• Grey Goo: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Grey Goo: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Grey Goo: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Grey Goo: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Grey Goo: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Grey Goo: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Grey Goo: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Grey Goo: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Grey Goo: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Grey Goo: Screenshots März 14
  • Grey Goo: Screenshots März 14
  • Grey Goo: Screenshots März 14
  • Grey Goo: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Grey Goo: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Grey Goo: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Grey Goo: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Grey Goo: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Grey Goo: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Grey Goo: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Grey Goo: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Grey Goo: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Grey Goo: Screenshots März 14
  • Grey Goo: Screenshots März 14
  • Grey Goo: Screenshots März 14


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 23.01.2015
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Preis Update 05.01.22

Über das Spiel

Grey Goo beinhaltet drei unterschiedliche Fraktionen – die Beta, Menschen und Goo – alle mit ganz individuellen Stilen, Strategien und „epischen“ Einheiten. Epische Einheiten sind sehr mächtige und seltene Kämpfer, die das Schlachtfeld überragen. Das Spiel enthält eine umfassende Einzelspieler-Kampagne sowie anspruchsvolle Mehrspieler-Optionen. Sowohl die Einzel- als auch Mehrspielermodi erfordern genaue Planung und taktische Entscheidungen, um das ausgefeilte Bausystem und die verschiedenen Technik-Upgrades zum eigenen Vorteil zu nutzen. Grey Goos anpassungsfähige KI wurde von Grund auf neu programmiert und basiert auf Konzepten der echten Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Sie studiert die Aktionen der Spieler und reagiert darauf, sie lernt also, anstatt nur Skripte abzuspulen. Dadurch wird dem Spieler eine einzigartige Spielerfahrung und ein fast endloser Wiederspielwert geboten. Kurzum, jedes Spiel ist anders.

Jahrhunderte nachdem die Menschheit erstmals die Erde verließ, entwickelte sich alles Leben innerhalb der Milchstraße friedlich. Jedoch gab es eine Mutation. Ein geheimnisvoller Organismus wälzt sich zur Oberfläche eines einsamen, rohstoffreichen Planeten, der auch als Ecosystem 9 bekannt ist. Die Masse hat die Mission, alles zu konsumieren, was sie antrifft.

Grey Goo ist eine Strategiespiel in Echtzeit (RTS), das klassische Strategiemechanik und ein ausgewogenes Kampfsystem mit dem Schwerpunkt für Entscheidungsfindung auf einer großen Skala verbindet. Es versetzt Sie in den Mittelpunkt eines taktischen Überlebenskampf -und ermöglicht Ihnen letztlich die Kontrolle über Ecosystem 9.

Verschaffen Sie sich die Befehlsgewalt über drei einzigartige Fraktionen: Die Menschen, die Meister der Verteidigungsarchitektur, die Beta, eine stolze und vielseitige, außerirdische Rasse oder die Goo, eine rätselhafte, äußerst mobile Lebensform. Kämpfen Sie hinter massiven Mauern, greifen Sie von strategischen Außenposten an, oder vernichten Sie Ihre Feinde völlig. Denken Sie daran, die Entscheidungen, die Sie auf dem Schlachtfeld treffen, bedeuten entweder den glorreichen Sieg oder die qualvolle Niederlage.

  • Finden Sie die Fraktion, die zu Ihrem Spielstil passt — und meistern Sie das Spiel, indem Sie gegen die Gemeinschaften der AI oder Grey Goo antreten.
  • Erleben Sie den Konflikt von Ecosystem 9 hautnah und persönlich in der Einzelspielerkampagne.
  • Treten Sie dem Kampfgeschehen bei Steam bei, und finden Sie Gegner durch Matchmaking, das auf Fertigkeiten beruht.
  • "Ändern Sie die Schlachtfeldregeln durch einheitsverändernde technische Upgrades.
  • Liefern Sie vernichtende Schläge, indem Sie spielabschließende, epische Einheiten bauen.
  • Über Local Area Network können Sie die Schlacht offline spielen.


Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

546 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.15 00:23
Grey Goo ist ein klassisches old-school Echtzeitstrategiespiel. Es orientiert sich hauptsächlich an den ersten Command & Conquer-Teilen, der Entwickler Petroglyph besteht aus vielen ex-Westwood-Mitarbeitern, auch wenn es optisch eher an StarCraft erinnert. Es spielt sich jedoch deutlich langsamer als StarCraft und erfordert kaum Micromanagement (die Einheiten haben keine Spezialfähigkeiten) sondern konzentriert sich auf Macromanagement (Einheitenzahl und -zusammensetzung sowie Basisbau an sich).

In Grey Goo gibt es drei Fraktionen, die Menschen, Beta und Goo. Während sich Menschen und Beta bei den Einheiten sehr ähneln und fast gespiegelt sind, unterscheidet sich der Basisbau bei beiden grundsätzlich. Die Goo sind völlig einmalig, da sie weder über Basenbau verfügen und sich auch bei den Einheiten extrem unterscheiden.

Die Kampagne bietet pro Fraktion 5 Missionen und erzählt eine zusammenhängende Geschichte, in der man erst Beta, dann Menschen und abschließend Goo spielt. Die Geschichte wird durch herausragende CGI-Filme erzählt, die selbst Blizzard Konkurrenz machen, sowie kurzen Missionsbriefings mit animierten Charakteren und Meldungen in den Missionen. Durch den kostenpflichtigen DLC wird die Kampagne um 3 weitere Missionen ergänzt, 1 für die Menschen und 2 für die Goo, und die Story des Hauptspiels ergänzt.
Trotz der herausragenden CGI-Filme gewinnt die Story zwar keinen Oscar, ist jedoch ordentlich und interessant umgesetzt, wenn auch etwas klischeebeladen. Man benötigt etwa 10-15 Stunden, um die Kampagne durchzuspielen.

Die Grafik von Grey Goo setzt keine neuen Meilensteine, ist aber schön und ansprechend umgesetzt, jedoch ähneln sich die Einheiten teilweise zu sehr bzw. sind nur schwer zu unterscheiden, sodass man nicht immer alles auf den ersten Blick erkennt. Die musikalische Untermalung ist jedoch über jeden Zweifel erhaben und gehört mit zu dem Besten, was man im Strategiegenre zu hören bekommt. Komponist ist Frank Klepacki, der bereits den Soundtrack zu den ersten Command & Conquers komponierte, wie dem Hell March.

Der Multiplayermodus bietet die bekannten Modi 1v1, 2v2 (jeweils ranked oder unranked), FFA oder Spiele gegen die KI. Die KI verfügt über mehrere Schwierigkeitsgrade (mit oder ohne cheaten) sowie Persönlichkeiten (Bunkern, Rushen, etc) und kann den persönlichen Vorlieben angepasst werden. Er ist jedoch leider auf 4 Spieler begrenzt, wodurch keine größeren Spiele möglich sind.
Die Fraktionen sind größtenteils ausbalanciert, man muss jedoch die Taktiken gegen die jeweiligen Fraktionen sowie für einen guten Spieleinstieg kennen, um nicht völlig unterzugehen. Grey Goo bietet jedoch die Option an, sich beliebige Replays angucken zu können, sodass man sich die Taktiken schnell und einfach von den Profis abgucken kann.
Leider ist jedoch im Multiplayermodus nicht mehr allzuviel los. Hauptsächlich findet man 1v1-Ranked-Spiele, 2v2 wird kaum noch gespielt. Auf Grund der kleinen Spielerbasis findet man auch häufig die selben Gegner im 1v1, wodurch die Lernkurve am Anfang doch recht steil und frustrierend ist, wenn man sich keine Replays anguckt.
Der Multiplayerpart wird jedoch weiterhin von den Entwicklern mit Turnieren am Leben gehalten und etwas gepushed sowie promoted, wodurch durchaus noch regelmäßig neue Spieler hinzukommen oder es kleinere Spitzen an Spielern gibt, jedoch auf einem vergleichsweise niedrigem Niveau.

Solospielzeit: etwa 10-15 Stunden
Multiplayerspielzeit: 1-20 Stunden

+ Klassisches Echtzeitstrategiespiel mit Basenbau
+ gute und abwechslungsreiche Kampagne
+ 3 Fraktionen mit unterschiedlicher Spielweise
+ Herausragende Zwischensequenzen
+ Hervorragender Soundtrack

+/- Einheitenauswahl ist etwas begrenzt, jedoch ausreichend

- Einheiten teilweise zu ähnlich bzw. nur schwer unterscheidbar
- Multiplayermatches auf 4 Spieler begrenzt und nur noch wenige Spieler

Fazit: Das Spiel richtet sich ganz klar an Fans der klassischen Echtzeitstrategiespiele, die mit einem Kauf nicht viel verkehrt machen können, wenn sie es primär für den Singleplayerpart kaufen. Wer moderne Strategiespiele bevorzugt oder grundlegende Neuerungen im Genre erwartet, wird von Grey Goo eher enttäuscht werden. Die Erweiterung ergänzt das Spiel um ein paar Missionen und führt es einem runden Ende zu.
504 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
1153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.15 19:52
Grey Goo ist ein Echtzeitstrategiespiel vom Entwickler Petroglyph, welches uns in die guten alten Strategiespiel Zeiten a la Command and Conquer zurück versetzt, allerdings mit frischen Ideen und guter Grafik.


- Großartige abwechslungsreiche Singleplayer Kampagne/Story
- Kompetetiver Multiplayer mit Ranking System
- Starker Soundtrack
- Spielfilmreife (Zwischen-)Sequenzen
- Map Editor und Steam Workshop Unterstützung
- Steuerung/Spielgefühl richtet sich nach den üblichen RTS Regeln (Sammelpunkte, Tastenbelegungen, usw.)


- PC-Ressourcen hungrig (FPS Drop bei großen Einheitenmengen)
- Relativ wenig Anpassungsmöglichkeiten der Grafik, die auch für die FPS helfen
- Nur 8 kompetitive Maps sind verfügbar (durch Map Editor vermutlich schnell gelöst)
- relativ kurze Singleplayer Kampagne (5 Missionen pro Fraktion = 15 Missionen insgesamt)

Grey Goo ist ein solides Echtzeitstrategiespiel der alten Schule und wer die Command & Conquer Reihe mochte wird dieses Spiel lieben. Drei Fraktionen gibt es, die Menschen, die Beta und die Goo. Jede dieser Fraktionen spielt sich auf vollkommen unterschiedliche Art und Weise. Während die Menschen eher auf eine starke Verteidigung bauen, setzen die Beta eine aggressivere Guerilla Taktik ein. Die Goo spielen sich nochmals komplett anders, da Ihnen keinerlei Gebäude zur Verfügung stehen. Sie agieren wie Zellen, die durch Zellteilung sich weiterentwickelt.

Alles in Allem hat Grey Goo das Potential zum Überraschungshit des Jahres 2015 und dabei kann mithilfe der Community noch sehr viel für das Spiel erschaffen werden.

Hier klicken, falls Ihr für einen visuellen Eindruck ein Let's Play Video von Grey Goo sehen wollt.
40 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1704 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.22 07:53
Unique take on the RTS genre. Only played the campaign but it is built interestingly with great voice acting (they're australian too, fun to see aliens speak australian instead of american). The races are very divers and the grey goo itself is a totally new RTS mechanic that I've never seen before.
19 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6461 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 18:05
I might be biased because I was the voice for some of the characters, but this is a really unique RTS with a great storyline. Quick to learn and tons of in game time to keep you interested.
191 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1601 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 16:33
Years after I first bought Grey Goo, I remain ... undecided about it.

It has a fun, almost schlocky feeling to it, and it is not afraid of experimenting with its faction design. The faction design is, frankly, one of the best things about the game. The Beta are fairly standard RTS fare - but the Goo and Humans are fascinating and a joy to play as.

The Goo are essentially nomadic, and manage to capture a fascinating play style - where running away and regrouping is perfectly acceptable and even rewarded.

Meanwhile, humans have a focus on teleporting - and it makes base building very interesting. They almost feel a bit like a tower defence minigame. You are rearranging your base regularly, and it is quite satisfying to shift your defences around to respond to emerging threats.

Each faction has a fun epic unit - and there is very little more satisfying than completing your epic unit and just blasting the crap out of the map.

Unfortunately, the game falls flat. The campaign (as many others have pointed out) feels slightly unfinished. The concepts behind it are fascinating. The all consuming goo are scared of something. The humans are robot pacifists who retreated back to Earth and became utopian hermits. And the Beta are ... your standard 'survivors of unspecificed galactic disaster' and probably the least interesting among them all. Unfortunately, even their cookie cutter concept doesn't feel filled out.

Who is the goo scared of and what is their plan to survive? That isn't really explained.

Why do the utopian pacifist humans happily blast the crap out of the Beta for breaking some robots? Um, because.... reasons. There is some consideration to a subplot about AI rights and how the humans exploit their intelligent androids, but it goes nowhere. The Beta start to feel ... problematic after a while. They all have south african accents, for some reason and they're vaguely racially stereotyped.

The Shroud, the fourth race, added later feel... exactly like a later addition. Your classic interdimensional aliens who want to either drain our dimension of energy or terraform everything to match their dimension (it is never clear which) - and everything about them is fairly unoriginal, from their designs to their role in the story to their name itself.

They're Species 8472 from Star Trek, the Draj from Titan A.E, the Riftborn from Endless Space, the Unbidden from Stellaris. Their blatant use of a stock sci-fi stereotype isn't inherently a problem, but they don't do anything interesting with it. They don't feel like they were initially conceived at the same time as the other factions. They're the villains who the Goo are fleeing, apparently, but this never feels convincing because they're not particularly intimidating.

Gameplay is fine, but doesn't feel extremely well balanced. The campaign is short, extremely short, and for single player, the game lacks some of the features of other RTS (in-depth scenario customisation, etc) that might've given it more replayability. Multiplayer might as well not exist because this game never sold well even on release and years later its dead (there are usually less than 20 players worldwide). Back when it was new, I did manage to get a few games and while interesting to play it generally felt like matches were over quickly and got repetitive. The grey goo by their nature also have a tendency to create a frustrating wild goose chase to kill that final mother.

If you have RL friends who are also willing to spend $40 on this game, maybe you'll have fun with it for a bit.

Unfortunately, when Grey Goo didn't sell well, the devs generally dropped support (the last patch was March 2016, about a year after its release). Very little was done with this game after release - it landed with a resounding splat. The marketing was not where it needed to be, and except for a lackluster DLC that feels like it was birthed early when they realised they wouldn't make their money back by spending any more time on it, Grey Goo slipped away into RTS obscurity.

If they had refined this game, I think they really could've polished it into gem. If you're a hardcore RTS fan, you'll appreciate what it was trying to do, but mostly just feel disappointed by missed opportunity and wasted potentially.
327 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
812 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 13:15
it's really an awesome game, if you love Star Craft you will love this game.
47 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
974 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.21 06:13
It's an awesome RTS, try it out.
41 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.21 07:33
41 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
936 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.21 17:18
Mediocre RTS
24 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4621 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.21 10:59
this is a great game and i reccommend it to anyone with any intrest in rts, it is criminally overlooked
674 Produkte im Account
136 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 01:56
Easy AI shouldn't have multiple ultimate units in the first fifteen minutes of the match, lol.
679 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1007 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 11:50
I enjoyed this game a lot. I wanted to finish the singleplayer story, not really because it was super good but because it was so screwed up. It is the perfect example of a Hollywood sci-fi action movie where all the characters act in the stupidest ways possible in order to have more action.

The Humans have advanced AI and drone technology, yet instead of just allowing those expendable drones to get blown up and try for a peaceful first contact with an alien civilization, they murder hordes of the Beta aliens for no reason whatsoever.

The Grey Goo is the only faction that makes total sense in the story. Grey Goo doesn't care about lives, it just cares about growing, and it can't communicate even if it wanted to.

I guess the game wouldn't be so bad if you like the multiplayer, but I would not recommend it for the story.
296 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1594 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 01:41
I was skeptical at first, but after playing for a few hours: this game deserves better than a mixed review.
228 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 02:42
This game is different but still fun to play and doesn't deserve the mixed reviews.
119 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1377 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 20:28
Boy howdy is this a game of odd priorities.

Beautiful cutscenes. Reminds me of some of the blizzard cinematics.

1. There is a lot of hurry up and wait. You start every match needing to build a refinery which takes like 20 seconds to build. so you que up the refinery and then stare at it while it gets built. The way the tech tree works you have to build that in order to unlock anything. Next up you can either A) build a factory with which takes 15 seconds to build or B) build another refinery this one will take longer to build however because you don't have the income to keep up with it. from here you have to build a tech factory to unlock something else and if you didn't build that second refinery then you don't have the income to support the tech factory and unit production so if you are building both they will take much longer. In the first five min of the game you make about 3 clicks.

2. The games campaign AI is so weird/bad. I have played a few scenarios where I had to turn down the difficulty because the ai was attacking me before I even had a refinery finished. Another scenario where I had to protect civilians the AI didn't attack me or the civilians. I spent the entire game building up a force ready to send them where they needed to defend the civilians and they just sat in base cause the civilians where never attacked.

3. Unit match up is frustrating. You build a force to breech an enemies fortified wall. First wave of tanks and artillery get wiped out. Cool. I must need siege units. Build up a force of siege units they get wiped out. Okay, maybe I can bomb an opening (as aircraft require hangers it is takes several new buildings to get 4+ up and running) send those over. They fire two shots at the wall do about 2% damage total and then need to come back and land. The solution: A metric ton of the tier one cheap units to overwhelm the wall.

4. The epic units are all incredibly frustrating. Human unit as an example: giant robot that attacks by shooting a giant beam at its feet and then drawing a line to/through the enemy kind of neat. Except that is all it does 10-15 min of build time and that's its and, more importantly, the unit always attacks at its max range. The beam does more damage the more of a line it draws though an enemy, the unit defaults to max range attack. This means if you order your giant robot to attack a group of enemies or a building it will move up just enough to attack something with the very tip of its beam doing little to no damage to the target. You need to order the robot to walk up the correct distance then attack which is a frustrating micro guessing game.

5. Economy management is frustrating and punishing. You will start off with 1-2 wells near you that you can use for your economy. As with other games it plays around a maximum resource/resource income and the ability to go negative which slows down or pauses your work. Here is the frustrating thing. If you get to max supply your harvesters don't stop harvesting. They keep collecting resources that effectively evaporates. You are busy managing an attack and only to realize that your income is about to dry up and you only have enough to build an extra unit. Some of the factions can expand refineries easy. Others have a really hard time.

6. Finally what makes each faction different from the other is not unit or tech types but rather the unique aggravations that each one brings . The Goo just run away. Every match becomes a game of hide and seek to find the last random Goo somewhere on the map. The beta have a very frustrating build order that requires the building of random and sometimes useless structures just to get to build what you actually want. Humans require you to build power lines from your base to build structures which makes expanding to refineries a pain in the ass and can enable you to box your self in. Never got to the shroud maybe they are cool but I doubt it. Every faction has the same unit type and none feel better/weaker then the others. The only unique type is the hero units or the goo buildings.

If its on sale for 10 bucks give it a go.
3708 Produkte im Account
382 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3457 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 00:33

“You and I interpret this 'fun' very differently.”

Ah, the Westwood Studios... Back in the days? The guys were, like, kings of the world. There was nothing they were unable to do. Everything they've touched used to turn into gold. From Point-and-Click adventures (The Legend of Kyrandia and Blade Runner) to dungeon crawlers (Eye of Beholder and Lands of Lore: Throne of Chaos), open world RPGs (Lands of Lore: Guardians of Destiny and Lands of Lore III), platformers (Lion King) and even Diablo variants (NOX). Most importantly, though, the guys ended up forming what we know as the Real-Time Strategy genre nowadays. Sure, Real-Time Strategies existed even before them, but it was their Dune II that gave the genre its iconic shape. And when Command & Conquer arrived with all of it fast pace, FMV and multiplayer glory? Boy, oh, boy...

Unfortunately to us all, Electronic Arts happened and... yeah, yeah, we all know that EA is, like, source of all evil. Like The Blob from Irvin Yeaworth's movie, it consumes everything that is good and turns it into some ugly mess which is always hungry for more. It's kinda awesome just how many great things they've killed. Who would have thought that there'll be a company evil enough to destroy Ultima, Populous and Command & Conquer at the same time? Today, though, I won't be talking about that evil mass of pure ugliness and greed. Today I will be talking about those who tried to escape. About those daring ex-Westwood individuals who tried to save what was still sacred and form a new company. A company called Petroglyph Games.

Joseph Bostic (Dune II designer and coder), Michael Legg (designer and coder of The Legend of Kyrandia) and Steve Tall (the lead programmer of Command & Conquer) decided that there's still enough power in them to start from scratch. Some others followed their lead. One of which was legendary composer Frank Klepacki who created all of those iconic songs from Westwood's titles. And you know what? Petroglyph's first game, Star Wars: Empire at War, was actually pretty cool. Unfortunately, soon after it, they started to go down the drain and pretty soon ended up making crappy mobile games and f2p nonsense. And that's where Grey Goo came in.

In a way, it was Petroglyph's last hope. Last hope to return to the big game. You can clearly see that it was all or nothing for them here. They've ordered some expensive cutscenes from Axis Animation (the guys who worked on cutscenes for games like HALO 5 and TV shows like Doctor Who), they've put as much money in it as they were able to afford and so on. It was a project with a single goal – to make people see Petroglyph as the guys who made Empire at War (and before that - Command & Conquer), not the guys who created Guardians of Graxia and Coin a Phrase. So... did they succeed? Were they able to redeem themselves? Well, let's just say that soon after Grey Goo release, they've returned to f2p and copy-pasted stuff. And you can easily see why.

The problems with Grey Goo begin right in the design documents. Because, even though back in nineties, it was BLIZZARD who used to copy their stuff (while also shamelessly stealing from Games Workshop), this time? It was Petroglyph who copied StarCraft. And yes, I'm well aware of how one thing can influence another, but honestly, what we have here? It's a StarCraft rip-off. Think 'bout it. There are three factions here. Humans, some sort of strong alien humanoids and so-called Goo that spawns the new units from what's called Mother Goo. Everybody fight each other, Zerg wins. I mean, Goo. Yea-a-ah... it's a f*cking StarCraft. No matter how you look at it, the source material is painfully obvious and looking at some godlike design we used to have in Westwood times? The only thing I want to ask here – where all the talent went to? Are those even the same people? Well, to be honest, no. Not entirely. Joseph Bostic is still here, but the lead designer here is Andrew Zoboki, whose biggest work was Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine, in which he dealt with Games Workshop's design, while the story was done by Andrew S. Walsh, who's best known for his work on X³: Reunion. So... yeah. Not the best choices.

Unfortunately, I must say the same thing about the gameplay. First of all – this game is short. Like... really short. Seriously, it comes with only 15 missions. Like... what the heck? Command & Conquer had something like that for every side of the conflict. And it was back in 1995. Now Grey Goo? It offers us only five missions for each side and calls it a day. Like... seriously, guys? Seriously? And guess just how many missions in that shiny new DLC you can buy? Three. Three painfully dumb missions. Good grief...

It's not like you'll want more, though. Because this game? It's laughably unbalanced. Like seriously, what were they even thinking? There's a single OP faction here (yes, it's Goo), while the others just suck dirt. Even when controlled by people who know their stuff. And it's really, really sad because clearly, the main thing this time is multiplayer. Heck, they even added VAC to it. Except... with no balance at all, there's literally no reason for that. And the single player? Not only it's short, it's also painfully slow and limited. I'm not kidding, even though C&C had speed settings since the very first game, in Grey Goo? You're supposed to take things slowly. Every bloody unit here is as slow as Mammoth Tank on slowest settings. And as a person who usually plays C&C on highest speed? I found this unbearable. Sure, there's always a speedhack to save the day, but still, it's hardly an excuse. Also, don't forget to disable it before trying the multiplayer. Otherwise you'll get one of them VAC bans. And we don't want that, aren't we?

Node-based base building (for everybody except Goo, because f*ck 'em!) may look promising at the beginning, but in reality it is not. The actual missions aren't nearly as interesting as you may hope (not a single interesting goal or condition here). The AI is dumb. And so on. Even Frank Klepacki's score for this game feels uninspired. As the result, even though the final cutscene in this game suggests that originally, Petroglyph had plans for the same exact thing BLIZZARD did with StarCraft II, let's just say that it's easy to see why it never happened. I mean, Grey Goo? I can't even call it “StarCraft for poor people”. In a period since early nineties and until the late 2000s? Something like that would have go completely unnoticed. Just because there were so many RTS games on market and most of them were way, way better than this. Up to this day you can just open MobyGames and start making a list of what you've missed back then. With much better results. Battle Realms, The Lord of the Rings: War of the Ring, Armies of Exigo, Rising Kingdoms, Dungeons & Dragons: Dragonshard, Lords of the EverQuest, The Golden Horde... Even though all of those above were flawed in one way or another, I still had more fun with them than I had with Grey Goo. So, here's the question – what's the point of seeing something like that in 2015? With so many third-party StarCraft II campaigns around? I guess, some questions in this world just can't be answered.
54 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 07:03
A sadly timid affair from Petroglyph Studios. Aside from the Goo, all the gameplay mechanics are bog standard. Campaign is Nice looking but limited and the skirmish is unfair and tiring. Can only recommend it if you already compeleted the Studios previous work such as Command & Conquer and Empire at War;
9 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
748 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 17:10
There is a unnecessary hype about asymmetry in this game. In reality apart from that Mother Goo's behaviour nothing is out of the ordinary, its just normal rts. The main problem is that AI is extremely aggressive no matter what setting you choose. If you are playing rts there are far better classic rts like star craft or AOE or CnC.
628 Produkte im Account
108 Reviews
2394 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.21 12:39
As someone who (not so) recently had the opportunity to replay some of the popular 'real-time strategy' games of the past like Warcraft 2 or
Command & Conquer
, I must say this genre is way too overrated that aged quite badly (and I'm not talking about visuals here, but gameplay and complexity). If we play any entry of the Total War series we'll quickly realize how obsolete these old RTS games became (yes, they were made in the '90s, but real classics CAN stand the test of time).
Taking this into account, it's quite obvious I approached Grey Goo with heavy prejudice, but it quickly diminished. Although it uses the old mechanics and shows strong similarities with Starcraft, so it can hardly be called a strategy-, rather a management game, its decent plot and exciting species make it a positive surprise.

Set in the distant future, the game uses an in medias res beginning and instead of starting the campaign with the humans, an honourable civilization, the 4-armed Beta are introduced first, who seem to be on a constant run from a dangerous species, the 'Silent Ones', who are intent on destroying the entire world. When they are attacked by a large army of robots, they falsely identify them as their arch enemy and prepare for a massive retaliation. Upon capturing the leader of the attackers, who turn out to be humans, they also discover another dangerous enemy, the Goo, a formless entity of unknown origin that consumes everything (does anyone remember the movie The Blob?). But can the Goo really be the Slient Ones, the Betas are so afraid of?
A minor flaw is that the story can be pieced together by roughly halfway through the game, so the other half basically only contains filler material. Despite this, the plot is very good, probably the best ever told in a simple RTS, so revealing further information would ruin the experience. After completing the Beta campaign, we get to play the human side as well, followed by the Goo.

The main attraction is the single player campaign, which contains 16 missions (5-5 for each side and a final one). Then there's the Emergence campaign with another 3, taking place between the Human and the Goo campaigns as an expansion, featuring Singleton, the android commander of the Humans.
Map design is exemplary, terrain has strong infulence on gameplay. Units placed on elevated areas receive relative advantage, while forests provide invisibility until the enemy also enters the covered area, making them perfect ambush points.
The single resource type we need to collect from blue pools in orange craters - is called 'Catalyst'. While these deplete, they can slowly regenerate in time. There are plenty of pools across most maps, so exploring and harvesting ones laying even a bit further from our base is also recommended.
We have the usual buildings (factory, repair pad, airport, etc.) including silos, where we can store resource surplus. However, since the unit cap is relatively low (200, and most units take 3-4 spaces), we can quickly run out of units during a major attack, which we believed enough to take out the enemy base. Each faction has an own epic unit, a single gigantic killing machine requiring 70 (!) space, so it takes up roughly 1/3 of our entire unit capacity, but its worth it. Producing it is both a resource- and time consuming procedure though.
While units can't be upgraded in the regular way, we can research additional unit specific upgrades which can enhance the abilities of certain unit types. There are 4 research groups with 3 options within each, but only 1 can be attained.
The game is relatively easy, even on hard difficulty (we can set it before each mission), although the bonus objectives can be tough sometimes, as they usually have time limits. Primary missions are not really diverse, ranging mostly from simple search and destroy tasks to capture and protect.

Unfortunately the 3 species are not balanced enough and it really shows, especially in skirmish and multiplayer.

The Beta, while seemingly powerful are rather weak, including their high tier heavy robots. They mostly use mech-like bipedal robots, their general weakness clearly shows in comparison with the other 2 factions. The problem is that their strength lies in defense, but there's no way to win in an RTS just by defending. What we can do is to slowly conquer the entire map, since Betas can build cheap and strong walls anywhere on the map, with pillars which most of their units can mount. While mounted, these units gain increased fire rate and they don't get damaged, only after the pillar is destroyed (which can be repaired). Advanced buildings require 'Hubs' (small central buildings) though.
Most Beta units can also fire while moving and the Beta is the only species that can have 2 epic units at once. The 'Hand of Ruk' is a giant flying fortress, but don't count as air units - so they can be targeted by everything. They fire giant missiles, which can't be used against nearby enemies, but these fortresses also have 6 hardpoints, where we can attach 6 units (5 Commandos and a Cloudburst is ideal).

Humans use modern warfare and instead of participating personally on the battlefield, they deploy drones, powerful robot tanks and aircrafts. With the corresponding research the majority of their units can repair themselves when not in combat. They also have access to sturdy defense turrets of different kinds (laser, artillery, air defense). And if that wasn't enough they can teleport their troops to far locations causing nasty surprises. Unfortunately they can't build just anywhere: conduits must be laid down to connect their buidling with the core. If a conduit is destroyed, unconnected buildings cease functioning.

The Goo is the uncommon species, which has absolutely no buildings and requires a completely different playstyle. Its nature and the way it works is clearly shown at the beginning cutscene of the human campaign, where by taking a small sample of Goo on board, it destroys their entire mothership. By consuming resources, a 'Mother Goo' can multiply and evolve into different types of units. By spawning other mothers and placing them on catalyst ponds all over the map, we can quickly build a formidable army and rush our enemies. The fact that these mothers can pass through any terrain and damage enemy units on contact while also possessing the ability to regenerate and having many long ranged units, so the Goo is easily the most powerful faction in the game.

There are plenty of multiplayer maps which allow 4 opponents to play by setting alliances beforehand. Finding people to play online can be tough though (I couldn't) and loading times can be insanely long. The AI difficulty can be scaled: on harder settings the game clearly tells us that it cheats by seeing the entire map constantly :)

The graphics are amazing and colourful, explosions and laser fire effects are beautifully animated. The cutscenes look even better with highly detailed and expressive facial animations. My only criticism is that they are not as action-packed and dynamic as the ones in Starcraft for example and that the user interface is way too large, considering how few options and command buttons can be found on it.
Voice acting and the distinctively styled music for each faction is also remarkable.

While Grey Goo follows the obsolete formula of RTSs and it obviously can't compete with the Total War series, it has enough good ideas to make it enjoyable and stand out from the crowd.

+ good map design with different terrains
+ exciting plot
+ detailed graphics, amazing cutscenes
+ great voice acting

- still an old styled RTS
- long loading times
- unbalanced sides

13 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1617 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 14:53
Story line is good! Graphic quality is excellent! Game play is different for each team which I like! Has a lot of improvements for RTS game play, but still familiar to C&C, Red Alert etc...
224 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
1113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.21 08:54
I wish there was a neutral meh rating instead of yes and no only. It's a poor man's clone of Starcraft II. It's not bad but I beat it in less than 20 hours and have no interest in revisiting it. If you can get it on a great sale or in a bundle it's worth it, but not full price.
108 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
1070 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 15:52
if you're looking for RTS genre this might be interesting for you
1. only 3 different Races, Human, Beta and Goo
2. Human more advance civilization where you got to build advance technology such as drone, nano technology, laser weapons and so on
3. Beta is another alien race that's not so advance, bullet kind of weapon, armor, artillery, bipedal tank and just like typical human technology
4. Goo is well.. Goo... like the 80's movie The Blob...
5. AI is a little bit broken, but still playable, even Easy AI is quite challenging, you really need to play different kind of strategy, play a lot, learn different tactics, and loose a lot :D
6. Story is quite good, the Human Race is the Interstellar Traveler, Goo is the Invasion forces and Beta is defending their home, not typical story but quite interesting

i really recommend this games, price is good, worth your money, or you can buy it when discount, seriously, your really need to try this game
807 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
1076 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.21 21:55
This game has good and bad in it. Overall I think it's good, but not overwhelmingly good.

On the up side, this game's quite polished, has 4 factions with a lot of variety, and it's fun to play. The campaign develops just fine and it's compelling to play though for the story.

On the down side, balance is trash, and that shows in the campaign a lot. I couldn't beat a certain mission in the Beta campaign (first 5 missions) because I tried to mix my units, when all I had to do was spam predators so I could win. Also the enemy waves are too strong for the most part, so I'm forced to turtle, which I hate to do in RTS. Literally every mission, you either turtle early on, or everything and everyone dies and you have to start over.

I would rate this game a 7/10 in terms of RTS quality.
3350 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
965 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 23:28
Old school strategy in style of Earth 2140 with really difficult AI on harder difficulties and in skirmish. It have decent graphics and very nic story animations, if you are itching for get your ass kicked than this is game for you :)
77 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 02:07
This game is awesome. Just wish there were more updates and DLCs
462 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
1200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.21 05:03
Grey Goo does not deserve the mixed reactions it has now on steam, absolutely not.
If you like games on steam like C&C3 Tiberium Wars, Halo Wars, or the first Dawn of War games (the linear story ones), then this should feel like that, if you want more of that and feel like there isn't much on the market for a retro RTS fix then this is a great option.

This isn't aiming to be the next Starcraft 2 killer, if you're looking for that then you're in the wrong place, like if you'd go negatively review any of the retro FPS games out now saying how they're uninspired and generic and nothing we haven't seen before and won't be the next CSGO or PUBG or COD killers. Also overall length can easily be over 10 hours, for me as a slow turtler it took 20 to beat the main campaign.
This is a nice polished AA title with an engaging long enough singleplayer story where you get to play multiple unique factions with neat mechanics and a fun story to keep you going.
You'll probably buy this cheap on sale anyway and still enjoy it, just like you'd buy some other years old AA shooter that you'd enjoy for reminding you of some other shooters while still feeling solid enough (recently played Singularity after wanting more HL2 style games like Prey 2006 or G String, and that was exactly what I wanted & got and many players seem to agree, they went in with expectations of a solid shooter in that vein).
So just don't come in here expecting the next highly competitive obscenely focus tested and meticulously balanced 4X title, and just treat it like a classic C&C RTS, and you should be fine.

This is why we can't get a retro RTS revival like we have gotten with CRPGs & FPS titles in the past years, I've got plenty enough retro FPS games coming out of the seams that are not reinventing the formula (Wrath, Ion Fury, Amid Evil, Dusk, Overload, Ultrakill, Prodeus, G String) and they're fine and everyone understands what they are and are not whining about them not trying to be the next CSGO or COD killer.
So where the F**k are the RTS players who understand what this is and treat it that way? They clearly exist because C&C3 & Remastered and Halo Wars are pretty highly rated here on steam.

I found myself surprisingly engaged by the story, it's well told, flows nicely and builds up in a rewarding fashion. When the credits rolled I was looking forward to the DLC, I guess I should have read the DLC store page to realize it wouldn't follow the events immediately after the main campaign (got my hopes up for seeing that a 4th faction does exist in skirmish & multiplayer), but still, doesn't change the fact that I got almost 20 hours worth of a fun ride with some neat missions where I played around in.
Shame that with this kind of reception, we clearly won't be getting any kind of sequel.

One big criticism I have is that one single time, in I think the third human mission, the game paused (luckily after I had just saved) with a screen saying it was trying to reconnect to the servers, and then booted me to the main menu saying it lost the connection.
In a Singleplayer mission.
That is unacceptable and tells me that at some point this game is going to be dead with no servers to connect.
Even in your offline singleplayer!

And maybe the difficulty was a bit hard (initially, the Beta story) for me, but I'm an amateur turtling enjoyer of RTS games and many of the timepressured missions had me stressed out.
Also no modding support, that's a shame. VAC seems useless or even counterproductive to have since the main draw these days is the singleplayer.

But other than that, this game does a great job of being a fun ride with a well told story, mission variety mostly comes from getting in 5 missions per faction a solid progression of tech unlocks and then straight to the next faction and then the next telling the story still in 95% linearly clear fashion, music is neat, cutscenes are well done, it's pretty, runs okay, works pretty well, no game breaking stuff (some minor issues like never starting in fullscreen but Alt+Enter fixes that, and resolution options are a bit clunky, and saving and loading can take an oddly long period, but again, I compare this to my experience with Singularity, people are fine with jank in certain contextes, so be prepared for that).

Listen to a critic like Total Biscuit rather than players who seem to be the wrong target audience anyway.
350 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
54 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 18:10
Looks nice, but is very shallow, gets boring very fast, due to the very simplistic mechanics....more of a click fest than tactical/strategic game...sadly....it could have been so much more...
85 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 14:02
Unfortunately this game isnt great.
Due to really bad game design, its just not fun to play.
Unit limits prevent you from having large armies, the base building is very slow and boringc and not intuitive. Large bases are not possible.
Unit variety is very limited and uninspired, theres nothing special and every unit looks similar. There are super units, but theyre not worth the money, because theyre just bad.
Graphics are ok, but i dont like the artdesign. Cinematics are good though.
Soundtrack is very nice, but ingame sounds however are lame and sound cheap. The gunfire sounds are too similar.

If you want to play a good rts, C&C and Supreme Commander are they way to go.
747 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1190 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 13:14
It's a creative RTS from some of the minds behind the old command and conquer games, gameplay is great with each faction playing differently, beta build hubs and attach modules to them, humans build a network of perpendicular cables that they can slot buildings onto and the goo just goops all over the place, not having buildings of their own. (there's a fourth faction I haven't played much of I just know they focus on disruption, countering unit archetypes but themselves being vulnerable to certain tactics)

You can also make certain modifications to units to adapt to the enemy, like giving your aa a ground fire and replacing your beam lasers with railguns, lots of pro's and cons. strategy is key

My main complaint is the campaign being paper thin, you play through 4/5 levels of beta and it just ends, 4/5 human levels then ends (you get the idea) it's better than 8-bit armies where the campaign is just a glorified skirmish but still, I miss the grand epic campaigns rts' were famous for. Grey goo shows potential for a solid campaign and just ends once all the units are introduced, I was never the biggest fan of the online multiplayer modes in rts' I prefer local multiplayer so everyone can focus on fun.

But the game is still solid and a great way to waste time with friends or online if you choose to go there.
233 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 14:22
As much as I wanted to love this game I just cannot recommend it due to the very buggy AI. This is a problem in both the campaign and skirmish with skirmish being the biggest offender. The AI seems to randomly choose the difficulty level and strategy that it will play as. For instance I have done a 2 v 2 with all AI, my ally was set to normal balanced and both the enemies were set to easy econ. The enemy AI wiped us out within a couple of minutes of rushing. My ally did very little and seemed to mostly sit idle. For people who like a challenge this might be a perk but sometimes I just want to sit around build up a big force and have fun smashing through the enemy defenses. The campaign was very similar, some levels the enemy AI literally just sat there and did nothing, other levels the enemy seemed to be capable of cheating and build epic units even after their base was destroyed. Overall I just cannot recommend this title.
117 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
356 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 22:58
While almost 6 years late, I suppose this game deserves at least a (relatively) short review. After all - who knows who’s gonna be compelled to give it a try, after all these years?

Grey Goo is yet another experiment from Petroglyph - the “descendants” of the founders of the RTS genre - Westwood Studios. Much like it’s predecessor - Universe at War - it attempts to polish and diversify the classic gameplay formula, with a few interesting innovations. Does it succeed, though? - I’m afraid not.
The story is pretty short and simplistic. Disappointing even. It misleads you into thinking there’s more to what’s going on, and makes you think that more complex topics and morals are going to be covered. But in the end it all comes down to AI simply doing their job and evil aliens wanting to consume all. Three available campaigns are incredibly short (5 missions each) and resemble one another in mission design.
The gameplay is… okay-ish. The available factions are diverse; each having some tricks up their sleeve. The HUD changes according to the selected faction, and it’s designed to be best suited for each and easy to get used to. Sadly, the maps are pretty small and uninspired; there is only one type of resource and while the factions have rather different mechanics and strats, their units feel largely the same; mirrored even. And the worst part is that it all feels… boring. It is obvious that the game had pretty great ideas at its core, but their potential was never realized. It lacks the pace and refinement of CnC, not to mention their atmosphere.
Speaking of atmosphere - both the graphics and the soundtrack are pretty great. I don’t have anything to complain about here. But the problem is - with lackluster gameplay, story and lore there’s just no way to fall in love with the game’s universe the same way fans did with games like CnC or Starcraft.


6/10. It’s definitely great to see that at least some of the minds responsible for the CnC universe are still trying to create something great. Sadly, so far they seem to be out of luck.
45 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
928 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 11:54
Campaign was okay but really short. Game itself is kind-of one dimensional to play... the only real strategy is build every unit ever and rush the enemy. NPCs unbalanced, normal difficulty Beta smashes Hard difficulty Goo, and is rushing your base within a minute, before the first extractor is even complete (which is needed to build a basic factory). Don't even bother playing as the 'Silent Ones' ore whatever they're called... only unit worth a damn for them is the epic but you typically die before then anyway. Doesn't matter how fast you are at building things. Cutscenes are awesome during the campaign.
2562 Produkte im Account
78 Reviews
447 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 02:05
Old Shcool RTS but decent gameplay.
19 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 02:10
The best RTS i have played since starcraft !
238 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.20 16:13
Feels like it's missing something.
258 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
746 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 02:40
Multiplayer is dead. There are maybe 10 people playing the game at any given time, and all of them are just playing single-player. The campaign is interesting and the races are cool, I especially like playing as the Goo, but when you beat the campaign (its a decent length, but you could beat it in a dedicated night) there is nothing else worth playing. I don't think the campaign has much replay value. The different difficulty levels don't actually change the AI's strategy after Very Hard mode once the AI is given full map vision, it just makes their units stronger and harder to kill which isn't very rewarding. Game had potential, but now I would just recommend sticking with StarCraft2.
903 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
728 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 12:44
I feel that the gameplay is good to great. The merging of old C&C and modern streamlined gameplay is very close to getting it, but not quite perfect.

What I greatly enjoyed about the game was the campaign - the story, the worldbuilding, the voiceacting. Great Science Fiction, amazingly reasonable take on AI, factions that act logically and appropriately, and the voice actors do an amazing job of portraying their struggle.

I'd say the story alone is worth it if you can get the game at $15 or lower.
2051 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
931 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.20 14:15
So... some thoughts on the game now.

First of all, if you want it for the multiplayer, I will warn you that they shut off the matchmaking servers. It's still possible to do custom games against people (through Steamworks integration, I'm guessing?), but that means that you have to go find people to play against. There is a decent community of people playing this game on a Discord somewhere, which you can find by visiting the subreddit, but for the sake of brevity, assume the multiplayer is completely dead.

Second, as far as the campaign goes, my experience was... not satisfactory. I played through the entire base campaign and was doing fine on Normal difficulty up until I reached the last mission (mission 15). The enemy cheats in this mission hard enough that they can still spawn their super units even once you destroy their base. One super unit, the Alpha, can kill any T1 unit for the Goo in one shot, with an AoE, that means all the strats that you've used for the entire campaign so far of massing the little anti-armor crawlers is completely useless. The other super unit can two shot Mother Goos from full health with its nuke attack (its primary weapon btw). So basically, it's just unfun to fight these things and I found it so frustrating that after trying the last mission 6 times, I looked up a guide. The way to beat this is incredibly cheese-y imo, and I was not a fan. I won't spoil it here, but you can look up a walkthrough if you're interested.

Story wise (again with no spoilers), I didn't like how the story for the Goo went, it felt bad and frustrating. But to each their own here, and who plays RTS campaigns for their story, right?

Either way, I would probably skip this RTS. I love the ideas here, three very different factions, Command and Conquer style gameplay, base building, scouting, etc. But they just weren't executed well enough to really be worth playing.
114 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 03:50
This is a really good game.

The way the different races play are unique, they are all fairly different from each other, and different from most strategy games that I have played. The way the production economy and base building (or lack there of) are handled very uniquely, especially between factions. It gives them a real flavor and personality, in a way that is similar to Starcraft without seeming like it is ripping it off. I would almost describe it as an extremely laborious and professionally crafted total conversion mod for Starcraft 2, but that would be insulting, as the game has more depth and polish than something like that.

Change or departure from norms isn't always a good thing, and can be a substitute for solid gameplay and balance, I've seen developers do this, and do it badly. I think that perception, the appeal to novelty, is something this game suffers from. The name, the concepts of the races and gameplay are novel and refreshing to me, but I had to spend some time with it to get there. I think that is why so many people see this game as less than the sum of its parts. It is actually solid and has a depth that I have come to expect from these studio(s)/publisher(s). I think that is why some people are so turned off by this game. They are so accustomed to an RTS feeling, or being presented in such a way, that the departure from the norm is seen as some kind of cheap novelty, it's not.

It isn't The Best RTS EVER, but it is really fun and gets so close to being in that top tier, that it is worth the current $30 price tag. I enjoy it, if you are a hardcore fan starcraft or the C&C games you will probably like this almost as much.
182 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.20 14:29
Old Shcool RTS with new twists
474 Produkte im Account
125 Reviews
779 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 02:11
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☑️ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☐ Paint.exe

☐ It doesn't have
☐ Bad
☑️ Average
☐ Good
☐ Fantastic
☐ Make your own story
☐ Its multiplayer what did you expect

☐ Very good
☑️ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Staring at walls is better
☐ Just don‘t

☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☑️ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Earrape

☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Humans

????️---{PC Requirements}---????️
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑️ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boiiiiii
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

☐ Just press ‚A‘
☐ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☑️ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls

☑️ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks/cosmetics
☐ Isnt necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second life for grinding
☐ Microtransaction wow yeah NO THANKS/ Battle pass F.U to

۞---{Game Time}---۞
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☑ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond

☐ It’s free!
☐ Worth the price
☐ If u have some spare money left
☑ Wait for that SALE drop
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☐ Microtransactions for a good cause ????

☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
☐ Fallout 76

☐Almost never the same in any two people
☑️Varies a little bit from person to person
☐Weapon AND character classes
☐Weapon OR character classes
☐Creative AND Survival
☐Creative OR Survival
☐Melee AND Ranged
☐Melee OR Ranged

☐Mobile Game(Necessary if you don’t want to wait 15 weeks to construct a toaster)
☐”Premium” Currency AND Normal Currency
☐”Premium” Currency OR Normal Currency
☐Quick way to advance
☐Only to show off big time
☐Some DLC's

355 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5062 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 01:57
What I've done in game: Played up to mission 15 in the campaign, the 'last' mission, but didn't finish it. Didn't play multiplayer or skirmishes. I would classify myself as slightly above average RTS player, by no means great though. I played the first few mission on hard difficulty, hit a wall so changed to normal. Gave up on last mission.

I put that I wouldn't recommend it but it's not a bad game and you can get it for pretty good deal. So if you're really itching to try out a different RTS game then by all means, you can probably get your money's worth.

Positives: Premise of the story is interesting. Graphics are decent for an RTS and still hold up well today. Technically the game seems solid. Some interesting units. Cutscenes aren't bad, though they are short.

Cons: Mission designs, especially later ones, can be really frustrating and stacked against the player in poor ways. The story over the last few missions and to the ending gets progressively worse and is not rewarding at all (I watched the ending online after giving up on last mission). The AI can be really really dumb at times. The AI will never outsmart you or react to you, it just spawns more units constantly than you can deal with. The pathing of your units can very frustrating at times in how they push your other units out of the way to try and get through but often still fail which just means your formations are constantly messed up and need microing.
142 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2959 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.20 23:33
For any RTS lover, this game probably won't be a long term dedication, but it's more than worth spending some time with. It does some very interesting things in the genre. There aren't really any frustrations or rough edges here, very well made game. My only complaint is that the AI enemies can be a bit easy in bot matches. Performance is also great, should run smoothly on just about anything.
283 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 17:03
This game I wish was more well known. GreyGoo might be one of the most exciting Strategy games I have played. I would recommend people pick this up for the excellent gameplay, especially when it is on sale.
1178 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
1485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 22:54
I've had my eye on Grey Goo ever since TB spoke of it before early access launched (his passing still leaves an unfillable void). Now after five years I finally got a taste of the game.

The first impression is of a really polished game. However..., and this probably my taste, the first race 'Betas' don't appeal at all to me. They are very well voiced, but the Irish/UK accents don't fit. The quality is all excellent, so I had a bit of a quirky start. Plus I tried 2560x1440, but the GUI is too tiny, and can't be scaled in the options.

But once past this mediocre commencement I'm having a really good time with this game.
The multiplayer doesn't seem to work for some reason.
25 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 18:07
Ace game
194 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
32896 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 18:24
The physics is great!
The micro is great!
The macro is great!
The faction balance is great!
The multiplayer is great!

Grey Goo is the best RTS game I've played since the early 2000s for these reasons. If you like to focus on unit and building management and don't care about a complex economy, Grey Goo is essential!
320 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
966 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 17:37
Grey Goo so desperately wants to be the new modern RTS, taking heavy inspiration from Starcraft and Command and Conquer, while trying to spin its own take on it all, and honestly it does a decent job of all of that.
I don't think it's the best RTS and it definitely didn't suck me in like others have, but I enjoyed the campaign that Grey Goo's team obviously put a fair bit of effort into
163 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
31779 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 16:54
170 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1961 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 05:21
I saw someone on Discord put it perfectly: You have to play Grey Goo for more than 10 hours to realize it's actually very good. Until then, you think it's shit.

I bought Grey Goo on day one back when it came out, and my first impressions weren't amazing. Then the Shroud update came, and I actually enjoyed the new faction a lot, but not enough to keep playing. Fast forward to now, when I was browsing through my Steam library looking for an RTS to play and decided to reinstall Grey Goo. And...I dunno man, something clicked this time. Maybe it was trying the new units that changed up the similarities between the Humans and Beta. Maybe it was really digging into the Shroud and realizing what a really fucking cool faction it was. Maybe it was returning to the simple pleasure of launching death missiles with the Hand of Ruk, or massing Howlers and watching their upgraded electrical attack shred through enemies, or drowning a ton of massed infantry in endless Goo.

Grey Goo is a legitimately good game, and I can't recommend it enough. The campaign is alright, but multiplayer and skirmish are great fun. Don't mistake the lack of unit abilities or relatively small upgrade tree for simplicity: there is nothing extra in Grey Goo, and you'll constantly find new unit configurations that surprise you. It might not scratch the itch for those of you looking to get your APM to sky-high levels, but as a slower, more laid-back RTS it's a ton of fun.

Plus, a killer score from Frank Klepacki.
85 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
5346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.20 18:48
A good modern RTS, all the factions have different playstyles and one can 100% fit into any of their sub-styles. The game based online matches are dead, but there is a lively discord communities with competitive and non-competitive players alike.
112 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
829 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 05:22
A fun RTS that unfortunately did not sell too well, and basically has no multiplayer scene. Which is a shame, because the game is so fun, the factions are interesting and unique, and my god the cinematics are beautiful. So I recommend buying for the singleplayer, but not the multiplayer.

I hope Petroglyph's recent success with the C&C Remaster motivates them to take another crack at a Grey Goo sequel, or an original RTS, or maybe a new C&C/RA.
280 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
935 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.20 03:14
The factions are a refreshing break from the standard C&C or Starcraft templates with regards to how base-building works for each of them. Unit-wise, there's not a lot of differences, and I see a link in the Epic Units between Grey Goo and Supreme Commander. The original campaign missions were a tad shorter than I expected (comparing to Starcraft), but served as a good introduction and practice ground before taking the fight online against other players.

Btw, the Mother Goo is annoying AF.
230 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.20 17:55
Not really worth it, very few missions for each faction. A lot of the missions are more tedious than interesting, and the key layout is very weird and un-natural.
53 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
822 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.20 18:40
Great RTS game .... Great graphics, lots of options and units, Four races to play. Even a map editor. If I had to say something bad about the game it would be loading/saving time .... not as quick as some games. Got this game on sale and am very happy with it.
29 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
868 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.20 11:19
a very nice, well pieced strategy game that offers almost all kinds of gameplay
the plot is fantastic, including the story behind all the factions
gameplay as well, offering 3 radically different gameplay strategies, depending on each faction-made this game a masterpiece
335 Produkte im Account
284 Reviews
901 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.20 08:22

A Glorious Return To Classic RTS // Recommended for all fans of strategy & RTS gaming

+ UI is actually extremely user-friendly
+ Voice-acting & character animations are absolutely fantastic
+ Overall visual presentation looks great
+ Cinematics help pull everything together & move the narrative along
+ Faction designs feel unique & interesting relative to one another
+ Goo faction plays very unconventionally & is a breath of fresh air for an RTS title
+ Map editor is available in-game
+ Soundtrack is both quite good & also is customizable
+ The plot is very well-imagined, particularly for an RTS title
+ The fourth (Shroud) faction is playable in skirmish mode without requiring DLC purchase, although DLC will be needed to play through their campaign

- Human conduits cannot cross ramps or terrain, making for a serious late-game restriction
- Building requirement icons can be annoying to discern (especially when trying to remember upgrade or building requirements) & are not labeled in some cases
- Beta faction feels disproportionately OP in that they are the most versatile, though this may be a subjective observation
- The Goo faction can be disproportionately frustrating & difficult to wholly defeat
- Stock list of maps is quite small & games only support up to 4 players

LockeProposal's Big Day Out

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166 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.20 20:35
Amazing Graphics ans super playtime! I wish They'd make another!
17 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4566 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.20 14:06
This game is kinda similar to star craft. It has different unique races. It's fun to build up and take down your enemies. It's also fun to play with friends. There is a range of different troops, so it's a good thing to mix up your units to be more efficent .
317 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
723 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.20 23:09
A unique take on the RTS genre pitting factions with drastically different playstyles into a battleground
346 Produkte im Account
201 Reviews
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91 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.19 14:43
i want to like it

but it's so painfully generic
86 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
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3066 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.19 01:35
I quite enjoyed the game at launch and endured the several (major) balance changes that resulted from multiplayer. It has three interesting teams and the units are generally intriguing (especially artistically.) That said, the community is dead and was dead on arrival. If you're looking at all for multiplayer it was basically gone three months in or less.

While the campaign had some fairly difficult missions; some of it was also fairly tedious. I loved it 'til I didn't, and haven't touched it in over four years now. Sad times.
183 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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547 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.19 21:30
Basically the AI is pretty trash in that rather than a smart ai to fight you fight an ai that cheats based on difficulty
227 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
489 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.19 13:58
Graphics are good. There is kinda a new take on the rts deal that I like.
1124 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.19 19:49
Could get the game to launch with compatibility mode
Could not get the game to launch a campaign game, only got the briefing, when pressing start game: infinite waiting with music on loop.
Could get into options, single player menu, multiplayer menu, it just did not launch any real game.
319 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
678 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.19 19:54
A flawed gem but an enjoyable one. All of the factions are fun but the goo really steal the show for me the campaign is alot of fun aswell which is great as i couldnt care less about multiplayer. Nicely done devs.
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
67.99% 2033 957
Release:23.01.2015 Genre: Echtzeitstrategie Entwickler: Petroglyph Games Vertrieb: Grey Box Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:Steam Franchise:keine Infos
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