- Erlebe eine Alien-Invasion aus den 50ern von ihrer bösen Seite.
- Entdecke, warum dieses Spiel als eines der lustigsten überhaupt gilt.
- Originalgetreu in neuer galaktischer Pracht nachempfunden.
- Tobe dich mit Cryptos einzigartigen Waffen wie der Analsonde aus.
- Infiltriere als armseliger Mensch deren fadenscheinige Demokratie.
- Jage deine Gegner mit Psychokinese in die Luft oder bombardiere sie.
- Durchquere erkundbare amerikanische Städte der 50er mit deinem Jetpack.
- Lösche die primitive Architektur der Menschheit mit deinem UFO aus.
- Enthält die sagenumwobene, bisher nie gesehene Verlorene Mission in Area 42!
Destroy All Humans!
Du musst angemeldet sein
Über das Spiel

- CPU: AMD / Intel CPU running at 3.0 GHz or higher: AMD Kaveri A10-7850K or Intel Pentium DualCore G3220 or newer is recommended / Ryzen 5 2400G (for systems using an integrated GPU)
- GFX: AMD/NVIDIA dedicated graphics card, with at least 4GB of dedicated VRAM and with at least DirectX 11.0 and Shader Model 5.1 support
- Software: Windows 10 (64 bit)
- HD: 19 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: Integrated or dedicated DirectX 9 compatible soundcard
- DX: Version 11
- MISC: Windows 7 and 8.1 are supported but some AMD Graphics Cards might show weaker performance on those OS versions.
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch
- CPU: IAMD / Intel processor running at 3.5 GHz or higher (AMD Ryzen 3 1300x or Intel Core i3 8100 or newer is recommended)
- GFX: AMD/NVIDIA dedicated graphics card, with at least 4GB of dedicated VRAM and with at least DirectX 12.0 and Shader Model 6.0 support
- RAM: 16 GB RAM
- Software: Windows 10 (64 bit)
- HD: 19 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: Integrated or dedicated DirectX 9 compatible soundcard
- DX: Version 12
- MISC: Windows 7 and 8.1 are supported but some AMD Graphics Cards might show weaker performance on those OS versions.
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
602 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.21 12:30
Das Spiel an sich ist aber leider etwas fad, da man eigentlich immer wieder das Gleiche macht.
Die Boss-Kämpfe sind so ziemlich das Schlechteste an diesem Spiel.
Nach 10 Stunden habe ich es durchgespielt, ein Wiederspielwert hat es meiner Meinung nach nicht.
Man könnte natürlich noch die Herausforderungen spielen, aber die sind noch langweiliger, einfach nur stumpf rumballern.
Bei einen wirklich guten Sale könnte man das Spiel eventuell kaufen, aber zum Vollpreis auf keinen Fall.
Das ist zumindest meine Meinung.
Es bekommt 4 von 10 Punkte von mir.
1443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 11:45
Destroy All Humans !
Rezension vom 17.08.2021
Bearbeitet: /
Schicke Grafik, Schnell Verstehende Steuerung und der Humor im Spiel ist verdammt lustig.
Habe das Spiel vorher nicht groß im Blick gehabt und kannte leider nicht die alte Version vom Spiel. Mit dem neuen Destroy All Humans ist das Spiel einer sehr guter Remake geworden. Neben dem Humor im Spiel gibt es eine sehr gute und Abwechslungsreiche Story sowie muss ich noch dazu sagen das die Zerstörung von Gebäuden/Gegenstände verdammt gut aussehen.
Um es kurz zuhalten.
Einfach ein Geiles Spiel von oben bis unten. Unterhaltung bietet es auf ganzer Reihe und der Preis ist wirklich fair und das für ein Remake.
So stelle ich mir auch ein Remake vor !
Kann Destroy All Humans! nur weiter Empfehlen !
Bitte achtet wann die Review geschrieben oder bearbeitet wurde !
597 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.21 20:43
Das Spiel bedient so ziemlich alle Klischees die es so über Ausserirdische gibt und nimmt sich dabei natürlich kein bisschen ernst.
Als kleines bösartiges Alien kämpft man sich also durch diverse Mission mit dem einzigen Ziel die Menschheit auszurotten und an einen bestimmten Teil ihrer DNA zu gelangen. Um das zu bewerkstelligen lässt man reihenweise Köpfe explodieren, sammelt Gehirne und erledigt im großen Stil Zivilisten und Militär mit allerlei stereotypischer Waffen wie dem Desintegrator oder auch der klassischen Analsonde. Die Waffen und Fähigkeiten lassen sich dann auch mit gesammelten Punkten upgraden um noch mehr Chaos zu stiften.
Aber was wäre ein Alien ohne ein UFO? Richtig! Deshalb steht einem natürlich auch eine fliegende Untertasse zur Verfügung mit der in gewissen Missionen ganze Städte oder Militärbasen mit dem Todesstrahl vernichtet werden müssen.
Die Missionen und die Story an sich sind natürlich nicht sonderlich tiefgründig und teils auch repetitiv. Dennoch macht es Laune und vorallem ist es amüsant wie viele Stereotypen man wieder findet. Die Invasion findet in Amerika statt, es wird fast alles immer auf Kommunisten geschoben und (radioaktive) Kühe sind ebenfalls regelmäßig in Missionen implementiert.
Wenn man alle Missionen in einem Gebiet abgeschlossen hat kann man das Gebiet frei erkunden und Dinge einsammeln, DNS Farmen oder Neben-Missionen erledigen welche einem ebenfalls DNS geben und für diverse Erfolge benötigt werden. Besonders kreativ ist das nicht aber früher war das in vielen Spielen ein Standard um zusätzliche Spielzeit zu schaffen und da es ein Remake ist kann man da nicht meckern.
Jetzt aber mal zur Grafik und zum Gameplay.
Die Grafik sieht meines Erachtens relativ schick aus und es wurde wirklich gut aufpoliert, was man bei vielen anderen Remakes nicht behaupten kann.
Beschweren kann ich mich eigentlich nur über die manchmal doch sehr unpräzise Steuerung und die Mehrfachbelegung von manchen Knöpfen.
Mal als kleines Beispiel:
Der X-Button wird benutzt um Gehirne zu extrahieren, um aus Objekten Munition zu generieren und auch oftmals um Schalter zu aktivieren. Ich hatte schon ein paar Missionen in denen es darum ging unerkannt zu bleiben und man visiert den Schalter des Tors an und stattdessen explodiert der Kopf eines vorbeilaufenden Soldaten, wodurch man dann auffliegt und die Mission als gescheitert gilt. Oder statt ein Gehirn zu extrahieren, fängt es an aus einer Kiste Munition zu machen. Das alles kann man dann auch nicht mehr abbrechen und meistens brauchen diese Aktionen ein paar Sekunden zur Ausführung.
Das ist aber tatsächlich das einzige was mich bis jetzt ab und an genervt hat, ansonsten definitiv eine Kaufempfehlung sowohl an Nostalgiker die das Game schon vor 16 Jahren kennengelernt haben als auch an alle die Lust haben mal den Bösewicht zu spielen und ihre Zeit mit einem komplett Sinn-freien Game zu verbringen
950 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.22 18:15
The Furon Empire took over the Earth!
Yes, this game is a documentary. What is the best way to hide our presence? Make it public via games and movies! If anyone comes up with any conspiracy theory then the leaders and mass-media (yes, all of them controlled by us already, by the mighty Furon Empire) could just say that these humans just played too many games or watched too many movies! Yes, haha, yes, that’s how it works.
Eat my laser
The army tried to resist us. Ahh, it is actually a funny story. There was a general, was, yes, I disintegrated him, so the general… Oh wait, I already spoiled the story. Hmm, so there was the Majestic too. You know, some weirdos in black suits. They always called me a little green martian. I am not green, nor a martian, so guess what happened to them?
UFO sighted!
Wut you say? Sure, the mighty Furon Empire has flying saucers. You know, those kinds of flying objects, which we use for abducting humans, cows… But mainly cows. We like to play with cows. Weapons? Yup, it has some deadly one. We destroyed a few cities with it, never heard about these events? Ahh, right, mass media is in our hands, those blamed the Reds for everything.
It is a good option to spend your pathetic human currency during sales for this game. Why? Because for full price, it feels like the game is a bit too short. But what could I say? This pathetic planet was able to last only this long during the invasion of the Furon Empire!
Visuals: 9/10. Disintegrating pathetic humans inside their pathetic human cities is always good. Yeah, in a cartoony way, to be more lovely.
Atmosphere: 10/10. All Hail the Furon Empire.
Amount of crash?: Had only one, at Roswell. Oh, you meant about this game? None.
Bugs: The Furon Empire don’t approve any bugs in their hypnotyware!
Hey, I am an achievement hunter!
How to perfect?: You can keep playing once finished story, replay missions available too, so nothing is missable permanently. It is advised tho, to finish at least the side tasks during your story walkthrough.
Perfection Difficulty: 6/10, Last 2 bosses could be hard for some, but doable in some tries, just like the challenges. All was much easier for the real Crypto.
100% time: ~12-16h
If you like to earn achievements, but in enjoyable, fun and entertaining games, then please follow my Average Achievement Hunter curator or just check out our curated games if you looking for some gaming tips:-) Thanks
791 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.22 14:51
The Good:
- It's definitely fun for casual players
- There's a sense of nostalgia for those who played the original
- A good feel of progression for Crypto 137 and his spaceship
- Carve a path of destruction or blend in to human society
- Throwing humanoids around with your PK ability
- Story has a lot of funny humor
The Bad:
- Very low replay value
Achievement Difficulty:
- Very Easy
Destroy All Human! is a really good game, even if you never played the original, I would still recommend this game. However, once you beat it, you probably don't wanna play the story again. The good thing is after beating the game, you can play the previous towns and cities you landed and just wreck havoc upon the humans for fun, but that's it. Also, the achievements and challenges for the game are super easy, I literally unlocked and beat everything within 10 hours.
Score: 8/10
673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.22 16:51
From the gameplay to the lore, this game is for casual and hardcore gamers alike. The lore is extremely rich and deep and it will keep you invested. I recommend this to anyone.
190 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 21:05
+Visuals, environments
+Upgrades, weapon variety
+Psychic powers
+Cutscenes, story
+Gameplay, controls
+Ship and on-foot destruction
+Number and variety of missions
+Checkpoints during missions
-Can be too over-the-top
-Ugly human models
-Some auto-fail gimmicks
-Some missions are too repetitive
714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 16:53
This game is pure gameplay, plain and simple. I enjoyed the cutscenes a lot too- they're actually pretty funny and entertaining. I like the satire incorporated from the time period as well. Upgrades are there and the game controls well, although controlling the vertical axis on the ship felt weird with the way the camera goes in and out, but I got used to it.
At first i felt the early 2000s era vibe and it took some adjustments to get back in that mindframe. It was ok at first, but then I found myself getting into the game more and more as I progressed.
Everything is done via a mission structure which is fine, with an option to explore the area and do optional challenges afterwards if you want to get more currency for upgrades. I didn't do this a whole lot though as going back and forth between menus to different areas took me out of the game a bit too much. Again, the game sticks to the 2005 era and retains that structure which is fine.
The last boss was fight was kind of annoying though, which having to deal with three life bars, breaking shields to actually do damage and the boss being able to replenish their health. Took about 10 tries but finally managed to finish the game because like I said, the cutscenes are really good and I wanted to see how it ended, (tip: as soon as you begin take out all the turrets at your far left and far right, it helps a ton later on). Oh and if you want to maybe go back and do some upgrades then revisit the mission whatever you do don't restart the final mission or you'll have to do both boss fights again.
Overall I enjoyed it and now I'm excited and looking forward for the 2nd remake!!!
192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 07:59
A spoof of 1950s alien movies done rather well.
I liked Destroy All Humans back when it came out in 2005. Disclosure, It was the first game I got at a discount while working at THQ Volition, but it also has stuck with me. There’s a great motif and the humor in this game works for me. It has a lot of clever writing. It doesn’t hurt that the main actor does a great Jack Nickelson impersonation the whole game, or that your orders are issued by the same voice actor as Invader Zim, and it makes it so enjoyable.
The gameplay is great, but it pushes the b-movie style. You will zap enemies with electricity guns, use telekinesis and even get in your flying saucer and decimate entire areas. It’s fun and varied and has a great open-world feel to the entire experience.
Pick this up if you’re a fan of the 1950s. The references here might be out of the reach for a lot of people, but it plays with the tropes and had me laughing quite a bit. Like I said I did play this game back in 2006 so there’s a hearty nostalgia here, but the game also looks great and feels like it’s gotten a complete makeover. I’m looking forward to the remake of the sequel now that I’ve seen how well this was handled.
If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel: https://youtu.be/FeCvVH50kas
Nicht Empfohlen
188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.22 05:52
586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.22 03:53
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Nothing special
☐ Okay
☐ Bad
☐ Masterpiece
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Will do
☐ Bad
☐ Awful
☐ Amazing
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☐ Adults
☑ Everyone
☐ Lovely
☑ Good
☐ Average
☐ Not great
☐ None
☐ Just press a bunch of buttons
☐ Easy
☑ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Not so easy
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
☐ Nothing
☐ Only if you care about leaderboards/ranks
☑ Isnt necessary to progress
☐ A bit grindy sometimes
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ Insanity
Game Time-
☐ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☑ Depends on you
☐ Endless
☑ Just buy it
☐ Worth the price
☐ Wait for sale
☐ Maybe if you have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 05:21
It's got pretty funny slapstick humor with it's 1950s setting and the period stereotypes. Gameplay wise, it's pretty much running a short missions that open themselves up to return to and try to finish a few challenges if you're a completionist. It got boring pretty quickly. I wanted to really like this game but it didn't do it for me.
I'm giving this a thumbs up because it's not a bad game. There are no bugs or anything game breaking. It just didn't do it for me. It might for you though....I recommend getting this on sale.
1259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 15:29
Usually cartoonish art style is not something I adore nor look for but for this remake along with the color pallete they used it just fits and creates cozy feel of 50-60s cold war satire that unlike Bureau declassified plays the comedy note and it does it pretty well.
Gameplay itself is fun and mission objectives mix up pretty well not to get boring (yes, there is couple of escort missions as well) taking 10-15 hours to finish the campaign with all optional objectives. The game is fairly easy but in this case I don't see it as a problem because even casuals can enjoy it and maybe it was what they were going for in a first place and some challenges make up for the lack of campaign difficulty fairly well.
Technically I did not experience almost any issue, no crashes, no sound or graphic glitches, couple of frame drops during armageddon challenges but those were easily understandable considering the scale of mayhem.
For 10 bucks in sale I really got the fun I did not expect so yes it is worth you money and that's all that matters in the end.
673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 07:03
I really enjoyed the game it is a LOT OF FUN this game would be even better if like you did missions in all 50 states. 8/10
712 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.21 13:08
444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 10:15
Overall it's...okay. Definitely has a certain aesthetic to it.
1005 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 01:57
You play as Crypto, an alien invading earth to gather information on the humans, and ultimately destroying them. It's loaded with dry humor, action, and challenging trials. It's short, easy to get the hang of, and a damn good time. I love the humorous Cold War theme the developers were able to capture, as well as their unique art style. Although the maps are small, everything feels full of life and color, and there's hours of fun to be had.
There's not much to add to this review with a pros/cons list since it can be summarized pretty quickly.
The remaster has updated the graphics and added achievements, so now it looks prettier and you get points for juggling humans in the air. It has all the same humor, the same cutscenes, and the same dialogue, it just looks better now.
The controls are easy to use, the UI works just fine, and all in all, it's functionally wonderful. Throwing humans 200 feet into the air literally never gets old.
As far as downsides? A handful of times, the game lagged a bit and crashed once (but that might be because of my laptop). The game is also fairly short, but who cares? It's a ton of fun and it doesn't drag itself out.
All in all, it's a short game, with a tiny bit of replay value, and it's a damn good time. I'd recommend this game to anyone, especially if it's on sale.
1280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 17:05
I'm just sad that the Anal Probe doesn't function like before, so you don't get to hear the hillarious dialogue. And that the ending is a clifhanger, with a lot of potential stuff that I was wondering about the Furons never being expanded on.
736 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 03:05
517 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 19:40
In the far future of the 1960s, aliens want to capture planet Earth and prevent society from turning into what we know it as today.
That's about it for the story really...
The game features a variety of fun gameplay mechanics, weapons, upgrades and customization options. Most of which work well, except for the fucking space ship you get to control oh my fucking god.
As you can see I've played this game for 8 hours, in these 8 hours I finished the entire campaign and most side objectives. 3 hours out of my playtime were only dedicated to the first half of the last mission where you gotta use this shitty clunky spaceship to destroy some dumb ass shit while FPS drops all the time and things explode around you, the point of view you get while using the ship is terrible and the weapons aren't as powerful as you'd expect.
While the game is very fun it is also very short, it includes all of your standards from the PS2 era of games like boss fights, bad checkpoints and more. I honestly can't recommend it for more than $15, but I must compliment the developers of the remaster for adding a lot of new features compared to other recent remasters, like outfits, cut features and even a cut mission.
tupac didn't miss anything by moving to serbia before this came out
-ice cube
503 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 16:24
865 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 02:57
This feels like a sort of blend of the original plus what feels like an early attempt at Path of the Furon's gameplay, which I honestly think works since I liked that game (clearly a lot more than most people did) warts aside
But yeah! I had fun, I liked it a lot, faithful where it counts, updated where it probably should have been. My only real complaint is that the human models are kinda ugly, but Crypto and Pox look fantastic. I wish the humans leaned more into the semi-realistic art style the original games did
1036 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.21 10:50
479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 03:51
1686 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 18:56
10/10 would conquer Earth again
Seriously a great game. Don't drink the Haterade.
40/40 achievements
600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.21 03:06
The Good
- Open world. One can play the story mode and revisit to collect brainstems, explore, laugh at the puny humans, find lost probes, and now there are missions. Lots of replay value!
- Perfect blend of 1950’s humor and science fiction. Some of the dialogue escaped me back in the day but I have a new love for it now that I’m older.
- Lots of a methods to destroy all the puny humans. Many of the old school ways of doing so are available. Although I’m very fond of being boring and just making brains explode.
-The old dialogue, music, and sound effects are still in effect, just remastered for our modern ears.
- Crypto can dash to evade some enemy fire and hover for a little bit, making long travel less tedious. This was a very nice addition to the game!
The Meh
- Challenges are a new feature (if they were in the old game I must’ve forgotten about them) and give you more to do in your free time but many require a perk upgrade or two before you get three star ranking. Rampage, Race, and Abduction can be complete with relative ease but I haven’t even gotten one star in Armageddon yet since I don’t have my saucer upgraded.
- The humans look very cartoony. Like the old game there’s’ only about ten character models for humans and they all look very fake compared to how Crypto got upgraded. Not a biggie, just weird.
- Crypto can transmog everyday items into ammo for his guns, which sounds nice on paper… but it randomly determines the ammo type, making it more likely you’ll get disintegration rounds when you really want more ion grenades. A great idea on paper.
The Bad
- Like early GTA games the enemy will be on alert pretty quickly and hiding only evades patrols for so long. You can go from no alerts to having Majestic patrols around every corner pretty early on in the story mode.
- Until fully upgraded both Crypto and his saucer are pretty susceptible to enemy fire. When the games turns into bullet hell it becomes bit of a pain. I used cheats back in the day but they are absent from the PC version.
- The story mode difficulty only gets harder as it progresses. Once robots start showing I u just remember using cheats just to be able to play the game. Haven’t made it there again yet, but let’s hope fifteen years later I learned a thing or two.
207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 17:48
Another almost 15 years passed and I still enjoy doing it.
Yes, I loved it and still love it.
377 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 14:51
166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 19:54
764 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 07:40
Destroy All Humans!
Destroy All Humans! is a cartoon-style violent massacre game.This is a classic game that was once sold on PS2 and is now remake on Steam.
The content of this game is as simple as the title.As an alien from the Furon Empire, you come to destroy all human beings on the earth and collect their brainstems.
The entire game process is about 6 hours, the process is very cool, very simple, and very brainless.Shooting and making explosions throughout the game.The plot is full of black humor and satire on the United States at the time.Such as imposing the destruction of foreigners on communist bandits, Crypto's various silly jokes and ignorant people at that time.
In short, this game is a relaxing and humorous drama.And it's good and appropriate to relax and vent.Don't look too seriously at the logic and the plot.Just use your various alien weapons to blow up all mankind!
In the end,what I have to say is that the way to increase the difficulty of boss battles is not only disgusting players.That's so bad!
582 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.21 04:07
If I were to make minor criticisms, one is that there were a couple levels that suffered from some jittering, and for some reason on one map in particular it seemed to reset my camera a lot, which was disorienting. That and then there were a couple missions that revolved around stealth, and while stealth is mostly good in this game. there were a couple finicky moments here and there.
Overall though, a really solid, casual, and fun game. Really fun controls and gameplay with some one liner jokes here and there. If you played this way back, this is a really great remake, and if you are new to the game like I was, I would also recommend. Just a good game overall.
55 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 19:11
After many expectations Destroy All Humans! ended up in one and on the PC.
+Humor Fun
+Action Adventure Aliens
Destroy All Humans! is a good and fun game at the same time, you can do what you want to destroy everything or not everything depends on you.
But as the title suggests, everything must be destroyed.
Must Play! FUN GAME 10/10 I recommend buying it at a discount.
33653 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 00:09
944 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.21 23:52
855 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 21:44
You play as Crypto. When his clone goes missing in the late 1940's, you're sent in by Pox to accomplish the mission your clone couldn't. It turns out human brain DNA has a link with the Furon DNA and you have to harvest them to prevent your races extinction all while being hunted by an agency named Majestic.
The story of Destroy All Humans is absolutely brilliant and the writing hasn't aged a day since the original came out in 2005. It's satirical take on the red scare is quite hilarious and most of the jokes are still really funny and quite relevant even today. The game's story is identical to the original game, reusing all of the writing and I really appreciate them keeping all of it the same.
The new coat of paint applied onto Destroy All Humans is absolutely stunning. The original game hasn't aged gracefully in the graphical department, but back then, it looked great for the most part and the best thing was the destruction you could cause in your space ship. That's the first thing I wanted to talk about, because they nailed the destruction in this game. Every time you destroy something and things blow up and causes a chain reaction of fire and death it looks absolutely stunning.
The character models I'm a little bit mixed about. I for one really enjoyed the new looks of the civilian NPC's, they have this really weird almost plasticy look to them and I think it meshes with the new art style very well. The environments themselves are really decent and look distinct from one another and you visit a lot of locations like a dockyard, farmhouses, cities and army bases. Albeit the only real negative is that they are pretty empty for the most part, with not much going on.
The audio for the most part is my biggest gripe with the game. The developers of the game decided against recording new audio for the game and decided to reuse all of the old voice recordings from the original version of the game. While a noble thing to do to keep as much preserved as possible, the dialogue after all the major fixes still sounds incredibly dated.
If the character is not Crypto or Pox, most dialogue has this sort of echo very clearly heard in the background. I wish they recorded new versions and let players decide which one they wanted.
As for the music, it's still very good. I really liked the whole very cliche sci-fi music used in 50's alien media which is what inspired the game in the first place and they absolutely nailed replicating that.
For the most part Destroy All Humans is a third person shooter where each mission your basic goal is to either research something or destroy something. As Crypto you have an entire arsenal of tools of destructions ranging from on foot weapons and different space ship weapons. Stuff like laser beams, anal probes, fire blasts for your on foot weapons and stuff like lasers, atomic blasts and sonic waves for your space ship.
Most of these are incredibly fun to use, but in the end most of the weapons tend to be kind of useless in combat. You will find the few weapons you like the best and use them throughout the entire game. The combat itself is fine, but a bit formulaic, as I said it's a very basic third person shooter, but it works for the most part.
The game runs of a mission structure, after each mission you go back to your ship and pick a new mission to go to. They range from gunning down enemies, destroying something and researching something. While I wish there was more mission variety, I feel like they are mostly fun, but they could get tedious since you're basically doing the same thing over and over again. But one thing I really didn't like was the stealth missions.
In some Stealth missions you have sometimes have to stay hidden long enough while stalking someone or trying to get into some building without getting seen. The jankiness of the original is brought back and it doesn't work well at all. I really hated all the stealth stuff and just wanted to go back to blasting.
After finishing all the missions in each area there's hidden drones and challenges to complete to add more play value, but sadly most of these are not that great and in fact quite poorly designed. These challenges range from so easy, to quite difficult, because of how very strict the time limit is.
Destroy All Humans is a great remake and still is a ton of fun to go through. The writing hasn't aged a day, meanwhile a few of the gameplay mechanics did. If you liked the original series you owe yourself to play this and if you're a newcomer it's a great jumping in point. Welcome back Crypto.
Final Rating:
+ New coat of paint looks awesome
+ Gameplay is as fun as ever
+ Writing stands the test of time
- Stealth segments sucks
- Challenges are poorly designed
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443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 14:31
Destroy All Humans was a surprise hit for me on the PS2 back then. Hilarious humor, great excecution and full with creativity! This PC version is a shining example of how a remake should look like. It's perfectly crafted with lot's of love and attention to detail! The gameplay is 100% intact and got only improved in small areas. The graphics are gorgeous and the game runs buttery smooth on my old RX480 with everything set to ultra.
If you're into some fun open world mayhem, this game comes highly recommended!
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65 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 06:15
They made it so you cannot perform any game acts, particularly telekinesis, while disguised. This despite the gameplay of the original game demanding this capacity all of the time.
There is no excuse for this.
Disguised TK was the default majority player experience for this game. Even if the game could be salvaged w/o it, that would be a reinvention and not being true to its form.
This remake is Glover without rolling, Mario without jumping, and Banjo without transformations.
Only people who don't know what's worth liking about this game would profess liking it in its current state.
I have never been more insulted by subversive dev practices.
1421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 02:40
243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 17:28
449 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 06:00
If you enjoyed this game before you'll love the remake, and if you are new to Destroy All Humans than this game is something you should grab!!
It's amazing that they built this from the ground up and avoided some of the mistakes a lot of remakes have made in recent years!!
If you aren't sold on getting this game yet check out my vid here!!
537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 07:48
Alright Crypto, DESTROY! ALL! HUMANS!
The PS2/OG Xbox era was a very interesting one, games pursued different objectives and due to the technical limitations of the hardware most of the games weren’t very deep in terms of visual fidelity nor gameplay but they could be fun as heck, Destroy All Humans is proof of this way of making things and the perfect example of the AA scene back in early-mid 2000’s.
Released in 2005, Destroy All Humans was a game that capitalized the B-series feeling of the sci-fi films of the 50’s and 60’s letting you play as the Alien that just came to earth with a very simple mission and a shallow story, it was effective and the game sold very well under the THQ standards so the saga continued until 2008 with 3 more entries, then it just stopped, put on the freezer due to loose of interest and the financial problems of THQ but it’s 2020 and everything is possible this year, so here we are, with the review of the Destroy All Humans remake, question is, will it hold up to the original? Let’s find out.
The Story is exactly the same as the original, during the early 50’s an incident involving a Furon ship happens and the mothership gets a distress signal so Orthopox, a Furon scientist creates a clone of Crypto-136, our main character, Crypto-137, with a very simple mission. As the Furon clones themselves over and over again their DNA is deteriorating at a very quick rate so they sent Crypto-136 to recover some samples of pure Furon DNA they left on Earth a long time ago before he was shot down, the mission? Complete Crypto-136’s mission and find out what happened by all means.
This is a 1:1 remake of the original in all the possible ways but enhanced and modernized to make it look more stylish but embracing the same feeling of the original by keeping the same jokes, the same references and, if anything, adding a few more that work perfectly fine, still feels like the old game, something from that era that you don’t see that often nowadays which is really great because that means they took care of the original content.
There’s not that much to add for the story part, it is very simple and the remake did a really great job conserving both the plot line and the sense of humor so I think it’s a good moment to jump into the technical aspects of this remake.
The game is done in Unreal Engine 4 so visually it feels familiar but the results are really great, they opted for a more cartoony approach of both characters and locations which I think it’s a good choice given that the game itself wants to be a B-serie product in a good way, instead of a realistic focus like the original did due to the limitations and perhaps a different approach, here we find more stereotypical assets.
The maps also feel familiar but different, it got such an enhancement that while the structure is very similar and the locations are more or less (with huge changes, tho) the same, every map feels familiar if you played the original back in the day.
Roswell, Santa Modesta, Area 42, they look better than ever thanks to the modern technology, they are still self-condensed and individual areas, nothing has changed in that matter, however, they feel more alive and more stylized, the foliage, the mid-50’s architectonic style, everything is very well represented here, it would be sad to see someone ruining it, right? Well, not really because our mission is to destroy everything and let’s just say the weapons feel way cooler than before.
As the remake is done in unreal engine something to expect is a good number of flashy effects and this game is full of it, Furon weapons are energy based so when you start the chaos is something quite amazing in terms of visuals, sparks here, fire there, explosions everywhere, they are the same guns as in the original so don’t expect any addition however the number of destructive tools is more than enough to destroy everything and turn human structures into ashes.
What about the sound? I’m not entirely sure but I think they used the original audio clips for the dialogs? As the structure of the game is the same and the missions are the same too, I can’t confirm this point at 100% but I would say they are the same but cleaned and enhanced for this release, same goes for some of the other sound effects, however, weapons definitively sound different to the original.
Gameplay is what you could expect from a TPG, game is about killing and disguising so you will have complete control over your powers and your movements in the open field, Furon technology is basically a temp. Jetpack and an energy skateboard which makes the traversal process entertaining and once you “master” it, you will use it every time.
Powers are also something to keep in mind, the more you upgrade your character (yes, the game has an upgrade system just like the original) you will become more powerful and the gameplay loop will become more entertaining and the same happens with your gear, remember to collect all the DNA possible to upgrade yourself to the max. Capacity because you will enjoy the game more.
Be careful tho, using all your powers and firepower at the same time while impressive it could potentially cause a dip in performance, yes, it’s time to talk about performance and let me tell you it runs smooth as butter, however, when there are a lot of things in place such as explosions, brains coming out of the heads and soldiers shooting at you up to the point in which you can’t see what’s going on, in that moment the performance will go down even with a buffy machine, nothing worrying tho, it goes from 70-80 to 60-50, it’s something noticeable but nothing worrying, you will be able to run the game for sure, it’s relatively simple and not extremely demanding.
And I think that was it, I think this is a perfect remake for a silly game from mid 2000’s that gave me tons of fun hours and great memories back in the day and this remake did exactly that, it gave me hours of pure and silly fun, to be honest I was quite impressed by the job they did with this remake, they sure took good care of it, so, I absolutely recommend this game in case you want to spend a few hours with a silly experience to have fun or if you played the original and wants to re-experience this adventure then you won’t feel disappointed.
In conclusion, Black Forest did an amazing job with this remake and I sure hope to see more things from them in the future.
572 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 21:43
Honestly the only gripes I had with this game were:
1) Didn't really care for any of the weapons outside of ones you start with. The zap gun and the saucers lazer beam own and I usually got frustrated with the other weapons (even after upgrading them completely)
2) This game sounds really bad. You don't notice it really in the game, but a lot of the cutscenes sound like they were ripped straight from the ps2 game, and a few times the music in the cutscenes was inexplicably louder than the voices which was pretty frustrating. The game looks amazing but I wish they put the same amount of care into the audio (could just be they couldn't do much with the source audio. who knows)
outside of that, this game fuckin' owns you should play it.
489 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 23:01
Abbreviated Reviews: https://youtu.be/sm6mVh02Nk8
Making the Remake
Destroy All Humans looks as solid as you could expect from a remake/remaster. It doesn’t necessarily look amazing, but the improvements in textures, lighting, shadows, and resolution are obvious side by side. There’s always a limit of how far you can go with remaking a game before you’re just making a whole new game (see Final Fantasy 7). While I’m sure some areas could have been better, what has been done is impressive given the source material.
While the graphics shine, it’s hard to find as much appreciation for any improvements made to the voice work or gameplay overall. It’s too much to expect re-recording the main voice lines, but there are parts where they’re noticeably crunchy sounding and it can be a little annoying. The AI for enemies isn’t anything spectacular here either. Everyone will beeline toward you shooting whatever weapons they hold and unarmed people will do the same in the opposite direction. The predictability of the experience limits the challenge up to the point where the only time I’d die is doing something ridiculous, at least for most of the game.
Abducting the Fun
Destroy All Humans is best when you’re blasting through waves of enemies, especially in the latter half of the game when more join the fight. The “power fantasy” genre was at its peak around this time. Games where you mow down your opponents by the dozens were the standard and this game delivered that. While you only have four main weapons, they provide distinct mechanics and each has its uses. In addition to those, your psychic powers come in handy just as much if not more than the guns. Crypto’s telekinetic throw is what I used more than anything just to get people out of the way.
The saucer portions of the game, while fairly limited, are even more fun from that perspective. Torching tanks with the death ray or blasting down buildings with the sonic boom was always fun. I always wanted more of it, but it was generally the final mission in the series for each of the zones, and there are only around five or six of those across the 23 missions. These saucer missions usually don’t require much outside of blowing things up though, so maybe they didn’t want to spread that too thin.
Things get a little less enjoyable in Destroy All Humans when you’re doing the stealth portions. These require you to take the form of a human and sneak into areas to collect information, items, or sometimes people. They can have their moments, but the missions feel thoroughly one dimensional as you simply dodge things that can detect you and pointlessly refresh your disguise. The interactivity is limited and the frustration the main character shares with not being able to destroy things is exactly what the player is feeling.
Don’t Hesitate to Disintegrate
There are parts of Destroy All Humans that rise above and fall below the typical missions. For instance, out of nowhere, there may be a multiple-choice dialogue section. These can be mildly funny but are as dated as the rest of the dialogue. Then there will be escort and follow missions and we all know how messed up those can be. In 2005, they were still pretty common, and mediocre AI didn’t help that at all. On the other hand, defense missions presented the solid combat mechanics with some new goals that made them even better. It could be a mixed bag at times.
There were also some more fundamental issues like failing missions due to venturing a bit too far out of the designated play area. I feel like that’s a relic of gaming that you rarely see these days. However, by far the biggest issue I had with the game is the ridiculous spike in difficulty for the final mission and boss fights. It’s several times harder than anything before it. Unless you made some good choices with upgrades, it almost requires you to go back to play the challenge missions to gain bonus DNA. Luckily, most of these can be pretty fun and even provide unique gameplay like the abduction missions.
Overall, Destroy All Humans is a reasonably fun time if you can tolerate the issues common for games of that era. For me, it was a step back in time. For some, it might be an era they’d like to forget. The majority of the game felt well designed and, while dated, some of the comedy still lands. I just cannot figure out why they felt the need to have that final mission be so devastating. Regardless, if you can get it cheap enough, it’s worth giving a shot.
If you'd like to see more of my reviews, check out my curator page here: http://store.steampowered.com/curator/28346672-Endyo-Gaming/" target="_blank">Endyo Gaming, https://store.steampowered.com/curator/38271367/" target="_blank">Abbreviated Reviews, and online at BagoGames
152 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 13:56
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119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.20 22:28
444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.20 06:05
438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.20 22:20
I wish there would have been more saucer missions and maybe a few less missions requiring stealth but it was alright. I was unfortunately not able to finish the game because the boss fights towards the end were too hard for an old horse like me. I have no patience anymore for boss fights that don't save after a stage but that force you start over from scratch. Guess I've been spoiled into a whimp by modern games ;) .
Anyway, great little game. Short and sweet (seven hours for me minus a couple boss fights since I quit on Armquist). No technical issues worth mentioning. Zero crashes. Thanks to Black Forest Games for bringing back a classic that I missed back in the day. Und viele Grüße an Adrian Goersch von BFG von einem regelmäßigen DevPlay Zuschauer! :)
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336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.20 20:28
796 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.20 13:35
If you loved the original you'll love this. The game is moderately the same as the game that it is remade from however with a fresh lick of paint, some changes here and there and a lot more fluidity.
The game feels very much like a mix of Destroy All Humans 1 & 2 with elements taken from both and the game accurately captures everything that was the original minus the shift in art direction.
Here's hoping we get a Destroy All Humans 2 remake with some of the minor bugs and changes adjusted (Stealth has been changed for better and worse but combat is 10/10)
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