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Public Playtest Patch Notes - March 1
01.03.25 16:29 Community Announcements
Hi Fellows!

We'll be releasing a patch today to fix crashes and add some balancing changes. We'll be bringing down the servers temporarily for maintenance as well. ⚒️

Below are the notes for today's patch.


  • Discovered and fixed another issue causing crashes related to cooldown recovery.
  • Fixed an issue causing players who rejoin an ongoing dungeon to not be targetable.
  • Fixed an issue causing players who rejoin an ongoing dungeon to not get loot from the end of dungeon chest.
  • Players who rejoin an ongoing dungeon that have an empty health bar will no longer need to restart the game again. The health bar will update upon taking damage.
  • Fixed an issue causing all ability cooldowns to reset when players rejoined an ongoing dungeon.


  • Fixed the tooltip for Blood Rite Drums. Now correctly states that it provides +50% Cooldown Recovery for the duration of the effect.
  • The cooldown of Blood Rite Drums has been increased to 3 minutes, up from 2.5 minutes.
  • The cooldown of Salt Wash Elixir has been reduced to 2 minutes, down from 5 minutes.
  • The cooldown of Ancient Wardstone has been reduced to 2 minutes, down from 5 minutes.
  • The cooldown of Sinbinding Stone has been reduced to 3 minutes, down from 5 minutes.
  • The cooldown of Chalice of Al'zerac's Essence has been reduced to 3 minutes, down from 5 minutes.


  • Rime Talent: Avalanche now causes Icy Comet to have a 20% chance to strike twice and a 4% chance to strike three times, down from 30% / 8%.
  • Rime Talent: Soulfrost Torrent now increases the damage of Freezing Torrent by 50%, down from 100% - resulting in a total of 200% increased damage on a full channel considering the increased duration of the channel still being double.
  • Rime Talent: Soulfrost Torrent's proc per minute reduced to 1.5 (was 2.0).
  • Rime Talent: Winter's Blessing now converts 30% of damage to healing, down from 100%.


  • Safe Haven cooldown reduced to 120 seconds, down from 180 seconds.
  • Safe Haven duration increased to 15 seconds, up from 12 seconds.
  • Safe Haven damage reduction increased to 25%, up from 20%.
  • Fluttercall: Jubilee now redistributes health in the group every 2 seconds, down from every 3 seconds.


  • Focused Wrath now increases the damage of your next two Skull Crushers or Hammer Storms by 50%, up from 30%.
  • Raging Currents damage increased by 50%.


  • Mancatchers will now wait longer after initiated to use their Grip ability.
  • Mancatcher's Grip damage reduced by 40%.
  • The minimum range of Mancatcher's Grip ability has been increased to 1500, up from 1000.


  • Vengeful Shade's Witherbane Toxin now deals damage every 3 seconds, up from every 2 seconds.
  • Coral Lasher's Disgorged Muck cooldown increased to 12 seconds, up from 8 seconds.
  • Water Elemental's Hydro Bolt cooldown increased to 15 seconds, up from 12 seconds.


  • Coldheart Assassin's Wicked Strikes damage reduced by 20%.
  • Coldheart Assassin's Poison Dagger damage reduced by 35%.
  • Greater Ice Elemental's Stomp ability damage reduced by 28%.
Logo for Fellowship
Release:TBA Genre: Massively Multiplayer Online Entwickler: Chief Rebel Vertrieb: Arc Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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