Download the full hi-res pack here (14 Mb)
It’s already been six months since Wenja survivors have been roaming the world of Oros, looking for food, weapons, and allies in a continuous fight for survival. There is always danger lurking: the savage wildlife, the cold northern weather, and the Izila and Udam tribes!
Not an easy task for Takkar to rebuild a strong Wenja village in these conditions...
To celebrate the six-month anniversary of the Far Cry Primal release, we are unveiling four exclusive pieces of hi-res concept art drawn by our amazing Ubisoft artists in the Toronto studio.

Used as visual reference by our development teams, the concept art eventually led to the final game design that you have been playing since February 23 on PlayStation 4 system and Xbox One, and March 1 on PC. We created a stunning and unpredictable Stone Age environment that you would feel immersed in.

Far Cry Primal features a savage open world that you can roam freely in. We hope you had unique experiences in the world of Oros and will keep enjoying your future Far Cry Primal adventures.

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Good hunting, Wenja!
The Far Cry community team