Greetings new and veteran players! There have been so many cool things we've done with the community since the Shroud faction has been released back in January, we want to lay them all out here for easy access. There has also been a ton of super amazing content generated by the community as well that we want to spotlight!
Join us starting at 10am CST on Thursdays for a day of playing the game with fellow players, and a chance to hang out with some of the devs! We also use these Thursday's as important times to run through the week's testing objectives. Your feedback during this time helps us to better balance the game as we release subsequent patch updates.
We will be on Discord at various times throughout the day until about 6pm CST. To join us, get Discord and then use this link to access the chat lobby.
We prefer to use the downloadable app, but it's your choice on using the app or web platform to access the chat server. It doesn't matter which one you choose, you will still be put into the same chat lobby.
Each Friday at 4pm CST we shoutcast your submitted replays, screenshots, giving away game keys in the chat lobby, and play matches with the community! Each week is a little bit different. Join us in the Twitch chat, or queue up for a match for a chance to play with the developers!
The official Grey Goo Twitch channel is:
Steam's Community Hub is an incredibly useful outlet for your own creative work. Have a map idea and would love to see it in game? Yep, Grey Goo has a map editor. Have a guide idea? Yep, you can create one of those too!
Your ideas are unlimited! Whatever you want to create that the rest of the community will find useful, do share them on the Steam Community Hub. We check these areas weekly to spotlight your work on Facebook and Twitter!
There are also tournaments and other events run regularly by players! Check both the Steam Forums and Official Forums for the latest community news.
Have a cool idea? Let us know by commenting here, or e-mail us at!