On behalf of the Gothic 1 Remake team, we wish you a Happy New Year! Let 2025 bring you joy, bright emotions, and exciting adventures — both in real life and in the world we are creating together with you.
For us, 2025 will be a truly key year. We are working tirelessly to bring the dream of returning to the valley of mines, a place so dear to many of you, to life. And on this journey, your support is of incredible value to us.

Thank you for your dedication, your passion, your love for the Gothic series, and for your time and endless feedback. Every comment, every suggestion, and even the smallest detail inspires us to move forward and make our game even better.
We appreciate your support and we are truly happy that you are with us on this journey. We believe that with your help, we can make Gothic 1 Remake exactly as you dream it to be.
Happy New Year, dear friends! And may the Sleeper be with you!
Your Gothic 1 Remake team.