• Commander: The Great War: Erstes Bildmaterial aus dem Strategiettitel
  • Commander: The Great War: Erstes Bildmaterial aus dem Strategiettitel
  • Commander: The Great War: Erstes Bildmaterial aus dem Strategiettitel
  • Commander: The Great War: Erstes Bildmaterial aus dem Strategiettitel
  • Commander: The Great War: Erstes Bildmaterial aus dem Strategiettitel
  • Commander: The Great War: Erstes Bildmaterial aus dem Strategiettitel
  • Commander: The Great War: Erstes Bildmaterial aus dem Strategiettitel
  • Commander: The Great War: Erstes Bildmaterial aus dem Strategiettitel
  • Commander: The Great War: Erstes Bildmaterial aus dem Strategiettitel
  • Commander: The Great War: Erstes Bildmaterial aus dem Strategiettitel


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 22.02.2013
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Preis Update 07.09.23

Über das Spiel

Take Command and Secure Victory in the Great War!
At the heart of the conflict, when men fought for every inch of land, only visionary leaders could make the choices that would lead their troops to victory. The remarkable sequence of events that inexorably led to the 'Great War' is written in our history books and pictured in our movies. Now a new turn-based strategy game captures this time of war with unprecedented realism, playability and accuracy. Developed by The Lordz Games Studio, Commander - The Great War is the latest release in the popular Commander series to bring the thrill, excitement and challenging decision-making of these difficult times to life. Gamers can enjoy a huge hex based campaign map that stretches from the USA in the west, Africa and Arabia to the south, Scandinavia to the north and the Urals to the east on a new engine that is more efficient and fully supports widescreen resolutions.

Commander – The Great War features a Grand Campaign covering the whole war from the invasion of Belgium on August 5, 1914 to the Armistice on the 11th of November 1918 in addition to 16 different unit types including Infantry, Cavalry, Armoured Cars and Tanks, Artillery, Railroad Guns and Armoured Trains and more!

For generals looking to test their mettle against other players, Slitherine’s revolutionary play by e-mail system will also bring a whole new level of excitement in Multiplayer battles while simultaneously offering near limitless replayability!

The game is now also available on iPad! The iOS version packs the same great gameplay and allows you to challenge PC owners in cross-platform multiplayer!

  • A huge hex-based campaign map that stretches from the USA in the west, Africa and Arabia to the south, Scandinavia to the north and the Urals to the east.
  • 5 Grand Campaigns, each starting in a different year of the war, at the start of a historical offensive: 1914 The Great War, 1915 Ypres Artois, 1916 The Battle of Verdun, 1917 The Nivelle Offensive and 1918 The Kaiserschlacht.
  • Over 40 unique historical and what-if events triggered by conditions on the campaign-map.
  • 18 different unit types including Infantry, Cavalry, Armoured Cars and Tanks, Artillery, Railroad Guns and Armoured Trains, Cruisers, Submarines and Battleships, Fighters, Bombers and Airships. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, based on their historical performance in the various theatres throughout the war.
  • Attach historical Commanders to your units. Each has their own specific strengths, so decide wisely which Commander is most suited to which front. Three types of Commanders are available: Generals for ground units, Admirals at sea and flying Aces to strengthen your air units.
  • Invest in research and technology to improve your units. Aircraft evolve from fragile tools of aerial observation to deadly ground and air attack planes. Artillery barrages become ever more accurate and powerful. Or focus on Armour technology and unleash a dreadful new weapon on the battlefield: the Tank.
  • Detailed and realistic combat that models supply, morale, terrain, leadership, equipment, training and fog of war.
  • Multiplayer via Slitherines revolutionary PBEM++ server system.
  • Easy to learn, hard to master game play.
  • An all new engine, supporting any display resolution from 1024x600 upwards and includes full wide screen support.
  • Extreme moddability using the Lua scripting language, allowing players to alter many aspects of gameplay including combat, research, unit statistics, terrain effects and many more


  • CPU: Pentium 4
  • GFX: Graphics: With OpenGL 1.3 support (GeForce FX / Radeon R300)
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

50 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2086 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.20 21:22
Von der Anlage her ein richtig gutes Spiel, welches das Geschehen des ersten Weltkrieges gut abbildet. Leider gibt die alliierte KI in jedem Spiel die Front in Frankreich auf um ihre Einheiten nach Italien zu verlegen, also ein absoluter Stimmungskiller. Schade Schade Schade...
470 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
6533 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.19 21:16
Commander: The Great War ist eine Mischung aus Hearts of Iron und Panzer Corps.

Nicht so vielschichtig wie HoI, was den Einstieg deutlich erleichtert und anders als bei Panzer Corps kommt es nicht nur auf die optimale Einheiten-Kombination an, sondern man muss auch strategisch planen.

Die Auswahl an Truppen-Typen ist gering. Panzer gab es bei mir, trotz fokussierter Forschung erst Mitte/Ende 1917. Kommt der Realität schon recht nahe.
Desweiten gibt es Kriegshelden, welche man Truppen zuordnen kann, gescripte Ereignisse, die sich hauptsächlich auf die Wirtschaft auswirken und Events nach Siegen bzw. Verlusten.

Anfangs war ich zu ungeduldig.
Doch dann kapierte ich so allmählich den Gedanken hinter dem Spiel.
Der Erste Weltkrieg war ein Abnutzungs-Krieg. Und dies setzt „Commander: The Great War“ sehr gut um.
Es geht nicht nur um Truppenstärke. Es geht auch darum sie unterhalten zu können.
Was nützen einem Artillerie-Einheiten, wenn man nicht genug Produktionskapazitäten hat um die Geschütze mit ausreichend Munition zu versorgen.

1914 sind alle noch ganz gut ausgestattet. Doch im Laufe des Krieges geht so manche Wirtschaft, wegen Verlust von Städten oder einer nicht mehr bezahlbaren Armee in die Knie und dann stockt der Nachschub an Mann und Material.
Besagte Geschütze sind sehr wirkungsvoll, doch muss man, je nach Potenz, mehrerer Runden Munition zusammen sparen um dann mit drei Geschützeinheiten eine Artillerie-Offensive auf die endlos langen Schützengräben zu beginnen.
Und genau. Es ist kein Bewegungsspiel. Es ist mit zunehmender Dauer des Spiels ein Stellungskampf; wie im echten 1. Weltkrieg. Bis die Sache irgendwann wegen der besseren Wirtschaftslage kippt.

Die Taktik besteht darin, den Gegner mürbe zu machen. Verluste verursachen und eigen Verluste kompensieren, bis der andere nicht mehr so gut auffrischen kann oder er weniger Geld für Forschung ausgeben kann, was seine Truppen nicht mehr so effektiv macht.
Dies ist ähnlich Hearts of Iron, aber nicht ganz so langatmig.

Ich habe 50 Stunden auf Seiten der Entent (Frankreich, England, Russland) gespielt bis zum Ultimativen Sieg; also sämtliche gegnerischen Truppen vernichtet.

Am 25. Mai 1916 hatte ich, nach einem, selbst für mich, überraschenden Durchbruch, Berlin erobert.
Das Kaiserreich hatte sich mit dem zwei Fronten-Krieg wohl übernommen und im Hinterland nur wenige Garnisonen positioniert. Bis die Truppen von den anderen Kriegsschauplätzen herbeigeführt wurden, war es bereits zu spät. Dennoch gab es noch ein Jahr lang erbitterte Gefechte in Süddeutschland, den Dolomiten und Ostpreußen.
Am 24 Mai 1917 waren dann auch die letzten osmanischen Truppen im hintersten Winkel der Karte besiegt.

Wenn man sich auf die gemäßigte Langzeit-Auslegung des Spiels einlässt und die Forschung und Verwaltung ernst nimmt (upgraden der Truppen nicht vergessen!) dann wird es von anfänglich, „was ist denn das für ein billiger Weltkriegs-Strategie-Abklatsch“ zu einem wirklich spannenden dynamischen Spiel.

Mir hat's gefallen.
224 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.18 08:40
Sehr schöne Rundenstrategie. Immer wieder eine Runde wert.
465 Produkte im Account
157 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2866 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.14 15:30
Das Spiel sieht erstmal so wie Panzer Corps aus mit großer Map. Aber tatsächlich ist es viel komplexer. In meinem Video hier erkläre ich den Unterschied:

Das Spiel ist wirklich schön ABER in meiner aktuellen Runde (Runde 40) braucht die Ki ca- 15min pro Zug. Das bedeutet alle 4 Runden eine Wartezeit von 1 Std.. Neben diesem technischen Problem gibt es noch einen Ki Aussetzer bei Frontenabdeckung. Die Ki deckt jede Front mit allem ab. Ich bin derzeit bei Frankreich durch und die Ki stopft die Front mit Arty und Flugzeugen. Auch ignoriert sie Winterbedingungen so dass bei der großen Bewegung ganzer Armeen im Winter fast keiner ihrer Truppen mehr einsatzbereit ist. Late game Ki scheint also massive Aussetzer zu haben. Wenn ihr allerdings historisch spielt, mit festen Fronten und keine mobile Kriegsführung, dann sollte das nicht so stark auffallen. Aber gut ist die Ki leider nicht.

Dennoch gutes Spiel Preis/Leistung und bis man merkt das die Rundenberechnung stört und die Ki dumm ist hat man schon 20 Std. Gameplay raus.

Spätere Anmerkung: Leider scheint der Entwickler mein Problem in Steam seit Wochen zu ignorieren. Ich bin schon bereit vieles zu machen damit diese Titel laufen (z.B. ne Stunde gebraucht damit ich überhaupt ein Bild bekam beim Starten). Aber mich ins Midgame zocken zu lassen nur um dann auf einen Ki Fehler zu treffen der nicht mehr adressiert wird, finde ich schon unangenehm. Daher bewerte ich das Spielerlebnis jetzt negativ, auch wenn das eigentliche Spiel sehr gut ist. Den technischen Teil kann man nicht ausblenden.
435 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
4285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.14 12:06
Commander TGW ist ein sehr gutes Spilel, das viel Spaß macht. Die Engine und Funktionsweise ist bereits aus C-EaW bekannt und wurde leicht angepaßt. Aufgrund der neuen Einheiten ist die Spieldynamik anders, denn Luftherrschaft hat gerade zu Beginn nicht den Stellenwert und die Einheiten sind (au pied :-) ) wesentlich langsamer, Mechanisierung kommt erst 1918 (in Ansätzen). Ich kann dieses Spiel nur empfehlen. (Victoria II fängt die Stimmung besser ein, aber die Kriegsführung macht hier mehr Spaß!)
360 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
675 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.22 18:39
WWI hex field round based strategy with manageable unit models and good research trees. Plays a bit like Panzer Corps and seems somehow slightly simplicistic compared to Strategic Command WWI, although both games are quite similar. The diplomacy part is of minimal nature; not much options there. The part with the ressource management (e.g. manpower for research vs unit production/recruitment) brings in some interesting tactical aspects. Visuals are appropriate but not high end with negative aspect of a missing higher zoom level. The interface is quite intuitive and doesn’t take too much time figuring out.

Verdict: If you‘re interested in WWI and round based Hex field strategy this one is recommendable.
671 Produkte im Account
189 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1256 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.21 18:12
Needs an in-the-middle rating option. It's a fun game, but it has no tutorial, not enough tooltips, and feels like an incomplete demo of a game rather than a completed project. New players aren't likely to avoid refunding with the atrocious new player experience though. This may have been acceptable in the 90s, but this game is from the last decade. Not 2 decades ago.

Edit: This game is even worse than it seems. The AI cheats without even trying to hide it. If you're winning too quickly the enemies will blatantly double their troops and deploy them to the front with infinite rail capacity. Doesn't matter if you sink every convoy, or if you have them cornered. You can watch the units pop in and then rail to the front for free. Saving them thousands of points in building infrastructure that you'd be lucky to have by the end of the war.
249 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
3524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 12:09
Fan of the commander series of games (played maybe 100hr+ of this and probably 500hrs on the series) . Napoleon, Europe at war are both good games. Although this game is a improvement on these previous games, there is no Hot seat and I still think AI still needs some fine tweaks. I prefer playing this series compared to Strategic Command because there is no limit of number of certain units as long as you can keep up with maintain cost. in-between turns is alot quicker and doesn't require your attention to click okay on messages when the AI is taking its turn, which it pauses the AI turn on strategic command. And I very much like how the research is done on this game.
161 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1887 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.21 14:17
The best WWI strategy game out there. Highly recommend!
305 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 15:18
This game is not bad as is, but strongly recommend installing the free POTZBLITZ mod which makes the game fantastic. With the mod the level of historical chrome in the form of chosen events is immense and lots of balance issues have been fixed.
180 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
4849 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 14:23
Overall Score: 7.8 out of 10 How Addictive: 7.2 out of 10

I love this game. Good UI. Graphics are passable for a war game. Not quite a beer and pretzel game, but it is pretty easy to figure out. It has good feel like it is actually a board game, which I love. As far as giving realistic results, it seems to do a pretty good job. I won as the Allies (or Entente as they were called) and now I'm trying it as the Central powers. Tight, intense and ery much worth the price, but if its on sale, definitely grab it. I just started learning about World War I by reading about it. Now, by using this game, I get to learn even more and have a fun time doing it. You don't see many strategy games at all on this subject, so if you like war games, and are interested in finding out about The Great War, you need to get it. If you want a good book to give you a background on what is going on that is easy to understand, read A World Undone by G. J. Meyer.
24 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
30 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.20 04:03
Just bought this game on the 2020 Summer Sale and it only loads the pre-load menu, after hitting play, the game plays its intro scene and crashes. I've read where you must download microsoft C++ redistributles from 2012, but i think the downloads are no longer compatible. So do not buy this game in 2020 because it can no longer be launched.
322 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
1895 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.20 19:49
This a solid WW1 strategy game. I have played strategy games from board to PC for over 40 years and am very picky. I own a steam copy and physical copy of the game.
512 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
6620 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.20 22:26
Great game that can get really frustrating if you do not quickly stop the Central Powers advance.

Here's a tip, hold the port in Belgium and quickly form a line of soldiers facing the enemy in France, Serbia and Russia, in France and Serbia you can go border to border and Russia you can go pretty deep down but not all the way.

Doing the line will stop the Germans and Austria-Hungary from breaking through and encircling large amounts of your forces and the line will allow you to build Russian forces.

Block the English Channel and the seas at the top of the map so Germany cannot get supplies in.

Eventually you will cause a stalemate, send a force of British troops to the Middle East so when Turkey enters the war you can sweep through there.

When Gallipoli happens, don't go straight for Gallipoli, take the place below it to enable a supply to your forces and make sure you have naval forces to pound Turkish towns and cities.

When Italy and Romania enter the war, do the same thing as you done in France, Serbia and Russia, through wise management of your spending you can keep reinforcing your forces, make sure you got some spare forces to rotate them on the front line.

Eventually with the blockade and fighting on multiple fronts, the Central Powers will militarily collapse first in France and then the Russian front.
114 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
1703 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.20 22:32
I bought Commander The Great War in the 2019 Steam Winter Sale and although published in November 2012 the game more than holds its appeal to a grognard wargamer. What appealed to me is I wanted a WW1 wargame (surprisingly few and far between, at least in comparison to its WW2 counterpart), and I also enjoy Panzer General series, of which this seemed loosely based. Combined with the 77% positive reviews, it’s enough to take a second glance and worthy of a few pounds of spend in a sale!

The game eases you into the interface with a limited tutorial to show you many of the, fairly basic, features (once you get the hang of it, despite its complex look). By default the game has the units drawn onto the map, but after a few play throughs it was just more easy for me to switch to the more traditional NATO counter style. Thumbs up to the games design for offering the option!

The first of many trial games, I went really wrong, despite playing many wargames in the past and understanding a lot of wargaming concepts. I’m not usually into guides, however, the guide “Trench Warfare For Beginners” is a must read (if you want to shortcut the learning process). Also I had to read the ‘fairly simple’ manual (at least for a wargame) to understand some of the basic concepts – how do I assign / earn leaders, how do I upgrade, why does production capacity drop once my population figures drop, etc.

After all this, I then ‘got’ the game and could start enjoying it. It’s definitely very similar to games like Panzer General. This is both a positive and negative. It’s fun playing the entire campaign, I get to learn the units fairly easily – their strengths and weaknesses, it has the feel of a huge World War taking place. However, I have every sympathy with the negative reviews: The guide highlights the flaw of the AI system. Once you know the AI weaknesses, it’s easy to ‘beat the system’. This is the problem with the game (and Panzer General) – you’re effectively playing a puzzle game as much as a war simulation. I never used to be a huge fan of AGEOD games; but have since come to appreciate them better for their historical accuracy, and games like War In The West and War In The East. What do I mean by this? This game is abstract in that all forces feel the same (indeed you produce the same unit types for each nation). I have no idea how many men each unit represents as it’s a simple ‘number’ out of 10, and each turn you can simply ‘repair’ 8 into 10 (if you move but don’t fight), or 7 into 10 (if you don’t move). I’ve come to appreciate that historical accuracy is something I like (number of men, named units, named commanders). In The Art of War, the general, is half the battle won. Next to terrain and supply. AGEOD just ‘gets this’ better, as a serious wargaming system. Supply and weather is handled very simply in this game, as is commanders – you have to ‘earn’ commanders by making a set number of kills, and then deploy them where you see fit, for added bonuses to units in their highlighted range. There’s a cap on how many commanders you can earn. Different commanders are earned for different force types – i.e. infantry, air, sea…

Overall, the game is fun, as a puzzle game, and as a learning tool. Throughout the game it does show via ‘news articles’ historic events, and events do happen that represent WW1, new countries join the war depending on how each side is doing – diplomacy is handled by the AI in this game, and troops appear in locations they would historically (British expeditionary forces, Canadian troops, New Zealand troops etc). This is a good game if you just want to throw a few counters around a large scale map, not caring too much about historical accuracy (at least in the sense Gary Grigsby would). I also agree with a negative comment in another review, whereby the ‘see next unmoved unit’ button is not very good – as it cycles through 10’s and 10’s of city guard units, which you can’t put on sleep mode, and these units will have zero impact in the game itself (short of sapping your resources) – they literally just sit there all game and do nothing, some over the other side of the atlantic! In this game, human resource is fairly important (although only for Serbia – as Britain, France and Russia I had almost unlimited supplies without any issue, and I kept pumping out loads of new units through the production queue and reinforcing every turn – so that aspect of the game didn’t really affect me). Research is fairly simple and automatic, all you need to do is assign focus points, and then when developed, use the ‘upgrade’ button to upgrade troops on the map.

On balance, I definitely had fun with this game (else I wouldn’t have bothered to complete a campaign). And I got it in a sale for only a few pounds (on a huge discount). Because it’s a puzzle game, and now a fairly aged release, I wouldn’t pay the full store price. But on sale it’s a bargain! Somewhere between £4 and £10 for this would be a very good buy for a grognard wargamer, casual wargamer or someone interested in a WW1 simulation and wants to pass the hours. The complete campaign as Entente Allies took me about 20 hours, I finished the campaign with victory only a third of the way through the war (another issue with this game – once you ‘get the game’ it becomes easier to produce the result of the war as everyone ‘thought’ it would be in WW1 – you supercharge the war in terms of time to completion). I haven’t yet tried the German side so I will try that next – maybe will be more of a challenge? Certainly a challenge from a different perspective! I had a lot of fun in the game, generally a turn or two a day over the space of 2/3 months.

While the game has a number of flaws for a grognard, some quite significant (the AI I’m looking at), it doesn’t detract from an overall, fun, Panzer General like experience, so my rating is a solid 7/10 – 70%. Buy when this is on sale if you’re a wargamer who’s interested in WW1, try reading the manual and guide first, and then I think you’ll have fun with the system for a playthrough (though I’m not certain I’d pick it up again any time soon, except to play the other side). I think you’ll get a good 30-50+ fun hours out of this, which if bought sub £10 is cheap gaming.
174 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
907 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.20 10:00
Really nice game on the first World War with nice music and artwork. WWI isn't very often reprensented in games. The idea of trenches is well implemented here with units getting much bigger defences the longer they don't move.
170 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
10567 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.20 01:12
Excellent WW1 game. some of a learning curve. The AI has a serious weakness however, when italy joins the war and germany crosses their border, the entire entente abandons france (including france) for italy.
289 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
11434 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.20 12:05
Good Game - A+++ Game...
76 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4898 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.20 01:10
Fun game similar to panzer corps, set in first world war era, with no multiple maps per campain just one big scenario 118 turns with research and production of units, contoling allies or entente countries.
94 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
5992 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.19 23:38
An amazing World War 1 game that is VERY hard if you are new. The AI will punish any mastake you make and will rape you. Once you played and completed the game you can download the Polblitz mod and play a even HARDER game.
Or if you are like me just go into the scripts and cheat.
173 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
1415 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.19 15:58
It's rare to find a WWI game that isn't a dense Grand Strategy with iffy mechanics or a underplayed FPS. As a fan of Order of Battle, I stumbled upon this game, and it is as close as we'll get to an Order of Battle-style game for WWI. By that, I mean it's a deep and functional wargame, but on lower difficulties it's a fun 'watch my territory expand and stuff go boom' game.

It may be more fun than it is deep, but that's not a bad thing. I suggest giving this one a shot. You'll know if you like it or not around 1.5 hours.
137 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
16016 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.17 22:09
I've played this game for about a year now, I got a good bit of fun out of it, skirmishing in the desert sands of the Middle East, Running the Western front meatgrinder, Driving across the Russian plains, Sinking hundreds of tonnage in ships. It was all quite nice.

But after going through it a few times, the game started to feel empty, after you learn what the game will demand of you and when you realize how the AI can lose. I was about to put it down when on a whim, I look at the old forum for this game.

Thats when I found what needs to be recognized as the unnoficial free expansion to this game, The Potzblitz Mod.

Potzblitz reconized the emptyness of the game and in response, gave this old game long a breath of new life.

Redone game mechanics, retweaking the stats of Units mades the static nature of war more apparent, moral and manpower make the war into the one of attrition it was.

New Collapse point statistic accounts for crippling events the war with afflict you with, Leader Dead? Offensive Failed? Crop Failure? all of these and more will make your will to fight decrease due to collapse points.

Rebalenced tech trees make the race for new weapons specialized and event specific, you may hit the jackpot from the minds of Ernest Swindon, Anthony Fokker and Fritz Haber.

New cities, forts and battle locations on the map. Ypre, Rheims, Metz, Anzac Beach, Lublin, what was once vast nothingness now is a minefield of strategic defense points and soon to be points of attack.

New events added flavour and replayability to the repetition, Potzblitz gives us the what-if and for want of a nail moments that hindsight deprive us of. British invasion of the Netherlands? Finnish Civil War? Irish Uprising? Middle East Antics, Spanish Flu, Influencing U.S. Elections?!

Extra Commanders and special ways to unlock them. For part of the games title, you only had half a dozen of these historic figures throughout the entire game. Potzblitz gives us more of these unique leaders to help break the monotony, both with historical info and their troop bonuses. You can also now lose your commanders due to politics, retirement or death on the field of battle.

The Potzblitz transformed this game in a way I don't see often, and it accounts for well over half of my playtime in Commander. A game thats been abandoned for two years, but due to its modability, has continuous been improved.

I had no part in this mods development, nor have I been asked to endorse it, its only due to my appreciation of it improving the game and its relative obscurity (I found this on a whim on a forum for a 5 year old game.) If you want more from this game, The Potzblitz Mod is the way to go.
51 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
101663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.15 14:45
Ok. I have played this game for a while and got the hang of it.
It is a great game of WW1 with a couple of frustrating imperfections that you only really appreciate when you have played quite a bit. So while i might say negative things at the end of this review this is a recommendation.

For starters it feels like WW1.
The graphics look the part. The map covers everything and there is plenty of open ocean for the naval campaigns to unfold. The opening turns also develop in a very similiar manner to the actual war as long as you play even modestly sensibly as either side.
infantry battles are a hard slog. A mistake in position can be very unforgiving.
Britain relies on convoys. The germans need to get their subs out or they will lose quickly.
The Austrians have no convoy resources to build gear or extra artillery shells but can maintain a respectable infantry force.
Battleship battles can be very important for morale.
All very WW1.

It has a great integration between the naval and land war, in that what happens in each is vital to your war effort, whatever side you are on. It has a representation of all major theatres so you can decide to make your push where you want to. Want to quickly crush the Serbs? The Central Powers (germany, Austria et al) must send all your artillery there first. But then it wont be in France or Russia for a couple of turns. Can you cope with that?
Although many reviewers have said artillery and other auxiliary units such as aircraft can be both over powered and under powered it really depends on the circumstances. Just a small amount can tip the balance. Even a shore bombardment might make all the difference to destroying a unit or letting it stay in place.. Having said that aircraft should really only be important for Recon in the first couple of years but even for recon they are a must have. Why have have Airships? They are fantastic for recon and anti sub warfare. As the Entente (Britain, France et al) i always build them to kill the German subs. Why have armoured cars? In open battlefields they can help cut vital supply lines and also have a recon role. They are a must have for the Turks on the Caucasian front.

Contrary to what many may think the tech tree and decisions there are vital. German infantry start off better than every one else and it up to you to make it stay that way if you want to win as central powers. There is a real infantry arms race that is apparent if you get to 1916 and havent done any upgrades of your infantry. Also the tech tree allows both sides to get different nations to specialise. All nations should both do infantry and artillery trees but, for example, the brits can do naval and the French can do aircraft so you can sell your labs you dont need and buy extra labs in the areas you like.

Ok whats wrong with this game?
Many reviewers have said the AI is over powered and cheats.
I think the AI is actually hopeless in the naval war and easily gets confused when battle lines open out as they do in Russia.

It does really silly early war builds such as many artillery pieces that can never be used because of shell shortages.
The AI as the central powers never builds enough subs to begin with and never really challenges the convoys that the british and french recieve. As an entente player you can use your subs in the Baltic, armoured cruisers in the atlantic and light cruisers in norway and the Germans will be lucky to get 1 convoy through in the whole game. On the contrary when you play as the central powers you can develop strategies to keep your convoys going or if necessary to restart them if they are stopped by entente naval warfare.

just on convoys the manual says you get an 10 manpower points per merchant ship that arrives. You actually get 100 and so if you get even ten convoys in that makes a 1000 which is more than most countries start with. As the germans i start with around 1850 manpower points at the beginning of the war, by april 1916 in one game i had 2374 manpower points in germany. A great way to populate a country but not very realistic. As a note I have never actually played a game where man power made any difference to either side. Manpower quality is said to be in the game and occasionally you get a note saying its gone down but i have noticed the difference, however well or badly i was doing.

As Central powers you only build infantry, subs and replacements for your 3 planes if they get destroyed.. Heaps of fluffy stuff can come later and will be useful (see later) but if you want to survive that is what you need.

As Entente the AI stuffs Egypt full of infantry, artillery and planes. For gods sake it only needs 4 infantry 1 gun and a plane to hold there against what ever the turks can muster for years! Also as the Entente it is pointless to try to conquer turkey from there. You do it by taking Constantinople from your position in Serbia after crushing Bulgaria. The game system gives the Entente 3 free infantry units in april 1915 offshore at gallipoli. never land at Gallipoli, send the Anzacs to Serbia where they will do a seriously good job. The AI nearly always lands them at gallipoli where they get slaughtered.

The real fail in the AI of the game though has been mentioned before by other reviewers and that is when italy joins the war most of the french and british units defending France all go to italy and capturing Paris becomes a walk in the park for the germans. Contrast this against the fact that in the many games i have played i have rarely won in france before italy joins the war so up to this point the game mechanics and balance has been extremely good in recreating a version of what actually played out in history. France was historically the battlefield where the horrible grind occurred and the war was won and lost in bitter battles on sea in the atlantic and in russia.

Lastly i will give you one of my secrets to winning as the germans if the game plays out past 1916. Buy lots of artillery labs and build the railway guns. Dont bother with wasting money on buying much extra artillery shell production as the railway guns only use 2 artillery shells per shot rather than 10 for conventional guns. It also fires as well, if not better, than the normal guns, contrary to the manual. lastly its a railway gun so must stick to railways but Paris and every other main city or objective is on a railway.

Also to get your shell production up 5 shells a turn can easily cost 200 points . As the Central Powers do you want ten subs or ten infantry or 1 extra artillery shot every second turn.. thats a no brainer.

Just a couple of things for the AI to get right and this a all time classic strategy game, even against the AI. Obviously with an arranged game with another player none of these AI issues are a problem.

Still after all this 400 + hours tells me i love this game. You will too.

117 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4783 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.14 10:52
Early review -
I've been a wargamer for a long long time, so I perhaps have a bias towards games like this. This is a grand operational level game where you control one of the two alliances in WW1, with a choice of 5 start dates. It's a bit like Panzer General etc. in that it's turn based - you move and attack with all your units one at a time, then your opponent takes his turn and does the same. It's not like PG in that it is one continuous campaign - no linked scenarios with core units gaining xp, Also, you have to control both land and naval units, as well as manage research and unit production. There is multiplayer, but I haven't tried it so far, and there is only AI for your opponent (you're thrown in the deep end - you have to manage everything for your side yourself).

I suggest you check out some of the let's plays by RiotHouseLP if you want to see what the gameplay is like. One thing about those LP's though - they're a year old, and it looks like the game has had one or more updates since then.

The AI is reasonably competent - on land it knows how to break through weak spots in your line and encircle and cut off units. My advice on either side of the 1914 start is focus on cranking out cheap garrison units until you have enough to maintain continuous fronts with some reserves. The AI wasn't so good with the German Navy though - when I loaded up my first BEF units to cross the channel, it sent a battleship and cruiser into the channel to attack a transport. This might have been ok if he was certain to sink it, but he didn't, and anyway I don't think it's worth sacrificing a battleship just to kill one land unit. So the AI doesn't know the value to the Germans of just keeping a fleet in being. It seemed to handle the Allied fleets better.

OK, back to my 5th start - maybe this time I can make it through the end of 1914 at least ;)

After another couple tries starting as CP in 1914, I've given up for now trying to win with them until I get better at the game. One of the things I like most about historical wargames is when by playing them you can learn a real historical lesson. In this case, the lesson is that the Central Powers have almost no chance of winning if they can't knock out at least one of their 3 opponents in the first year. After that, the numbers are all on the side of the Entente for winning any war of attrition.

I've now played a complete game as the Entente. I won through to a complete victory in 1917. I defeated Germany and Austria-Hungary early in 1916, but the pesky Ottomans wouldn't surrender until I moved some armies all the way across the map to Egypt and the Caucasus to start putting a hurt on them. It was worthwhile though because learned how to perform an amphibious invasion and I got to see the importance of massed airpower, artillery, and shore bombardment in punching through otherwise hopelessly strong static trench defenses.

So, a definite thumbs up!
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Release:22.02.2013 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Lordz Games Studio Vertrieb: dtp - entertainment AG Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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