News Liste FlowScape

FlowScape News and Events
31.01.21 06:03 Community Announcements
Its 2021 and things are already looking up. We in Australia have had a ton of rain and not much wildfires, no Covid cases in 2 weeks, Vaccines are going out in the rest of the world and some billionaires are being owned on wall street.
Could not have asked for a better start to the year!

I am working on some optimizations for the current version of FlowScape, since adding a lot of D&D content has pushed the memory consumption a little high. So i want to make sure it runs on every system. So stay tuned it shouldnt be long.

FlowScape V2 is also progressing, last week i was creating Lower level of detail for objects in the distance, so that the size of the landscape doesnt slow you down at all.

Every few month Unity comes out with a few new features, so i tested out Raytracing and path tracing to see what can be achieved with that. Currently its very unstable, does a terrible job with trees and plant shaders and crashes between scene loads, but i will be keeping an eye on it with each new release, as the quality of lighting that can be achieved is very cool.

This week's challenge on our discord is very special - We're collaborating with the composer Michael Ghelfi to create a FlowScape scene to go with his upcoming Haunted Cemetery ambience on YouTube.
Being a special event, there is of course also special prizes on the line. On top of the usual 100$ prize, Ghelfi is giving away his entire collection of sounds (worth around 100$) to the winner, and a pack of ambiences and an orchestral album to the runner ups.

Make sure to stop by and Vote in the "World of Dreams" Challenge, as there are some awesome entries.
The Ready to go channel has a lot more models recently added that import perfectly, so have a gander in there for any new models you might want to import.

You can join the discord here

I have added 92 new images to Flickr that i thought were outstanding. Well done guys and girls, you continue to amaze me with the art you are creating with FlowScape!

Check them out here: