Vienna/Austria, Offenburg/Germany, July 28th, 2020: Puny Humans, rejoice! The day has finally arrived, Destroy All Humans! is now available on Steam. This device will allow you to witness the glory of the Furon Empire in your living room, no need to bring your resistance to the outside world!
The skin pack is also available for purchase:
To prepare for a proper annihilation, absorb the release trailer:
Watch the release trailer on YouTube: https://youtu.be/83SFXWajae8
Crypto's Weapons Detailed
In his new video series, Cryptosporidium-137 is delighted to show off his fine arsenal for the extermination of mankind. Starting with the "Disintegration Ray", you will find a new weapon showcased every week on THQ Nordic's YouTube-Channel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLY7YOSaI0JAOonXY3YCD-bggNwMxh-aFV
Welcome to ...
Crypto's adventures leading him to some interesting fictional places in the United States of the flaming 50s. In the new "welcome to" series, THQ Nordic will present the famous locations one by one, from the Turnipseed Farm and Santa Modesta to Area 42 and Capitol City. All "welcome to" videos are available on THQ Nordic's YouTube-Channel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLY7YOSaI0JAPHV1iW_7n4NsC7kXEbzPhC
Free Demo Available
We know, most of you humanoids can't wait to witness the glory of the Furon Empire, so here’s your chance to play the Destroy All Humans! Demo for PC today, you can download it via Steam:
Destroy All Humans! Demo on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/803330/Destroy_All_Humans/
Stay tuned
Your Black Forest Games and THQ Nordic Teams