News Liste Fallout: New Vegas

Kein Event Patch 1.1.1 via Autoupdate verfügbar
Fallout: New Vegas - Patch 1.1.1 via Autoupdate verfügbar
Fallout: New Vegas
10.11.10 07:48 Patch Plattform: PC
Steam aktualisiert Fallout: New Vegas aus Version 1.1.1
Steam aktualisiert Fallout: New Vegas aus Version 1.1.1
Der für diese Woche angekündigte Patch 1.1.1 zum apokalyptischen Rollenspiel Fallout: New Vegas kann nun per Steam Client herunter geladen werden. Dieser bereinigt so einige Bugs, insbesondere beim Begleiter-System.

Fallout: New Vegas - Version 1.1.1
Companions now show up as waypoints on the map
Companions will always fast travel with you, unless told to wait or sent away
Fix: DLC error/save corruption
Fix: Stuttering with water effects
Fix: Severe performance issues with DirectX.
Fix: Controls temporarily disabled after reloading Cowboy Repeater while crouched
Fixed crash using the Euclid C-Finder while having the Heave Ho perk
Fix: Entering the strip after Debt Collector causes crash and autosave corruption
Fix: Using Mojave Express dropbox can cause DLC warnings
Fixed crash when buying duplicate caravan cards from a vendor in a single transaction
Crafting menu should filter valid (bright) recipes to the top of the list
Fix: Sitting down while looking down a weapon's ironsights leaves player control locked
Fix: If a companion is knocked unconscious with broken limbs they stay broken on respawn
Fix for varmint night scope effect persisting in kill cam
Fix for giving companions armor that adds STR does not increase their carry weight
Fix NPC Repair menu displays DAM as DPS
Having NPC repair service rifle with forged receiver decreases CND

  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 22.10.2010
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Logo for Fallout: New Vegas
Release:22.10.2010 Genre: Rollenspiel Entwickler: Obsidian Entertainment Vertrieb: Bethesda Softworks Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:Steam Franchise: Fallout
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Erstellt von nilius
Zuletzt online: 42 Sekunden
10. 11. 2010 um 07:48
10. 11. 2010 um 07:48
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