-Ryan, the one who makes the bugs
- Fixed bug the prevented hardscape from being placed high enough in short tanks.
- Fixed bug that broke plant loading for plants with a period in their names (Made them disappear when trying to add to the inventory)
- Fixed floaters not being spawned into stores.
- Fixed some plants from being spawned with broken rotations.
- Added way for phantom plants/fish to be spawned back into the tank so they can be managed. (Clicking on them in the panel spawns an identity bubble)
- Fixed store spawning problems that were sending plants, hardscape, and fish to the very bottom of the tank almost always.
- Reorganized the way the substrate and water both animate in to prevent situations where the height is lower than it should be based on an animation state.
- Added a last ditch fix to plants that spawn in with no components, which would make them completely invisible and ungrowable. If this happens they should hard reboot, creating a newish plant in the same location.