How are your quests going? The new Fort Triumph patch for PC introduces several fixes and improvements to the strategic AI, making for more interesting and fun gameplay.
You can see the full changelog below.
- Improved performance of strategic AI. The AI will now act iteratively instead of scanning the entire map when deciding on its next action. This performance boost is especially significant in larger maps. This also means that the AI branches out more slowly, and is unlikely to send newly created parties from its town straight to player/AI owned buildings while ignoring everything else in between.
- Increased chances of the strategic AI getting a party back to town to add units. This, along with other changes, makes it much more likely to encounter parties with 4-5 heroes in mid-late game, and makes it much more likely that these parties will contain leveled up heroes.
- Fixed strategic AI behaviour where low cost guild upgrades had a significantly higher chance of being picked over other guild upgrades.
- The strategic AI now tries to synchronize between increasing hero cap limit and party size limit. This fixes the issue where the AI could technically put 4-5 heroes in a party, but wasn't able to do so due to the hero cap limit still being low.
- Slightly increased the base evaluation that the strategic AI gives to getting party size upgrades, making it a bit more likely to get it early, especially on higher difficulties.
- Fixed behaviour of the strategic AI so it'll behave more aggressively towards rival AIs (previously it only took such fights when it had an overwhelming advantage), similarly to how it behaves towards player parties.
- The strategic AI now takes into consideration the number of towns it has when deciding on how many parties it aims to have, allowing it to have more parties in large Skirmish games.
- Added a (moddable) setting in strategic settings for how much the AI tries to increase its hero cap and party size.
Also, don’t forget to visit the shopkeeper because Fort Triumph is currently on sale for 30% off! What better time to start a legendary adventure?
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