Thank you for your all your support. This event has now concluded.

Dear Constructor Fans,
As a certain foreman once said, all good things must come to an end eventually. Of course, that was shortly before he gave his demolition plunger the ol’ plunge, as it were, and sent the Major’s house tumbling down into rubble and ruin.
Therefore we thought it only right let you know in advance that next Friday the loyalty bundle pack will be ending. As many of you may recall, the loyalty bundle was our way of giving existing owners of Constructor HD, a way to purchase Constructor Plus at a reduced price. In short, it was our way of thanking our loyal fans for their ongoing support. Originally we said this bundle would only run for one month, but we decided to give fans additional time to make the decision and hence it has been live since the release of Constructor Plus back in May.
As we move forward with our plans for Constructor Plus we have evaluated the necessity of the bundle and believe that previous owners who wanted to upgrade to Constructor Plus have long since done so. Therefore, we have decided to discontinue the bundle. Of course, we understand that there may be fans who originally never received the news, and we wouldn’t want them to miss out. Therefore, we are extending the offer for one final week until next Friday.
If you've not already heard the word and don't know where to go, we've included a handy link direct to the bundle down below. Please note that this bundle is only for existing owners of Constructor HD who have not yet purchased Constructor Plus.
We would like to extend our greatest thanks to the fans who have continued to support our work and we wish you a happy weekend.
-System 3