Even after all these years, the game is still relevant and still evokes warm feelings of nostalgia, making your heart beat faster with excitement and your hands sweat when you pass Mud in the Old Camp again and again. Despite all its flaws and rough edges, we still come back to it and play it with absolutely loving eyes, just like the first time we played this masterpiece.
An important factor that has certainly contributed to the long life of the series is you! Gothic fans! Without you, without your thrill, your efforts, creativity, passion this all might not have happened. Thank you very much!
We would also like to extend a huge thank you to the original developers of the game as well. You have created a unique new world that has captivated thousands of players around the world. We are also happy that some of them have joined us to work on the “Gothic 1 Remake”.
We’ve prepared a gift for you, and wanted to reveal it today, but, unfortunately, it was stolen by one of the thieves from the New Camp. Seems like it was Mordrag. At least Thorus suspects him of this crime.
We will send our best people to retrieve it from their dirty hands and bring it to you as soon as possible and believe it is worth it!