• Fort Triumph: Screen zum Spiel Fort Triumph.
  • Fort Triumph: Screen zum Spiel Fort Triumph.
  • Fort Triumph: Screen zum Spiel Fort Triumph.
  • Fort Triumph: Screen zum Spiel Fort Triumph.
  • Fort Triumph: Screen zum Spiel Fort Triumph.
  • Fort Triumph: Screen zum Spiel Fort Triumph.
  • Fort Triumph: Screen zum Spiel Fort Triumph.
  • Fort Triumph: Screen zum Spiel Fort Triumph.
  • Fort Triumph: Screen zum Spiel Fort Triumph.
  • Fort Triumph: Screen zum Spiel Fort Triumph.
  • Fort Triumph: Screen zum Spiel Fort Triumph.
  • Fort Triumph: Screen zum Spiel Fort Triumph.
  • Fort Triumph: Screen zum Spiel Fort Triumph.
  • Fort Triumph: Screen zum Spiel Fort Triumph.
  • Fort Triumph: Screen zum Spiel Fort Triumph.
  • Fort Triumph: Screen zum Spiel Fort Triumph.
  • Fort Triumph: Screen zum Spiel Fort Triumph.
  • Fort Triumph: Screen zum Spiel Fort Triumph.
  • Fort Triumph: Screen zum Spiel Fort Triumph.
  • Fort Triumph: Screen zum Spiel Fort Triumph.
  • Fort Triumph: Screen zum Spiel Fort Triumph.
  • Fort Triumph: Screen zum Spiel Fort Triumph.
  • Fort Triumph: Screen zum Spiel Fort Triumph.
  • Fort Triumph: Screen zum Spiel Fort Triumph.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 16.04.2020
Zum Shop
Preis Update 04.07.24
Fort Triumph
  • Plattform: PC
Zum Shop
Preis Update 29.11.22

Über das Spiel

Fort Triumph: Ein forderndes, rundenbasiertes Fantasy-Taktikspiel mit Permatod. Ist das spannend genug?

Führe eine Heldengruppe mit verschiedenen Fähigkeiten durch eine Fantasy-Geschichte voller Witz und Parodien. Abwechslungsreiche Missionen auf prozedural generierten Karten – ein fesselndes Abenteuer im Story- und im Gefechtsmodus.

  • Nutze die Umgebung: Jeder Baum und Felsbrocken kann als Waffe dienen.
  • Plane deine Strategie: Vier Fraktionen und vier Klassen. Errichte deine Basis, sammle Ressourcen und bringe deinen Charakteren neue Fertigkeiten bei!
  • Entwickle die Helden: Nutze Merkmale und klassenübergreifende Fertigkeiten – deine Helden sind bei jedem Spiel einzigartig!
  • Erkunde prozedural generierte Karten: Fort Triumph bietet flexible Weltkarten mit veränderbaren Orten und Ereignissen. Jede Schlacht erfordert einen neuen Plan.
  • Alza il volume: le musiche originali del gioco sono composte da Marco Valerio Antonini.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel I3 4160 processor or equivalent
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GT 630 or Equivalent
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 SP1+ (64bit)
  • HD: 3 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 10
  • MISC: DX10 with Shader 4.0 support required.
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Polnisch, Russisch, Französisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel i7 4770 processor or equivalent
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 / Radeon HD 7850 or better
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 (64bit)
  • HD: 3 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 12
  • MISC: DX10 with Shader 4.0 support required.
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Polnisch, Russisch, Französisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

445 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
709 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 12:48
Best of two worlds! Mix of XCOM and HOMM but with its own charme and features.
344 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1139 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.20 13:57
Also vorweg muss ich sagen, das ich ein Stunde 1 HOMM Fan bin und bis heute HOMM3 Wog spiele.
Fort Triumph ist sehr stark inspiriert von der HOMM Reihe, gemischt mit neuen Elementen, wie zum beispiel zufalls generierte Maps, auch jeder Kampf hat nach Neustart des Kampfes eine neue Map. Alles ist Liebevoll gestaltet, alleine der Stadtbildschirm wirkt doch etwas sehr lieblos und könnte mehr wie bei HOMM sein.
Hinzu kommt die größte Neuheit, und zwar die taktischen Spielereien mir z.B. Bäumen, die man auf Gegner fallen lassen kann, dieses Element ist eines der Kernelemente und macht auch den meisten Spaß, da so jeder Kampf ein neues Erlebnis ist.

Die Schwierigkeitsgrade sind super gewählt, egal ob Anfänger oder Profi, hier gibts für jeden was.

Nun zu den Punkten die mir weniger gefallen oder fehlen:

Mir fehlt hier absolut die Möglichkeit Online gegen Freunde zu spielen ohne diesen Krampf von Remote Play, ein derartiges Spiel lebt einfach vom Multiplayer.

Desweiteren sind mir die Worldmaps etwas zu klein, größere wären schön, damit es auch mal lange Partien geben kann die länger als ein paar Stunden gehen.

Ich hoffe aber, das die Entwickler hier noch was nachliefern.
55 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1072 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.20 16:42
Spiel mit guten Ideen aber mangelndem Inhalt
Okay, nach 3 Tagen bin ich die Kampagne durch.
Ich fange zunächst mit dem positiven an! Das Spielprinzip ist absolut gut. Ich mag XCOM und Fantasy, weshalb ich mir das Spiel gekauft hatte. Ich glaub es waren 20 € gewesen. Die Kampagne hat viel Spaß gemacht. Insbesondere die Dialoge waren witzig und haben mich begeistert. Habe mehr als einmal Lachen und nicht nur schmunzeln können. Die unterschiedlichen Klassen heben sich von Ihrer Spielweise deutlich ab und können individuell durch die Skillung beeinflusst werden. Auch wenn ich manche Skills nicht wirklich sinnvoll finde. Dennoch hat es Spaß gemacht die Klassen auf die eigene Spielweise anzupassen. In den Kämpfen war der Mage zwar deutlich stärker als der Rest, aber das finde ich persönlich auch richtig so^^!
Die Übersichtsmap bringt nichts wirklich neues. Monster hier und da, dahinter Schätze, alles wie man es kennt. Schön ist der Ausbau der eigenen Stadt und dem daher gehenden Bonis für die Charaktere. Diese steigen sehr deutlich und können durch eine 2. Bzw. 3. Stadt zusätzlich erhöht werden. Die Charaktere werden dadurch zwar deutlich zu stark, doch hat mich das eher erfreut, als das es mir das Spiel ruiniert hat. Ich mag es halt, einen Kampf in der ersten Runde entscheiden zu können, was im Endgame auch fast immer so war.

Komme ich aber zum negativen. Ich habe mich vorher nicht über das Spiel informiert. Als ich die Kampagne auswählte, erfreute ich mich daran, dass es ja noch drei weitere Völker als die Menschen gibt. Diese konnte man zwar nicht auswählen, doch dachte ich mir, dass die Kampagnen nacheinander durchgespielt werden müssen. Ich nahm mir zeit und spielte jeden Tag nur eine Map der Kampagne. Folglich war ich 3. Tag durch. Ich freute mich auf das kommende neue Volk und siehe da, kein neues Volk war auswählbar. Folglich ist die Story hier zu ende. Ich war zwar etwas sauer, doch wollte ich mir die neuen Völker dann im Skirmish anschauen. Was ich dann sah nervt mich unglaublich. Es sind genau die gleichen 4 Klassen wie bei den Menschen. Paladin, Mage, Archer und der selbe zweite Nahkämpfertyp. Nimmt man dazu noch die Rassen wird es für mich echt hart. Die Goblins und Trolle haben folglich Paladine. Hier hätte ich deutlich mehr Vielfalt erwartet. Wieso bringt man keinen Schamanen, Hexer, Berserker oder Dunklen Paladin ein. Klar macht es wieder Arbeit einen Skillbaum zu entwickeln, doch hat mich das echt geschockt. Im Endeffekt mir das Spiel auch kaputt gemacht. Ich Mag Fantasyspiele und mag die Unterschiedlichen Facetten der Rassen. Hier wollte man glaube ich einfach nur noch fertig werden. Dies sieht man auch an verschiedenen Texten, die nicht ins deutsche übersetzt wurden. Zudem sind mir die Ladezeiten doch deutlich zu lang. Gerade in der dritten Map, dauert das Laden der Kämpfe bzw. der Map für mich deutlich zu lange. Mein Rechner ist kein halbes Jahr alt. Aber wenn ich ca. 30 Sekunden warten darf nach einem Kampf, zerstört es einfach nur das Spielerlebnis. Folglich hatte ich dann auch keine Lust mehr und wollte die Map einfach nur beenden. Hier sollte nachgebessert werden.

Nun mein Fazit. Für 20 Euro würde ich das Spiel nicht empfehlen. Dafür leisten andere Spiele deutlich mehr. Wer wie ich eine Kampagne mag, kann hier nicht viel erwarten. Dafür ist die Story einfach zu kurz. Die Skillungen sind zwar okay, doch konnte ich mich manchmal für keine Entscheiden, weil sie mir alle keinen wirklichen Vorteil brachten. Da alle Rassen die gleichen Klassen haben, ist auch der Skirmish für mich nichts. Da kann ich gleich immer die Menschen spielen. Da passen die Klassen wenigstens zur Rasse..
Folglich kurzer Spielspaß aber mehr auch nicht.
392 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 06:23
I booted this game up and had hopes that it'd be a combination of Heroes and Might and Magic and Xcom. It's a combination of them, for sure, but bad. The strategic layer is more bothersome to deal with than particularly helpful, and I ignored it almost entirely throughout the campaign. The tactical layer simultaneously relies too hard on physics gimmicks while not having those physics do enough damage to make fights fast; ultimately, I found that using physics to stun enemies and just bonking them with normal attacks proved far more effective than anything else.

It's just a disappointing game.
173 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.22 06:23
The idea of HoMM-like TRPG with rogue-like elements is good. The idea of physics attacks in tactical battles is also good.
However, the execution is bad. There is no way to predict how far an attack pushes someone or is it even possible or how much damage it would do. There is no confirmation dialogue or anything, if you accidentally try to shoot a rock next to a goblin with an arrow. And some physics attacks do not make sense, for example, one of my heroes was pulled through a wall without line of sight. Also, there are way too few starting skillsets and skills in general. Skills are rarity based, sometimes you just get to choose a good skill randomly.
1464 Produkte im Account
161 Reviews
593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 06:06
Fort Triumph is an enjoyable light TBS strategy game.The lightness comes firstly from the humour, which is dopey but well-written and often quite amusing. It also comes from the content, which is a bit thin - the campaign takes around 9 hours and there is not a great deal of variety beyond that.

However, while it lasts, it is a lot of fun. The HoMM world map layer does its job, but the heart of the game is the turn-based combat. Physics play a big role, and make for constant challenges and entertainment. Cover may protect you from long-range attacks, but that same cover can be brought crashing down on top of you or slammed into you. You may want to bunch up your troops for mutual protection, but they could also be sent crashing into each other, leaving them stunned. The same tricks can be used against the enemy, using their numbers against them.

Certain classes and skills can feel a bit overpowered by the late game, but in the context of the tone of the game it fits for them to be big damn heroes smashing their way through baddies.

It's not a groundbreaking or epic game, but it's affable fun for 9 or so hours. Sometimes that's all a game needs to be.
704 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
81 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 21:47
Fort Triumph does a lot of things that should appeal to me, but in the end if I play a game for about an hour and a half and feel bored instead of engaged, then there is a serious problem with the game. The game tries to be both a tactical battler a la XCOM and a Heroes of Might and Magic-style quest and exploration game. There are some good mechanics in the game, like the interactive terrain and some interesting synergies between the characters. However, the factions (at least in the opening turns, which is as far as I got) are not particularly differentiated. I was bored by the game, and so was my wife. We literally played over an hour of the game last night, and she just walked in and did not remember the game at all. Forgettable, bland and boring. Pass.
84 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
694 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 19:13
1957 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.21 17:46
Forth Triumph is an unexpected, raw gem I just discovered by pure coincidence. As a big fan of HoMM and XCOM I really liked Fort Triumph. It combines the core concepts of both games very well! The screenshots looked cheap though, but I am happy I gave it a try!

Although, it has no full audio I really enjoyed the story writing and the dialogues (typically I am too lazy to read and just skip but here I took the time to read). The graphics are not as bad as I first thought. They are actually quite ok, considering the price tag.

Just like in HoMM you need to capture cities, defeat enemy heroes and collect resources on the map. You can also upgrade and build new buildings in the city. That part of the game works surprisingly well. Every encounter is a combat that is carried out rather in a XCOM-style than HoMM-style. There are also scripted, story based combats.

Unfortunately, you can only choose from four different types of heroes. But their skills work quite nicely and the combat is very fast. It uses some basic physical effects but not as impressive as advertised.
98 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
937 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 00:52
Medieval X-COM. Combat is fun, but the game lacks interesting meta-progression mechanics. You're mostly stuck with the same 4 characters through the whole campaign, as it's mostly not worth it to raise any other characters. In my experience, I never got to fiddle with different builds or character combinations, just went up and chose the best choices with the 4 initial characters and it was enough. This is very different from X-COM, where you had to constantly switch between squads and equipment.

In conclusion: this one may be fun to beat the campaign once, but I don't recommend it past that.
1045 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 19:24
Would like to see more of it, cause the physics based combat is really good but lacks in depth.
1662 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
696 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.21 03:08
About 12 hours in the main campaign. I didn't 100% explore the maps, but it was a very enjoyable time.

Does the idea of Heroes of Might and Magic exploration and City Building mixed with X-Com style combat appeal to you? That's what you get here, and it's as wonderful as can be.

That said, what really makes it stand out is the combat physics. You can kick enemies and objects into each other, creating amazing(ly fun) chain reactions that can take out whole squads at once. There is a decent magic system in place as well, so there are buffs and debuffs aplenty that you can use to your advantage.

All in all, it's a very fun game for the price. I only wish they would build out the world that much more and make more campaigns. This system would also be amazing for user made campaigns and maps.
1550 Produkte im Account
70 Reviews
666 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 08:38
Fort Triumph isn't bad but it's not great either. Singleplayer campaign is pretty light and funny; your merry band of heroes have to defeat fallen paladin and safe the Kingdom. You will take command of three squads up to 5 heroes each, they will visit various locations on a world map, collect resources, capture towns and fight dozens of enemies. Sounds familiar? You are right, gameplay reminds Heroes of Might & Magic series. The main difference is the type of combat: you don't hire regular units, only your heroes participate in combat. They have quite a bunch of useful abilities and can kill enemies with deadly surroundings. For example: you can use wind spell to crush your enemy with a fallen tree or kick large boulders to stun them. What's wrong with Fort Triumph? There's nothing particulary bad about this game but as a whole it didn't knock me down. Economics are too simple and lack depthness. Combat is fun but there are only four hero classes available (this game is begging for a priest/druid class!). Campaign is pretty short (it took me less than 10 hours).
Overall Fort Triumph is solid, simplified HoM&M clone. It can be enjoyable if you don't expect god knows what. I'd rate it 6/10.
1255 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
475 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 02:13
Game has 0 respect for your time. It sends waves and waves of trash enemies toward your castle that is no threat to your party but you must go back and defeat or they take your town. And the load times are atrocious.
102 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1632 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.21 16:42
Fun indie game, imagine the 4x map of Heroes of Might and Magic, with Xcom style combat. Pretty fun though short campaign. Needs a few more factions though. I got this through humble choice.
1613 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
905 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 06:37
Very fun game reminiscent of HOMM V with XCom style combat. Much love has been poured into it and it shows in the design quality, style and gameplay flow. The Physics based actions are a treat. Worth checking out if a fan of both genres :)
55 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
894 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 20:24
This is legit XCOM that is interactive with the terrain. Create bounce house of death, crush a dude with a tree, kick a peasant into his brother and his brother bounces into a wall that falls over and crushes another guy.

It is actually super fun and the only thing I wish it had was the ability to make your own campaigns in it tbh
192 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
2590 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.21 03:03
Hero's II world map generator + Massive Chalise/ XCOM single battle dynamics.
Four hero classes that can go up to level 20 with four factions in Skirmish mode - lots of fun.
The main story is made well and has lots of humor in it, and it offers a fun perspective of modern narration of historical societies.

Personally enjoyed it very much.
890 Produkte im Account
150 Reviews
1662 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.21 16:35




WHAT TO EXPECT: Indie made game. Fantasy themed strategy. Multiple act single-player campaign. Narrative-driven quests split between multiple acts. Hit and miss writing. Visually pretty and colourful graphics. Impressive adventure amplifying soundtrack. Rogue-like structure when transitioning between acts. Dynamically generated 2.5D maps. Multiple party management. Only four character classes. Tough turn-based tactical battles. Unorthodox, focused skill-oriented combat system. Over-reliance on physics based environmental and cascading damage. Steep learning curve. Unbalanced enemy groups. Auto-win battle feature. Single-player and multi-player skirmish mode.

More info below....


Fort Triumph (FT) is a quest-driven strategy game of adventure with a focus on turn-based tactical battles. It bears more than a passing resemblance to Heroes of Might and Magic (HoMM). Where players lead a party of characters instead of armies of creatures, across a dynamically generated fantasy world. One full of hostile creatures guarding lairs, production facilities, scattered rewards and shrines.

A light witty, narrative in the form of written dialogue carries a minimal plot forwards, between quests and acts. Graphically the game possesses a similar colourful aesthetic to that of Torchlight. A jovial soundtrack laced with an epic quality reinforces its fantasy ambience. The GUI has a lean design that presents its features in a format that should be familiar to many strategy gamers. Modes include a single-player campaign and skirmish for both single and multi-player.

Played across several acts, numerous characters from four basic archetypes are controlled as a party. Armed with just their skills and a small inventory of key items, they must complete a series of quests to progress from one act to the next. Barbarians, Rangers, Mages and Paladins can be recruited to form several parties to fight battles, and to protect or siege enemy fortresses. Each class can gain a range of skills to define their own roles in battle. The proficiency of which can be increased as experience levels are gained.

< Redacted by the narrator >



+ Well designed and balanced strategy layer. Similar to HOMM.
+ A strong foundation of indirect combat options. Based on interactive and destructible environments to inflict damage on opponents.
+ Lots of tactical nuances through inventory, character attributes, skills and positioning.
+ Battles can be auto-resolved when enemies are outmatched.
+ The auto-assignment of overwatch for all characters through a single button.
+ Optional perma-death.
+ Visually pretty and colourful. Similar to Torchlight. With an impressive soundtrack.


- Campaign is limited to the human faction.
- Generic battlescapes become familiar all to quickly. Nothing stands out.
- Tactical combat missing more satisfying direct offensive options.
- Not enough character types. Only four. With only the tiniest number of sub-classes defined through skill selection.
- Rogue-like design aspect when progressing to the next act. Only able to take forward limited assets.
- Quests on rails. No options to choose different missions.
- Unbalanced encounters where the party is outnumbered and outmatched. A lack of healing options does not help.
- Cannot save while in battle. These can take quite a while.
- No deployment phase. Characters are auto deployed.
- AI factions will spawn continuous enemy parties to keep the player busy.
- Possible to mis-click GUI when on the combat map.


* Single-player campaign and skirmish modes. Plus skirmish for multiplayer also.
* Small inventory adds additional tactical options.
* Four factions to choose in skirmish mode.
* Graphically good looking but basic in complexion.
* Four difficulties.
* Subjective quality writing of short bursts of witty dialogue-driven narrative.
* Well programmed AI. Will remain stationary when coded to defend. Will look to attack with superior numbers and fall in traps.
* A decent enemy roster. Limited to the same four classes as the player's heroes.



FT suggested an experience that combined the strategy layer of HoMM and the tactical combat of X-COM. Taking elements of both games and incorporating them together in a fantasy setting of its own. Giving it an appealing look and feel to fans of those games and the chance to invest their time and energy into its familiar playing-style. (A real enticement for this fan of those previously mentioned titles.) A high level of production and polish provided additional promise, inflating expectations even higher. At least initially. As progress through the game was made and more of the game was played, a clearer picture formed. One that caused those expectations to nose-dive and fester into disappointment and eventually apathy.

To be fair FT proved to be a competently made game. Attention-grabbing during the first act. Visually the game looked pretty and colourful. Reminiscent to an extent of the first Torchlight game. Added to by an appropriately impressive sounding track. One that was enjoyable, as well as capturing the game's adventurous nature and amplifying its setting. The writing was found to be as generic as the missions it framed. Not invoking any significant response apart from the desire to skip past and continue playing. An initially impressive design provided a familiar gameplay structure, reinforcing the play-styles of those previously mentioned and cherished games. Something which unfortunately waned as the game's exact nature revealed itself.

Piggy-backing on the HoMM playstyle worked a treat to deliver a strategy layer with enticing exploration. One supplemented with decent randomisation and a fair array of interesting places to visit. These formed a solid base with potentially good replay value. However they eventually became all-to-familiar when enough levels had been played and restarts made. Base-building a staple of HoMM appeared to start on a parallel. Clear cut, but becoming shallow. Resulting in formulaic strategy with no alternatives to create fortresses with their own distinct specialisation. Another highlight of HoMM.

Given that once the optimum build path was identified it would not need to change for other forts. At least through the first few acts. Which was all that could be managed before apathy took over my willingness to play. Neither aspect would reach the level of involvement that matched my memories of playing HoMM. The biggest issue here was the AI ability to continuously afford the creation of parties to send out every turn after previous ones had been defeated.

< Redacted by the narrator >



FT was a game that promised alot but failed to deliver a convincing enough HoMM inspired strategy experience with X-COM style tactical combat. For me at least. It became lacklustre, lacking the depth to develop enough variety of strategies and a constricting design theme that forced the gameplay in first two acts at least, to be essentially the same experience.

< Redacted by the narrator >


For the full review in all its glorious detail, go off-Steam to:

Thank you for reading. | Follow my curator here. | Key provided by Turnbased Lovers
561 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.21 01:42
It looks and feels like a mobile phone game. The combat isn't that bad, and the whole concept has a lot of potential, but it's really underwhelming. I don't even know what to say, some things were good, but the overall feeling is a cheap mobile phone game pretending to be a computer game.
The art is bad, the UI is awful, there's no voice acting, and the game also feels unbalanced in terms of difficulty. I thought this was in early access but seeing that it's a finished game I have to put a negative review.
1477 Produkte im Account
88 Reviews
732 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 10:34
The combat is fun for a while.
300 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
459 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.21 13:16
The beginning is intriguing but once I hit the 5 hours mark I realised that the gameplay loop is very basic without any real depth. 7 hours in I was so disappointed that I uninstalled it and I never looked back.
2277 Produkte im Account
639 Reviews
65 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 07:38
This game is currently in the Humble Bundle for September 2021. If you are interested in the game and it's before October 4th, 2021, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

This is a fantasy version of XCOM tied to a Heroes of Might and Magic game, and when taking on both games and genres at once, Fort Triumph feels rather fresh.

The combat system has the usual attack, buff defenses, or using overwatch for ranged characters that fans of XCOM will be familiar with. But it also adds in many physics-based solutions for the player to experiment with. If an enemy hides behind a tree or stone, players can topple the tree, or kick the stone into the enemy. There are also chain reactions that can happen as well.

The rest of the gameplay uses an overworld map like Heroes of Might and Magic, with a focus on scooting around and accomplishing quests to progress a story of a scenario. I didn’t get very far with the story, but it reminded me of all the best parts of Heroes of Might and Magic’s exploration, though without summoning your troops.

Pick this up if you like XCOM’s tactical system or are fond of the old Heroes of Might and Magic games. It’s a good blend between the two of them, the story is a bit weak though, and if you don’t like XCOM, it’s going to be hard to get into this game, as that is the majority of the experience.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my youtube channel: https://youtu.be/LYuA0wREomY
1134 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
333 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 05:02
A mix of a tactical RPG and Heroes of Might and Magic with a bit of an X-com-ish cover system. A lot of cover objects are actually moveable and a lot of the puzzle is how to use them to stun your opponents.

Except there are a number of UX frustrations. Sometimes it isn't clear what box you are selecting because a nearby object's hitbox obscures what you are trying to select. Thankfully there is free camera rotation, but with no undo or confirm it causes a number of frustrating misclicks. Tack on not being able to fully control which heroes go into story missions (just your highest one from each class, with ties being broken by the party on site) and the only way of determining which heroes you take with you to the next chapter by their name (which is random) and portrait (which are all just color-shifted versions of eachother) and it's really frustrating to end up with the wrong heroes. Tack on missions that are generally very easy, up until they accidentally permakill one of your characters makes the balance feel way off.

I wouldn't call it bad, but there are a lot of other, more polished, better balanced entries in the genre. I wouldn't pick up this one until you're done with the others.
708 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1757 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.21 19:22
Fans of tactical games such as Final Fantasy Tactics and Fell Seal : Arbiter's Mark who are ALSO fans of the Heroes of Might and Magic games will LOVE this game. It is a fantastic amalgamation of both. The humor in it is simple but drew a number of chuckles from me already, and I'm barely scratching the surface of the game. I will be updating this review after I've had more than an hour or two of gameplay.
735 Produkte im Account
268 Reviews
268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.21 02:52
Easily recommended for fans of turn-based tactics and D&D-inspired RPGs. If you enjoy it I would also recommend Druidstone, XCOM, Disciples III, and King's Bounty as it shares some similarities with these.

+Visuals/art style
+Tactical XCOM-style battles
+Familiar character classes
+Choice of abilities/upgrades on levelup
+Variety of spells/abilities and items
+City/base development and upgrades
+Variety of locations/events on adventure map
+Variety of races in Skirmish mode

-Campaign is locked to Human race only
-No voice acting
-Relatively few character classes
760 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.21 11:40
The HoMM II overworld feeling is just so perfect. <3

Battles are like X-COM, but with physics effects to give a bit more depth.

The graphics aren't amazing, but fine. The sound is pretty good and the text, very likeable.

Overall, it so far feels like a gem. <3 / 10 ???
404 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
70 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.21 04:49
This game is indeed fun (for a short time), but not more fun then a free-5 dollar game. I got it from the recent humble bundle choice which is the only reason I find it worth playing since it was nowhere near full price. If you don't care about price give it a shot.

- Leaning on thumbs down just barely here.
335 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1557 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 22:04
It's Might and Magic meets Xcom. The kingdom building is exactly like M&M and the combat is like Xcom with some physics and surrounding interaction involved. I beat the campaign in a couple of sessions, then the rest of the game is just setting up skirmishes. So don't expect much at all from the campaign mode but I had fun.
214 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
2868 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 17:56
Great game - very enjoyable and good fun. The story has excellent, modern humour that pokes fun at today's society.

Runs great on Ubuntu/Linux, played the game on max graphics settings with an nvidia 1080 without issue.
21 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
855 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 14:09
It is nothing like X-COM, but it is a LOT like Heroes of Might & Magic, but with a much better tactical/combat system.
132 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
780 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 21:55
nice game, only 4 heroes, only buy if it is in sale
159 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
919 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 23:24
Its short, goofy, and fun. Buy it on sale.
140 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 01:46
Sometimes the loading screen before and after a fight take up as much time as the fight. It has a real 1995 vibe.
247 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
2395 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 15:31
Its fun but it has its issues
1. Really easy
2. Low replay value
3. short story
4. small multi-player maps
Basically play the story, do some matches against the bots so you got all the achievements then uninstall
1400 Produkte im Account
254 Reviews
86 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 19:18
First off I am always a fan of games that run natively on Linux so right out of the box I was proud to see the game did so. The game reminds me more of a King’s Bounty overworld look, minus the mount mixed with elements of tactical combat. While I see the page call it a mix of Xcom and HoMM I wouldn’t go quite that far. Yes it has overwatch and hit/miss probabilities but you will not be aiming your arrows at a goblins chest or selecting to aim for a skeleton’s head over another body part if you will so it’s nothing that deep. Don’t get me wrong, that doesn’t make it any less fun but just wanted to point out that while yes it has some basic Xcom elements they are basic indeed. I am playing the campaign and I really haven’t gotten pulled into the story however the combat is fun and can be complex at times. There is squad management and city (base building) for perks. Overall the game is fun though not overly complex like I said still it manages to still be challenging at times and you can find more and more unique ways to take care of enemies as your characters progress. I am playing peramadeath mode, while you get unlimited retries you are unable to save in mission and once you complete a mission whoever is left standing at the end is who you will be left with. That of course also adds a nice element. As a regular player of Traditional Roguelike games I like that option (or Ironman mode for you Xcom fans).

I played the game on my Primary Linux gaming rig which is an i7 16GB RAM, SSD with a GeForce 770MX running Linux Mint. I had not technical issues or crashes during my time playing so far.
302 Produkte im Account
200 Reviews
996 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 16:38
Just Cleared Fort Triumph campiagn. From me its a 5/10. I liked the scope of what they did. Combining HoMM with XCOM worked pretty well. There was a lot of physics based puzzles going on which worked really nicely.

On the flip side, the enemy AI is rubbish, battles always feel small and how the enemy just auto levels up to keep up the power levels is trash. So. its a good game in its core and then ruined with a poor campaign. The music, SFX and story are nothing to write home about either
330 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
1108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 22:57
Just a delightful game.
Well written, very funny dialogue.
The combat is interesting and fun.
I played through it with my girlfriend on Parsec as a pseudo-coop experience. Two heroes each.

Highly recommended for people who enjoy games like Heroes of Might and Magic, and Original Sin.
323 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
1238 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 18:08
A nice touch.

I want to love this game but for the price tag I don't think it is giving enough. Love the art style and game play. BUT

a) Too little content for the price tag
b) Loading screens - UGH - especially since you cannot auto resolve combat the latter game with other bots becomes horrendous as they have easy push over heroes flooding the map and you have to keep chasing them and spend hours for easy battles.
332 Produkte im Account
104 Reviews
1130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 06:58
Feels close to XCOM but in a fantasy skin. Good stuff!
1175 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 09:26
Neither HOMM3 or XCOM by a long shot but the blend of elements of both games ist fun nevertheless. A little bit easy for my taste, but if you do not want to sink hundrets of hours in HOMM3 or XCOM then this game is a good solution.
227 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1103 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 15:49
Heartily would recommend XCOM: Fantasy Edition

Short Campaign but v re-playable.
The joy of such a malleable map in the combat sections helps keep this from feeling too similar to XCOM.
37 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1025 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 06:43
This is NOT fantasy XCOM. As someone who desperately wants a fantasy XCOM, this aspect was a little disappointing. The strategy layer is extremely simple. The combat is way to reliant on manipulating the environment. There really isn't much replay fun factor.

Is it worth $10? Absolutely.
424 Produkte im Account
176 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
837 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 18:31
It gets old really fast.
Campaign only has 3 maps. That's it.
Zero replayability.
50% of my 13 hours is loading screens and low FPS lag. (980TI)
Only 4 classes, with extremely few abilities.
189 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
1486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 10:06
The good:

It's a bit like Might and Magic
Good sense of humor
I'm a sucker for these cartoonish graphics :)
Fun to play, physics mechanism is fun to play around with

Room for improvement:
Campaign is about 20 hrs which is a bit short
Combat does get a bit repetitive
The game does a great job at giving you the autowin option when fighting stationary mobs but it would be nice of that also would have been the case against wandering level 1 armies

22 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1951 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 01:13
this games price as well as its game play filled me with joy
331 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
831 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 21:39
Its small, but a fun game, wish there was a better co-op than remote play together.
307 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1172 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 19:25
3/ 5 stars. Very short and easy but overall fun.
171 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 21:32
A bit simplistic, but still a lot of fun. Heroes of Might and Magic meets XCOM. Pretty silly story, but in good spirits.

The game does have a limited life, since even though it technically has 4 factions they play essentially the same so really it's quite limited. I would love if they expanded this to more classes, different factions and abilities. But hey, still a lot of fun!
253 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 07:58
* Reviewed by Hardcase on the blog turnbasedlovers.com *

It all begins in a smoky and smelly tavern where, after midnight, it is even forbidden to make an evil laugh (!). Our three heroes are fiercely discussing their dark future as mercenaries, while someone is plotting behind their back…

Nothing really new, the same old formula: an army of filthy goblins, a woman avid for power, and a reign in danger.
Obviously, I cannot reveal anything more about the story, but we can safely say that nobody here will ever win the Pulitzer or the Nobel Prize for Fort Triumph. Mind you, this doesn’t mean that the story is bad or boring. It’s simply functional to the gameplay of the game but I’m sure that, with the exclusion of some little plot twists, nobody will remember it after the completion of the game.

Something that must be remarked, nonetheless, is that everything about the story is told with a humorous touch.
During the game, every single hero will always speak and act according to the canons of the fantasy genre but with an emphatic approach, that normally reduces the boredom. Unfortunately, the goal to be funny every single time a character speaks results – sometimes – in predictable or silly jokes...

In my opinion, the judgment about the graphic aspect of the game must be necessarily divided into two parts and that’s because
CookieByte Entertainment decided to use two different styles for the two souls of the game.

And so, for example, the strategic section and the global map of the game are realized in pixel art, in a way that recalled me – under every single aspect – Heroes of Might and Magic. Believe me, this section is a real joy to watch and play, especially for old players like me! I really loved every single pixel the developers used to draw the map. Each enemy, item, or unit you’ll encounter during your playthrough, not only will remind you the glories of past, but it will also exude love and passion!

The combat phase, instead, is realized with the (mandatory!?!) use of 3D graphic. Wisely the developers, according to the humorous vein of the game, have decided to use a sort of comic style with bright colors, few polygons and blend texture. Mind you, your eyes will not have to bear nothing horrible or even ugly. Considering that we’re talking about an indie game, the 3D graphic is realized with expertise and is always pleasant to see, but, at the same time, it’s almost impossible to cancel the “already seen” feeling.

Same thing for the animation: they are nice but just a few and nothing really impressive. A greater variety would have been appreciated...

...With regard to the combat system, we can say for sure that this is quite funny and fast.
Obviously this is a great quality for a game that puts almost every effort in the quality of the battles. Since the beginning of the game, you’ll find yourself playing in small areas full of trees, boulders, and columns, but these are not the usual covers. Here, in Fort Triumph everything is in constant motion: the heroes, the enemies, and even the environment!...

Read the full review here: https://turnbasedlovers.com/review/fort-triumph/
77 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1439 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 18:05
Game is really an ok game needs to have a maybe or neutral check instead of just yes or no. It does need some work tho , Lack of voice acting i think hurts this game a lot and it needs more content to do it does get a little repetitive some but if you like tactical strategy game you should fine this one fun to play. It is a cross between light X-com and light Homm. Also will change my review to positive if they add more content and voice acting to the game Thanks for reading my review
493 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 01:41
Seems very unfinished. Doesn't run smoothly, no voice acting.
451 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
1140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 16:33
KS backer, just 5 hours into the game, but it is exactly what they promised. A combo of HOMM series and tactical JRPG's. Funny writing, great stuff.
186 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 10:00
It's a really good game, with excellent ideas and potential. It needs more complexity, differences between factions, variety in hero types, enemies, town building etc. to be truly great though. It's a bit on the short side but worth the buck, especially on sale.
2059 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
62 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 19:30
Makes XCOM seem fair.
135 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
441 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 12:41
Had potential,
had some moments,
lack of material,

366 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
2581 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 12:00
Fun turn based tactics game with a slight touch of Heroes of Might and Magic. The units and abilities are very well thought-out. The user interface is well done. The story is short but fun with lots of humor. I liked the characters very much.

I hope there will be a sequel. Wish there were more quality games like this. Thank you devs!
116 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.20 10:55
Great mix of Heroes of Might and Magic and an RPG game + extra things to do on the battlefield than merely targetting the opponents directly
321 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
914 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.20 17:58
It is everything it looks like, Heroes of Might and Magic light + Xcom light. It really just lacks depth.
The Campaign is fine, the skirmish is fine, but there is nothing that keeps you coming back. Once you figure out how to rush in, every fight is won on turn 1, and all races just have reskinned versions of the same 4 heroes so there is no switching it up.

The Way they level up is neat, and could have been where the game had replay value, but once again the lack of depth means that even if you get a cool cross class ability (there are a few) your party does not feel different game to game.
321 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.20 13:39
I've had so much fun playing Fort Triumph! As a lover of science, I thoroughly enjoy its emphasis on using physics in battle. While some games I've played nod to physics (e.g., Orcs Must Die!), and others have outright defied the laws of physics (e.g., Minecraft), Fort Triumph stands unique in that physics plays an integral role. Put another way: if you don't consider and use your environment, you will have a hard time claiming victory. This element of the game makes for unique battle sequences, strategies, and more. It's fun!

The battles are part of a larger story through which your band of lionhearted for-hires venture. The numerous twists and turns of the story keep you engaged, and the character dialogue--oh gosh, the character dialogue--is hilarious! Excellent, witty writing. Throughout the story, the epicness of your quest resonates in your bones, thanks to the soundtrack. 20+ hours clocked in-game and I still enjoy listening to it! The score is truly something special. You can tell the developers didn't rush to slap the music (or the graphics, for that matter) onto the game.

Altogether, I was impressed to discover that Fort Triumph was borne from the hard work of a small indie dev group, let alone this being their first game! I find Fort Triumph to be very enjoyable, despite my lack of experience with XCOM and HOMM (from which this game is blended). If you like science, epic turn-based battles, thinking before you click, and quality writing, puns, & stories, I wholeheartedly recommend that you take on the challenge of Fort Triumph.
50 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1855 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 13:54
Awesome game
90 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1043 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 05:44
Fun, but needs more content.
169 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 11:58
Looks nice but extremely boring especially to anyone that plays tactical games regularly. Story is highly generic and the battles are a rinse-repeat of a few simple concepts. I would suggest getting this only on a very deep sale.
355 Produkte im Account
241 Reviews
896 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.20 14:43

Follow me - I'm a curator!

• physics offer new and interesting tactics
• random skills and items make every character unique

• might not be what you expect (some rouglike characteristics)
• 5-10h campaign
• weak story tries to be funny
• limits what you can carry to the next act (4 Heroes, 1 Item, 1 Other)
• needs more content

568 Produkte im Account
301 Reviews
358 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.20 21:57
Awesome artwork sound and music together with a novel dungeon crawler physics based game.
When you get into it you can perform some great physics combo attacks.
Great fun and you can never get enough of landing a stone pillar on a goblin.

Skirmish mode, loads of replayability.
431 Produkte im Account
72 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
594 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 22:49
This game would need at least twice as many playable factions and classes to be fun. As it is, I was bored by the five hour mark because everything was just repeating. There was nothing left to see, or do, or unlock; I was only half way through my first skirmish match!

Do you know what this game reminds me of? This might sound like an odd comparison, given the wildly different aesthetics, but... do any of you know that old Sierra game from the late nineties, Lords of Magic? There are a lot of similarities, here. You pick a race, recruit an army of RPG heroes, and then go around clearing out the randomly generated encounters and loot drops surrounding your starting city looking for XP, resources, and items, so that you can build up your city and get stronger. Then, once you have the power, you start taking over your enemies cities.

The difference is... that game had ridiculous amounts of content. You could play that game for 100+ hours, and there were still monsters to discover, rare items to find, and different heroes to play. But here, you don't really see anything new as the game progresses. What you start with is roughly what you'll have all of the way through, and there's very little of it. Also, this one looks like a mobile game, even though it's on PC.

Furthermore... and this one might be my own fault, because the adverts straight up told me to expect this but I bought it anyway...

...there's something wrong with any game where taking cover is a liability, rather than an imperative. I did not like the stun mechanics, I did not like the graphics, I did not like the comedy, and I got bored of the gameplay before I finished a first match. I paid full price for this game, and I regret it.
223 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
838 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 19:47
Overall was a fun game that I was able to beat in a few days so that I don't have to feel bad about another unplayed / unbeaten game in my library. That said on normal it was a little bit too easy and replayability isn't really there. I think the price is a little high if you aren't buying it on sale, but at 25% off it entertained me long enough to feel it wasn't a bad buy. I hope they build on this and improve it more, but as-is today I felt it a good buy.
4226 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
745 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 18:43
I enjoyed the game for a bit but soon started feeling very samey and a little boring. Pacing is very slow on the battles and movement and there's not much variety in terms of units or enemies. Usually the same approach or gimmmick would work for several encounters, just needed to tweak for starting positions. Not a fair comparison but compared to XCOM or some other XCOM-likes out there this doesn't really stand out.
786 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
414 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 14:40

Name Score Thoughts
Graphics ☐☐☑️☐☐ Cartoony visuals that are okay, but really aren't my cup of tea. It is however passable.
Gameplay ☐☐☐☑️☐ It plays like a mix of Heroes of might and magic + Xcom. There are two elements to this game, the campaign map and the combat.
• The campaign map plays almost exactly like HOMM. You have a castle that you can upgrade and buy heroes from, a map with enemies guarding resources and items etc, and an AI that has it's own castle and heroes that roam the map.
• The combat is grid/turn-based, similar to Xcom. However it has a very high focus on it's physics based system. You can and are encouraged to use the environment to deal damage and stun enemies.
Coop ☐☑️☐☐☐ The game offers local coop, however it only comes in the form of a skirmish mode (that works like HOMM would), so no coop campaign.
Audio ☐☐☑️☐☐ Good audio.
Story ☐☑️☐☐☐ The story wasn't for me, I ended skipping most of it after a while. It is trying to be funny but missed the mark imo.
Difficulty N/A I played the game on normal difficulty, so I can't really rate this. It was, however, a cake walk on normal.
Game Time ☐☑️☐☐☐ Completing the story takes around 6h. You could easily do it in less time though.
Replayability ☐☑️☐☐☐ Not something I'm personally going to play again after having completed the story. There is however the means to put in more game time via the skirmish mode. But unless you really loved the gameplay I can't see a lot of people doing that.
Price Point ☐☑️☐☐☐ I feel like the price is much too high for the content offered. Pick it up on a sale.
Final Score 2.5/5 Fort Triumph is a good turn-based strategy game that offers original physics based combat.
527 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
833 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 23:48
Fun little game, wish the campaign was a touch longer but I guess it keeps a good pace.

Game took me 13 hours to beat, but that was with using a second group to lock the opponent into their town and then scrape the map so it might run you a touch shorter.

The physics of bouncing things around and the destructible environment was a blast.

Would super love if the sequel had a x-com esk long war mode.
27 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 21:19
Great game. Really enjoying the physics based combat. would heartily recommend
16625 Produkte im Account
919 Reviews
149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.20 00:11
So much goodness going on here - fantasy-themed turn-based battles, free roam map, army builder, RPG, brilliantly stylish, bunch of different races to choose from, lots of neat surprises to find- cool
47 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
773 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.20 19:14
Super Solid!

Now; I haven't done too much research into the members of the devteam, but this is an extremely solid effort for a first time developer, with a unique fusion-concept of HoMM and XCOM. I highly recommend it to people who enjoyed both those titles, but not just one of them.

I played this on screen-share with my friend and I bought it because I really want to see a sequel with improvements.

If the prospect of a sequel ever becomes a possibility, I would like to see enhancements in the following areas:
– Racially unique classes
– Hopefully a darker look and tone (just personal preference)
– Perhaps limiting the upgrades from towns to units only receiving the building upgrades from one town at a time (perhaps by adding the ability to setting one town as your main town, marking it as the one that provides building upgrades to units). That way, a deposed player will have a slightly better chance at getting their captured town back.
– Longer campaigns, including ones for every race (though I suspect they might be in the works, due to the greyed-out race buttons in the campaign menu).
– No shared item inventory for players on the same team
– The possibility of claiming maybe a single (or more) item(s) from a slayn enemy team.
– Random monster encounter spawns in the overworld, so that you always have the option to battle monsters for experience in a late game match.

Recommended – Like it a lot!
98 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.20 04:07
At first, I was charmed by this game and really enjoyed it and would've recommended it. However, the more I play, the more I realize how not very deep the systems are and how poorly done the battle design is. Each battle is basically the same linear map and assets. And, worse, it's never clear exactly what spots on the map the enemies can or can't attack. Even still, I experienced enemies hiding behind assets and popping out for cheap kills when I never had any way of seeing them or knowing they were there. Overall, I like the idea of this game, but it does a lot of things at once without doing any of the particularly well. Just tons of reused assets also, so it feels generic and bland after only a few hours.

After playing a game that's so polished as Gears Tactics this year in its UI and systems for a tactics style game, this game pales by comparison.
1013 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 21:44
Fort Triumph is a turn based tactical RPG that follows the fundamentals of the genre in the right way while keeping it simple, adding some board game elements & last but not least, having random generated maps & events in every mode, expanding the replayability.

I Haven't played HOM&M which so many people are comparing this with, but i have played Xcom and it has similar vibes in a more indie fashion.
You control 4 characters (Paladin, Archer , Mage & Barbarian) in a procedurally generated tiled based map,
you buy/upgrade skills mid match from a small unique pool for each char and you, as well as the opponent, can use
the enviroment as either cover or a weapon ! Hide behind boulder and trees or push & smash em into the your enemies to stun em and gain tactical advantages. Cinematic camera for each individual attack is a neat extra worth mentioning.

There are 4 factions to play on skirmish or local coop (which can be brought online if you use remote play to play with some friend)
but only 1 of them (humans) has a story campaign mode to complete so far. Dialogue there is silly in a good way, which is just text/bubble based
it's difficulty is so-so (there is no undo button so one wrong move could prove fatal) and the music is your typical classical/medieval which adds great to
the overal experience.

All in all it has a nice arcade feeling and it can be appreciated by any fan of TTB genre.
79 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
960 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.20 13:42
Strategy layer from HoM&M merged with tactical layer from XCOM.
I love both games, so I should fell in love with Fort Triumph, right?

First couple hours where fun, but game quickly become repetitive. There is no depth of mentioned titles. After you stop learning mechanics and want to start master them, you discover that you already master all of it.

About mechanics... Tactical battles revolves around knocking enemies into enviroment. You want to push them into obstacles, crash obstacles onto them, etc. It inflicts damage and stuns them. Since stun is powerfull, it's better then normal attacks and it's clear that's main feature, that you have to use to win battles. 90% of abilities and spells also revolves around this mechanic. It would be no problem for me, but since this game want to use classical fantasy as setting and is presented as tactical battle simulator with you know... swords, bows and powerful spells, it fails to deliver it's promise.

After a while, you feel like you are playing some kind of billards or snooker simulator and start to wonder why your balls have medieval weapons. After 10 hours I should stop playing because I was bored, but I gave it one more shot to discover other races and... there was nothing to discover. Races are different from each other only by visuals, one passive ability and couple of buildings. You still use the same heros with the same skills over and over again.

Not worth it's price.
459 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
64 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 01:58
So far after 1 hours I love the macro gameplay systems, but I hate the tactical combat system.

I hope the tactical stuff gets better because so far its annoyingly not the fantasy xcom experience I was after.
173 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2081 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.20 09:47
Lovely little game. But too short and too shallow.
Needs more variation in all aspects, to become really good.
Need more classes, enemy variation, more loot, skills, items and environments.
It quickly become repetitive and predictable.
The base is good, but it needs more of everything.
81 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1490 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 15:14
One of the best turn-based tactical strategy games to come out in a long time. The environment effects add a whole new dimension to the genre and make for lots of fun combo attacks. There's nothing more satisfying than taking out a stone column, which starts a chain reaction that kills three baddies. :-D

* Excellent mix of turn-based combat, exploration, and city-building.
* Environment effects are unique and fun.
* Wide variety of skills, items, buffs, etc.
* Inability to save during battles makes for a good challenge.
* Great story. Funny, but not cutesy. (I'm looking at you, SteamWorld.)

* Side battles are not very challenging and feel a bit repetitive.
* Some confusing UI quirks. Adding heroes to parties and equipping items feels like it should be drag-and-drop, but it's not.
* Occasionally freezes under Linux. Most annoying in story battles because progress is lost!
* No competitive multiplayer. Would love to see this in a future update.
906 Produkte im Account
135 Reviews
1939 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.20 00:11
This is a Yes, sort of recommendation.

It's good. It's not great. Is it Xcom? No. Fantasy Xcom.... I guess so, yea. But it lacks that tense feeling of Xcom in most situations.

Overall, Fort Triumph is sort of easy once you learn how to manipulate the systems, but punishingly hard until that point. It also STRONGLY favors leveled up characters, and you can surely just out-level all the challenge in the game, which does not make it feel like Xcom to me. Likely, because the enemies only ever seem to have abilities similar to your own. Compare that to the terror you feel the first time your precious squad in Xcom encounters the demon that is a chrysalid. It's a less dramatic (and therefor good) experience.

But what's here isn't bad, it's above average in fact. Maybe wait for a sale. I don't regret buying this blindly, but if I was tight on money I would have. I don't see myself playing this longer than around a week, enjoying that time, but not looking back on it extremely fondly.

It's a solid 7/10, so whether that's worth it to you or not will vary. Note: The story seems well written but I really get annoyed at games that break the flow to say some text story and this does that alot so I skipped a lot of it. Caught a few good tabletop jokes though, I'm just not really a fan of a developer created story in games as a concept. (I prefer emergent)
159 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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1138 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 16:08
The abilities are the same for each race. Very repetitive game!
75 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1910 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.20 04:42
I like XCOM, I like the old Heroes of Might and Magic games, and this game is pretty much just those two games smashed together, plus a fun silly plot. It gets a bit tedious at times, but the same is true for XCOM and HoM&M, so if you love like those games, you will like this.
513 Produkte im Account
138 Reviews
1661 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 22:46
The one mistake they made is invocing the names of two games with entrenched fandowns that are unable to play a game for what it is, rather that that what they think it their game must be.

Fort Triumph doesn't take itself too seriously - the name is sort of a giveaway. The dialogue wants to be funny, but doesn't really get there for me.

What you mainly do is fight small 5-minute sized battles which work a bit different that other tactical games. As usual you are sorely outnumbered, therefore you have to do some serious crowd control. The tool for crowd control is a physics engine which allows kicking and topling of rocks and tree and columns. By bumping enemies into obstacles, into each other and into walls you can stun them and pic them off at a later time. That is until you get so hilariousy overpowered that your team of 4 heroes wipes out 20 enemies in a single turn.

Version 1.0 has a medium sized memory leak which makes loading screens get increasing longer, tough you have to play for more than 10 hrs in one session to notice it.

382 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
1436 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 19:17
Heros of Might and Magic and Torchlight 2 have a baby, only to realize XCOM is the real dad!

Fort Triumph has, very obviously, taken many pages out of many familiar playbooks, and shoved them all into one cute, funny, package. By all rights and all accounts this should not have worked out well at all, but it has! It literally tickles all the right fancies for those that like XCOM, and those that like HOMM, and all those that like the art of clash of clans and/or torchlight's artwork, and those that like roguelites, and those that like RPGs and D&D, and so on and so on.. if you like any combination of these, you'd like this game. I happen to like all of those, and was anticipating some level of disappointment, but it was no so!

There are places it falls over, to be sure. There's no way to change keybindings. Some of the gameplay assumptions around movement could use some tweaking. Like HOMM, it's really hard! The factions need more classes, I think, I might not have everything unlocked.. It needs more things to unlock besides skills and spells (though that's already a lot), it needs more voice acting (there isn't any), and so on, but for a new game, it's a solid playable package.

I am hoping there'll be lots of updates and DLCs.

And for my fellow penguins, it's playing flawlessly on my debian/nvidia setup, ootb.
286 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
751 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 17:30
You are always outnumbered and your characters don't do a lot of damage (at least at first, I haven't gotten that far in yet). So, lets say you're fighting eight enemies with your four characters. Your tank can run out and swing his mace at someone, but it probably won't do enough damage to kill the enemy. In other games, they'd provide the mace with a stun ability. Instead, this game has you run up and kick an environmental object into the enemy to stun them. Better yet, you might be able to stun a couple enemies by knocking them into each other. Your mage can then stun another one or two enemies. Your archer can then pick off an enemy that has been knocked out of cover. Better, maybe your archer can pull an enemy back next to your tank for an opportunity attack. Finally, your barbarian can run around the periphery stunning or killing isolated enemies as needed provided it doesn't expose them to too much retaliation. Potions and abilities also can provid an extra action to run away from potential retaliation.

Without multiple stuns, even your tank would succumb to the large number of enemies that would attack them. The barbarian is even more vulnerable. If you're archer or mage can't directly attack anyone effectively, you can leave them in overwatch, but that is only one attack, which isn't usually enough to kill an enemy, so it comes back to disabling a sufficient number of enemies so that your tank can survive.

It really is a neat combination of using cover to protect yourself and removing enemy cover, or using it against your enemies to survive. So far, I haven't seen enemies use the physics against me, but I'm hoping later enemies do. Enemy archers are very smart about using cover, so you'll need a strategy to deal with them or their cover, as you also take out their melee brethren.

Sure the story is kind of corny, but it isn't enough to detract from a pretty cool game so far.
161 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 09:37
This is a game that doesn't know what it wants to be, and consequently it doesn't do well any of the things it tries to do.

1) HOMM-like exploration: except the map is mostly empty, with scattered non-respawning enemies and the interactive objects they defend. And because the stationary enemies do not respawn, good luck having more than one levelled group of heroes. There's just nothing to level your second group on and enemy hero units are too strong for a fresh team. And this brings me to...

2) The opposing faction can freely churn out levelled hero units without having to level them on the map. Kill one, and you'll have two more raiding your land and your keep to take over your resource-generating locations, so instead of progressing with the map, you end up chasing the enemy units all over the place and retaking your mines, beet farms etc..

3) X-COM-like tactical combat: yeah, it's like X-COM, except somehow worse. The addition of physics attacks was unnecessary, because it breaks the cover-based combat. X-COM taught us to stick behind full cover to reduce the chance to be hit. This game expects you to forget that paradigm and use all cover objects to your advantage and play snooker with them and your enemies, bouncing them all over the place. The enemy obviously can do the same thing to you, except a hundred times more effectively. Enemies also seem to have access to certain skills that you normally don't (teleport on a melee character) that make this even easier for them to mess you up. As a result, you get the feeling that you and the AI opponents don't play by the same rules.

3a) RNG in combat can mess you up badly. And I don't mean missing a 100% attack. I mean the initial placement, which is random at the beginning of each battle. It can actually decide whether you will dominate your enemies, or get royally messed up yourself. Story battles are also pretty long, and what the game doesn't tell you is that if you let certain characters die, it's game over, restart from the beginning because there are no checkpoints. I had a situation in which a bad RNG spawn during one of the missions somehow messed up the placement of an essential character, and she was murdered before I could do anything to save her.

4) Story. It's there, but here, too, the game's schizophrenia shows badly. It's like the devs didn't know if they wanted to give it a serious, dramatic flair or make it a cliché fantasy romp full of quips and backtalking prevalent in the genre. The story cutscenes drag on because every character needs to say something and contribute to the situation while displaying their personal quirks. As a result the cutscenes are too long, requiring the player to read through the clichéd, unfunny dialogues that just go on and on instead of getting to the point. The cutscenes also are unvoiced, so I hope you like reading.

Each hero class is a stereotype: the paladin is righteous, the mage is studious, the barbarian talks in broken English, and the archer is a thieving rogue with an accent. Story missions also require you to have one of each class present for the battle because that's how dialogues that occur in the game are written. If you don't have a levelled member of one class or lost him in a random battle earlier, the game will spawn you a level 1 hero of that class. In essence, you can't use your favourite team that doesn't feature, for example, an archer.

Also, unlike in X-COM, I felt no connection to my heroes at all. I think it was due to how they act in cutscenes or because of very limited customisation options. All you can do is decide whether you hire the given class as male or female, and then fiddle with the colour palette.

5) When you progress to the next stage of the campaign you can only take 4 heroes and 1 artifact with you. That's right, all those items you found in the nooks and crannies of the world are lost upon completing a stage in the campaign. This pretty much voids all exploration and collecting you did.

I certainly hope the devs are planning to continue support and improve this game and don't leave it in this state. Because as it is now, it's just half the job done. And in this condition I cannot recommend it.
363 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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2107 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 21:39
I really like this game and want to give it a positive review, but they removed what was my favorite feature sometime during EA and I just don't find myself enjoying this game nor wanting to play more of it.

Feature I'm talking about is the non-hero units. They were very unique and added a lot to your armies and cheaper, disposable units you could use in place of heroes or as reinforcements. This added a lot to the battles and really made me enjoy the game.

Now, maybe if this feature had never been present, I'd not be complaining about it nor want it, but after playing using them, I can't see myself playing it without. Not sure why the decision to remove them was made, but it was a really bad decision and gets a thumbs down from me.

Once / if this feature gets added back into the game then I'll come back and update my review, but until then, I'll be playing soemthing else.

The 4 hero classes are decent, but no matter what combination of skills you get, the game is not nearly as interesting as it used to be.

If you don't care about this feature, I'd probably say get it. I do like most other things in the game besides this, but this is big enough for me to not like it.
669 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
97 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.20 06:28
It feels like playing one of the old Heroes of Might and Magic games in the best possible ways. The overworld feels just so natural, the heroes feel fun to upgrade, it just all works. Its one of those games that makes you feel nostalgic for something that never really existed.
589 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
1087 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.20 02:28
For those who like XCOM and love medieval fantasy games, this is a must-have title! Despite being in early access there is already a lot to do in the game.
So far I am loving everything about this game, the art, the interaction with the scenario, the different classes / characters and the possibility to modify their appearance (clothes color), skills, and everything I have seen so far.
Masterpiece with high replayability! Great job!
239 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
11601 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.20 14:48
Simply put, I love this game. Can't stop playing. One of the best games I've bought from Steam. I can only imagine the fun once it goes gold.
319 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
1077 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.20 14:39
This game is extremely enjoyable. It is still in Early Access, but has just released its second chapter, with more to come before release.

At its core, the game is essentially a fantasy, tactical, turn-based squad-combat game, with some similarities to XCOM. There are four character classes, each with a variety of trainable skills. Much of the gameplay revolves around using your skills with careful positioning to attack and stun enemies with 'physics' attacks. You can pull, push, and otherwise affect characters and objects in the game world. This includes smashing through walls and setting people and items on fire - which can spread. You can even burn down and demolish entire houses.

I found the campaign storyline well-written and funny. Some people might find it overly verbose, and you won't really miss anything by skipping it, but IMHO it's worth the read.

There is also a skirmish mode where you can play against up to 8 AI or local players, although I haven't tried this yet. Overall I would say the game is unusual and enjoyable enough to be worth full price, especially with extra content on the way.
145 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
712 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.20 11:47

So, Fort Triumph isn't bad at all in term of game mechanic, combat and ambiance.

BUT, I desinstall instantly the game after the first chapter when i realise that I lose all my progression the moment i enter the second chapter, all my heroes and items just gone! What's the point of exploring a big map like this and loosing everything after? I was happy with the game until that moment. Change it.

There is no point of exploring and developing character without getting rewarded for it.
13 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.20 07:25
This game is fun and the developer is very responsive.

If you like HOMM and/or XCOM you should support this project.

There is already a good amount of content here making the early access asking price a good value.

The developer seems to have made steady progress and updates regularly giving me confidence in the eventual final product.
644 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
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313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.19 23:32
Not yet, the game only have one playable chapter at the time of writing. Gameplay is good though, but it's like wine, it needs a little more time and flavour.

Good X-COM vibe. I am definitely keeping an eye on it.
324 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
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218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.19 23:05
There is just not enough content right now:
-only 1 short story chapter
-skirmishes on very small maps
-basicly only 2 types of enemys: melee enemys that just try to get in to melee and ranged enemys that try to fight ranged. The only more interesting opponent is a ranged one that additionaly explodes upon death.

The foundation is solid-if they expand upon it it could turn out great
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