Greetings Commanders!
The time has come to become the galactic pioneers you were born to be! The epic Trailblazers update is now here, bringing with it the chance for you to truly make your mark on the milky way with System Colonisation! The Trailblazers update includes many awesome features which you can learn about on our Trailblazers page!
System Colonisation will initially be available in a Beta format. Whilst features and progress will remain permanent we will be reviewing and adjust balancing and numbers for resources and distances as the Beta progresses. We're proud and excited for you to start making the Milky Way your own with Trailblazers and we can't wait to see you place your flags in the history of Elite Dangerous' world!
Update Notes
Features of Note:
- New System Colonisation feature
- The Mandalay ship is now purchasable for Odyssey players via the shipyard for Credits
Issue Tracker Fixes:
- Fixed no loot spawning in settlements outside of Powerplay systems. - Issue ID: 67130
- Adjustments made to the behaviour for limpets. - Issue ID: 67049
- Fixed Powerplay Assignments sending players to hack holoscreens that were not in the specified system. - Issue ID: 68199
- Fixed nameplates of Fleet Carriers not correctly displaying in the hangar. - Issue ID: 67340
- Fixed a crash when viewing Powerplay Strategic view on the Galaxy Map in VR. - Issue ID: 67146
- Fixed orbit lines displaying in only one eye in VR. - Issue ID: 66591
- Fixed instances of UI clicking sound persisting. - Issue ID: 70714
- Fixed instances of the Cobra Mk V being attacked when docked at settlements. Issue ID: 70727
- Fixed incorrect colouring of Mandalay Quest tanks. - Issue ID: 71382
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an exploit for illegitimately getting Codex entries
- Fixed an exploit where its possible to refresh core asteroids and subsurface deposits
- Removed AX Combat chatter from AI pilots from the Titan Aftermath scenario in Sol
- Adjusted Cobra Mk V landing gear when deploying an SRV
- Fixed an instance of triangular shadowing artifacts on planetary landing pad
- Fixed exposed text string in OnFoot Conflict Zone post-conflict overview screen
- Fixed Power Contact displaying lower Merits payout for data/commodity activities than what is actually being received
- Fixed the Powerplay help screen depth in VR
- Odyssey Settlements should now have a schematic when targeted
- Adjusted multicrew seats for Cobra Mk V to stop cockpit panel clipping through crew members external panel
- Fixed exposed text strings when targeting certain subtargets of the Cobra Mk V
- Fixed activity filter for Arissa Lavigny-Duval not working in the Powerplay Activity Filter sub menu within the Galaxy Map.
- Various text fixes for Powerplay scenarios
- Fix for galaxy map elements rendering over panels in various instances
- Fix for being able to trigger supercruise assist message when in SCO
- Fix for being unable to complete "Transport Powerplay Commodities" activity due to UI not listing them for hand-in
- Fixed minor holes in cockpit of the Cobra Mk V
- Adjustments to some texture resolutions on the Cobra Mk V
- Fixed visual issues with heat vents on Cobra Mk V
- Adjustments made to glass textures on the cockpit of the Cobra Mk V
- Fixed some inconsistencies with the Void paintjobs and shipkit assets
- Adjustments to reflections on metallic paintjobs for the Federal Gunship
- Made naming of Cobra Mk V shipkits more consistent across localised languages
- Made naming of Mandalay shipkits more consistent across localised languages
- Fixed HUD elements rending over the top of Powerplay banner bobbleheads
- Fixed some inconsistent ship wear values between the main hull of the Mandalay and some of its shipkit pieces
- Adjusted brightness of the Ruby Anniversary paintjob icons in livery to be visually clearer
- Adjusted Powerplay banner position for the Mandalay
- Fixed instances of decals being mirrored in the Mandalay's left decal slot
- Fixed visual issues on the Powerplay banner for the Alliance Crusader
- Fixed livery camera for the "Spoiler" slot on the Asp Scout showing the front of the ship
- Fixed livery camera clipping into the ceiling for the Asp Explorer "Spoiler" slot preview
- Fixed instances of livery cameras for the Alliance Crusader being blocked by hangar cables
- Fixed some localisation issues with the Ruby Anniversary Gold decal
- Improved readability of some Fleet Carrier nameplates
- Fixed texture issues with Beluga Liner shipkit pieces
If you encounter any further issues please be sure to report them on our Issue Tracker and reach out to our Support Team if you need assistance.