News Liste Commander: The Great War

Preliminary Beta Patch 1.6.0 Changelog notes
Commander: The Great War
12.10.14 07:28 Community Announcements
Preliminary Beta patch 1.6.0 Patch Changelog notes:

New Technical:

- UNDO for move and swap!
- Various reported bug fixes.

Gameplay changes / balancing:

- Free Upkeep allowance is now zero,which means you now pay for each and
every unit on the map.

- Country PPs increased to offset the effects of the Free Upkeep allowance change.

- All Nations Man Power has been reduced, to a scale appropriate to
historic national forces levels per Country.

- Disband PP & MP returns have been altered,so that you now receive the
correct values.

- If a Capital city is captured a substantial national morale penalty
will be applied. (NOW A WAR CHANGING EVENT)

- Production & Research now shows time up to 50 turns.Allowing the a
player to keep track more easily off what new Tech will be available
in the future.

- Research Lab Upkeep cost reduced.

- Britain's starting land forces reduced to historical level.

- Britain now has a larger navy,twice the size of Germany for example. (RULE BRITANNIA )

- German navy now has research advantage,meaning her ships are
stronger,than any other fleet including Britain.

- The loss of a battlefleet in combat morale penalty has been

- Battleships have now been renamed DREADNOUGHTS!

- Dreadnought production cost reduced from 120 to 80 PPs.

- Pre-Dreadnought & Armoured Cruisers added to unit types,these can't be
upgraded or purchased.

- Cruisers have been renamed LIGHT Cruisers!

- NAVAL AI has been enhanced,making it more of a challenge.

- All air units have been toned down,as to there effectiveness,this is
World War One after all.

- Garrison,Infantry,Cavalry & Artillery now all benefit from Anti-Air
research upgrade.

- Garrison & Infantry benefit from Entrenchment upgrade.

- Additional historical event messages,and City Captured event
messages,are now in game.

- Various Commander entry dates fixed.

- Various other stability and fixes.