Attention all Wenja, Udam and Izila!
Today, we’re happy to announce our third and final screenshot challenge for Far Cry Primal!
You’ve somehow managed to survive the harsh climates of Oros, and withstood the worst that the wildlife of this land had to offer. But now, it’s time to get up close and personal with the tribes of Oros.
For this final week, we’d like some pictures of the tribes that are battling throughout this land to call it their home!
Whether it’s the peaceful Wenja, the brutal Udam or the cunning Izila, we’re sure that you’ll be able to take pictures from each of the tribes. If you survive the encounters, well that’s a different story altogether!
Remember to continue to get inventive with your pictures. Maybe you’ve grabbed a crazed picture of Tensay around the camp fire, or caught a glimpse of Ull before he smashes you to pieces. Either way, we cannot wait to see what you’ve found.
In order for everyone to see your fantastic creations, please be sure to submit your photo's below, or on our Facebook Page or Twitter, using the hashtag #PrimalPics
Some of you Primal photographers may even receive a selection of Far Cry goodies!
So go forth all budding Primal photographers! Head into the wilds and impress us with pictures you take!