• Evil Democracy: 1932: Screen zum Spiel Evil Democracy: 1932.
  • Evil Democracy: 1932: Screen zum Spiel Evil Democracy: 1932.
  • Evil Democracy: 1932: Screen zum Spiel Evil Democracy: 1932.
  • Evil Democracy: 1932: Screen zum Spiel Evil Democracy: 1932.
  • Evil Democracy: 1932: Screen zum Spiel Evil Democracy: 1932.
  • Evil Democracy: 1932: Screen zum Spiel Evil Democracy: 1932.
  • Evil Democracy: 1932: Screen zum Spiel Evil Democracy: 1932.
  • Evil Democracy: 1932: Screen zum Spiel Evil Democracy: 1932.
  • Evil Democracy: 1932: Screen zum Spiel Evil Democracy: 1932.
  • Evil Democracy: 1932: Screen zum Spiel Evil Democracy: 1932.
  • Evil Democracy: 1932: Screen zum Spiel Evil Democracy: 1932.
  • Evil Democracy: 1932: Screen zum Spiel Evil Democracy: 1932.
  • Evil Democracy: 1932: Screen zum Spiel Evil Democracy: 1932.
  • Evil Democracy: 1932: Screen zum Spiel Evil Democracy: 1932.
  • Evil Democracy: 1932: Screen zum Spiel Evil Democracy: 1932.
  • Evil Democracy: 1932: Screen zum Spiel Evil Democracy: 1932.
  • Evil Democracy: 1932: Screen zum Spiel Evil Democracy: 1932.
  • Evil Democracy: 1932: Screen zum Spiel Evil Democracy: 1932.
  • Evil Democracy: 1932: Screen zum Spiel Evil Democracy: 1932.
  • Evil Democracy: 1932: Screen zum Spiel Evil Democracy: 1932.
  • Evil Democracy: 1932: Screen zum Spiel Evil Democracy: 1932.
  • Evil Democracy: 1932: Screen zum Spiel Evil Democracy: 1932.
  • Evil Democracy: 1932: Screen zum Spiel Evil Democracy: 1932.
  • Evil Democracy: 1932: Screen zum Spiel Evil Democracy: 1932.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 05.06.2020
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Preis Update 24.05.24

Über das Spiel

In den Jahren 1932 - 1935 stand Westeuropa vor einer Wende. Die Parlamentwahlen haben alles verändert. In England hat Chamberlain gewonnen,der den Nazis Österreich und Tschechien kampflos überlassen hat. In Deutschland haben die Nazis gewonnen. In dieser Zeit hing von demokratischen Wahlen das Schicksal der Welt ab.

Über das Spiel.
Sie werden zu einem Vorsitzenden einer politischen Partei und Ihr Ziel ist es, den wichtigsten Gegnern den Sieg im Wahlkampfs zu rauben. Nazional-sozialistischer Kanzler des Lands? Nicht in meiner Dienstzeit. Nicht während meiner Wache. Es steht Ihnen bevor, selbst zu beschließen, mit welchen Mitteln Sie dieses Ziel erreichen möchten. Ob Sie sich an vollkommen demokratische Instrumente halten werden oder beschließen werden, alle Mittel zu nutzen?Verlegen Sie eine Zeitung, schreiben Sie Artikel über die Konkurrenten, entsenden Sie Agitatoren, füren Sie Parteitage durch, organisieren Sie Demos, genehmigt das Parteiprogramm. Man kann auch auf nicht ganz legale Methoden zurückgreifen - bis hin zu der Fälschung der Wahlergebnisse und der Einschüchterung der Wähler. Am Ende werden nur Sie entscheiden, wie Sie als Parteivorsitzender sein werden.

Ein paar Fakten. Ein paar Zahlen.
  • 3 Szenarios (England, Frankreich, Deutschland)- 70 Regionen
  • 29 spielbare reale politische Parteien jener Zeit
  • 30 Parteiprogramme, die genehmigt werden können
  • Eine Redaktion einer Zeitung, ein Verlag, eine Verbreitung
  • Durchführung von Parteitagen
  • Wahl aus 200 junior Parteivorsitzenden, die eingestellt werden können
  • Verfassung von 3 Artikelarten
  • 15 Ereignisse, die bei Parteitagen initiiert werden können


  • CPU: 1.8 GHz
  • GFX: 2 Gb
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7+
  • HD: 1600 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Russisch, Spanisch
  • CPU: 1.8 GHz
  • GFX: 2 Gb
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7+
  • HD: 1600 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Russisch, Spanisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

164 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 20:11
Evil Democracy: 1932 lockt mit einem reizvollen Szenario. Im Deutschland, Frankreich oder Großbritannien der dreißiger Jahre betreiben wir Wahlkampf, um die politischen Mitbewerber an der Wahlurne zu schlagen. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad bemisst sich nach der jeweiligen Partei, ihrer Popularität und ihrem Startkapital: So ist es in der deutschen Kampagne leichter, mit den Sozialdemokraten die NSDAP zu versohlen, als mit der Kleinstfraktion der Bauernpartei Wählerstimmen zu ernten.

Leider ist das Thema derart mangelhaft umgesetzt, dass ich fehlgeleitete Kaufinteressenten dringend vor der Verschwendung von Geldmitteln und Lebenszeit warnen muss: Dies ist nicht der angepriesene Politiksimulator vor unverbrauchter Bühne, sondern ein simples Klickspiel in der Tradition kostenloser Smartphone-Apps für langweilige Fahrten in Bus und Bahn. Der Blick auf den Spielekatalog der Entwickler offenbart diesbezüglich einen gewissen Trend.

Ignoriert man den faszinierenden historischen Rahmen und die respektabel recherchierte Parteienlandschaft der frühen Dreißiger, bleibt ein bescheidenes Aktionsgerüst: Wir stellen Journalisten ein, denen wir das Verfassen von Artikeln zuweisen, um die eigenen Anführer zu verherrlichen oder die gegnerischen Fraktionen zu verleumden. Die dergestalt produzierten Flugblätter und Parteizeitungen werden über das Festlegen von Druckauflagen und die Verpflichtung von Wahlhelfern verbreitet. Zudem können Proteste finanziert sowie Agitatoren und Aktivisten engagiert werden, um die öffentliche Meinung zu beeinflussen.

Diese Aufgaben, welche fünf bis zehn Mausklicks pro Runde umspannen und sich sogar großzügig automatisieren lassen, bilden den repetitiven Kern des Spiels. Parteiinterne Verwerfungen? Unterschiedliche Wählerschichten? Öffentliche Auftritte oder Parteitage? Nichts! Die Resultate unserer Bemühungen manifestieren sich nur im Steigen oder Fallen der allgemeinen Unterstützerzahl und in der Fluktuation der Finanzen. Zusammenhänge? Hintergründe? Details? Aber nicht doch!

Interessant ist immerhin die Möglichkeit, nach festgelegten Rundenzyklen aus vorgegebenen Ideologien und Parteislogans auszuwählen sowie zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt Koalitionen mit politisch verwandten Fraktionen einzugehen. Die Deklaration der Wahlergebnisse selbst ist nett animiert und beherbergt einen Touch von Dramatik.

Bestenfalls stark rabattiert kann man Evil Democracy: 1932 in seine Steam-Bibliothek aufnehmen. Allerdings hat man spätestens nach fünfzehn Minuten sämtliche Inhalte gesehen; nach einer Stunde wiederum besitzt man mühelos über fünfzig der knapp hundert erreichbaren Achievements. Ich jedenfalls habe das Spiel in der Refund-Kabine demokratisch abgewählt.
78 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 23:03
Die Grundidee des Spiels ist sehr gut. Das Szenario ist spannend und bietet viel Potential um ein mehr oder weniger komplexes Spielerlebnis zu bieten. Leider schöpft dieses Spiel das Potential nicht aus. Die Steuerung ist schwammig, viele Zahlen und Werte nicht nachvollziehbar und die Performance des Spiels ist sehr schlecht. Mal startet es gar nicht, dann wieder bleibt es ewig im Ladebildschirm hängen. Ein gespeichertes Spiel laden? - Zufall ob es funktioniert oder nicht. Hier muss noch viel nachgebessert werden. Ich wünsche mir eine grundlegende Verbesserung der technischen Aspekte. So ist es gewollt, aber nicht gekonnt. Schade.
44 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 10:54
Das Spiel bietet einen kurzfristigen Spiel Spaß von 2-3 Stunden. Danach wiederholt sich das Spiel zu schnell und der Spielspaß lässt nach.
542 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 01:37
Das Thema des Spiels ist interessant: Führe eine Partei im Jahr 1932 zum Wahlsieg und verhindere z.B. in Deutschland die Machtergreifung der Nazis... was natürlich dadurch untergraben wird, dass man auch als die Nazis spielen kann.
Das Problem hierbei: Es ist langweilig und steril. Für den Spieler ist es unmittelbar kaum sichtbar, welche Resultate seine Entscheidungen haben, man klickt sich in jeder Runde so durch, ohne so recht zu wissen, was man noch tun soll, wenn alle Handlungen schon in den vorherigen Runden kaum zu Ergebnissen geführt haben. Das Tutorial ist ein Witz (man merkt schnell, dass man zwar Anweisungen kriegt, aber selbst gar nichts tut, sondern eine feste Bildfolge eingeblendet wird), die Bedienung ist nicht intuitiv und wirkt leblos, die Konzepte muss man sich mühsam erarbeiten (Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Aktivisten und Unterstützern?) und man kriegt kaum einen Eindruck, wie die Größenverhältnisse sind (Ist es viel, wenn ich 1000 Aktivisten anwerbe? Sollte ich das Geld sparen?), eben auch weil die Resultate eher intransparent sind.

Da müsste noch viel geschehen, um das tatsächlich zu einem gelungenen Spiel zu machen. So ist es eher blutleer.
96 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 23:06
Evil Democracy 1932 hat eigentlich weitaus weniger mit seinem Namen zu tun als man denken würde.
Es geht vom Namen des Spiels her ja quasi darum, dass die Demokratie etwas schlechtes sei, was aber im Spiel generell eher anders dargestellt wird.

Aber worum geht es überhaupt?
Zum Zeitpunkt dieser Review gibt es 3 Szenarien in Deutschland, Großbritannien und Frankreich jeweils in einer anderen Zeit.
Wir wählen eine von derzeit nur vorgefertigen Parteien aus, entscheiden uns für ein Startbudget ( Schwierigkeitsgrad unso ) und dann geht es auch schon los.
In einer Rundenbasierten Spielweise manipulieren wir nun wahlen, machen Stimmung mit Aktivisten und veröffentlichen regelmäßig Zeitungen mit den heißesten Artikeln unserer Journalisten.

Wir können uns übrigens auch weiterbilden. Für sowas gibt es Dogmen. Je nachdem, ob eine Dogme für unsere Partei und Ausrichtung Sinn macht, gibt es eher starke oder schwache Nachteile.

Auch unsere Anführer wollen weise gewählt werden, da jeder in bestimmten Positionen gewisse Vor und Nachteile mit sich bringt.
Habe ich schon erwähnt, dass man mit genug Geld auch das ganze Land mit Protesten und Demonstrationen Lahm legen kann?
Cool ich sags euch.

Das Spiel wird soweit ich das aktuell sehe regelmäßig mit kostenlosen Upgrades versorgt und die Community in die Entscheidungen mit eingebunden.
Ich bin schon mega gespannt wie es hier weitergeht, da das Spiel unglaubliches Potenzial hat und auch jetzt schon echt viel Spaß macht.

Wer mir das immer noch nicht glaubt, darf sich gerne selber davon überzeugen ;)
154 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.20 12:46
Das Spiel besteht grundsätzlich darin, die Balance zwischen Ausgaben für Propaganda und Einnahmen zu finden.
Indem man mehr Unterstützer findet, steigen die Einnahmen der Partei. Mit mehr Geld kann man mehr Demonstrationen organisieren und mehr Propagandamittel verbreiten, was dazu führt, dass man mehr Unterstützer gewinnt und somit mehr Geld.

Ich fand das Spiel sehr einfach, was nicht unbedingt schade ist, und die Spielzeit sehr kurz. Da das Spiel nur in die beschriebene Aufgabe besteht und eine Mechanik mit vielen Parametern, unterschiedlichen und auch zufälligen Entscheidungen durch die KI, wie wir es von Strategiespielen erwarten, komplett inexistent ist, sind 10 € für so ein Spiel viel zu viel.

Ich fand das System der Ideologien sinnlos.
Normalerweise würde man sich so etwas vorstellen, wie wir es in Spielen wie Civilization oder Europa Universalis sehen. Hier dagegen ist man gezwungen, immer wieder neue Ideologien zu erforschen und automatisch anzunehmen, die komplett im Gegensatz zueinander stehen.

Zum Abschluss: Das ist kein politisches Strategiespiel. Vielmehr handelt es sich um ein Gelegenheitsspiel, das für ein Smartphone geeignet ist.
345 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 18:44
Das Spiel an sich finde ich sehr Monoton. Sprich es ist immer ein bisschen das selbe. Kann aber sein, weil ich nicht viel von Politisieren verstehe. Ich denke wer gerne in Politischen kämpfen eingewickelt werden möchte, kann sich sicherlich ein paar Spielstunden in den 3 Ländern verweilen. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn ev. noch weiterer Content kommt und das Spiel abwechslungsreicher macht.
450 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 23:11
Nope nope and nope again! I bought the same developer's 2nd game 1st one was Evil Bank Manager. At first idea seemed great. Visuals ok. Music terrible - but could live with it. But this game has no depth at all. At least game design is in intact unlike Evil Bank Manager. Now think of it even titles name screams us not the buy it.. I feel stupid wasting my time and money with this game.
55 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 18:19
Although the premise and clean map interface lured me in, the game itself is disappointing.

The first thing that assaults the player is the generic anachronistic rock music that is completely out of place for the time and setting. I had to turn it off after playing for 5 minutes.

The overall impression of the game is that it is shallow and half-finished. There is no flavor between the different parties; it is functionally just a logo and a different set of dogmas. The random name generator has maybe 20 surnames, the cartoon photos of leaders and journalists cycle so that half your leaders look like Winston Churchill. The gameplay itself is clicking on the same 2-3 actions with very little real strategy.

Bought it on sale for about $7 and that seemed too bit much in hindsight. Definitely do not buy at full price.
287 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
610 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 01:15
Fun clicker game, feels like a well oiled board game. But don't expect deep gameplay or a strong theme.
14894 Produkte im Account
445 Reviews
554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 20:46


Those five minutes are up and the average voter has made a very convincing case against democracy. We’ll get back to Churchill quotes in a moment, for now I must bring to the attention of my fellow gamers (and potential historians & political scientists) a title that manages to think outside the ballot box in spite of the inherent rigidity of its topics and simulated era. Evil Democracy: 1932 is the recent creation of the prolific developer and self-publisher, Hamsters Gaming. It’s their second project showcasing the word “evil”, after 2018’s Evil Bank Manager. You know what profession is despised almost as much as the “banksters”? Politicians.


“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others that have been tried.” - Winston Churchill

Oh, Winnie. You may have been a chain-smoking, half-drunk arrogant racist, but your democracy description is spot on! Its alternatives are far, far worse than a bickering parliament enabling an equally incompetent government. Sounds familiar? Politics are as cyclical as history itself. There are three distinct campaigns representing the tumultuous ‘30s on the Old Continent. Germany in 1932, one year before the Nazis seized full control of the Reichstag. Great Britain in 1935, coinciding with Stanley Baldwin’s last couple of years as Prime Minister. And France in 1936 during the closing acts of the French Third Republic which won’t survive World War Two. Scenarios that are rarely touched by video games outside of the “Hearts of Iron” series. Yet Evil Democracy would resemble the “Political Machine” franchise more, since there are no military aspects to the gameplay. You only have to conquer hearts and minds within a single country, not go on quest for World domination.

I would like to think that violence won’t be used in the those political campaigns, but history proved the contrary. It's so ironic that you can't directly control the National Socialist German Workers' Party, but you can certainly steer any of its future “satellites” into forming a far-right coalition with them. It’s not like the Nazis won’t assimilate any smaller parties on the same ideological wavelength along with their voters and party members, right? Of course you can role play as every single communist party or subfaction in the UK, France or Germany by contrast. Commies are the “good guys”, they don’t call this game “Evil Democracy” for nothing. Just don’t expect an actual democratic process from the far left, unless your idea of democracy might stem from the “Democratic” People's Republic of Korea. Stick to moderate political parties, nothing wrong with the left wing unless you take extreme measures. “To the victors go the spoils.”



I couldn’t gather much intel on the graphics engine, the game doesn’t even have a Credits section, so we’ll go with the standard option here. Unity Engine until mentioned otherwise. In terms of visual assets, you’ll only spot some 3D elements in the headquarters where you’re coordinating most actions taken in-game. The maps are in 2D along with most other gameplay aspects. I do find it mildly irritating that I was still staring at the framed UK map despite playing a German or French campaign. I didn’t expect the HQ furniture to change between scenarios (it would have been a nice feature), but at least the framed maps deserved to better represent the political parties within the nation you choose to simulate. The actual maps you’ll use once you have staff to distribute and voters to observe are actually quite eloquent in showcased details and overall design. You won’t be staring at something bland.


Not going to call the audio files in Evil Democracy as being bland either, yet they don’t fit the portrayed era and become repetitive much too fast. With no voice acting at any given point and with an OST that’s not gonna stimulate at all, mute the sounds altogether and focus on some time-appropriate tunes from your own playlist or directly online if you’re just becoming acquainted with early 20th century music. Instrumentals hold no linguistic or cultural boundries, get creative.


In fact, you can use your imagination once you get the hang of the core gameplay. No one’s forcing you to role play a historically-accurate political party. You can customize your own power-hungry faction down to ideological subtleties. Political dogmas are traditionally linked to the ideological spectrum going from far-left, left, center-left, center-right, right and of course, far-right. There are far too many shades of grey to call every single dogma as being extreme to the point of inapplicability, since most of the game’s ideological concepts were sadly tried and tested on the electorate, willingly or not. So long story short, don’t treat the dogmas as black or white. Apply them as you see fit and keep in mind that some of your party hardliners will not view ideological drifting very kindly.


The regular Janes and Joes voting for your party are of secondary concern unless you can draw party supporters willing to “vote with their wallet”. We’re talking of sponsors, although that’s an euphemistic term since most of the people financing your party in hopes of victory are obviously having an agenda of their own. When you can even state in your campaign slogan that you’re supporting the “working class” or the industrialists, people will understand that greasing the wheels of progress takes more than just determination and hard work. Historically, political entities weren’t funded by governments, this might also apply today in many countries. Your party’s continued survival depends on “donations” and the generous donors expect you to scratch their backs in return once you’ve seized power. Simple and messy.

Lastly, I want to mention a few words regarding your loyal “frontline troops”. The people which do the actual hard work within a political party without having a realistic expectation to be given enough credit, nevermind timely promotions. Activists, promoters and agitators each play a distinct role during the turn-based campaign. Most will walk a very thin line separating legality from election fraud. At least you’re offered the option to keep your hands clean and morals almost intact. As a small party, you can at best hope to be invited within a coalition if your single digit electoral score might tip the odds in favor of the bigger parties and true winners of an election. It gets somewhat easier if you play a major party, but where’s the fun in that?


The challenge parameters rest entirely upon your choices. Random events fire up and they can disrupt even the best laid plans in advance. Adapt and be ready to compromise. That’s the true face of politics anyway. The “art” of compromising in order to gain power and (hopefully) apply some of those concepts you promised to voters and your supporters. It’s an educational game no matter how little you may stomach politics in real life. Well worth its price tag for what it offers. Democracy remains a necessary evil regardless of our participation during (rigged) elections.


Strong Points

+ Complex political simulation.
+ Replay value through randomization.
+ Steam Achievements & Trading Cards.

Weak Points

- UK map frame in the HQ of the German & French campaigns.
- More visual diversity wouldn’t hurt.
- Repetitive soundtrack.

Rating 70/100

This article was submitted for Imperial Reviews. Following my Curator Page, will help me keep publishing new reviews as soon as I can.
28 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 11:22
Developers, please change the music in the game to something more atmospheric. I like playing the game and even sounds in the game, but the music is too modern! -_- The rest is good. I enjoyed the game a lot! :-)...and I am waiting for the next updates and the new mechanics in the game of course! :D
314 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 13:58
it's an alright game. all of the developer's games are similar in mechanics but themed differently. don't expect a deep political simulation. as long as you manage your finances well, you're going to succeed. game idea has a greater potential and the title implies that too but it sadly does not reach its potential.

worth the price.
1197 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 10:17
This game is a good choice if you want something meditative and addictive at the same time. :-)
I love small animations in the game.
The game is getting better and better through time. I just wish there would be more scenarios. ;-)
226 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 06:08
This is a pretty good made political simulation and strategy game. I like the idea of the game and the new updates so far.
I mostly like political games, and unfortunately, there are very few of them.
768 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
138 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 15:19
I wasn't entirely sold on this. I had some fun with it, but something about the game just never quite clicked with me, & I'm not even sure why. I did feel a bit out of my depth with it in places, so that could be why which means it's on me rather than the game, but all the same for that reason I can't really recommend it.
37 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 06:59
I'm not very good at writing game reviews, so to make a long story short - the game is quite interesting. I like unusual and unique games. And any political strategy is already interesting by default.
101 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
640 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 05:01
At the beginning of the game seemed to be quite difficult, some things I had to test and find out by experience.
Although there seemed to be enough tips. But on the other hand there is no instruction manual for life, either. So it was interesting for me to play and strategize.
63 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 06:14
What I liked about this game was that it was able to convey at least a little bit of the competitive spirit of the election race. I remember that when I started playing, I read the information about each political party and even looked up more information on wikipedia. But when I was filtering out the dogmas in the process, I caught myself choosing dogmas based on the thought: What might voters like better?
And I realize that at this point I was no longer thinking about making a difference in people's lives, but I just wanted to win!
Maybe that's why all good parties eventually become ordinary...
40 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 16:12
In general, I started playing the game for a party of German farmers and so far I'm not doing very well - I'm constantly short of money. Anyone else is faced a similar situation? Is it possible to change anything or is it better to start the game again and add more funds?
But other than that, the game is very interesting :) I like it :D
53 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 22:19
I was lucky enough to buy the game at the recent sale and I'm pretty happy. The game is quite interesting and unusual. I've seen comments from some dissatisfied that the game didn't go deep enough on the theme of elections and political party life. But it's a game and I like that it's a bit casual. So at least I was able to figure out how to manage it
Maybe those who say that this game is a good option for the first immersion in political simulators are right. :)
340 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1072 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.21 04:46
This company makes games that are just numbers that are increased, no real strategy or anything unfortunately. no story. bad translation, terrible tutorial and no further instructions can be found anywhere else.
42 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 13:33
I like historical games in general. So I was bought cheap with the main idea of the game :D
I was a bit scared to start playing because I thought it will be something too hard to learn, but it's actually fun and maybe even casual at some points.
85 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
127 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 07:08
I like the game, but I wish in the beginning there would be a hint about which country to choose to play first. I've started playing for Great Britain but most probably it would be easier to play for Germany in the beginning because they have more elections and so more chances to win... if I am correct. But it's a minor issue and the rest is fine - the game is pretty interesting.
51 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 09:04
I'd say it's a nice game in the very rare genre - the political simulator - and for this only I would recommend trying the game. The tutorial is pretty good so for me it was easy to learn playing - I say it only because I saw a few people here crying about the tutorial.
+ not so long ago developers added the new mechanics in the game, so I hope the game will continue to progress
572 Produkte im Account
89 Reviews
289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 07:45
In the beginning, I thought it is very complicated, but it's rather simple in terms of mechanics. Even, casual. Literally in a couple of games, you'll learn all the basic mechanics. The entire gameplay can be split into two parts as follows: the political map and the party cabinet. The cabinet is the main scene of the action. There we hire expendable personnel: agitators, promoters and activists and others.
So what I like about the game is the fact it is replayable and pretty addictive. :D
54 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
365 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 05:06
I really like the implementation of the dogma mechanics in the game. Dogmas are the principles of the party. For example, one can accept the dogma of individual liberty, but then one cannot accept the dogma of unconditional service to the nation. Particular Dogmas have advantages and disadvantages. For example, one will give you an advantage with the electorate, but a disadvantage with the sponsors, etc. All this is especially interesting in the context of the possibility of creating your own unique party at the start, rather than choosing from the proposed
326 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
328 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 05:29
An interesting game at first, but it does not take long to figure out how shallow the game really is.

Once you figure out how the game works, something that a fairly lackluster tutorial does not help with very much, the game is fairly easy and repetitive. The game offers many different starts of varying difficulty, but I was able to jump from one of the easiest starts on my first playthrough to one of the hardest on my second playthrough without any difficulty, a journey of less than 5 hours total, with roughly the same strategy working both times: train your party leader into a debate bro that would put Ben Shapiro to shame, juggle him around between party positions as needed (basically just pay attention to when the cooldown for debates and protests are up), focus on getting sponsors/income, then try to balance your income at around 1 million or so/turn for the rest of the game, then congrats, you have solved the game for virtually every scenario.

I am sure there is definitely room to min-max there and maybe some would really shoot for the highest score possible, but really, I was already over it halfway through my 2nd playthrough. Hell, even for the completionists out there, I got 88/97 achievements in the game without even trying to go for them...in 5 hours, including time I spent getting up and doing other things.
63 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 04:01
I have just recently started to understand the game deeper and it reveals even more aspects you need to take into account - the party's ideology, expectations of the electorate and the selection of dogmas, the strategy...
By the way if you decide to play for an existing party then try to choose the party, which is closer to you in beliefs and ideology. Keep in mind - choosing dogmas can partially change the ideology of the party, but not dramatically. For example, the extreme right can be shifted to a more centrist position, and so on.
Unexpectedly very interesting gameplay
49 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
413 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 04:00
New mechanics are slowly being added to the game - developers finally added the mechanics of electoral debates. And I can say that if I liked the game before, it is now even more diverse and interesting! :D
Thx for the cool game!
75 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.21 07:56
I've always been interested in games about politics.) Too bad there aren't many of them. I wish there were more. :D
In any case, I want to say that the game is quite unconventional and balanced.
25 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
356 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.21 06:38
Have you ever wanted to see how political parties work from the inside? Yeah, me too :D that's why I've decided to try the democracy)! :D I don't know how much of the game is true, but I think in many ways it is. :)
So I had fun. The game is pretty interesting ;)
63 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 06:43
I've always been interested in political issues). And nowadays, this topic in general comes to the fore. :D
I wonder how much the election campaign nowadays is different from the ones that took place 50 years ago - even before the era of the Internet :D it would be interesting if the developers would release the second part of the game about the elections nowadays :D
342 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
682 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 04:16
Lately, I do not often come across unusual games in the simulation genre. So I'm glad I found this one :)
By the way, I see that more mechanics are added to the game little by little - it's great that the developers continue to develop the game and add functionality according to the feedback from the players! That alone is worth a try of the game :)
41 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 07:01
I always liked France smile so of course the first country I decided to play for is...?)
But seriously, it's amazing, but I really looked at history from a new angle. In general, it would be nice if they would teach history at school like that smile
234 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.21 05:48
so I decided to write a few words about the game
What I particularly like about this game is that it is based on real history. You can participate in debates, work with the press, and be the head of a political party that actually existed.
It's a pretty cool idea of a game!
29 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
174 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 07:05
Hello all :) so I decided to write a few words about the game
What I particularly like about this game is that it is based on real history. You can participate in debates, work with the press, and be the head of a political party that actually existed.
It's a pretty cool idea of a game!
723 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
806 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 21:37
Как-то всегда думал, а как смогли то люди выбрать таких негодяев на выборах и дать им власть. А вот так: простые выборы, простая реклама, простые агитаторы. Никогда не знаешь каким политик будет после избрания
303 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 23:15
I bought this game thinking it was a country management game or secret society behind the scenes game. No it was not. It is basicly a newspaper publisher game or propoganda machine game. Not for me may retry in a few months to see what was added.
95 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 05:40
Which is more important, money or power? You can lose money if you don't have power. You can also lose power if there is no money... You don't know which is more important because you need money to keep power and you need the power to protect your finances.In this simulation, the developers quite simply show all the behind the scenes life of political parties, how success is built, and how the path to the very top is made up of. :)
124 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 06:32
If you want to play something unconventional, a game that will force you to be curious - play this political simulator. I liked it.
It was interesting to feel the role of an alternate history re-enactor.
I especially liked the fact that you can play more than once - for different countries and parties.
In general, in my opinion - the developers have tried well to make a game that can amaze you
132 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
1019 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 04:10
Hi all) I paid attention to the game because I am interested in the topic and the angle from which it is viewed. I absolutely agree that the political life in Europe between 1932 and 1935 was a time of chaos - it was a time when the situation could have turned in any direction... but any such turn had enormous consequences in the future.
1605 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
301 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 07:32
You may be surprised, but I've been waiting for this game, and I had it on my wishlist. I had forgotten about it and only recently saw that the game is available for playing.
So I'll be biased - I liked the game, and it is terrific :))
354 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
345 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 06:02
If you are bored in quarantine and do not know what new game to play, you need to try Evil Democracy 1932. This is an unusual strategy about elections, in which you need to show your wit!
79 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 05:39
Nice political simulator where you make history. I think that not everyone will like this genre, but whoever likes this topic will definitely appreciate it
33 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
414 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 04:03
I didn't finish playing yet, but I already have a first impression about the game. The main point I see here are the parallels between the economical strategy and the political. It gives me a feeling that the idea behind the game was: nothing personal it's just the business))
No one is innocent if standing on top of a mountain...
166 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 00:40
It could easily be a smartphone game. It lacks any real depth, is full of repetitive tedious tasks, totally unbalanced and makes you lose any interest after few turns. I think these developers are spam spawning these type of games cuz if you look closely, their other games, are designed with excactl;y the same philosophy.
This is not a strategy game.None of their games are actually strategy games. There is nothing to ponder, plan and execute. There not even any actual opponents. This is a click and click again game to do the same things all over again. The only thing is good for is to test the durability of your left mouse button. Stir away of this one unless you want something to play when totally bored out of your life.
109 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 17:07
Thats hardly a game at all. And it has nothing to do with democracy.
Its basically a minigame where you hire journalists to create 'stories'. Every 5 turs you pick the best 3 and publish them. This creates supporters and supporters get you money to hire more journalists.
The whole thing is so simple that they added an 'automatize' button.
Oh, and you can organize a protest. For that you click the protest button and this costs money and creats supportes, thats all. There is an 'automatize' button here as well.
Now you just have to click end-turn until the game is over.
If you have enough supporters you win the election and you can form a coalition. Thats the most fun part of the game for the whole 60 seconds it lasts until you realize that this has no effect on anything at all.

Oh, and the german version is censored. So if you read 'Evil Democracy: 1932' and think NSDAP, thats a no-go.
Not that it matters, all parties are exactly the same except the logo and the name.
142 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 07:11
Gee I wonder who was that Germany’s evil guy in 1932? :D For some reason I’m picturing a man with a funny little mustache
The game has the only one problem on my opinion - it's too real! :D
I like the game a lot
51 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 05:22
So we need to fix the past :D Good for us anything is possible in the game :D
I wish our current political situation in the world could be solved in the game...
Anyway, I wish all to stay safe and healthy! and play games! :)
171 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
89 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 07:28
At first my concern was that the game has an appearance of depth but in reality as long as you just have a lot of money, purchase agitators en masse or have starting political capital then it becomes very easy.
However developers added a lot of events and mechanics to make the game interesting. And I am waiting for the next update to see debates! :D
40 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 05:03
Super! I have always dreamed of such a game and once I found a similar one, but that game was much more complicated. ???? So I like this one better.
And I see soon developers will add some very interesting features. That's good news.
30 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 08:16
Recommend!! Let's see if you can beat the Nazis!! :D
Ok, let's be serious... the game gives you 3 options and 3 scenarios - play for France, Germany, or the UK and definitely I will try them all. For each scenario you have a different number of turns to finish the mission. It looks like the scenarios are based on real elections in history...
74 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 08:29
This is a game that simulates election activities until Hitler becomes a legal dictator. I feel like a maniac. I like it.
Perhaps his success consists of reaching out to voters in a beer hall, promoting party activities in newspapers, appealing to patriotism, obstructing other parties and so on.
Interesting game...
230 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
1581 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 06:11
So what can I say about the game? As a person who isn't into politics, I found this game very interesting and unique. It looks cool to me.
Recommend. 7-8 out of 10
By the way, check other games by this developer too
139 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
878 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 23:50

funny game. great way to spend the weekend. I hope there will be updates with online mode!
266 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
674 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 06:27
So who didn't want to save the planet of bad nazis just by sitting on the couch and playing?)) I am in, guys, I am in))
Ok, let's be serious - the game is out and finally we see a lot of new updates, features and the fixed translation - thx god! It was worth waiting!
17063 Produkte im Account
1121 Reviews
325 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 02:24
Be in charge of running a political campaign - from kissing babies to slandering the opposition in the newspapers - but it's ok, because you can overthrow the nazis... or be the nazis... your choice.
97 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
143 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 04:15
Wow! Great to see this developer is continuing to bring awesome games to steam! ))
The 1930's were some flourishing times where i am from...
however 1940's didnt go that well as you know XD
...and then 50's to 90's were just wasted ))
35 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
256 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 07:24
Recently I have been exploring Steam and this new game caught my attention! It's pretty interesting to be honest.
Good job, devs!)
We need more interesting and unique games!! ^_^ mooore!
Recommend ++
176 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 14:49
This game claims to be an evil democracy, but in reality it is just a boring and repetitive game about running a political campaign in the 1930's. If it was better fleshed out that would be one thing, but it is not. Would not recommend.
447 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 04:09
What I like about the game is that the scenarios for each country are different - you have 3 elections for Germany starting on the turn 150, then 300 and 450. As for the UK there is only one election - or one try - on 250th. And one for France on 300th. Probably it's because of the particular political situation in history in Europe...
So I've decided to start with France because I have more time before the first election and more options if I will act stupid in the beginning and make mistakes))
Of course you can go with 2 other options... it was just my logic ;)
61 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
512 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.20 04:07
Cannot recommend. A very good concept, but poorly executed or unfinished. Very low replayability.
EDIT: Played as a German far-right party, won the election and was told that I had prevented the far right from gaining power? What nonsense.
72 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.20 05:53
What can I say about this game? As for an indie project that is still in beta, everything is very good. 10 strategic political historical simulators out of 10
416 Produkte im Account
146 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 23:07
The game is both repetitive and shallow.

There is little to do other than press the end turn button.

They should add more mechanics to the game, more flesh and muscle. It is too barebones.

The repetitiveness and lack of variety kills this game. You always do the same thing over and over again and those things are limited.

The music is not fitting the era too. They could have composed music of that time for each playable country plus some American swing-like music. I simply killed the music and tuned in to Swing Street Radio for the ambiance.

The concept is okay, nothing new though. The dev should really add some mechanics unique to their game. It is too déjà vu (but mostly shallow).

I finished the game once and uninstalled it. Way too boring due to its repetitive nature.
33 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 03:04
This does seem a bit similar to Evil Bank Manager so if you enjoyed playing it, you will probably like the Democracy. It still needs work but it certainly has the potential to become a good political simulator.
I am wondering if I win the election with even more edgy party does it count or it supposes to be an ideological enemy to the nazis? I will try))
76 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 06:49
I like the concept of Evil Democracy. Media, strikes and propaganda - looks like that's all that we have to stop WW2. And that really is a majority of politics I guess.
This game and the Evil Bank Manager are like trainers for getting into government business.. :D
230 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
515 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 05:40
Evil Democracy reminds me “Twilight Struggle” - a board game which I like a lot... very interesting game with an interesting concept. Just buy printers, media and people to promote your party and welcome to the world of politicians :)
Is this how it really works in real?
953 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 04:12
Evil Democracy is a pretty interesting political simulator, even at first everything seems to be very complicated. However later, then you figure how to play and it gets you so caught up in. Recommended to all fans of history and politics. Especially I liked the initial settings because it allows you not only to pick the country but the complexity for yourself and any political party.
379 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.20 06:10
In the game there are very few tips and any texts guiding the player, I did not immediately understand how to use the portal and what to do, there is little information about the units.
This, of course, does not negate the fact that the game is fascinating and very beautiful, the plot pleasantly surprised with humor and unusualness.
But I think it is worth paying more attention to these amenities for players.
I liked the mini-scenes like in the last location with waterfalls and I hope there will be more of them.
33 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.20 07:57
Hey. I thought I'd write a review on this exciting game. The main point of the game is that you have to prevent Nazi Party from winning the election, but in fact you have to make your political party one of the best. You have to squeeze out other politicians in order to make your party the strongest and the greatest. It starts out quite simple, you choose the country, the party, the complexity and let's go.What I liked most about the game was the opportunity to look at the election from the inside... paid articles, rallies, propaganda, dirt on opponents, party congresses. I don't know if the elections are fair in reality. Politicians tell us that elections are always held honestly))). I have never wondered if it is right to falsify elections if the fate of the world is at stake. Democracy won in 1932, but the whole world lost because of it. Maybe that's why the developers called the game Evil Democracy?
2113 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.20 06:20
Evil Democracy: 1932 political simulator where you have to win the elections by any means (you can even intimidate voters or cheat on the election results!).
There are three scenarios to choose from:[olist]
  • Germany 1932 node
  • Great Britain 1935
  • France 1936
  • [/olist]
    But this does not generally affect the gameplay. But the further choice of the party will affect the difficulty of the game. The graphics are pleasing to the eye. Quite often the game is updated and the developer listens to the wishes of the players (there is a vote).

    I advise you to try it for those who love this genre or want to take a break from action games.

    P.S. the game requires a 64 bit version of Windows
    4261 Produkte im Account
    134 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    129 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 08.07.20 00:11

    ???? Overview ????

    A game with a great premise where the gameplay revolves around creating the propaganda and support for a political party in one of three countries in 1932 in a turn-based setting. The game disappoints with its shallow gameplay, repetitive sound design, terrible UI, and a meaningless menu.

    Score is at the bottom of the review, while you are down there, leave a like if you liked this review!


    Game Breakdown

    ???? Gameplay ????

    The tutorial for Evil Democracy: 1932 pretends that it is interactive when it really isn’t. It tells the player to click specific buttons or perform actions when clicking anywhere will progress the tutorial forward. This made it difficult to learn the game as I wanted to explore slightly before moving on but instead I was shuffled to the next feature unceremoniously. I do wish the tutorial had actual player engagement as it would have alleviated some of my early confusion.

    Parties & Policies
    Before starting a scenario, the player must pick a party. The only real differentiation is that the parties have various handicaps applied to them in the form of a lack of supporters for votes or sponsors early on. They also allow the player to pick from a selection of policies which are stat bonuses that often have major downsides. The player has to pick one and it takes a bit for it to be adopted. Once adopted it will provide its bonus, but it will cause a lot of negatives. I found that some policies were not worth picking up because their negatives. Once a policy is adopted the player can choose another one to start implementing. This is basically the research of other strategy games. Most research provides bonuses only and not negatives. This system is not especially fun as only a handful are available at the beginning of the game for each party and they simply are stat upgrades which takes away some of the impact of getting a new policy. I would really like it if policies changed up game mechanics nearly completely upon adoption so that there is more of an interesting reason to pick a particular one.

    Leaders are the people that run a party. They hold great power which is why it is so unfortunate that they are relegated to bonuses again. There are eight slots with five different jobs. Editor increases the amount of voters and sponsors acquired from leaflets and papers. Protest organizers provide increased effectiveness to the protests and strikes that can be ordered by the player. The second slot only gives fifty percent effectiveness. The sponsor focused leadership position focuses on getting sponsors and so does its fifty percent reduced second slot. The treasurer increases income and the last job increases the bonus to falsified election results. These jobs are based off of one or more of the four stats that each party member can have. The starting leader has one-hundred stat points in every category, but junior leaders that are hired later will have randomized stats which can be increased by using the newspaper up to a cap of two-hundred.

    There are two types of staff in this game. They are the newspaper staff who are important and individually organized and minor staff which provide bonuses when they are placed around in-game map. Newspaper staff have four stats. The leaflet stat increases the amount of sponsors and voters from printed leaflets. There is only one slot for this job. Newspaper stats increase the effectiveness of newspapers to increase the party’s voters and sponsors. Interviewing skill allows the journalist to write great articles about the player’s leaders thus increasing their stats. The better the interviewing skill, the higher the stat boost. Investigation skill allows the journalists to write one of two articles. The first type of article is digging up dirt on an opposing political party. This will decrease the amount of sponsor they have. The second type is slander which focuses on stealing voters from an opposing party, the one the articles is written about.

    Every couple of turns, the player must write a newspaper and leaflets. The more money they have the more issues can be printed. Newspapers are the main source of getting voters and sponsors and they will often add a lot of them. Leaflets further supplement the amount of sponsors and voters, but it is often more important to spend most of one’s money on newspapers. Three articles can also be placed in the newspaper which are the interviews, slander, dirt that the journalists are working on.

    Final Election
    After a set amount of turns, the game enters an election cycle. The election cycle tallies up all of the votes and then the party with the highest percentage wins. The main quality of life issue I have with this is that the election results button doesn’t work. I thought the game was broken but instead I had to end my turn.

    One of my major issues is that the game is shallow, and there are plenty of options for automation for mechanics such as newspaper and minor staff placement.

    ???? Story ????

    The premise is interesting in that the player is running the propaganda side of a political party. They have to get sponsors as well as supporters so they are voted into power at the end of the time period given.

    ???? Sound ????

    The sound design is rather repetitive. The sound effects occur after every turn, and this is quite true if the player is skipping multiple turns because they are saving up money which in turn causes the same change jingling sound effect to play. The music is samey and doesn’t fit the period at all. Germans have modern rock and Britain and France sound like they are ready to perform a new freestyle rap.

    ???? Graphics ????

    The best graphics in this game would be the portraits for leaders and newspaper journalists. These portraits look painted and provide a character that the player can relate to. The rest of the graphics are nice but don’t add a ton. I wish that the three icons at the bottom of the screen in map mode were different. I dislike how the graphic moves around when moving the mouse. It is unnecessary.

    ⌨ Controls ⌨

    The game controls only with a mouse. The controls aren’t very good and require too many clicks to do things. To send out campaigners takes at least seven clicks which gets irritating to do once every turn if the player has the money. That is only one task that may have to get completed on a single turn. This makes the game feel more like a clicker than a strategy game as the controls require the same monotonous if the players want to feel like they have agency.

    ⚙ Performance & Bugs ⚙

    Cpu: AMD FX-8350
    GPU: GTX 1080
    RAM: 16 GB
    HDD: 7200RPM 2 TB
    SSD: Corsair 240 GB

    Easy to Alt-Tab: Yes
    The game runs well and there aren’t any noticeable hitches in FPS.

    ???? Replayability & Price to Content Ratio ????

    I completed all of scenarios and got seventy percent of the achievements in 2.2 hours.
    PrCR: 0.2 – Abysmal Value

    ???? Overall ????

    ???? Pros ????
    Interesting Concept

    ???? Cons ????
    Boring Gameplay
    Frustrating UI
    Disappointing Music

    Gameplay 3/10
    Story NA/10
    Controls 4/10
    Sound 3/10
    Graphics 7/10
    Game Length 5/10

    ???? Final Rating 4.4 ????

    50 Produkte im Account
    20 Reviews
    254 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.07.20 12:28
    I played for a few hours in my spare time. What can I say about this election manager. It works stably and without bugs. There are enough different methods for managing your political party. I didn't have any big problems with mastering the game process. . Overall, not bad, although the game itself is quite short. I hope there will be more content in the future.
    1915 Produkte im Account
    31 Reviews
    267 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.06.20 21:52
    The game is still in development.
    I see a lot of things that could be done to improve the game, but I think we need to support the developers.
    43 Produkte im Account
    9 Reviews
    283 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.06.20 11:01
    A sincere new political manager. The idea of the game is quite simple: find financing, attract supporters, more votes, and victory is closer. But there are many ways to achieve this goal. Print your own propaganda, agitation, demonstrations, commissioned articles, and slander your competitors. Any route can be the winning one. It's up to you which way you lead the party.
    3326 Produkte im Account
    276 Reviews
    322 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.06.20 05:22
    Crooked journalists, your own publishing house, and an army of campaigners and activists help implement the election campaign. Build the right strategy and you are the winner; if you don't, no one will remember the name of your party)
    456 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    309 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.06.20 16:16
    Crooked journalists, your own publishing house, and an army of campaigners and activists help implement the election campaign. Build the right strategy and you are the winner; if you don't, no one will remember the name of your party)
    82 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    102 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.06.20 08:21
    The first 2 hours of the game and it already seems repetitive, lack of gameplay, and downright horrid soundtrack. I know it is early access but you know they don't know what they are doing when you have a heavy rock beat put in a game like this. The mechanics are a lil scarce but that could be improved before full launch but as of right now I would say wait and see how it comes out when it is a full game.
    1030 Produkte im Account
    111 Reviews
    216 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.06.20 16:53
    video review:


    written review:

    Evil democracy is an early access political simulator that puts you into the game as a competing party between the years of 1932 and 1936, depending on which scenario you pick. There are 3 scenarios to pick - Germany, France and England.

    The gameplay works like this - you hire leaders in order to give you bonuses to your actions, hire journalists to write stories that put down the opposition, or grow your leaders skills, publish newspapers with your journalists stories in them, hire agitators in order to win support per turn in every separate county of the country, buy anything from protests to riots in order to gain supporters that will pay you money and voters and also adopt dogmas that will all come with specific positives and negatives.


    - The game's soundtrack is a headbanger. I opened the game back up in order to write this review and just having it play in the background is very enjoyable.

    - It's not necessarily super easy to win. I've played England twice and didn't win a single time yet. You can control your own difficulty by selecting which party you'll run for and how much money you'll start with.


    - there's very little that's actually to do with the historical setting. You could have set this game in year 1900, or 2000, or 2100 and it would still look the exact same way. There's no chance cards, nor any historical events. It's very dry and mechanical if you ask me.

    - there will not be any reactions to any dogmas that you select and you can even select two dogmas that contradict each other. Freedom of religion and all religion is banned running at the same time? No problem! The game also forces you to pick a dogma even when you don't want to, as it would contradict which political affiliation you have, by popping up the dogma screen every single turn.


    This game needs more time in the oven. Something is highly missing. Be it actual reactions to the dogmas that you enforce, be it very visible reaction to you from your opposition, be it some historical chance cards. What's there for the most part works well, but there's not super a lot there. I would say currently for me the game is positive, but barely, I would put it at about 5 out of 10. The ability to control your difficulty, good music and challenge can keep me playing and replaying this, but the lack of anything tying it to the historical setting, the lack of any events and the lack of reactions to your actions make this game too barebones to score any higher.
    49 Produkte im Account
    8 Reviews
    501 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.06.20 10:06
    Agitation, demonstrations, propaganda, and falsification are the tools the developers have provided for the war for political supremacy. Our arena is the territory of Germany, France, and Great Britain in the period 1932-1936. We have to decide the fate of the world by bringing one of the parties to a political Olympus. A worthy game about fighting for the wallets and minds of voters!
    Logo for Evil Democracy: 1932
    Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
    82.65% 262 55
    Release:05.06.2020 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Hamsters Gaming Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
    Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop
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    97 Steam-Errungenschaften
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