Hello from the beautiful lands of northern Denmark! It’s been a while.
In addition to several bug fixes we’ve updated the combat system slightly, making the animations, healthbars, effects, and camerawork all feel a bit more juicy!
We’ve also added a news and community menu where you can follow news, updates, and patch notes within the game itself. With this we hope to feature more behind the scenes content about the making of Figment and our upcoming sequel, Creed Valley.
- The Bedtime Team <3
General Changes and Features
- Minor improvements to player movement
- Improved the sword fighting system
- Improved the visuals of enemy health bars
- Rebalanced the difficulty of some enemy encounters in Clockwork Town
- Minor localization updates
Bug Fixes
- Better 4:3 support. CRTs rejoice!
- Fixed an issue where Mayor Relic would often get stuck in his path when he moves around
- Fixed a bug where the Train Man would occasionally get stuck after the Heavy Thought lowering cutscene
- Fixed a bug where the Train Man would be stuck, even though he isn’t, after a load
- Fixed an issue where you could keep moving Enigma Boxes once they had been placed on a scale. They now break interaction when placed on one
- Fixed a bug where players could get stuck in the Clock Tower if entering the level after having defeated the Spider Queen