Gray mage
The disciples of the Lowangen School of Transformation study healing magic and transmutation. They are members of the Great Gray Guild of the Mind and try to live according to the peaceful elvish worldview taught in the school.
The education of the gray mages of Lowangen is viewed as conventional and down-to-earth, and as such, they enjoy good reputations in the world of magic and have the respect of all the guilds

Knights enjoy great respect in many provinces of the Middenrealm as well as in Bornland and the warring kingdoms of Nostria and Andergast.
Some people view the knightly ways of combat as antiquated; nevertheless, they are formidable opponents.
Knights learn the art of fighting as squires in service to older knights.

Mercenaries fight for whoever pays the most. They are often viewed as disreputable, since they seemingly follow no rules. Many have bad reputations as corrupt sell-swords.
Mercenaries and other soldiers are trained in the use of different weapons, depending on the type of unit to which they belong.
Skirmishers wear only light armor and use
swords, hatchets, or maces, whereas some units of heavy infantry use two-handed
weapons (indeed, the famed troops known as Andergasters derive their name from a
type of two-handed sword). Archers normally provide support for the close-combat
fighters in their units, but nevertheless occasionally join the melee.

Rogues are the kings of crime. They are at once thief, burglar, charmer, and rake. The city’s alleys are their home and nobody knows their neighborhoods better than rogues.
While a rogue’s source of income is not always obvious, it is easy to see how cat burglars earn their living. These second-story people seek the strongboxes and valuables of the wealthy and break into their homes with ease.

White mage
The white mages are known as excellent battlemages who protect themselves with sword and staff. They are staunch defenders of the Middenrealm and selflessly join the Empress’ army in times of war.
Their education is tough, stern, and austere.
The mages of Gareth are said to love truth and avoid deceptions, viewing falsehoods as displeasing to the gods.
Unlike other mages, they do not enjoy research (being magical warriors), and try to stick to the basics. Their book collections are usually smaller than those of other mages and include mostly works about their specialty: combat.