has ... 'character'.
Worth adding to your racing library, imho.
1714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 07:41
Graphically this is better than GRID 2. Damage model looks great and the effects are awesome. Night races are also really beautiful, but also props going into each other is still a thing, the cockpit camera has a low resulotion view for the inside, but other than these, it's pretty good.
Controls is really easy. If you played a racing game, this won't be any different at all. I recommend to play the game with controller or steering wheel /w pedals, because you need every bit of free correction you can get, but you can play with keyboard too.
Music and sound also works well. Sound is also got upgraded since last time, not just the plus and sometimes meaningful dialogues from the commentators before race, but the better quality of the sounds and the distant hearing them. Music by the way in my opinion, best one from GRID 2 or from Racedriver: GRID. It's really chilling.
What about the gameplay? There are seasons in the game, and you take on 1 championship per season in one category. There is Street, Open Wheels, Touring, Endurance and Tuner. There is meter, how much XP you have from this categories. You can get XP, by winning races, doing objectives and completing team targets. You need to choose different teams to go with. Also there are GRID championships too, where you do a series of races from all of the categories. Your goal is to reach to the top of the standings, going into world championships.
However, if you played GRID 2 or Racedriver: GRID, this will be all different to you. This game become more like a simulator, however it's still a arcade / sim game, but the handling and how cars works are kind feels more like a simulator. Also, the game is slower compare to the other GRIDs. You need to reach certain levels in the categories and those takes time. You can get more XP, by set the difficulty higher and that gives you extra percent of XP, which is quite good. Here in Autosport, you can't buy cars in singleplayer, but the team give you where you join in.
Problem with Autosport is not really with the game, but with the players. If you don't like the slower approach, you won't like this game either. Multiplayer is still a slugfest however. For me, it's a good game, but sadly I wasn't able to finish the carrer and I just left it in my Season 15, most of my categories are Level 5. I like some managment aspects of the game, but this slowly go to race to race and also I do practice to everytime to get a good setup is really takes time. Not a bad GRID, but probably my least favourite one from that 3.
3549 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 14:17
1732 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.20 20:37
3680 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 09:09
1046 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.20 08:11
-the tracks are varied and based off of real life tracks
-the handling is good and you can customize the way your car perform before a race
-car sounds are excellent (especially those transmission whines)
-graphics are good even for today's standards
-cockpit view is very lacking in detail eitherit's too blurry or too dark to see any detail
-endurance races are way too short
-can't customize your own cars with stickers and custom colors like in grid 2
overall it's a pretty decent game if you're not a big fan of hardcore sim racing game
392 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 03:49
Well, it depends on what you expect.
But if you take it for what it is, you will discover a really good and enjoyable arcade racer!
Nothing more, nothing less.
It has good graphics, except for the blurry cockpit view, but with the dashboard cam I find it alright!
Sound is alright too, and the tracks are nice and detailed.
Even if some known tracks can be hard to recognize when you drive on them.
The damage model is excellent, with cracked windows, scratches and dents, twisted metal, lost car parts and sparks!
Your car will also be harder to drive and steer the more you crash / bump into things.
There are many cars and championship events with thrilling, exciting races.
10 hours in, and I have only scratched the surface of Modern touring championship and Open wheel, and tested some other modes.
I do multiply the number of laps in options though.
The AI is decent and somewhat competitive.
They are agressive and will do some cheap blockings, but they just trying to keep their positions and I don't find them to agressive.
What goes for the physics, I find it driveable and it handles better than Grid 1 did.
So I think it will please many casual players!
Nicht Empfohlen
266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 17:13
This game is a giant mess. Every single vehicle feels like it handles the exact same. And you have to go so slow through every corner, and the AI is just dumb. Its like they tried to slap realism(sim) on an arcade game and the baby just wasn't that great.
1077 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 15:38
GRID series is a quite approachable (if that term even exist) racing game. More on the Arcady side, quite satisfying to play, AI can brute force you sometime, but nothing too annoying. Driving mechanics are quite better than those in the previous titles, but the game lost the ability to manage your own team. Tracks are well made, visuals are on point, sound is fine, car damage follow the same old (and good) Grid formula.
Cockpit view is back, but it's lacking, due to blurry panel.
Price is absolutely fine for the amount of content. :)
Great game for casuals looking for some challenge, I'd give an 8/10
Nicht Empfohlen
558 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 17:23
Oh yeah and when it crashes it no longer detects my wheel and I have to reboot my entire PC for it to work again, fun fun. God forbid you want to do something outside of the game or on another screen becuase codemasters can't write and test software correctly. If you do need to have things like discord, etc accessible better play these games windowed..
Oh and P.S. F*** off codemasters for making the new GRID DX 12 only. Couldn't write my review of that before refunding it.
4218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.19 15:55
Even years on , the game looks ,runs and feels incredible. If you run it on max settings it looks better than any other game of its type in my opinion , and the different classes and feels of vehicles are outstanding.
The only negatives are the limited number of cars, tracks and voice messages (from the mechanic) but other than this the game is practically flawless.
279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.19 05:05
Great fun with a wheel!
The game is not exactly a sim if you are looking for that but its still got some fun driving physics to try out compared to what else is out there for track racing games.
I liked the second monitor support where you can display race info on another monitor while you race on your main monitor. All racing games should do that for displaying telemetry data about the vehicle and other race statistics.
The only thing negative I can say about the game is that it can take a bit to setup your device types if the game doesn't already have a config file ready for it. It took me around 3-4hrs to search around to find out how to make my own xml file for my setup but I finally managed to figure it out. And it was thankfully worth it with how good the game is.
486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.19 18:52
I love this game just as I loved the first GRID and GRID 2, and if this game gets the same fate as the others, then I will never buy any game from Codemasters in the future.
1864 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.19 11:02
The cars have great damage models, Realistic handling and are all representations of their real life counterparts. There is a wide array of brands, From Minis to BMWs, But even Bugatti, Pagani Koeningsegg. All cars are in high detail, even with the complete interiors.
There are a total of 28 locations, and there are over 100 different tracks, You can enjoy many different types of car sports, Even Demolition Derbys, Drag Races and Drift Stages. Most tracks are real life tracks, Some of them are fantasy tracks, But they all offer a good challenge.
The main game consists of seasons where you compete in tournaments, There are 5 disciplines Like Tuner and Performance. They all contain different car classes and offer a very different experience. Tuner is my personal favorite, I especially like the drifting stages, It is an insane challenge.
You can also play custom cups where you can set your own rules, tracks, classes. You can play 2 player split screen on all tracks in all cars. There is also Online Multiplayer which is completely seperate from the offline game, Here you have to buy cars and gain experience. It still is actively being played by hundreds of people daily.
The game looks great, It is a bit older, But it still holds up pretty well. The gameplay is very solid, It really comes down to the sport. The game is very inclusive with a lot of options, But it all comes down to racing. No story, No cops, It is a racing sim, Don't expect collectables or arcade racing properties.
The game works great with the G29 wheel, I also got the handbrake to work. I just have trouble getting my shifter to work. I heard it does work with the G27, But I don't own one, so I can not confirm this. Honestly not having the shifter is a real deal breaker for me. It is a reflex to grab for the shifter, And it is not something I can work out of my system.
There are some nice weather effects, Damage effects, Tyres damage, Hitting other cars warps you car. It is important to race wisely, be carefull but still push to be competitive, The game is as hard as you want it to be. You can choose to only get visual damage, Or let the other drivers drive like sissies. The AI levels are well spread and there are a lot other of things you can adjust to make your game harder or easier.
All the DLCs are more than worth it, It adds a lot of new content to the game. I hope GRID 2019 will also get a Linux port by Feral. It would be great to finally use my G29 to its full extent in a good drifting/circuit/drag racing game game.
Overall I would recommend this game to anyone, It is for now still the definitive non offroad racing game on Linux. Even if you are not really into races, It is always good to have a nice racing game. It is cheap and you will regret not getting it before it dissapears. I have to give the game a 9. But that is only because of my own personal experience with the shifter. If that worked I would have easily put 10 times the amount of time in this game.
Follow my Curator Page:
Steam Cloud Save | Working fine | [/tr]
Controller Support | Yes, Xbox One, G29 | [/tr]
Achievements | Time Consuming | [/tr]
FPS on Ultra | 80 - 120 fps | [/tr]
Launch Command | gamemoderun %command% | [/tr]
Issues | G29 shifter not working | [/tr]
OS | Arch Linux | [/tr]
Kernel | 5.3.7 | [/tr]
DE | Gnome 3.34.1 | [/tr]
CPU | Intel I7-6800K @ 4.20Ghz | [/tr]
GPU | Nvidia Geforce GTX 1080 (Nvidia 435.21 Drivers) | [/tr]
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos