OK! It's been QUITE AWHILE since the last update. But here we are with the latest and greatest build for all DT fans to enjoy.
* FIXED SCORE BUGS! So EXTREME high scorers may have noticed inaccurate scores, or even scores going backwards?! We made sure all calculations are done with longs now so this should never happen. We've blasted the game with some pretty absurd scores and impossibly high multipliers and not seen any problems.
* VIBRATION If you go into the EXPERIMENTAL panel, you can toggle on vibration. It's under experimental because we can't really guarantee it's great on all controllers, but for most of the ones we tested it's cool. (Also, there's not a lot of room in options to put it elsewhere!)
* STEAM DECK SUPPORT We're not verified quite yet, but I think this update should address the minor glitches Valve found when attempting to get Steam Deck verified.
* INTERFACE FIXES Fixed a bunch of small interface problems such as the score not being accurate in the ESC menu as well as some obscure GUI focus problems.
* AND MORE! Last minute, we fixed the camera lock setting being reset on restart that one of our eagle eyed users found today.
We have more polish and fixes on the way. Stay tuned for the next update!