Constructor Plus
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Über das Spiel

Constructor Plus ist der definitive Bausimulator für den modernen Tycoon. Mit über 147 wunderschön gestalteten Gebäuden, aus denen du wählen kannst (und das sind 93 mehr als in den Versionen zuvor), satten 65 vorgebauten Stadtszenarien mit verschiedenen Gameplay-Zielen, Story-Missionen, die dein Denkvermögen auf die Probe stellen und der Chance, sich in ländliche Gegenden oder gar bis zum Mond auszubreiten, ist dies eine riesige und innovative Spiellandschaft, die die Grenzen der Vorstellungskraft sprengt. Dann noch der neue und stark verbesserte klassische Modus für die Traditionalisten sowie einen aufgefrischter intuitiver Aufbauprozess – und schon kannst du die Stadt deiner Träume in kürzester Zeit errichten.
Das ist deine Welt ... jetzt mache sie dir zu Nutze!
Beginne das Spiel als bescheidener Bauträger mit absolut nichts und arbeite dich zum Immobilienmagnaten hoch, bei dem alles, was du baust, Geld einbringt. Finanzen und gutes Management sind das A und O. Ob du nach den Regeln spielst oder dich in krumme Geschäfte verwickelst, liegt ganz an dir. So oder so: je mehr du besitzt, desto mehr wollen es dir die anderen wegschnappen. Scharfsinn, Reichtum und Weisheit reichen weit in einem Spiel, in dem es genauso wichtig ist, sich ein dickes Fell zuzulegen, wie sich ein wachsendes Imperium aufzubauen!
Nutze deine unternehmerischen Fähigkeiten, um einfache Holzhütten in pompöse Villen, protzige Kasinos und atemberaubende Hochhäuser zu verwandeln. Bei all den Gebäuden, aus denen du wählen kannst, kannst du deine Stadt wahrhaft einzigartig und äußerst begehrenswert gestalten – somit ziehst du Mieter an und treibst dein Geschäft voran. Deine Stadt mit großen Kommissionen und wunderschönen Monumenten anzureichern, ist ein gerissener Schachzug, denn die örtlichen Bewohner werden die Frischluft zu schätzen wissen und dir zur "Unterstützung" großzügig Klein- und Essensgeld stiften.
Deine Stadt ist dein Profit und das solltest du auch so beibehalten – egal, welche Mitteln dazu auch nötig sind. Von zwielichtigen Vermietern und schlechten Mietern bis hin zu tiefenentspannten Hippies und aufgebrachten Schlägertypen – es gibt so einiges, um das du dich kümmern musst. Vielleicht möchtest du ja die Mafia und all die damit einhergehenden unerwünschten Typen rufen, um Gegner auszubremsen, die dich aus der Stadt vertreiben und dein hart verdientes Geld an sich reißen wollen. Mutantenkakerlaken und ansässige Killer können sich hier als nützliche Verbündete erweisen!
Dennoch hast du Verantwortung für deine Arbeit zu übernehmen, und abhängig von den Zielen, die du dir gesetzt hast (oder die dir zugeteilt wurden!), musst du sicherstellen, dass deine Stadt diese Anforderungen erfüllt. Solltest du nämlich letzten Endes deine Stadt in den Ruin treiben, werden sich die Wohnungsbehörden einschalten und dich einfach rausschmeißen.
Constructor Plus – Leg dir ein dickes Fell und ein wachsendes Imperium zu!
- CPU: Dual Core 2.4GHz
- GFX: DirectX 9 Compatible - Nvidia Geforce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1600 or faster with Shader Model 3 and 256 MB VRAM
- Software: Windows 7, 8, 10
- HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 9.0
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- Peripherie:
- MISC: Hardhat recommended, but not necessary.
- LANG: Englisch
- CPU: Quad Core CPU or Dual Core CPU (Intel Core 2.8 GHz, AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+ or faster)
- GFX: DirectX 9 Compatible - Nvidia Geforce 8800GT / ATI Radeon 4850 or faster with Shader Model 3 and 512 MB VRAM
- Software: Windows 7, 8, 10
- HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 9.0
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- Peripherie:
- MISC: Hardhat recommended, but not necessary.
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.19 21:28
Eine eindeutige Kaufempfehlung von jemandem, der das Original bereits zu seinem Release gespielt hat.
813 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.19 18:42
98 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.19 18:05
CONSTRUCTOR PLUS I First Look ???? Bau-Simulator I Preview Constructor Plus
1599 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.21 10:58
4066 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.21 22:22
This is exactly what I wanted to see from a new Constructor game.
As someone who has played and is a fan of the 90's version and the game Street wars I would say that it exceeded my expectations.
It contains exactly all the aspects of the old game including it's wacky and cartoony charm.
Not straying one bit from the rules and gameplay dynamics we expected from the old version.
Moreover, greatly expanded to be a huge game, using established mechanisms to create new interactions, with a much more involved campaign and story.
Would recommend 10/10.
825 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 12:22
The game offers different modes for different kinds of players. There is a custom game mode, where everyone starts in same conditions and have achieve selected goal to win. There are missions, in which you are put in a unique situations and have to complete a set of objectives one after another to reach victory. Finally there's an almost infinite building mode, which can serve as a great tutorial.
The presentation is quite good, the game has a unique style, that will look great even 10 years from now. Just look at the original Constructor game. The only complaint I have, that tall houses and trees can block you from seeing what's behind them, it would have been great if you can somehow flip the view angle or make them transparent. The background music is good, it doesn't get down on your nerves and some of the tracks are very memorable.
+ Addictive gameplay
+ A lot of depth, easy to learn, hard to master
+ Interesting missions, which require some thinking
+ Funny character models and sounds
- Very boring tutorial (like in the mobile games, click on the highlighted icon, no freedom)
- Some of the mission objectives are unclear (would be great to have some tips when hovering over objective)
- Isometric perspective causes stuff to block your view
As you can see the flaws, I've outlined are all minor, the game's great and it's hard to find bad things to say about it. If you feel like it's your cup of tea, then go for it, you'll definitely enjoy it.
1259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 15:16
Original Constructor was the first city builder I played way back when and the art and humor instantly got me. With all the quality of life changes, new buildings and missions it's still fun as hell today. Feel like I robbed the devs for not buying this sooner.
1660 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 10:37
Nicht Empfohlen
1652 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 03:47
23337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 16:20
Nicht Empfohlen
3915 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 16:15
- Every Mission has a time limit. Sometimes without telling you.
- Fun is not allowed because you have to do everything as you are told or the missions won't go on to the next step.
I was kicked out of every mission, because i wanted to take my time rather that to hurry.
(each time at a level where i dominated the map or had a nice system)
Invisible Walls which won't let you destroy or take over buildings so the mission has to be done as pre-programmed.
So the Game has nice graphics compared to the old versions, and of course they had to add something to ... this nice game .. .
Well have fun with this .... arcade ....... i recommend ANNO for a real strategy game without time limit.
.... ... who ever decided that time ....... .
1477 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 18:54
Nicht Empfohlen
3647 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.20 01:26
Anyway, what's the difference here? First of all, System 3 decided to re-create the intro movie. I mean, sure, the one from the previous version of the game felt quite bad and I did complain about it in my review. Just because the original funny design from 1997 game was replaced with the unpleasant something that felt more sad than funny. So, changing the intro kind of made sense, but honestly, it wasn't the biggest problem about the remake. I mean, come on, System 3! You had so many things to fix and you wasted your time on the freakin' movie? The funniest thing, though, is that... it became even worse. The intro in the “plus” version feels even more sad and even less funny. BOOM! Mic drop.
Design in the game itself was also changed. Because it's not like there were bigger problems, right? RIGHT? And again, the new design doesn't feel any better. Instead of feeling plain sad, the game started to feel... like a shovelware crap from mobiles. Screwing up the design is one thing. But screwing it up for the two times in a row? Seriously, System 3, what's wrong with you, guys?!
But enough about design. You've got the idea. Constructor Plus looks like crap and it feels like crap. But maybe, just maybe it plays good? We-e-ell... no. Just no. First of all, majority of the changes here feel more like an update. Like something that everybody else add for free with time. I mean... that's how things work nowadays. You've made a f***d up game, you fix it through the updates. It's not a freakin' Stone Age anymore. Y'know? And what really does feel like a proper expansion? Well... you've guessed it. It screws things up even more.
Instead of working on quality by polishing the gameplay, System 3 aimed for quantity. Instead of making the UI more friendly to make it easier for us to understand which building does what and what it'll become after the upgrade, System 3 just... added tons of the new structures. I mean... WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!! The amount of structures was never a problem in the original Constructor! And remake already added more! The problems with structures were that there was not enough balance and it was also pretty hard to remember the “evolution tree” without having quick reference card at you. Just because of the very lacking UI. And what does the updated remake do? It adds tons of the new buildings without even trying to make your life any easier. *sigh* Poor, poor us...
There's also a good thing, though. That thing is – there are many new missions now. The missions that feel more like mini-campaigns. You know, like a bunch of mini versions of Mob Rule. That I totally liked. I mean, lack of the proper campaign was the worst thing about the original 1997 campaign and that was one of the reasons why I always preferred the sequel. The problem is – instead of just adding a proper new campaign, System 3... replaced the original “freeplay” mode with it. The original goals from the original 1997 games are still there (you know, the stuff like making a certain amount of money in a time limit), but... it's locked behind tons of the other missions. That's right. They've locked the original freeplay goals behind tons of the new missions. The missions that won't go easy on you and will feel even more rough than in Mob Rule from time to time. You want to play the original Constructor with the original goals? You should suffer through a lot of missions first. Because screw you.
So.............. yeah. Everything that was able to go wrong, did exactly that. Asking $19.99 / £19.49 for an updated version of the failed remake (originally, there was a discount for those who already paid for the original, but, well, it's no more)? It feels bad. But after you'll see that Constructor Plus is not that better? It's hard not to feel insulted. Sure, technically, this version is bigger. But does it make it feel any better? No, sir. Constructor Plus is still sad, unpolished and very limited experience that can't please neither old fans, who loved the original 1997 game, nor new players who never played it and just wanted to know what the fuss was all about. I'm not completely against the idea of remaking old games for the new audience, but this? This is just forced and painlessly needless release. Dixi.
1996 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.20 19:57
2700 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.19 04:21
Feels very much like a pausable RTS. Has characters with special abilities which are used strategically to gain territory and resources, such as the thief and the hippie. The mob is used as your general army. Base-building in a sense, with special buildings. Some micro-management. Tons of content. Worth it.
646 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.19 07:21
Constructor was a game released in 1997. If you're a 90's kid, you might very well have come upon the original Constructor. To say that the game was original, ambitious, and while flawed in many aspects, the game was most definitely ahead of it's time. It was hard as bricks, unforgiving, while carrying such a an odd brand of humor and look, with a crap ton of heart poured into it
Roll forward to some 2014-2015ish, and there started being rumors of a Constructor remake in the works. At first, I didn't really personally believe them, because the original game was very much a niché, and the tidbits of information around the net were rather vague, and showed rather lackluster promotional art at the time, which could just be a hoax or, at the very least, nothing but concept art.
Then out of the blue, completely really, in 2017, Constructor HD landed...And it was bad. It was a very rushed game, or at least it felt like it. It was the old constructor, but literally just with a new coat of paint. However, between various issues, it kind of landed in a situation where, as nice as the new graphics were, it was one of those remakes that just didn't land on it's feet and pay proper respect to the source material, the original game from 1997
Well, this is where the thumbs up comes in. 2 Years later, 2019, year of this review, Constructor PLUS was released. THIS is the ACTUAL release of Constructor, and it doesn't just do the original game justice, it IMPROVES upon it. Many of the shortcomings of the original, as well as downright bugs have been completely fixed, not to mention an array of new features, missions and the like.
I can't overstate how impressed I am with System 3. While it is a shame that the game released so poorly in 2017, they clearly worked and polished with big time elbow grease in order to get the game to the state that it is in now with it's re-release, and it's oh, oh so goddamn good.
System 3, thank you. This is an old, somewhat hidden gem, and having it be remade like this brings warmth to the heart. You might have stumbled with the initial release, but this one is the real deal, and you deserve a lot of applause for staying with it, and not abandoning ship.
EDIT: Nominated Constructor PLUS for the Innovative Game of the Year reward. Technically, it's a game from 1997, but it's refurnished for a new age, and they've innovated along the way.
175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.19 15:22
I love how the colors are vivid on this game and the graphics evocative of the late 90s era of RTS but still able to inspire a modern look. I also love the how the shortcut keys are defined for this game. It's on a modern layout with consideration on how gamers would actually use their keyboard.
Also there's a lot of levels to play, I especially like the fact that there are space themed maps like Moon, Mars, Uranus.
Overall this game in terms of a city building genre is very intuitive, fun, colorful and relaxing. It's not overly complex like Cities Skylines; it's simple and it just work with great attention to little details (like being able to upgrade the house, the tenants, etc.).
Also there's a CONSTRUCTOR PLUS LOYALTY DISCOUNT bundle. I used that bundle to save a big amount of $ since I have the remastered Constructor back from 2017!
Thank you very much System 3 for bringing this beautiful game series to the modern age!
System 3
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